Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 74

Chapter 73

Jiang Yunzhu also had a flash of inspiration. She knew that Qin Zhen wanted to marry the He family because he wanted to take advantage of the He family’s power, but did he really borrow it?

How could she remember that it was the He family who beat the Qin family to the bone in her dream!

If a fat sheep wants a wolf to protect you in vain, isn’t that a wolf entering the tiger’s mouth? It also hurt Qin Yao.

Of course, the wolf will not swallow you up, it will nibble at you little by little, making you a tool for it to make money.

This is what happened in the Qin family’s dream.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t want Qin Yao to be like this. Moreover, when she was thinking about those victims just now, she actually thought of a way to help them, but she had no capital.

This matter can be done by Qin Zhen. If he succeeds, he will be able to make a profit, Qin Yao will be famous, and the victims of the disaster will be rescued.

Jiang Yunzhu thought about her plan quickly, and found that there was no problem, she opened her mouth and said, “Let go of Miss Qin first, I think it might be more appropriate for her to do this business.”

Qin Zhen, Qin Yao and the others were amazed, Qin Yao will do it? She never does business.

In the end, Qin Zhen waved his hand to let Qin Yao go, he wanted to see what Jiang Yunzhu wanted to say.

“Please sit down.” There were no customers in the store now, so Jiang Yunzhu picked a corner seat to invite Qin Zhen and others.

Qin Zhen went over and sat down.

Lin Yubai supported Qin Yao to sit on the other side.

Jiang Yunzhu said to Shen Fengming, “Mr. Shen, do you want to listen?” She invited Shen Fengming.

Shen Fengming was also a little curious about what she wanted to say, so he nodded and sat there.

Jiang Yunzhu sat next to him.

“What business?” Qin Zhen regretted it after sitting down. He felt that Jiang Yunzhu was playing tricks.

Jiang Yunzhu looked around.

Qin Zhen waved his hand and asked the housekeeper and others to retreat, He Ying and others also went aside, and only Jiang Yunzhu and others were left here.

Jiang Yunzhu said directly, “What does Boss Qin think of those disaster victims?”

Qin Zhen didn’t expect her to ask this question, but quickly said, “It’s very troublesome.” No, the officials of all sizes in Luzhou, including the common people, are annoyed by these disaster victims.

“But they are also laborers. In the past few days, disaster victims have come to my store from time to time, asking for a job. They don’t want anything, just a full meal.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Qin Zhen sensed something, but he didn’t understand, “What’s the use of me hiring so many people?”

“Create wasteland to farm, or plant trees. Boss Qin has noticed that the price of silk has been rising recently?” Jiang Yunzhu said this with a basis. In recent years, Xia Dynasty’s maritime trade will have a big development. By then Countless exquisite silks are pulled overseas, and in exchange for boatloads of gold, silver, and spices, the price of silk will rise all the way.

It is just in time to plant mulberry trees now.

Hire people to plant trees for free with a full meal, and after two years, you will be able to raise silkworms and weave cloth, and earn high profits. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is also a profitable business. dry.

Qin Zhen was in the grain business, so he really didn’t pay attention to the matter of silk and silk. He waved and signaled the housekeeper to come over, and then gave him a few instructions in a low voice, and the housekeeper went out immediately.

Qin Zhen thought about Jiang Yunzhu’s words, and he almost understood what she meant. She wanted him to use the food to hire the victims to plant trees or open up wasteland. This idea seems absurd, but if you think about it carefully, it is feasible.

Qin Zhen’s first thought was to open up wasteland. In order to encourage the people to open up wasteland and cultivate land, the imperial court had promulgated a law that the fertile land obtained from open up wasteland in the wild could be owned by paying a small amount of tax to the government.

Using food to hire disaster victims to work and get fertile land, I feel like I’m making money!

Moreover, he thought of more, now that food is in short supply, everyone is staring at him, if he hires disaster victims and runs out of food, they can’t hold him, right?

Maybe, you can get a good reputation.

Of course, there are dangers in doing so. For example, do the victims accept this condition, and what should they do if they start a disturbance? Whether he knows how to fight chickens and eggs, he is not human inside and out. Also, the reaction of Luzhou officials and the court to this incident…

At this time the butler came back, and he whispered something in Qin Zhen’s ear.

Qin Zhen showed a shocked expression.

Jiang Yunzhu knew that it was time for him to hear about the maritime trade. From his perspective, he should be able to see how wise it is to plant mulberry trees now.

Qin Zhen was able to make such a big business, so he naturally had his news network, and the housekeeper heard more than Jiang Yunzhu expected.

Qin Zhen looked at Jiang Yunzhu in surprise, not knowing whether her suggestion of the mulberry tree was something she said casually when she saw the price increase of silk, or she also knew about the news.

Moreover, she dared to talk to him directly about this matter. Is she confident, or is it fearless for those who don’t know?

Maybe Qin Zhen stared at Jiang Yunzhu for too long, suddenly, a cold gaze swept towards him, Qin Zhen shuddered, glanced at Shen Fengming quietly, and looked away.

It’s just that his heart is beating non-stop. If this matter can be done, how much profit will it be? How many times, ten times?

At this moment, he has completely put aside the risk and only thinks about how much money he can make!

Seeing him like that, Jiang Yunzhu knew it was done. “Three times the profit, the capitalists dare to trample on all laws”, not to mention the fact that the profit is more than three times now.

Qin Zhen suppressed his excitement and asked Jiang Yunzhu, “Miss Jiang, why did you say that this business requires Ayao?” He was still thinking about it.

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, “Otherwise, would Boss Qin be willing to come forward in person? Then there are some words, but they won’t sound so good.”

“What does Miss Jiang mean?”

“The daughter of a grain merchant couldn’t bear to see the victims go hungry. She hid her father’s words and offered food to the victims on the condition that the victims plant trees for her; Of these two stories, which one does Boss Qin think the people like more?” Jiang Yunzhu asked with a smile.

Yes, she is doing good deeds, saving those victims, but good deeds must have rules. Are there still few stories about farmers and snakes in reality?

Qin Zhen understood what she meant, and instantly broke out in a cold sweat. In the former, everyone will praise that girl and are willing to help her with work. In the latter, it is likely to cause trouble, and no one will be able to save him…

He looked at Jiang Yunzhu again, feeling awe-inspiring in his heart. So, has she thought about this too?

He no longer dared to underestimate Jiang Yunzhu.

In fact, Jiang Yunzhu said this because of the reason she said, and another reason, that is, she wanted to help Qin Yao. If this matter is done well, Qin Yao will be famous in Luzhou, and then she will not be subject to Qin Town!

Qin Yao next to him didn’t quite understand, but Lin Yubai and Shen Fengming thought of this joint.

Lin Yubai looked at Jiang Yunzhu with a complicated expression. How could she plan for Qin Yao like this? Qin Yao was lucky to meet her. He suddenly understood why Shen Fengming was willing to stay in this small place. If it was him…cough, he just wanted to be friends with Jiang Yunzhu, don’t look at him like that.

It’s really not good, it’s okay to be a younger brother!

Shen Fengming was also very surprised that Jiang Yunzhu could come up with this method, which not only solved the problem of the victims, but also helped Qin Yao. He looked at her, and suddenly remembered that snowy day, he and her went to the top of the mountain to enjoy the snow, she pointed to the distant place, and said, “I was thinking, hundreds of millions of years ago, maybe this place was a vast ocean.” At that time, he I knew that she had beautiful breasts.

Qin Zhen quickly discussed the details of this matter with Jiang Yunzhu. First of all, this matter can be started in Wuling County first, and then promoted to other places depending on the situation. This has two advantages. One is that Wuling County is mountainous, and they plant mulberry trees here, which will not arouse suspicion from others.

Otherwise, everyone will realize that the price of silk will increase, and everyone will plant mulberry trees. It will be a good thing if the price of silk does not fall by then.

Second, this can create a role model effect, and then go to other counties at that time, with both experience and results, it will be convenient to operate.

Then go to other counties, and don’t plant all mulberry trees, otherwise the same problem as before. Moreover, they have all planted mulberry trees, and they may not find so many silkworm farmers by then.

It will be much more convenient to open fertile land where fertile land can be opened, with various trees mixed in between. Mulberry trees are only planted in selected places.

One by one, the two talked for an hour before almost finalizing the plan.

At this time, Qin Zhendao said, “This plan is still very huge. With my own ability, I’m afraid I can’t do it. I want to contact the Tao family to do it together. I will be the master and they will be the assistant. What does Miss Jiang think?”

The Tao family in Luzhou is a grain merchant almost as famous as the Qin family. It is indeed a lot easier for the two of them to be together.

Jiang Yunzhu nodded, this is indeed safer.

Then Qin Zhen asked another question, how many shares or how much money should be given to Jiang Yunzhu, after all, she was the one who proposed it, and the plan was also on her mind.

In the end, Qin Zhen gave Jiang Yunzhu 5% of the shares, the remaining 95%, he took 50%, and the Tao family 40%. As for the remaining 5%, he There are uses.

Jiang Yunzhu understood what it meant, and didn’t want to delve into it.

In fact, Qin Zhen was able to give her 5% of the shares, which was beyond her expectations. After all, she only came up with a plan. It’s not that easy to do this. But once this plan is successful, the rewards she will get will definitely be huge.

Of course Qin Zhen understood this. The reason why he gave Jiang Yunzhu the 5% of the shares was due to his own considerations. First of all, it must be Jiang Yunzhu’s credit for proposing this plan, and then, all her suggestions hit the point, he thought, give her shares, if he encounters any problems in the future, if he comes to ask her for advice, she can also do her best.

In this way, Qin Zhen immediately drew up a contract, signed it with Jiang Yunzhu and put his fingerprints on it, and then each of them got a copy and put it away properly.

“I’m going back to Luzhou right now.” Qin Zhen stood up and said in a hurry.

“Let’s go after dinner.” Jiang Yunzhu looked at the sky and said.

Qin Zhen waved his hand, he couldn’t wait for a moment.

He was about to go out when he suddenly thought of Qin Yao again.

“Father, I won’t go back.” Qin Yao muttered.

“Forget it, I’ll go back first and talk about your marriage after this matter is over,” Qin Zhen said.

At that time, perhaps Xie Chen had already passed the imperial examination, and Qin Yao felt relieved.

“You go to the county government office first, come here, I will teach you how to say it.” Qin Zhen suddenly slapped his head and said, this matter has to be done first.

Qin Yao went over, feeling a little apprehensive.

Qin Zhen taught her all the words, seeing her half-knowledge, he doubted whether she could do this well.

“Just because Miss Qin is like this, she is the right candidate.” Jiang Yunzhu said, Qin Yao actually has a pure heart. When she sees the victims, she will naturally show a concerned expression, and it is easy to win the favor of the victims.

She doesn’t understand them these plans, the better.

Qin Zhen understood what she meant, but he was still worried…

“I’ll go with A Yao.” Lin Yubai said.

Now everything is safe.

The county government of Wuling County and Mengzhi County raised a total of 1,200 taels of silver yesterday. Now that the price of rice is rising rapidly, it is estimated that this amount of money can be used for ten days. What about after ten days?

Looking for someone to donate again? He was too embarrassed to speak.

Difficult! He frowns.

At this time, Qin Yao and Lin Yubai asked to see each other, and Qin Yao asked to see her in the name of the daughter of the Qin family.

“The Qin family, which Qin family?” Meng Zhixian suddenly remembered, could it be the Qin family from Changyuan Food Company?

“Please!” he said. He was looking for someone from the Qin family. It would be great if he could buy rice cheaper.

Not long after Qin Yao came in and explained her intentions, Meng Zhixian couldn’t believe her ears. She wanted to help the victims, but the condition was that the victims would help her plant trees?

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