Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 86

Chapter 85

Jiang Yunzhu heard Shen Fengming’s laughter. First thought, he could laugh, and then thought, what is he laughing at, is he laughing at her?

Thinking of this possibility, she didn’t even want to open her eyes.

At this time, Shen Fengming suddenly picked her up, she was flustered, but she didn’t know what to do.

He Ying saw Shen Fengming carrying Jiang Yunzhu to her bedroom, leaning out half of her body to stop her, but when she met Shen Fengming’s eyes, she froze there.

When the two left, she was annoyed and ashamed, feeling sorry for Jiang Yunzhu.

Soon, Shen Fengming carried Jiang Yunzhu to the bedroom and put her on the bed.

The light blue window curtains, the jade-colored brocade quilt, and the crabapple outside the window swaying in the wind, the shadows falling on the window lattice, shaking people’s mind.

Shen Fengming sat by the bed, looked at the person on the bed, couldn’t help lowering his head, pressing it on her lips, tossing and turning for a long time, yearning for her beauty.

After a while, he got up, covered her with the brocade quilt, got up and left.

At this time, his face was also a little red. He wanted her very much, but he didn’t want to belittle her, so he wanted her again when they got married.

After Shen Fengming left, the room was quiet.

Jiang Yunzhu opened her eyes, stared blankly at the top of the bed, and suddenly covered her eyes with her arms, feeling extremely frustrated.

Waking up the next morning, He Ying waited for her to wash.

He Ying glanced at Jiang Yunzhu’s lips, and said in shame, “Girl, it was my fault last night, I…”

“Last night, what happened last night?” Jiang Yunzhu seemed to have completely forgotten what happened last night.

He Ying froze for a moment, then quickly shook her head, “It’s nothing. I’ll help you cook what the girl wants to eat in the morning.” She can also cook, but the ones she cooks are not as delicious as Jiang Yunzhu.

Jiang Yunzhu really didn’t want to go to the kitchen by himself, so he said, “Just do whatever you want.”

“Okay.” He Ying agreed.

After she left, Jiang Yunzhu picked up the mirror and looked inside. The lips are a little sore and seem to be swollen.

Maybe I ate too much chili yesterday, so I should eat something light today, she thought.

In the yard, she met Shen Fengming, and she greeted him as usual.

After breakfast, she was supposed to go to live in the mountains, but thinking of the appearance of her lips at this time, she decided to rest at home for a day.

This house has a study room, Qin Zhen left all the things in the house to Jiang Yunzhu, and took nothing away, so the study room has everything, even several shelves of books.

Jiang Yunzhu decided to see what books were available. If there was a story book, she could read it for a while.

After rummaging around, she really found two story books. She asked He Ying to make tea for her. She leaned back in the armchair and read the books.

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Fengming walked in from the outside, holding a small box in his hand.

“Miss Jiang.” He stopped across from the desk.

Jiang Yunzhu raised her head, and the breeze came from outside the window, blowing the broken hair on her temples.

Shen Fengming handed her the small box in his hand, “Last night…”

“I fell asleep unknowingly last night, didn’t you neglect Mr. Shen?” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Shen Fengming looked at her coldly, what did she mean, she forgot what happened last night?

Jiang Yunzhu was a little uncomfortable being watched by him, but she insisted on smiling at him, as if she really didn’t remember what happened last night.

Of course, she remembered. It’s just that she wants to pretend that none of that happened. At this time, she thought of those scumbags who lied after drinking that they didn’t remember and didn’t want to be responsible, and she felt that she was about the same.

Shen Fengming understood what she meant, raised his eyebrows, did she have to do this?

Jiang Yunzhu rolled his eyes.

“Why are Miss Jiang’s lips a little swollen?” Shen Fengming asked.

“I ate too much chili last night and drank some wine.” Jiang Yunzhu felt vaguely uneasy, but still quibbled.

“Oh?” Shen Fengming said, coming to her side, the tall figure completely covered the sunlight that came through from the other side, casting a large shadow.

Under his shadow, Jiang Yunzhu felt more uneasy. She leaned on the chair, wanted to stand up, and said, “I’m a little tired and want to go back to my room.”

The next moment, Shen Fengming bit her lip.

She wants to struggle.

His hands pinched the back of her neck, making her unable to move at all.

Her pupils were a little slack, as if she was looking at someone close at hand, but also seemed to have fallen into his deep eyes.

Shen Fengming just tasted it this time, so he let her go, and said, “I thought Miss Jiang’s lips were so swollen.” His voice at this time was still cold, even his expression was the same, but what he said made people feel embarrassed. Red ears.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at him, unable to believe that he would say such a thing.

He was retaliating for what she said just now, suddenly, this idea flashed in her mind, and she glared at Shen Fengming.

The watery eyes stared over like this, feeling a little bit annoyed.

Shen Fengming opened the small box in his hand, got some ointment from it with his fingers, and applied it on Jiang Yunzhu’s lips.

Jiang Yunzhu felt very comfortable when the cool ointment touched her lips, but it would be even better if the man’s hand was not there.

“I’ll do it myself.” She reached out and grabbed his hand, trying to push it away.

Like a mountain, it can’t be pushed at all.

Jiang Yunzhu was suddenly a little annoyed, so he simply sat there, treating himself like a wooden man, unable to see or feel.

Shen Fengming quickly helped her apply the ointment, and kissed her forehead lightly.

With a feeling of pity, without any desire.

This kiss fell into Jiang Yunzhu’s heart like a feather.

After Shen Fengming left, Jiang Yunzhu lay prone on the table, unable to read the words he had just read with gusto.

At this moment, Simba jumped onto the desk, squatted down in front of her, and looked at her curiously with one blue and one yellow eyes.

Jiang Yunzhu hugged it in her arms and rubbed its fur several times before she felt calmed down.

When eating at noon, there was Jiang Yunzhu’s favorite winter melon pork ribs soup on the table. Shen Fengming naturally served her a bowl. Jiang Yunzhu looked at the soup for a long time and drank it.

In the afternoon, I had nothing to do in my free time. There was an arhat bed under the study window. Jiang Yunzhu was tired from sitting on the chair, so she leaned on it.

There is a small table in the middle of Luohan’s bed, on which there is a plate of orchid beans, a plate of dried fruit, and a plate of cherries. She can eat while reading the storybook, which is very comfortable.

At this time Shen Fengming came in, he was sitting on the other side of the Arhat’s bed, and at first he also took a book to read.

After looking for a while, he saw a guqin beside him, so he took it and put it on his lap.

After fiddled with his hands a few times, the sound was as pleasant as broken Kunshan jade.

Jiang Yunzhu was immediately attracted.

“What song do you want to hear?” Shen Fengming asked casually.

Jiang Yunzhu, continue to read the script. But Shen Fengming kept looking at her, as if waiting for her to speak.

“”Guan Shanyue”” Jiang Yunzhu said, the book she read was about the scenery beyond the Great Wall, which made people yearn for it.

“Okay.” Shen Fengming agreed.

He flicked lightly with his fingertips, and the sound of the frontier fortress came out. The lonely smoke in the desert, the setting sun on the long river, among which there are tens of thousands of miles of mighty long winds, and the faint sound of killing and lamenting…

Jiang Yunzhu looked at him sideways, her heart fluctuating with the sound of the piano. I feel like a butterfly caught in a net, trying to struggle but being entangled more and more tightly.

Perhaps, only when he returns to Beijing can everything end!

For the next few days, Jiang Yunzhu felt a little self-defeating.

Of course, if you don’t consider other things, this kind of life is quite happy.

In the middle, Lin Tingan came to tea several times, sometimes he just sat there drinking tea, sometimes he would chat with Jiang Yunzhu, Jiang Yunzhu avoided him if he could.

Later, she wanted to put up a sign at the door of the store, “No one surnamed Lin is allowed to enter.” Of course, she thought about it.

Fortunately, Lin Ting’an seemed to have something to do at this time, and she was relieved to leave Wuling County, and she only hoped that he would never come back.

On this day in Luzhou, several carriages were parked outside a courtyard.

Lin Ting’an came out to greet him in person, and an old man with a fat body and gray hair got off the carriage.

The old man was wearing a boa robe, and he was not angry.

“My lord, why did you come in person?” Lin Ting’an asked in surprise.

“That person…” King Huainan wanted to ask something.

“My lord, let’s talk in the room.” Lin Ting’an said.

King Huainan nodded and stepped into the house.

In the room, King Huainan heard Lin Ting’an’s words, and angrily swept everything on the table to the ground. He has no son, and it seems that he will have no children and grandchildren. Everyone said that he is not a womanizer, and he is still waiting for him to die alone. Why, he has a woman he likes?

Also ask him if he agrees or not.

In Wuling County, Jiang Yunzhu told Qin Zhen about the Huaying Academy a few days ago. Qin Zhen was very surprised, “Ms. Jiang has a good relationship with Mr. Lin?”

Jiang Yunzhu heard what he meant, “You mean, Lin Yubai is…”

“He is the only legitimate son of the second master of the Lin family.”

Jiang Yunzhu was a little dazed. In the dream, it seemed that the second master of the Lin family was gone… By the way, about Qin Yao, Lin Yubai must have died in the hands of Xie Yong in the dream, so she didn’t listen to it when she gained a firm foothold in the Anping Hou Mansion. Said him.

“He didn’t tell me his identity.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Qin Zhen was a little surprised.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t think it was a big deal, Shen Fengming didn’t reveal his identity, everyone would get along if they got together.

Soon, Jiang Yunzhu found Lin Yubai and asked him about Huaying Academy and whether Jiang Yunxue had a chance to study there.

“This matter.” Lin Yubai wanted to say it was very simple, but thinking of his father’s old-fashioned temper, he didn’t dare to take it all in. “I can recommend her to my father. As for whether my father will accept her or not, still have to see…

Hey, otherwise I’ll just go to my mother and forget it, or my mother loves me. “Lin Yubai said so, but he also felt that it might not be possible for his mother to transfer to his father.

“You can just help with the introduction. If Yunxue really doesn’t have the qualifications, it’s not good to force her to go.” Jiang Yunzhu saw his embarrassment and said.

It happened that Lin Yubai hadn’t been home for a few days, so he immediately decided to accompany Jiang Yunzhu for a walk.

Jiang Yunzhu told Jiang Yunxue about it, and discussed a time to go to Luzhou.

“I’ll go with you.” In the study, Shen Fengming found Jiang Yunzhu and said.

Jiang Yunzhu just shook his head this time. If he went, the Lin family would definitely accept Jiang Yunxue. But she knew that the Lin family was the Prince’s supporter, and she didn’t want Shen Fengming to owe favors to the Lin family or get involved with the Lin family because of her matter.

As for Lin Yubai, that’s different.

In fact, Shen Fengming didn’t really want to see the second master of the Lin family, if they met, it would be tantamount to proving that he was in Luzhou, and then there would be constant troubles.

“Then be careful all the way,” he said.

“Don’t worry, there is Lin Yubai.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Shen Fengming was still not at ease, he secretly asked Shadow to follow her and protect her.

This morning, Jiang Yunzhu, Lin Yubai, Jiang Yunxue and two guards from the Lin family set off for Luzhou.

The journey was uneventful, and at noon the next day, they arrived outside the gate of the Lin Mansion.

“My lord is back? My lord is back!” Seeing Lin Yubai, the gatekeeper of the Lin family rushed in to report in surprise.

Lin Yubai directly brought Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunxue into the mansion, asked them to wait in the living room, and then he went to find his father.

Unexpectedly, Master Lin Er was not at home, he went out to visit friends.

He didn’t come back until night.

Seeing Lin Yubai, the second master Lin couldn’t do without a lesson. He was really heartbroken by this incompetent child.

“Father, take a break. You have been training for half an hour. I came back this time to recommend you a good student.” Lin Yubai praised Jiang Yunxue a lot.

Master Lin Er looked at him suspiciously, why, the sun came out from the west today?

“Father, I’m also helping my friend.” Lin Yubai said truthfully.

Inevitably, Master Lin Er gave him another scolding.

But in the end, Master Lin still decided to meet Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunxue.

In the living room, Master Lin saw the two of them and had a good impression of them. So he chose Jiang Yunxue in the school.

Jiang Yunxue couldn’t answer the many questions he asked, and her eyes were red with anxiety.

Feeling that Master Lin’s voice became more and more careless, Jiang Yunxue knew that she might lose this opportunity.

She suddenly knelt down to him, held back her tears and said, she is very poor in knowledge now, but she is willing to learn, begging him to give her a chance. Give her a year, no, give her half a year, if she still can’t satisfy him by then, she will leave by herself.

“You said just now that you have only learned characters for more than half a year?” Mr. Lin Er noticed this sentence in her words.

“Yeah, my family used to be poor, and I didn’t have the money to study for my younger siblings.” Seeing that there might be an opportunity, Jiang Yunzhu hurried to speak for her.

The second master Lin looked at Jiang Yunxue again, and felt that she was really a good candidate.

She has only been studying for more than half a year, and more than half of the time is self-study. It is very rare for her to learn what she is now.

He twirled his beard, thinking.

No one dared to disturb him.

After a while, he said, “Let her come to the academy to study for a year. After a year, if she can’t meet my requirements…”

“I’ll leave by myself.” Jiang Yunxue straightened her back and said with burning eyes.

Master Lin nodded.

That’s it.

It was getting late, so Lin Yubai arranged for Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunxue to stay in the mansion.

They lived in a courtyard, not far from the courtyard where Lin Yubai lived.

In the middle of the night, there are servants on watch in the courtyard. They seemed to vaguely hear a woman shouting, “Mr. Lin, what are you going to do? Let me go. Don’t…”

Lin Yubai is the only one in the family who can be called Mr. Lin.

The two servants on night watch went over after hearing the words, but they didn’t find anything unusual.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yunxue excitedly went to find Jiang Yunzhu, but found that there was no one in Jiang Yunzhu’s house. However, her clothes were still on the bedside.

It was very strange, she immediately asked someone to ask where Jiang Yunzhu had gone.

No one saw it.

Jiang Yunzhu just disappeared suddenly.

Oh, it wasn’t all of a sudden, the two servants on night watch suddenly remembered what happened last night, and glanced at Lin Yubai quietly.

The missing girl, whom they met yesterday, was really beautiful.

If their son wanted to be rude to that girl in the middle of the night, that girl would definitely scream and struggle. And then… They didn’t know where to think, and they all lowered their heads.

It’s just a girl from the county, even if she really disappears, so what.

They are servants of the Lin family, and Lin Yubai is their master, so they naturally dare not speak up.

Lin Yubai felt like the sky was falling. He really regarded Jiang Yunzhu as a friend, but she disappeared from his house. In case something happens to her, how can he be at ease. Moreover, if Governor Shen finds out about this…

“Look, everyone is looking for me, I don’t believe it, a big living person just disappeared like this.” He shouted hoarsely.

Master Lin Er and Mrs. Lin also heard the news and came to check.

They were also shocked when they heard the whole thing.

It’s just that they were not as anxious as Lin Yubai, thinking about all kinds of possibilities. For example, Jiang Yunzhu left by herself?

“Son, don’t worry, you can’t lose it, just look for it slowly.” Mrs. Lin felt sorry for her son and advised him.

Lin Yubai interrogated everyone in the mansion like crazy.

Quickly asked about the two people who were watching the night last night, the two people didn’t talk about it at first, but the second master Lin found out that they looked sneaky and wanted to use torture, so the two people did.

Last night, I heard a woman crying and saying…

When everyone heard this, they didn’t understand what happened last night. It must be that the son wanted to force the girl, but the girl refused. Feelings, the young master is calling for a thief here!

“Master Lin, my sister, what have you done to my sister?” Jiang Yunxue burst into tears.

The second master Lin was trembling with anger, evil son, he did such a thing, let’s see if he doesn’t beat him to death today.

While Mrs. Lin was helping the second master Lin, she also complained a little bit about Lin Yubai. He likes other girls, so he can just tell his family no. She also saw that girl yesterday, and she was really nice. Let’s all sit down and have a good talk, whether to marry or marry, can be discussed.

How did it end when this happened?

“What about the girl?” Mrs. Lin asked. At this time, Lin Yubai still hasn’t handed over the man.

“I was in my room yesterday.” Lin Yubai said with a pale face.

But who can testify?

Lin Yubai just felt that he couldn’t argue with anything, and there was only one thought in his mind, it was over, he was over, and the Lin family was also over!

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