Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 185: Boy, have you ever seen a slap from the head?

Chapter 185: Boy, have you ever seen a slap from the head?

Mexico is now the "darling" of the news media!

Mainly because Victor is quite "out of the circle".

The new issue of "Time" magazine made him a household name in the United States, and even in a new opinion poll.

78% of American women think Victor is an "excellent" sex partner, and 45% of men think that Victor is also a good partner.

Fortunately, he has not had much energy to pay attention to "off-field" activities recently, otherwise... he would definitely have to give these big brothers some rockets.

The most important thing is that his remarks are very intense, which has caused discussions among all walks of life in the United States, especially what he said, "Drug users should also be shot!"

In Oregon, where drugs are rampant, he is even listed as the most unwelcome person, but in some "old redneck areas", he is a "great" person, which should give those drug-taking blue state bird people a little shock.


Many American and even Canadian reporters hope to interview Victor, and even some small gossip news agencies have come to join in the fun, all of which are not presentable.

Many applications were rejected.

Without influence, Victor wasted his time playing "house" with you?

But these people were reluctant to leave. Since they were here, they bravely came to the front line of the "Hermosillo Steel Plant" and hoped to get some explosive news back.

American newspapers in the 1990s were not doing well.

They couldn't even afford to eat.

A farm 2 kilometers away from the anti-drug unit was the resting place for reporters. Early in the morning, more than a dozen reporters gathered at the village chief's house.

Eating hard-to-swallow tortillas, the atmosphere was a bit quiet.


Suddenly, a photographer sitting on the left side threw the soup spoon in his hand on the table, "How long are we going to stay here? We are gossip reporters, not war reporters. If it doesn't work, can't we make it up ourselves? Didn't the news figures in the past do this?"

These words were said openly, but the reporters present were not surprised at all. Who hasn't done it?

"Bogdan, it is said that Victor is not a good-tempered person. If you write gossip about him, I'm afraid that you will..." A reporter sitting next to him looked at him and joked.

Don't think that no one can do it. In 1985, Colonel Ka was called "mentally ill" by an American newspaper. It was said that his father also had the same disease, and it was inherited from the family.


The newspaper exploded!

Directly solve the problem once and for all.

It was a big fuss at the time. The FBI and CIA were pulled out to whip the corpse. The murderer was also found, but... he was in North Africa. It is said that he was later pinned to the ground by five gangsters because he was too arrogant.

"Biu~" The joking reporter also raised two fingers and made a shooting gesture, and imitated the sound.

Bang bang bang!

There was a sudden gunshot outside, and the reporters in the house were startled. The photographer named Bogdan hurried to the window and looked out, and saw three pickup trucks rushing into the village, and more than a dozen militants jumped off them.

Holding an AK47 and wearing a mask, he fiercely shot the gun at the sky.

"Sinaloa Cartel!" Bogdan saw the logo on the car body at a glance and shouted in panic.

! ! !

"How could drug dealers be here? Aren't there Mexican anti-drug forces in front?"

Bogdan waved his hands, his expression was very excited, "Fuck, I know that Mexicans are useless. God knows whether they are really fighting drugs. Run!"

He shouted to his colleagues in the same newspaper, picked up his bag and rushed out, not paying attention to his feet at all. He kicked the corner of the table and knelt on the ground in embarrassment.

Just then, the door was pushed open.

Bogdan looked up and saw a fat man. The training uniform on his body looked like a turtle shell. He was wearing a mask and sunglasses and holding an AK47 in his hand.

"Gentlemen, uh, and ladies, I am happy to inform you that you have been kidnapped!"

"Does anyone disagree?"


The support troops set out from Tijuana overnight and arrived at the "Hermosillo Steel Plant" in the early morning.

Victor smiled as he watched the TOS-1 come down from the semi-trailer and patted its tracks, "Look, this is my sweetheart!"

Zolf Sherman was curious about this "honeycomb"-like launcher and climbed up to measure the caliber.

What does a 24-barrel 220mm caliber mean?

If you put your fart in it and it comes out, it's called a lethal weapon.

"Director, I don't think I've seen this thing before. Is it our self-developed secret weapon?" Vasily, the new commander of the 442nd Regiment, couldn't help it.

He was very curious about these guys along the way!

He had never seen it before. The most important thing was that he only knew what it was called, the TOS multiple rocket launch system. As for what it launched and how powerful it was, Vasily had no idea.

Victor just smiled when he heard this.

Although this thing was developed in the 1970s, it was equipped to the army in 1998. In order to expand overseas markets, some of its performance was finally disclosed at the "2005 Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition" which just ended.

Is Victor considered a pioneer?


The KGB will not come to assassinate him, right?

Probably not. What can't the Russians sell now? As long as you give money and find the right people, you can do whatever you want.

Didn't the Indian just bribe some people and then borrow 10 billion rubles, well... and then wait for the Russians to collapse, he will pay it back, and the Russians are almost angry enough to kill him.

"You can say that this weapon can determine the direction of the battlefield!" Victor said with a smile, patting the chassis. This is actually the TM T72, weighing 42 tons, suitable for driving in rugged and complex terrain, and maintaining a speed of up to 60 kilometers per hour. At the same time, it also inherits the good protection capabilities of the main battle tank.

And it is also called "flame tank!"

"Quick, drive outside the steel plant and give the drug dealers inside a taste of meat. Today is a holiday!"

"Is it a holiday today?" Vasily looked at the excited boss, scratched his head blankly, looked at Zolph Sherman and asked, "It shouldn't be written on the Mexican calendar."

"Who printed the calendar?"

"Is it bought randomly on the market?"

Zolph Sherman patted him on the shoulder, "Change it internally when the time comes. The others are all wrong. We live on Victor time in Lower California."

Vasily was confused.

And...this saying?

"Boss, is it okay to use it in broad daylight?" Kennedy said to Victor.

"What are you afraid of? The reporters have been captured by me...drug dealers. You let the EDM people release them and dig a tank bunker."

The boss said okay, that's fine!

"Withdraw everyone. No more unnecessary charge. If the drug dealers insist on this steel plant for another three days, my name Victor will be written upside down!"

In the old office building in the steel plant. Alfredo, the fourth of the four Beltran Leyva brothers, ate bread, frowned, and suddenly asked, "Did the police not come in today?"

He didn't hear any gunshots, which was a bit unusual.

He actually wanted to fight street battles in Hermosillo, but the steel plant stood outside the city, which was more suitable for blocking. Moreover, the thickness of the wall was basically several times that of the buildings in the city, which was effective. Alfredo took Los Zetas to move in, and it was just as he thought.

The police's artillery couldn't hit the steel plant at all.

As long as they blocked the anti-drug forces from going south and didn't destroy the Sinaloa headquarters, when Guzman and his men came back from Colombia, it would be time for a counterattack.

At that time...

Return all the pain they suffered to Victor intact!

That bastard...When the anti-drug campaign began, the group had already lost money and was about to become a pair of pants. Fortunately, they could still transport from other places, otherwise they would have disbanded earlier.

"Boss, the police seem to have really withdrawn. Are they afraid?" The drug dealer who went out to take a look came back and said with a smile.

Alfredo's eyes condensed and his eyelids twitched. Afraid?

If they were afraid of death, they would not join the anti-drug team.

"Contact other teams and ask what happened when they fell to the ground?"

Alfredo was responsible for money laundering in the organization. His main goal was to be vigilant and rigorous. Seeing him like this, the drug dealer leaders in the room were all stunned.

"Do you still need to ask..."

"Just ask when I tell you to ask. Why are you talking so much nonsense!" A Los Zetas member standing next to him cursed.

The drug dealer shrank his head and had to take the walkie-talkie to ask, still mumbling.

"Boss, do you suspect there is a conspiracy here?" The Los Zetas team member asked in a low voice.

"My intuition tells me that there is a... ominous premonition."

Intuition is the most mysterious thing!

He walked to the window and looked outside. Just one glance, he saw dozens of rockets flying over from the distant sky?

"Quick! Run to the passage, rockets are coming!"

In the office building, everyone ran in a hurry. There was a safe protective fortress below.

We are used to it.

At first, everyone thought it was just an ordinary... rocket!


The thermobaric bombs in the 24-barreled beehive "rushed" towards the steel plant, and 4 "flame tanks" hit from four different angles!

If there were drones in the sky, you would see what violent bombardment is!

Boom! !

The huge shock wave generated by the thermobaric bomb was clearly visible to Victor even at 2 kilometers away, and it produced a condensation cloud!

This is actually a development of the incendiary bomb, which contains a small amount of high explosives and polyvinyl chloride high-energy solids with aluminum powder added. After the stabilized rocket hits the target.

In about one-third of the blink of an eye, a smaller explosion will occur first, and then within tens of thousands of seconds, the target area will explode again. The aluminum powder will produce a huge pressure explosion wave under high temperature and high pressure combustion!

And high temperature up to thousands of degrees Celsius.

This temperature...

Even if Le Mei came, she would say that the fire was too big, it was burnt, and the taste was not good.

This is not the most terrible thing. The most horrifying thing is that the thermobaric bomb can completely deplete the oxygen in the target area, even if the enemy personnel in the fortifications, bunkers and tunnels are not directly killed.

They will die from the ensuing lack of oxygen!

Well... As for the degree of pain, anyway, no one gave an "X" afterwards, it should be good. Five-star reviewer MacArthur said: "If I had a thermobaric bomb, maybe you should call me the emperor."

Some people also call this weapon: "Controlled dust explosion".

In the Internet age, many online military experts think it is useless, not so magical, and it is still a garbage weapon.

But they...

After all, no one dared to try it.

"One more round!"

Victor put down the telescope, "I didn't see clearly."

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