Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 180: To collect taxes, it’s normal to have cannons. (Third update!)

Who is bigger, A or 2?

What is the problem?

They are all old fools, and no one came forward. Victor looked at his watch and became impatient, "What? You have been running a casino for so long, don't tell me, you don't know?"

"Whichever Mr. Victor says is the biggest will be the biggest!" a thin man at the front said suddenly.

Kasare's eyes widened.

Who the hell said that? Didn’t you know that only you can take pictures of "Wei P"?

"You have no idea at all. Drag him down and shoot him." Victor frowned. What he hates most is people who talk nonsense.

"I come!"

Casare pushed the police officer away, jumped up and kicked the opponent, one kick on the opponent's stomach, which almost made the thin man's eyes pop out. He grabbed his hair and walked out. drag.

What kind of thing are you?

Are you flattering me like I am?

"Is there any other answer?" Victor said, looking at the casino owners and seeing their hesitant ways, "Then I'll choose for you."

"From here on, A on the left is the largest, and 2 on the right is the largest."

He split his hand in the middle, and the police officer next to him used his hand to separate the two sides.

"Who among you is the richest?" Victor suddenly asked.

The casino owners looked at each other and saw a dark-skinned woman on side 2 pointing to A, "Sifway Stewart Aragon, he is the richest, he bought this block. We are his tenants!"

Victor took a look and saw that the person being pointed out was a Spaniard. Why was he so sure? Because Spaniards... have very strong body odor.

Just like an Indian's eyes light up when he sees a lizard, it's a racial talent.

The other party's face was deathly gray.

Victor frowned, looked both ways, smacked his lips, hooked his hand towards a police officer, took the rifle from his hand, pulled the bolt, and fired directly at the two squares who spoke.

Thug, tug, tug, tug…sweep it all in one stroke.

Many people screamed and fell to the ground, and some tried to run out, but were kicked back by the police at the door.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'll give you all my money! Give it all to you!" The woman was lucky enough not to be killed. She knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

Victor frowned, "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of bandit? Am I just interested in your money? You just made the wrong choice. Madam, A is indeed bigger than 2! I'm sorry, you are not lucky. Great.”


The woman's pleas for mercy stopped abruptly.

The smell of blood gushing from the corpses everywhere scared many people in the other phalanx. They were bad guys who used loan sharks, forced girls into prostitution, and deliberately played tricks. But when they met Victor, who had more cruel methods, they would still be afraid.

What does this mean?

Military leaders\u003ePoliticians\u003eGangsters\u003eBad ones.

"Mr. Silverway Stewart Aragon, please come here." Victor smiled and waved his hand, and the Spanish man trembled and moved over, his face pale, "First...Mr."

"Don't be nervous. Your surname is also Aragon. I have a friend who is also Aragon and was the former head of the Mexican News Media Group. However, he was a drug dealer. You shouldn't be a drug dealer, right?"

"No! No! Drugs and I are inseparable!"

Victor patted the other party's shoulder with satisfaction, "You're right, but our anti-drug troops are working hard on the front line, but some people in the back don't pay taxes. Without money, we on the front line can't afford to buy artillery shells or pay wages. You say, this is Isn’t it collaboration with the enemy?”

Silverway Stewart Aragon cried sadly, "Pay it! Pay it! I pay taxes."

Victor squinted his eyes, "The child is dead, you know how to breastfeed, and I come to collect the debt, you know how to pay back the money, are you afraid of death?"

"Don't cry. If you cry, I will tie you to the door and let the cannon blast you!"

It's really embarrassing for a man to cry and cry. Even if a gun is pointed at your head, you have to be impassioned and kill tough guys to have fun.

Silverway quickly wiped his tears.

"From now on, this casino street will belong to the anti-drug force!"

The other party was anxious, but when he saw Victor's half-smiling expression, he quickly nodded honestly.

"But I won't let you go hungry. I will rent it to you every year, but I will only allow 20 casinos to exist in Tijuana. Others are not allowed. And I will issue you gambling licenses and send professional financial personnel. Come in, you are not allowed to issue usury loans illegally, everything must be under the control of the government!”

"Gambling licenses are issued once every three years, and everyone can bid, but they have to pay a fee, with a minimum of no less than 3 million U.S. dollars. In addition to value-added tax, consumption tax, and luxury goods tax, the casino also adds alcohol tax, service tax, and chips. Tax, 75%, the money earned by tourists also needs to be taxed, 55%! Of course, you pay this money.”

Victor is still "too compassionate".

You can't really do this kind of operation by paying 20 yuan for the other party to earn 2 yuan. You have to support a family and have to eat.

Of course, if you don’t pay taxes and your whole family dies, there’s no need to eat.

The Spaniard Silverway almost fainted when he heard this. This... This is a dig at the bottom of the gambling industry. You are robbing!

Victor looked at him and said with a smile, "Of course, you can refuse, but I will beat you to death for evading taxes on my territory, and there will be no reprieve."

"Bullets and coordination, you have to choose the same."

"This...this gambling industry still has a share of some Spanish powerful people. This...I want to discuss this with them." Silverway said with a grimace.


"This is Mexico, you thought it was colonial period?"

"I don't have that much patience, so I just count to three."


Victor pulled out his gun and pointed it at his head. Silverway stared, where are your one and two? Seeing the other person's finger on the trigger, he quickly said, "I agree!"

That’s right!

In fact, how can a business war be as difficult as the other party says? Many people say how awesome capitalists are, but you see... they are also very talkative.

"But I allow you to bid for gambling licenses, but you have to make up for your previous tax evasion. Does the Financial Secretary have any account books?"


"Then the person pays a fine of US$6 million and the matter is over. Is there anything else you want to say?"

The casino owners lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

Victor was very satisfied, "Everyone makes money together. I give you food so you can eat it. If I don't let you move, you have to shut up."

He patted Silverway on the shoulder, "Otherwise, I'll smash your mouths."

After that, he walked out of the casino.

The police officers behind him followed him away with the confiscated gambling funds.

Sifwei took a few steps back, his legs were a little weak, and he held on to the gambling table next to him, sweating continuously.

The pressure was so great that I almost... just almost had to see my great-grandma.

"Silverway, this... Victor is planning to treat us like dogs!" Someone finally couldn't help lowering his voice and said, with a bit of hope in his tone, "Is it... to let Spain put some pressure on Mexico?"

They had been enjoying themselves in Tijuana for so long, and suddenly someone put a shackle around their necks. Dogs that break out of their habits will not learn to behave.

But when the master holds a stick, he has to behave.

"Yes! With just one or two words from Victor, he wants to take away our billions of dollars in profits every year?"

"Think of something, Silverway. You have the most connections here."

The casino bosses kept talking to each other, which made Sifwei's head spin. He couldn't help but cursed angrily, "Shut up!"

Everyone fell silent.

"Why didn't you just say no to him? Are you afraid of death? If you are not convinced, you can find someone to kill him! You can go to the black market to find a killer, as you like."

Silverway sat slumped on the ground.

He didn't dare.

The corpse on the ground had eaten and drank together yesterday.

Victor is a fucking dictator!


Are there any police officers like you?

Victor walked to the casino street and looked at everyone in the Finance Department, "Do you think this tax is difficult to collect?"

The group of people looked at each other, not daring to express any opinions.

"But I also know how difficult it is to get people to pay taxes on time in Mexico. Many people are extremely uncooperative, so I'll beat them to cooperate. I plan to set up a tax collection force, learn from American concepts, and equip it with armed helicopters, armored vehicles and artillery. As long as there are people If you dare not pay taxes, let him go to heaven!"

Mexico’s version of the IRS? !

The staff of the Financial Secretary immediately became energetic.

Should we also have our own army?

"Detach a battalion from the Mexico-wide emergency response team, and I will assign another person to take charge of this team. What your Finance Secretary has to do is check taxes. We will collect the taxes that the Mexican government does not dare to collect, and fully support the expenditure of the anti-drug force. "

"Even if someone wants to rob, remember to ask him to hand over the tax."

"If I see numbers like this on my financial statements, I'll send you to Guadalupe Island to go shark hunting!"

"Is one week enough? I will get all the debts owed by Tijuana back to me. Of course, I won't let you work in vain. In addition to the basic salary, you can get one thousandth of the commission on the debts you want back. That's right, guys. , find the evidence of tax evasion by the wealthy people in Tijuana, and you can make a fortune." Victor directly threw away the IRS's "bonus system."

No one can remain indifferent.

Sure enough, the Financial Secretary’s eyes instantly lit up!


"Yeah, good job, guys, I hope you catch the Al Capone of Mexico."

The IRS sentenced Al Capone to 25,000 years in prison and became famous in one battle.

Victor sat back in the Hummer, and Casare stood next to him and asked, "Boss, is this commission system too advanced?"

"Only interests and desires drive the development of people and technology. I want to make sure that no one in Mexico dares to evade taxes."

"Even if you sell drugs... you still have to pay taxes?" Casare continued doubtfully.

"No, drug dealers should die and their money should be confiscated."

After his Hummer left, the staff of the Financial Secretary immediately became active.

"We can get commission, so if I find out 100 million US dollars, wouldn't it be directly 100,000 US dollars?"

"I think my leather shoe factory must have evaded taxes, so I'm applying for an investigation!"

"Mike, that's your uncle..."

"No, those are U.S. dollars."

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