Wonderful Space: Rebirth Sweet Wife Wants to Rrebel

Chapter 514 - Or vomit to you

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“What? Didn’t see the body?” Shi Moqing was drinking a bowl of porridge of bird’s nest porridge made by her grandmother, and she looked at him in surprise. undoubtedly!”

“Did you meet anyone at the door?” Xiao Hanmo looked at her with a headache, young lady! Can’t you keep your voice down? Didn’t you see grandma? Killing a man and shouting loudly, it was really terrible. How did he feel that this cousin had pitted him?

“No one! By the way! Ying Shaoyu! It was because I saw him that I was annoying and walked towards the garden!” Shi Qing gave a hand, why did Ying Shaoyi take away the body? Wouldn’t it be better to keep the corpse so that the Zhang family would find the Xiao family in trouble?

“That’s him! I guess he doesn’t want to give you trouble! Maybe there are other reasons!” Xiao Hanmo sighed. He now fully admired the cousin’s troublesome nature. He kicked the third mother into the water before, now Killing again, and the Fu family was ruined by her at first, of course, the other party has always calculated her is also the reason.

He had to admire Lu Zhan’s sweeping skills, he really did!

“Yeah! Thank you cousin!” Shi Moqing bowed her head and continued to drink porridge. She had digested for breakfast. She didn’t expect her grandmother to have bird’s nest here.

The old lady in the distance was a little displeased and her grandson disturbed her granddaughter to drink porridge. “Boss! What is the pestle there? Go out and greet the guests!”

“I see!” Xiao Hanmo quickly turned and went out, because the public opinion outside Mo Qing, the old lady scolded him all morning, saying that he wouldn’t have to help, even chaos! If he knew who was chewing his tongue, and said that he encouraged others to ridicule Lu Zhan at the banquet, he must have stripped him alive!

As soon as the elder brother went out, Xiao Yuyu sneaked out his head from the door of the room, “brother gone?”

“I was scared away by your grandma! You did this bad thing and scared yourself, cousin won’t know it was you who sued!” Shi Mo cleared her head, resolved the last bite, put down the bowl, she picked up Wiping her mouth with a paper towel killed her, and she drank three bowls of porridge in one breath!

“I’m afraid he knows it! For you, how easy is it for me! Don’t know if you’ll leave me some!” Xiao Aoyu sat down awkwardly, she just prepared to eat, but her brother went back and scared her into hiding stand up.

“I know you’re hard! Or should I spit it to you?” Shi Moqing raised her eyebrows and leaned on the chair, unwilling to move.

“Disgusting!” Xiao Yanyu glanced at her disgustingly, thinking of what she had just heard, lying on the table and approaching her, “You are so brave! How dare you kill!”

“If you have a gun in your hand, and you come across a wretched old man with a mouthful of filthy words, you will still kick your hands and you can’t beat them, what will you do?” Shi Moqing asked in a low voice. After a while, he got up and walked towards the old lady.

“Sweep him into a honeycomb! Dare to peep at me, find death!” Xiao Yiyu said without thinking, Mo Qing left when she saw her, and she quickly got up, “Wait for me!”

“Are you in trouble?” The old woman glanced at them lightly. Although she was far away, she was not deaf or blind. The three children obviously had something to hide from her.

“It’s okay! There is an elder brother! He is a master of all things!” Xiao Yanyu was afraid that Shi Moqing would tell what had just happened. The old lady would worry and waved her hands.

“Yu girl is right, your big cousin is here, but if you ever find him in the future!” The old lady laughed, and she was satisfied with her grandson.

“Oh!” I’m afraid the big cousin will be annoyed to see her in a few days, after all, this time the tail is a bit troublesome!

“Old lady, it’s almost time!” The housekeeper’s voice came from the door, and Shi Moqing hurried to help the old lady and walked towards the banquet hall.

I heard the excitement inside even when I was at the side door. The old lady gently patted the two girls ’hands and walked in with a smile. When the Xiao family moved away, she was not married to the Xiao family, so these people in Kyoto, even their age Big, she is almost unfamiliar.

So the Lu Jia specially asked Su Xin to come and bring the old lady to know people.

“Don’t say it, the more you look, the more you look like!” Su Xin said in a low voice. She also knew that Mo Qing was actually Xiao’s granddaughter in the morning.

The old lady Su Xin said with a smile on her face, “But no, I think this girl is no different from Yunge when she was young!”

“Grandma, let’s talk about this later? Know people first, how can there be a host hiding behind and chatting …” Xiao Yanyu reluctantly shook the old lady’s arm. The old lady liked to say that Xiao Yanyan was like an aunt. It’s endless. She estimates that she won’t stop now, it’s endless, after all, the Lord is here!

“Yes! I forgot the business, thank you Miss Three for reminding me!” Su Xin patted herself angrily, “Go, take you to know people!”

Although Su Xin doesn’t like to attend parties, there are quite a lot of people I know as road parents. Almost every lady can name her.

The entire banquet hall was very lively. Although everyone was surprised, why did Mo Qing and Miss Xiao help the old lady together, and when they saw Su Xin, who was familiar with the old lady, everyone was relieved. I have a relationship with the Xiao family!

After a period of enthusiasm, the housekeeper of the Xiao family walked to the emcee stand and tried the microphone gently.

The old man sorted out his clothes under the stage, smiled at the old man Lu and the old man of the Ye family, strode on the stage, and looked around kindly.

“Father, when the army commander sent a congratulatory gift from the road school!” There was a sudden noise from the door.

Mr. Xiao froze slightly, and could no longer afford to speak, and quickly said, “Hurry up, please!”

The original quiet banquet hall was immediately discussed.

“Captain Shi? Who wasn’t the one?”

“How did the Xiao family get involved with the military area?”

“Is this Xiao family a strong return? No wonder such a big fanfare, it turned out to be in the military area!”

Shi Moqing supported the old lady standing quietly in the crowd, Colonel? This military post is really big!

As the crowd talked, an upright figure came in, a dark green military uniform, a particularly dazzling badge on the shoulder, and his military cap was buckled very low. Vaguely thinned lips and sharply angled jaws were faintly visible. .

The colonel walked past the crowd, an oppressive momentum rushed towards him, and the crowd avoided it unconsciously.

“Ah! The school came here on the road, what gift did you bring?” Father Xiao recalled from the trance, why no one told him that this guy was a colonel!

“How can we represent the sincerity of our commander without a gift?” A low voice came, and his slender fingers took off the cap above his head, resting on his left hand, revealing a familiar face, which is just the public opinion these days Actor, useless rich second generation Lu Zhan!

When everyone on the stage saw the true appearance of the school on the road, they were all upset and whispered, how could it be Lu Zhan! Colonel! Then their public opinion …

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