Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 157 Clean up the laggards!

Plateau Prison. In the former office.

Victor saw familiar furnishings.

Even the ashtray has not been moved.

Harris was behind, "Boss, after you left the prison, I have been cleaning this office, and all the decorations have not been moved."

Kasare squinted his eyes and twitched the corners of his eyes.

What a charming bitch with thick eyebrows and big eyes!


Are you going to do this? When I return to Baja California, I will promote the establishment of an "Anti-Drug Hero-Victor" exhibition hall, where you will be given the heads, severed limbs and drugs of drug dealers.

Let’s see who feels comfortable licking!

Compared to me, Casare, you're a bit greener.

Victor was very happy. People always like to recall the past, just like prostitutes always recall how fierce they were when they were young.

"You're interested." Victor touched the table and said with a smile. He reached out and moved the ashtray to the side. Then he changed the subject and said, "I want to transfer you to a new department. Are you willing?"

Harris was startled, and instantly understood that Victor planned to promote him, which made him feel excited after having been in prison for nearly ten years.

He had seen Victor's anti-drug scene on TV.

He is eager to charge forward and be active in the frontline anti-drug battlefield. A real man should have the courage to fight.


"Mr. President plans to establish the Mexican Drug Enforcement Administration, which will be responsible for nationwide anti-drug operations and liaise with other countries' anti-drug work. I will be the first director. We need a deputy director. I plan for you to serve as it. The office will be mainly located in Mexico City. ”

This is the first piece of cake that Victor gets!

Finally, he can become famous to other state divisions around him.

Harris raised his eyebrows, and went directly from a prison warden to a deputy in a national-level unit. This cannot be said to be a rocket promotion, it should be said to be a nuclear bomb promotion.

"What do you need me for, boss!" He clenched his fists and his voice changed a bit, trying hard to suppress the excitement in his chest.

Victor glanced at the door, and Casare suddenly understood. He winked at Jason Bourne and asked him to watch at the door. He also closed the door and walked out, leaving the two of them in the room. .

Keep an eye on Kwaukemot for me. "

Harris' little heart tightened, and he looked at Boss Victor. His expression didn't look like he was being fake, right... He had just killed one, and now he was preparing for the next one?

Is the boss planning to go it alone?

"What are you thinking about?" Victor saw Harris's expression and waved his hands irritably, "Do I look like the kind of person who kills the donkey in a hurry?"

"This is just a precautionary measure. Sometimes, when a person's position changes, he will forget his original intention. Do you understand what I mean?"

How many people pointed at the giant dragon when they were young and said, one day, I will kill you to protect the people. But after killing the dragon, under the adulation of the people and the erosion of material things, he himself became Became a dragon.

There are quite a few such things.

Victor originally planned to change the secretary next to Kwaukemot, but this behavior would do no good and would only ruin the honeymoon period for the two of them.

The only solution would be to get a flag and hang it in Mexico City, which would also provide cover for the agents of Mexico's International Information Department.

Victor smiled and patted his shoulder, "Be prepared and don't think too much."

But this has to make Harris think a lot.

What if one day Kwaukmot really betrays the GM?

He didn't ask this question. He raised his head and glanced at the boss's side face. The resolute expression seemed to have already given the answer.

Mr. Kwaukemot!

Please don't make a mistake.

June 26, 1990!

International Day Against Drug Abuse.

It was also the day the Mexican Drug Enforcement Administration was established.

On the small lawn outside the National Palace, dozens of media came, including many from the United States.

Victor, dressed in formal attire, took over the letter of appointment from Quaukmot.

Director of the Mexican Drug Enforcement Agency, head of Baja California’s security department, expert on Mexican economic issues, expert on Mexican anti-drug issues, expert on human rights of Mexican drug traffickers…

There are nearly 10 titles in total!

The number of people pinned on Golden Finger suddenly jumped from 400 to 2,800. Obviously, there are many titles with real power value.

Coupled with the fact that he killed a drug dealer in Plateau Prison yesterday, his points suddenly jumped to 1.33 billion points.

I'll kill someone when I get back to Baja California!

Victor stood in front of the microphone with a happy face, holding both sides of the table with his hands, smiling, and the camera light flickered.

“It is a great honor to serve as the first director of the Mexican Anti-Drug Agency (AMD). I will fulfill my responsibilities in office and closely liaise with anti-drug organizations around the world to provide as much benefit as possible to all civilians who live under the threat and intimidation of drug traffickers. They bring peace.”

“I am fully committed to the war on Mexican drug traffickers, and we take this opportunity to announce bounties for Aguilar of the Juarez Cartel, Abrego of the Gulf Cartel, and Guzman of the Sinaloa Cartel. 40 million US dollars!”

"For those who can provide accurate locations and clues, the police will protect their personal information. Those who effectively provide drug traffickers' activities will be rewarded with rewards ranging from 200,000 to 2 million US dollars."

Victor raised his head and looked at the camera, "Please the Mexican people believe that my colleagues and I will ensure your safety and also advise the drug traffickers to lay down their weapons and surrender. Otherwise, when the war starts, we will not accept any prisoners!"


"The question-and-answer session will begin next," said the press officer next to him.

Victor pointed to a very "big" woman and said, "This lady, please start first."

The other party put the bag on the spot and stood up, "Hello, Mr. Victor, I am a reporter from the Los Angeles Times. Excuse me, you said that when the war starts, you will not accept any prisoners. What do you mean? Do you mean to kill them all? Die?"

This question is very pertinent.

The reporters also raised their heads and listened carefully.

"That's right." Victor nodded directly, "The war begins, no prisoners!"

The press officer next to him swallowed and stood on tiptoe nervously.

Can you say this?

American newspapers are just a bunch of shit and will stink you up.

The reporters were a little bit in an uproar, but then they became very excited because this was a stunt!

"Victor, the Mexican Drug Enforcement Agency, announced that it will massacre drug traffickers!" 》

"Mexico's New Tyrant?" hero? Victor! 》

The media is sometimes a mouthpiece to promote justice, but it is also a tool to persecute people, but do you think Victor cares?

"Sir, do you think your words will have much impact on society?" the female reporter asked again.

"Of course, I just want to warn everyone, please don't get involved in drugs. My eyes and my police officers will be watching you. Please spread my words. I will drown the drug dealers in the toilet. Please take them away." Ventilator."

He is the epitome of toughness!

It is impossible to say a word of compromise in front of the camera.

At this moment, Casare ran onto the stage and whispered something in his ear. Victor frowned, but put on a smile again.

"Sir, what did Mr. Casare say to you? Is there something that you can't talk about?"

"It's a good thing, he told me he saw a bunch of mice having a meeting in my house while my cat was licking its paws."

A mansion of the Aragon family in Mexico City.

There were seven or eight consortium talkers who were at the dinner party sitting inside, all looking dull.

Sitting on the sofa was none other than Honatan Aragon, a friend of Kwaukmot.

He wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and had a Spanish copy of "Mein Kampf" on his knees. A subordinate whispered a few words in his ear. He nodded, closed the book, threw it aside, and clapped his hands. , "Gentlemen, Mr. Carlos Stam is still recovering in the hospital. He is unable to attend our meeting."

Everyone was working hard to talk about the consortium.

"We are sitting here today for one purpose, to discuss how to contain Victor. He is acting more and more like a dictator. This will make Cuaukmote unable to recognize the reality of Mexico and will also ban our The right to speak is a blow to us.”

Honoratan Aragon is a plutocrat. He naturally hates dictators. He likes to use money to support puppets and then increase his family's influence in Mexico.

He also had this idea when he chose to cooperate with Kwaukmot.

The face of capitalists is ugly.

But Victor's fists were hard. He killed the news talker of the Salinas family at the dinner, confiscated his assets, and announced to the public that the Salinas family had betrayed Mexico and would directly kill him. The whole family was jailed.

This is very fast and efficient.

Honoratan Aragon didn't like having a "king" above his head.

So he convened some consortium talkers to discuss the overall situation.

It's best to throw Victor out!

Just as he continued to prepare to express his views, there was a sudden noise at the door, and then a beng was heard!

A black armored vehicle crashed in from outside, pushing a pile of garbage directly into the hall. The people sitting on the sofa were so frightened that they stood up immediately.

A dozen heavily armed men got out from behind the armored vehicle.

Honatan Aragon's eyes twitched. He was familiar with the leader. The one who followed Victor before was called... Jason Bourne? !

Who is the muscular man next to him?

"What are you discussing? Gentlemen, can you let us hear it?" Jason Bourne asked calmly.

After all, Honatan Aragon had seen the world, and he recovered immediately. He frowned and asked, "Mr. Jason Bourne! Why did you break into my home? And destroy my house? Could it be that, we citizens? No right to privacy?!”

"Are you discussing how to transfer drugs?" Jason Bourne said to himself.


This made Honatan Aragon frown, and a bad premonition suddenly came out, "What are you talking about? How can I have drugs here!"

Jason Bourne nodded, then glanced at the colleague next to him, who pulled out a suitcase from the armored vehicle, opened it, and poured out all the packed items inside.

"Boss! There are drugs!"

Honatan Aragon took a breath, this... is so sinister?

"Slander! This is slander!"

"This is Officer Jonathan Parnell of the U.S. DEA."

The muscular man squinted his eyes, "You should think about how to explain where these drugs come from!"

Victor hanging out with the DEA? !

Honatan Aragon opened his eyes and was about to speak when he saw a police officer shooting directly with an Altimax machine gun!

"They intend to resist!" Jason Bourne said flatly.

The corners of Jonatan Panier's eyes twitched, but he didn't say a word. Watching these words, the man was beaten to death and his blood flowed into a river!

Honatan Aragon stared, still a little in disbelief!

"As promised before, Mr. Victor will not take the property in their hands. He will guarantee the U.S. assets in Mexico. All personal cash of the consortium members will belong to the DEA. As long as you can take it out from the bank, but the house and The car belongs to the Mexican government, and you personally bought a house in San Francisco under your grandmother’s name.”

"Here's $500,000!" Jason Bourne handed him a black box.

“He doesn’t want voices against drug control to appear in Mexico, and hopes that the new speakers will support drug control!”

How could Jonathan Parnier help if there was no benefit?

The DEA also has to eat.

The most important thing... was that the drugs were actually found, um, the pile on the ground thrown out of the suitcase.

As long as you don't move American assets, you can kill their puppets and send a few more.

One powerful director VS several local Mexican consortiums, who is more important?

Victor is actively close to the DEA and the US government. Anyone who is not blind can understand who is important.

In this place in Latin America…

Who can live longer?

Army leader!

Only when you have a gun and someone in your hand can you live a more comfortable life.

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