Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 148 If he doesn’t want dignity, then we will respect him for him!

"Arrest Victor and Kwaukemot!"

Secretary Ajit suddenly raised his head, with a complicated feeling of looking stupid in his eyes.

What are you doing!


What do you rely on to arrest them?

Let’s put it this way: The current combat effectiveness of the Mexican army is such that African Nicols can press them to the ground and rub them.

Insufficient salary, deduction of pensions, no air force at the top, no tanks at the bottom, even the so-called special forces have almost been sucked out of their marrow by Sinaloa, what else do you have?

Ajit opened his mouth and said in a bitter tone, "Sir..."

Carlos turned his head sharply, his eyes looking like a gambler's madness, with scarlet eyes, "You...are you going to disobey me too?"


Completely crazy!

He is not willing to let his position be overthrown by a "little boy" and an "opponent". To put it mildly, it is like burning the boat down, and to put it worse, it is just occupying the latrine and not taking a shit.

And after he came to power, there were also some people who were loyal to him.

Ajit shook his head.

"I will not fail. I am the president of Mexico now and I will be the president in the future!" Carlos was very nervous. He turned around and drew the curtains.

The falling sunlight shone on him with a sense of twilight.

Carlos, who was only in his 40s, was hunched over and chanting, "I won't fail, no way."

Ajit looked at his back!

An evil thought soared into the sky!

Seeing the tie hanging on the hanger next to him, he pinched it with both hands and his breathing became rapid.

Carlos raised his head and looked into the distance through the window. Suddenly, his neck was tightened, and a tie was clasped from behind, and he was dragged to the ground forcefully. He panicked and reached out to pull the table next to him.

Things fell off.

"Sir! Why are you going crazy! Can't you step down safely? You will kill us if you do this!" Ajit suppressed his anger behind him.

If Carlos really announces the arrest of Victor and Cuauquemot, will I, as a person close to him, be targeted for elimination?

When the time came, I drove a car and it exploded before I had driven very far.

"Can't you die!" Ajit roared in a low voice.

Carlos' face turned red from suppressing it, and his veins bulged out. He groped on the ground, found a pencil, and inserted it back.

"Ahhhh!" Ajit howled in pain. The strength in his hand instantly relaxed, and he fell to the ground and rolled over, covering his eyes. There was still a pencil stuck in his right eye.

Carlos covered his neck, opened the drawer, took out a pistol from it, and jumped at Ajit on the ground!

All the bullets are gone.

He sat down on the ground and looked at Ajit's body, his eyes blank.

And this time...

The guards arrived belatedly.

This fucking bodyguard is really unreliable at all.

A group of four or five people rushed in. Seeing the scene in the office, they were all too shocked to speak.


Carlos raised his head, his voice a little hoarse, "Ajit intends to assassinate me! He... is the assassin sent by Kwaukmot!"

"Call Valdez!"

That was the commander of Mexico's National Security Intelligence Agency (Cisen) and his brother-in-law.

One of the guards turned around and shouted.

"Drag the body away." Carlos looked at Ajit on the ground, twitched the corner of his mouth, and the remaining guards dragged the body out.

Valdez came very quickly. When he heard that Carlos was assassinated, his hair almost exploded and he ran over in a hurry.

He is a typical Mexican, a bit rough-looking.


When he came in, he saw the other party sitting on a chair, holding a cigarette with trembling hands, and the smell of blood was still in the air.

"Can I trust you? Valdez!" As soon as Carlos spoke these words, the other party was startled, but he immediately patted his chest, "Without you, there would be no me. Everything about me is yours."

The fierce light in Carlos's eyes dimmed, "Agit betrayed me and he wants to kill me. You should immediately issue an announcement. Cuauquemot and Victor sent people to attack me and attempt to subvert Mexico!"

"Deploy the army to suppress them!"

The more Valdez listened, the wider his mouth opened. Brother-in-law... I said everything about me is yours, but I didn't say that my life is yours. Aren't you going to risk your life?

What does it mean to declare them rebels?

It means entering a state of war!

"We have no way out." Carlos put the cigarette in his mouth and glanced at Valdez, who was stiff. "If I fall, do you think they will let you go?"

"Since they want us to die, then we will drag them to hell with us!"

"Valdez, you won't refuse me, right?" Carlos' left hand was placed under the table, holding a pistol.

"Me and the Mexican National Security Intelligence Agency (Cisen) will definitely stand by your side, brother-in-law!"

Carlos nodded, "Mexico is still mine!"

The sky gradually darkens.

It was dark in Tijuana.

The electric power company is completely closed.

Occasionally there are sporadic gunshots. This city is too complicated and drug dealers are everywhere!

Relying on a few hundred people from the Terrorist Mobile Team (TDTV) was simply not enough, so the EDN (Mexican Emergency Response Team) was directly transferred from the rear into the city.


The combat boots made a crisp sound when they stepped on the water-filled ground.

"Follow me! Don't be so damn alone. You will be taken away by drug dealers later and your heads will be chopped off. Don't blame me for not warning you." shouted the captain who was walking in front.

The new EDN police officers behind him all froze and hurriedly followed.

A veteran wearing a police sergeant lowered his head and saw that his shoelaces were loose, so he squatted down to tie them. Suddenly he heard movement in the shop next to him, and he raised his gun suddenly, "Who!"

The sudden loud noise shocked the new EDN police officer and he quickly raised his gun. Suddenly, it went off, and the bullet hit the wall.

"Don't... don't shoot!" A cry came from behind the wall. It was a woman, standing up tremblingly, with wavy yellow hair.

The captain looked at her, looking her up and down, and suddenly his eyes froze, "What's inside your clothes? Open it up!" The voice behind her suddenly became louder.

"Get down!!!"


The woman's whole body exploded, her flesh and blood were mixed, her limbs and arms were flying everywhere, and the shock wave knocked away the old police officer who was close to her.

The explosion sounded like an order. Many drug dealers emerged from the ruins, shooting at the police officers. There was also a small... machine gun bunker in front?


Human bomb? ? ?

Many people in this team fell to the ground in an instant. The leader of the team was shot in the leg. He crawled into a bunker and pressed the communication tool, "Scorpion! Scorpion!"

After shouting twice but no one answered, he cursed in a low voice, "Tiger! Tiger!"


The captain hurriedly ordered, "Fire the signal flares! Others rushed into the houses on both sides, and the rifle grenades blew up the machine gun bunkers!"

An old police officer took out his flare gun and pointed it in the sky!

The red signal flares soared into the sky, which was particularly obvious at this night.

When the surrounding police officers saw this, they all moved closer.

After hearing his order, the team members rushed into the houses on both sides. A new police officer was unlucky and ran into a shop at an intersection, just in time to see two drug dealers inside!

The three people stared at each other.

The reaction speed is very slow, just take out the gun and shoot!

Bullets were flying everywhere in the store, and the items on the shelves were smashed to pieces.

"Fuck! Fuck!" The recruit got a little carried away, "Blow you up, bastards!" He said, taking out the grenade, pulling the fuse, leaning against the container and throwing it away with his backhand.

"Be careful!" the drug dealer shouted.


The ground shook a few times.

The new police officer roared and rushed over. He knocked down one of the drug dealers with the butt of his rifle and started shooting at him. The other one broke his leg and raised his hands in a hurry, "Don't kill..."


The bullet went into the opponent's eye socket, and he couldn't die any more.

The new police officer had just breathed a sigh of relief when he was suddenly hit by gravity from behind and fell to the ground. There was actually a drug dealer hiding behind him!

He strangled the police officer's neck tightly, his eyes were fierce, and his mouth was drooling.

Fight for your life!

The police officer rushed forward with his knees, and heard a clicking sound...the egg broke.

The drug dealer's eyes shot open.

This place hurts both men and women.

The police officer turned over and pressed him to the ground, took out a grenade and stuffed it under him, pressing him tightly with his body.


Both bodies were shaken by the shock wave.

"Ahem..." The police officer coughed hard twice and lay down on his side, panting heavily and feeling exhausted.

At this moment, several bullets shot into the sky, and it was suddenly illuminated like daylight.

Reinforcements are coming!

The police officer slowly closed his eyes. He was so tired. He saw the captain running over in the distance, lying next to him anxiously, pushing him hard.

He couldn't hear the sound and he felt so tired.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the city hall, EDM commander Kennedy Heisenberg hammered the table hard, "There were 34 ambushes in one night. How did you wipe out the drug dealers? Why are there so many resistance forces?"

The scolded Terrorist Mobile Team (TDTV) Zolf Sherman and EDN (Mexican Emergency Response Team) commander Damon Hessef Zola both lowered their heads.

"Tijuana is so big...a lot of drug dealers are hiding out."

"Then mobilize the power of the people. The director has said many times that drug control has never been a matter for the police. We must mobilize more forces eager to control drugs and let them help us catch drug dealers."

"There are many drug dealers who threaten ordinary people." Zolf Sherman said softly.

After Kennedy fell silent, he spoke:

"A war or a revolution will always involve bloodshed and sacrifice!"

This is the bad thing about public security wars. Drug dealers have no morals at all, but the police have to care about the safety of civilians. At this time, we can only hope that they can resist.

"Dong dong dong!"

When the three of them were silent, a police officer ran in, "Chief, we have been declared rebels by Carlos!"

"The command requires us to disarm the local garrison!"


Zolf Sherman suddenly felt his scalp numb.

"Mr. Carlos severely denounced the riots that occurred across Baja California. He believed that Victor's actions were not approved by the government and were illegal and illegal!"

"And he caused a lot of casualties among ordinary people."

"This is an act of rebellion and we will send troops to suppress it!"

"Issue Mexican citizenship for Victor and Cuauquemot, and issue a wanted warrant!"

Victor watched the news on TV with a calm expression.

Casare and Alejandro were unusually quiet, looking at each other.

"Haha, do I look like a rebel?"

Victor pointed at his face, "Mr. Carlos is so stupid. The rebels and the regular army don't look at the claims, but the caliber!"

"He wants the army to suppress me?"

"What an army he has!"

"Just rely on those rubbish armies who defected to drug dealers?"

"I want to ask him, who are the drug traffickers? Who are the rebels? Who is harming Mexico!"

"If he doesn't want to be dignified, then we will do it for him!"

Victor's eyes flashed, "Send a call to Harris, I suspect there are drug dealers in the presidential palace!"

"Ask Mr. Carlos, who owns this Mexico?"

"Why can drug dealers get away with it? Why can drug dealers steal high positions? Why don't good people get the treatment they deserve? Why do they think I am a rebel? My police officers and I are not convinced!"

Victor took a deep breath.

"Some people are used to being superior and always think they are right. I want to tell them that drug ban is what people want."

"This Mexico still belongs to the light!"

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