Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 84

Chapter 83

From that day on, Jiang Yunxiu kept paying attention to Jiang Yunzhu and Shen Fengming, thinking that if she could catch them, she would start a fight…

Jiang Yunxiu suddenly thought of Tian Ying and shivered. But she immediately comforted herself that she couldn’t be blamed for that matter, if Tian Ying hadn’t done it, she would still blame herself for where she went to catch the adulterer.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t know what she was thinking, she loosened her hair, lay on the bed, and fell asleep soundly.

When she got up, it was almost evening, she stretched her waist and felt refreshed.

At this time Li He knocked on the door, it turned out that Qin Zhen came and wanted to see her.

Jiang Yunzhu packed up and went out to meet Qin Zhen.

“Miss Jiang, I’m really sorry.” Qin Zhen apologized repeatedly as soon as they met.

“What’s going on?” Jiang Yunzhu was now energetic, and began to ask about the past.

Qin Zhen still doesn’t know how Lin Ting’an knew about Jiang Yunzhu. He has never told anyone about it. Even Jiang Yunzhu’s 5% of the shares, he has always said to the outside world that it is under his own name.

Jiang Yunzhu was not surprised that Lin Tingan knew her, but why did he ask Qin Zhen to invite her. For her stake? But he didn’t mention it at all.

What else could it be for?

Although Lin Ting’an said that in her ear when she was leaving, she didn’t feel that he would treat her like that just once.

I can’t figure it out at all.

“Miss Jiang, I have a gift for you.” Qin Zhen said suddenly. With that said, he opened the box in his hand, took out a painting from it and handed it to Jiang Yunzhu.

Curious, Jiang Yunzhu opened it. But I saw that the pavilions, towers, pavilions, ponds, flowers and trees depicted in this painting are vivid and lifelike, but they don’t look like they were written by any famous artist, but rather like a floor plan of a house.

At this moment, Qin Zhen took out another thing, which was a key.

“This is a courtyard in the north of my city. It is not far from the courtyard where A Yao lives now. If Miss Jiang lives in the past, it will be convenient for her to walk around with A Yao.” Qin Zhen said.

He actually wanted to give Jiang Yunzhu a house.

“How can this work?” Jiang Yunzhu hurriedly returned the painting in his hand to Qin Zhen.

Qin Zhen said, “Miss Jiang, listen to me. I know that what you did before was for Ayao’s good. I wanted to give you a gift. This happened again today, and I Even more uneasy.

Just accept this house, it’s my favor. “

As soon as Jiang Yunzhu saw the painting, he knew roughly what the house looked like and its value, at least one thousand taels.

One thousand taels, is that much? For Qin Zhen, not many. But for Jiang Yunzhu now, it was a lot, how could she accept such a heavy gift from him.

Jiang Yunzhu insisted not to, and then said, “Boss Qin, if you really want to help me, why not…”

She told her thoughts, she wanted to sell her 5% shares to Qin Zhen at a discount.

She has been thinking about this since she sat next to Lin Ting’an. Now the matter of giving up porridge and planting trees has completely exceeded her expectations. Especially with Lin Ting’an getting involved, she didn’t want to get involved with him any more, so she might as well switch to money and freedom.

Qin Zhen was shocked and even very puzzled after hearing this. It may not be a good thing for Lin Ting’an to participate in the matter of planting porridge and planting trees. Backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, this shows that their business is indeed profitable. Then everyone will make money together.

Jiang Yunzhu is now withdrawing, and now she is all investing, and has not produced any output. It is difficult for her shares to be sold at a high price.

From her point of view, she should understand this, why did she still want to sell the shares?

Could it be because of Young Master Lin? Thinking of what happened before, he felt very likely.

In fact, Lin Ting’an is really outstanding. Among the young masters in Luzhou, he has a good family background, good knowledge, and a rare character. He has never played prostitutes or gambled. Many girls in Luzhou are fond of him and want to marry him.

It’s a pity that Jiang Yunzhu’s background is too low, otherwise she and Lin Ting’an would be… No, Qin Zhen thought of the Mr. Shen who often followed Jiang Yunzhu, who was also a unparalleled person in the world, and many thoughts flashed through Qin Zhen’s mind.

“Miss Jiang, are you sure you want to sell?” Finally Qin Zhen asked.

“Sure.” Jiang Yunzhu nodded.

Seeing that she had really made up her mind and there was no room for change, Qin Zhen agreed and bought her shares.

“One thing, I want to tell Boss Qin. I don’t know what Mr. Lin thinks. You bought this share from me…” Jiang Yunzhu didn’t finish speaking, but she believed that Qin Zhen should understand .

This is likely to make Lin Ting’an unhappy. However, Jiang Yunzhu knew that Lin Ting’an still had a sense of propriety, and when the time came, he would probably not do anything to Qin Zhen.

Qin Zhen frowned and pondered for a moment, and understood her worry, but if he wants to benefit, he has to take some risks, right? After measuring it, he felt that it was no problem.

“Okay, thank you, Boss Qin.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

“I should thank Miss Jiang.”

With the two of them like this, the price is naturally easy to negotiate. In the end, Jiang Yunzhu sold the 5% of the shares to Qin Zhen at the price of 1,500 taels plus the other courtyard.

Jiang Yunzhu had long wanted to buy a house, but he had no money. After opening the backyard of Qishanju, it is very spacious, but it is not as good as a real house, with smooth front and back, and quiet inside. When Jiang Yunxiu came today, she realized that she needed a separate space.

She saw the other courtyard in Qinzhen and liked it very much.

The two hit it off.

Soon, the two wrote a new deed, Qin Zhen got Jiang Yunzhu’s shares, and Jiang Yunzhu got 1,500 taels of silver, as well as the house deed, land deed and key of the other courtyard.

After Qin Zhen left, Jiang Yunzhu first went to transfer the house and land deeds to his own name, then looked at the 1,500 taels of silver note and fell into deep thought.

Xue Jing had always hoped that she would open a restaurant in Luzhou, and she knew that this thousand five hundred taels was enough.

But is she really going to Luzhou?

Going to Luzhou definitely has benefits. There are more ingredients there, and after the restaurant opens, it will definitely make more money. Moreover, she is very familiar with Luzhou. It may be easier to open a restaurant there than to open this Qishan residence.

But Luzhou has Lin Ting’an, and those people she knew in her dreams…

So how about going to Beijing? She couldn’t help but think again, the eight streets and nine streets in the capital are full of treasures. She has been there several times in her dreams, where there are all kinds of novel plants from the west, all kinds of spices and seafood from the sea, and all kinds of mountain delicacies from the north, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables from the south. I have thought about it several times, opening a restaurant there, lying drunk on the porch and dreaming of the Iron Horse Glacier, and waking up to see the magnificent scenery of the capital.

It’s a pity that she couldn’t help herself at that time, so she had to give up.

So what now?

Stay in Wuling County with peace of mind, or go to Luzhou, or the capital?

No matter what, now that she has money, she feels that it is time to re-plan her life.

Thinking of this, she got up and found Mrs. Chen.

After taking a rest the next day, everyone returned to Changshi Village, including Jiang Yunxiu.

Everyone in the Jiang family sat together and looked at Jiang Yunzhu. She called everyone together today, is there something wrong?

Jiang Yunzhu said, “I want to ask everyone what they think about the future. I want to stop the takeaway business in the village.”

As soon as these words came out, some people were surprised, some had expected it, and some sighed.

“Yunzhu, have you really decided?” Jiang Cheng asked.

“Well.” Jiang Yunzhu said, the takeaway business in the village is dispensable to her now, and it will be stopped when it is stopped.

Everyone was silent.

“I’ll just stay here.” Mr. Chen thought for a while, then twisted his beard and said. He likes the current life very much, planting flowers, raising grass, and spending his old age in peace. Of course, it would be even better if Jiang Yunzhu and the others could come back to see him often.

As for the lively county town, it has nothing to do with him.

Jiang Cheng also thought about his own life long ago, saved money to buy more mules and carts, and together with Xu Qingshan, he will become the champion of the foot pulling industry in Wuling County. Three hundred and sixty lines, every line is the number one scholar. As for Jiang Yunzhu’s restaurants and teahouses, they were all earned by herself. He is no longer a good father if he can’t subsidize his daughter, so of course he won’t ask for her money.

A house? Just live here with Mr. Chen. The old man is old and lives alone, so he is not at ease.

Well, if he has money in the future, he will build a bigger and better house for Mr. Chen to live in.

But after all, it should still be in Changshi Village. It is convenient to drive and do business, and the place is spacious.

Chen Shi naturally wants to be with Jiang Cheng, but if Jiang Yunzhu needs help, she will always help her.

“I, I’d better continue studying,” Jiang Lin said. In order not to lose face in front of Jiang Yunxue, he took classes seriously every day and studied hard. The teacher often praised him, and he gradually found reading interesting.

Needless to say, Jiang Yunxue also wanted to study. Regarding this matter, Jiang Yunzhu thought of Qin Zhen, maybe she has a solution now. Try it later.

Jiang Wu is still too young, forget it.

Everyone expressed their thoughts, and Jiang Yunzhu had a general idea in mind.

“If I want to go to Luzhou or Beijing in the future, you?” she asked.

Needless to say, Mr. Chen, Jiang Cheng and Mrs. Chen looked at each other, both a little shy. Their daughter is capable, and they are afraid they won’t be able to help her.

Jiang Yunzhu understood that if she went, she would probably have to go by herself.

Everyone has their own life, no one should sacrifice themselves for others. Even if the other person earns more, or his relatives, it shouldn’t be, Jiang Yunzhu understands.

Jiang Yunxiu watched from the beginning to the end, feeling contemptuous in her heart, these people only have such little ambition. They know how prosperous Luzhou is, and do they know what is eaten in Anping Hou’s Mansion? They don’t know anything.

Just a bunch of wretches.

When she heard Jiang Yunzhu say Luzhou or Beijing, she felt a little uneasy.

At this time, Mrs. Chen noticed her and said, “Yunxiu, how much is your redemption money now? How about we redeem you when we save up?”

In the past two days, Jiang Yunxiu has often shown off her rich life in the Marquis of Anping’s mansion, but Mrs. Chen always feels that it is just a job of serving others. In particular, she heard that the master can kill those who sell themselves like Jiang Yunxiu at will.

Therefore, it is better to redeem her. In this way, she can find someone she likes to marry like a normal girl, and she will be a husband and a child.

Mrs. Chen was kind, but Jiang Yunxiu was furious when she heard this. They wanted her to marry an ordinary farmer and live in the village for the rest of her life.

In the dream, she listened to them and suffered so many years.

Now she finally entered Anping Hou’s mansion, and was appreciated by the eldest son, how could she come back.

However, her eyes rolled slightly, “Mother, it may cost twenty taels of silver.” It’s good for her to get some silver for free.

“Twenty taels.” Chen was slightly surprised, but quickly calmed down, “Okay.” With Jiang Cheng’s current earning speed, twenty taels is not that difficult.

Jiang Yunxiu regretted having less.

When the crowd dispersed, Jiang Yunzhu found Mr. Chen alone, saying that she wanted to buy the house and give it to him.

“How can this be done?” Mr. Chen shook his head repeatedly. This yard costs six or seventy taels of silver. Just rent it.

“Grandfather, let me tell you in a whisper, I recently got a fortune from outsiders. This yard should be counted as my filial piety to you.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

“Good boy, as long as you have the heart.” Mr. Chen didn’t ask her much about the extra money, he just said that.

But Jiang Yunzhu made up his mind to buy this house.

She went to Mrs. Feng herself and asked if they wanted to sell the house.

The Feng family built a new house, and it is useless to keep this house, so they are naturally willing to sell it.

Jiang Yunzhu was grateful for the old lady’s kindness in taking their family in at the beginning, and gave a slightly higher price, seventy taels of silver.

Mrs. Feng doesn’t want it.

In the end, the two agreed that sixty-eight taels would be an auspicious number.

Immediately, Jiang Yunzhu took the silver and obtained the deed and land deed of the house.

She talked to Mrs. Feng for a while, and then left Feng’s house.

Old Mrs. Feng looked at her back with envy and admiration. She said that if she bought a house, she would buy a house, which shows that she has more than this money.

Oh, if only she could have such a daughter.

It’s a pity that she didn’t live up to her belly, and all she gave birth to were sons.

Now I can only hope that my daughter-in-law can give her a good granddaughter.

Other families are looking forward to having a grandson, and Mrs. Feng is already looking forward to having a granddaughter.

When Jiang Yunzhu came back, he gave the house deed and land deed to Mr. Chen.

“You really bought it? So fast.” Mr. Chen was shocked, and then said, “Don’t give it to me, put it in your name, or give it to your father or your mother.” He still has a few more years to live.

“Grandfather, let me put it under your name, so I can feel at ease.” Jiang Yunzhu can remember that Jiang Cheng still has his mother and brothers, and the people in Changfeng Mansion have all fled. will come out.

Although they might not meet Jiang Cheng, what if?

If they meet, it will be an endless lawsuit.

Putting the house in Mr. Chen’s name will avoid many problems. Old people have something to rely on, old people have something to rely on, a house can’t afford that word, but at least, it can allow Mr. Chen to live here in a legitimate way and spend his old age peacefully.

After Mr. Chen understood Jiang Yunzhu’s thoughts, his heart was moved. This child is really very clever.

And she actually thought of him so much…

“It’s a pity that grandpa can’t help you.” Old Master Chen sighed, otherwise he would definitely take care of her.

“Grandpa, what are you talking about. You are well, I am happy to come back to see you often.” Jiang Yunzhu said. It is also a very happy thing to have relatives in this world.

“Then come back and see if you have nothing to do. I will plant flowers for you to make tea.” Last time Jiang Yunzhu saw that Mr. Chen planted a lot of flowers, he jokingly said that he wanted to make tea with his flowers. Who would have thought that Mr. Chen would remember it in his heart .

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, “Okay.”

Afterwards, she went to Jiang Cheng and gave him a bank note. This is a silver ticket of one hundred taels. Although it cannot fulfill all Jiang Cheng’s wishes, it can save him a lot of effort.

“Where did so much money come from?” Jiang Cheng was shocked.

Jiang Yunzhu repeated what he had just said to Mr. Chen.

“Yunzhu, you…” Jiang Cheng hesitated.

“Father, I didn’t do anything illegal, the money came from a decent way.” Jiang Yun said.

Jiang Cheng felt relieved, but he couldn’t take the money.

“Father, just take it. The more you put in, the more money you can make. After you make money, just pay me back?” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Seems to be the case, it’s just…

“Father, come a little bit. Buy a mule and a car first, and then develop slowly.” Jiang Yunzhu urged.

“I know.” Jiang Cheng is a steady person.

But he quickly remembered another thing, “Your mother has been thinking about redeeming Yunxiu…” He spent money to buy a mule and a cart, can Chen agree?

Jiang Yunzhu said, “It’s fine, Dad, you can go to Anpinghou’s mansion in person, if you can get her deed of sale, you can spend this money.”

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t believe that Jiang Yunxiu would be willing to leave Anpinghou Mansion at all.

Jiang Cheng could hear the meaning in her words, “You mean?”

“Father will know as soon as he asks. Anyway, Escort Li often travels between Luzhou and Wuling County. It is easy for you to go to Luzhou if you want to.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, “I understand.”

Jiang Yunzhu was relieved. Jiang Cheng is different from Chen Shi, Chen Shi is too emotional and easily deceived, so she told Jiang Cheng about it.

After talking about this matter, Jiang Cheng thought of something, “The takeaway business in the village will stop, so what about Tan Debao and Fang’s couple?”

“Tan Debao and I will go back to Qishanju. As for the Fang family couple, I want to ask them what they think and see if they want to work in the county.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Jiang Cheng said, “Actually, Fourth Fang is also a good driver.”

“What does dad mean to let him drive with you?” Jiang Yunzhu asked.

“Let’s ask him what he means.” Jiang Cheng said.

He immediately called Fang Laosi and his wife.

Fang Laosi and his wife had already heard that Jiang Yunzhu wanted to stop the takeaway business, and they were in a state of despair, when they suddenly heard Jiang Yunzhu asking whether they wanted to work in the city or drive with Jiang Cheng, and the two seemed to have found their way again.

After careful discussion, Fang Laosi decided to stay in the village and help Jiang Cheng drive a car to make money.

Their home and their children are all here, and they are familiar with this place. Since they can live here, they don’t want to go to the city.

Jiang Yunzhu understood.

Tan Debao was extremely excited. At that time, Jiang Yunzhu said that he had been working in the village for three years and let him go to the county seat. Good guy, now that he has only worked for more than two months, let him go to the county seat? He was luckier than Xue Jing.

He followed Jiang Yunzhu, the boss was long, and the boss was short, so Jiang Yunzhu was almost confessed.

After lunch, Jiang Yunzhu planned to go back to the county seat. Don’t delay this time like last time.

It’s just that this time someone came again, it was Gu Yongde, a middle-aged couple, and Gu Qifeng.

“Village head.” Jiang Cheng and others rushed out to greet him.

Everyone was polite, and Gu Yongde said that he was pleased. He was entrusted by someone to come to find Jiang Yunzhu.

He was entrusted by the middle-aged couple, who were his brother and sister-in-law. Ever since Gu Qifeng went to Luzhou with Jiang Yunzhu during Chinese New Year, he decided that he wanted to do business with Jiang Yunzhu.

These days, he has helped a lot in the takeaway business in the village.

Today he also heard that Jiang Yunzhu was going to stop the takeaway business, so he immediately became anxious.

In fact, the Gu family and his wife slowly accepted that Gu Qifeng was not a material for studying. In addition, Jiang Yunzhu was indeed capable. In less than three months, he had established a firm foothold in the county. They were also afraid of delaying it. Gu Qifeng entrusted Gu Yongde to see Jiang Yunzhu.

Ask her if she can hire Gu Qifeng.

“It doesn’t need any salary, just let him learn some skills from you, and we will be satisfied.” The Gu family couple said.

“His age…” Jiang Yunzhu said.

“I’m not young anymore.” Gu Qifeng seems to be in the period of changing his voice recently, he opened his mouth and has a male duck voice.

In fact, fourteen years old is really not young in this age, even Jiang Yunzhu is only three years older than him.

Jiang Yunzhu really has a good impression of him, he has ideas, he is daring to fight, and he complements Li He’s rigor and sincerity.

She looked at the Gu family couple and Gu Yongde.

“Just accept him, let him run errands for you. If he is disobedient, you can have someone beat him up.” Gu Yongde said.

The Gu family couple also nodded.

After they all said so, Jiang Yunzhu said, “Okay, then let him go to Qishanju to work.”

Everyone is happy.

After remembering about Jiang Yunxue, Jiang Yunzhu took Tan Debao and Gu Qifeng back to the county.

Qishanju added two more people.

When Tan Debao met Xue Jing, they naturally had endless conversations.

Gu Qifeng also seemed to understand what he was going to do, and followed Li He, yelling “Brother” one after another, as if his mouth had been wiped with honey.

Seeing that he is smart and diligent, Li He is also willing to take him with him.

With the addition of these two people, Jiang Yunzhu seems to be able to be the hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind.

She decided to go to see her new house first.

According to the address, she quickly found the house.

I saw that Zhu Hong’s gate was very grand.

He Ying took the key to open the door, opened the door, and immediately saw the garden full of flowers and plants, full of vitality. There are also those house furniture, all of which are very clean and tidy.

This is a house with two entrances and a courtyard. It can be regarded as a scaled-down version of a regular mansion, but it is ingeniously arranged. There are pavilions, lotus ponds, and gardens. Jiang Yunzhu fell in love with it immediately.

He Ying also looked left and right, full of joy.

Jiang Yunzhu immediately decided to move here.

When she went back, she told Mrs. Chen about it. Mrs. Chen had already heard from Jiang Cheng that she got a fortune from outside, so she was not surprised that she bought a new house. I heard that ladies from wealthy families in the city have their own embroidered buildings, and Qishanju is still a bit chaotic with people coming and going. For a girl like Jiang Yunzhu, it is best to live in a private house.

She went to see the house and was amazed, but she didn’t want to move here.

Now that Qishanju has two newcomers, she can do even less work. On the contrary, at home, Jiang Cheng now needs to buy a new mule and a new car. Without Tan Debao, there is no one to cook for him at home, so She wanted to go home and take care of Jiang Cheng and Mr. Chen.

It seems that a lot has changed overnight.

Jiang Yunzhu returned to Qishanju, thinking about moving, but saw Shen Fengming standing there, she stopped.

She moved, where does he live?

He used to live in her house, with Jiang Cheng and others in the family, and later lived in Qishanju, and there were many people in Qishanju, but she was the only one in her house, so he lived in it, so it felt like living together.

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