Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 34 My rules are rules!

Casare came out of Victor's office hiccupping, holding a cardboard box in his hand, and walked towards the emergency team on the fourth floor.

Brothers who have been in prison know that if you are dishonest in prison, you will be punished, but if criminals in Mexico are dishonest, they will riot.

So many young and strong prison guards were organized to form an emergency team in order to suppress sudden dangers.

The number of people is about 170. Different plans will be implemented according to different alarms, and the number of people in the plans also varies.

"Hello, sir!" A prison guard wearing a Policía Tercero (police corporal) was walking out of the room with a washbasin. When he saw Casare, he quickly stood at attention and saluted.

Now the identity of the card boss is also different.

"Is Harrison here? Go get him."

This man was closer to him and was one of the six people he pulled over to help kill Dragan.

The prison guard responded, put on his slippers and ran to the captain's office. After a while, a well-built police sergeant ran out.

Seeing the other person's nervous look, Casare patted him on the shoulder and said, "Everyone gather together and distribute the money!"

Harrison glanced at the box on the ground. The green pesos inside made him swallow his saliva. He took out the whistle from his pocket and blew it.

I heard the sound of chaotic footsteps suddenly, and then members of the emergency team wearing short-sleeved shirts ran out one by one, whispering to each other in confusion.

"Colleagues, I was entrusted by Inspector Victor to come over and give you money."

Casare's first words immediately ignited the audience.

"It's really good money!"

"Is Inspector Victor serious? I thought you were joking?"

"Are you going to pay me today?"

This is the effect you want.

If you don't give out money, people will think you are "drawing" the pie.

It's like every year the government talks about improving police welfare benefits, but... it doesn't happen until the police minister is arrested.

No one above could "bear" to look down.

The Mexican police are also tolerant. They do not learn to demonstrate and shout for their own welfare like the Americans, but they are also very irritable. Seeing that they make less money, they directly become drug dealers.

The moral bottom line is quite flexible.

Casare saw that at least half of the people in the emergency team in front of him had tattoos. Not to mention why the police force didn't have political review, does Mexico need that?

If you go out with a gun and randomly search, you may kill the wrong ones, but you will definitely kill drug dealers.

"Queue up to collect the money. If anyone disobeys the instructions, the extra allowance for this month will be forfeited." Casare shouted at the top of his voice, "By the way, this is called a subsidy, overtime pay!"

After hearing his words, the prison guards lined up hurriedly. Harrison took a table out and placed it in the corridor. Casare was handed out to everyone in person.

The team members who got the money saluted him "sincerely", and it was definitely not for the sake of money.

After more than 40 minutes, everyone had distributed the items. Casare threw the box aside casually and felt sad when he looked at the excited prison guard in front of him.

Really, the Mexican police are simply "model workers."

"We will take them to the Second Ward later. Everyone should wear hoods. Inspector Victor is going to search the Second Ward for contraband tonight!"

Harrison also got money because he was the captain and was given an extra 600 pesos. Can a section member and a director compare?

As long as they have money in their hands, they are willing to fight drug lords with weapons even if you ask them to do so.

Money is more valuable in poorer places.


Harrison stood up straight and responded loudly.

The high-power lighting above the prison area illuminates the playground extremely brightly.

Victor was wearing a black raincoat, with a baton under his arm, but a pistol on his waist. Behind him stood Casare and other cadres.

Standing in front of them were 170 emergency response teams wearing masks and holding weapons.

"Search for all kinds of prohibited items in the prison area, including cigarettes, magazines, guns and ammunition. If you encounter resistance, I allow you to shoot them to death. Do you understand?"

"Sí. Seor!! (Yes! Sir!)"

170 people stood at attention and responded.

See, giving money increases morale BUFF.

"Action." Victor gave the order, and No. 170 was divided into dozens of groups and rushed towards the prison.

"Boss, do you want to confiscate the cigarettes?" Casare asked in a low voice.

"If you want to smoke from now on, you either have to behave well or ask us to buy it. Anything you bring in privately is smuggled. Do you understand?"

"Isn't it expensive if I sell him a cigarette for $1?"

It's okay. Anyway, many of the leaders of gangs and drug cartels in the Second Ward are rich. They really can't let people from outside send money in.

Can I still say that your money is "smuggled"?

Even if someone is unhappy with him (Webster) and sues Alejandro, now the two of them are partners.

If you don’t have money…

Let me tell you, you will not have a good life in prison!

Casare glanced at Best, and the two people's eyes met, and they saw three words at the same time: "black-hearted."

A cigarette costs $1…

Excluding the female prisoners, the male prisoners alone must have at least tens of thousands of dollars a day.

Another huge amount of income.

However, Victor has thought about it and will continue to increase the income of prison guards. As long as they make more money, the cost for outside drug dealers to bribe them will become higher, and he will be safer.

After waiting for the emergency team to take action, Victor and his team arrived at Cell No. 1.

Just heard the shouting.

"Fuck! Dog police! We are going to sleep, do you know? What are you doing in here? Get out!"

A thin man with a ferocious face and a tattoo showing MS-13 was followed by prisoners who were also cheering.

There are about 20 people living in one prison, and it looks very crowded.

They don't have the studio apartment of the boss of the Third Ward.

Tart tart tart~

The sound of leather boots on the ground attracted the attention of the people in the cell. Victor stood at the door, glanced at it, and walked slowly over. The sound of footsteps on the ground seemed to be beating in the heart, which was depressing. .

"Are you not convinced?" Victor looked at him condescendingly, his eyes resting on his arms, "MS-13? American gang? Ha!"

As soon as he said the "ha" sound, the rubber roller he held in his hand hit the opponent's head directly. It was solid inside.

If anyone feels it doesn’t hurt, you can buy it and try it yourself.

As soon as the stick was struck, the opponent lay on the ground with his head covered, a lot of blood showing between his fingers, and he looked miserable.

The prisoners behind him stood up "full of indignation" when they saw the cell boss being beaten.

"Emergency team, prepare to shoot!" Casare shouted from behind.

The guards in this group opened the safety and faced the prisoners.

One of them was holding a Winchester Defender 1300 shotgun!

The weapons of the emergency unit are quite good.

Just a small amount.

But there is always a stubborn person, perhaps because he is used to being arrogant.

"I don't believe you dare to shoot, kill me, I'll have your whole family killed!" A big man who looked like "Brother Kui" ran out cursing.


Do you know what it's like to hit someone with a shotgun at close range?

It didn't fly out like in the movie, it was too exaggerated.

But it can be regarded as a "bad death". From the chest to the stomach, there was a bloody mess, and he didn't even scream.

The hands of the prison guard who fired the shot were shaking.

This is exciting!

In prison, when they saw prisoners who were shorter than others, they finally felt proud this time.

And with a hood on, who knew it was me?

This shot shocked the prisoners greatly. They looked at each other, hoping that someone would come out again, but it would be different if the police really fired.

"From now on, in prison, my rules will be the rules. If I say 1+1 equals 3, he must equal 3. Even Einstein has to say 3!"

Victor looked at the prisoner in front of him, his eyes shining.


The prison guard shot and killed the man just now, so he was given 6,000 extra points!

I wish I could clear out the second prison.

But this idea only turned around and was extinguished. If everyone died, I really wouldn't be able to survive tomorrow.

However, if you have the power, you can find a few old immortals from the third prison and kill them, right?

Still have to climb up.

I really want to kill the entire country’s drug dealers!

"Pull this guy to the playground and hang him up. If he's not dead, he'll be sent to the infirmary tomorrow."

Victor glanced at the prisoner lying on the ground, and stepped on the prisoner's wrist, causing the prisoner to scream in pain.


"I have to remind you that in plateau prison, God should believe in me!"

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