Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 60 Victor’s Fire Theory!

The speed of the civilian cargo ship was not slow either.

But by the time we saw Guadalupe Island, the sky had turned gray.

And a fierce battle was taking place on the dock.

A Mi-8 armed helicopter bombed the dock back and forth. This was Victor's purpose: if we didn't kill all the drug dealers, we wouldn't have to build infrastructure!

The drug dealers, who had long been afraid of helicopters, cried and screamed, and many even jumped off the dock. A wave came and they disappeared in an instant.

This is the Pacific Ocean, brother, not your neighborhood swimming pool.

Kennedy Heisenberg and 20 EDM members got off the civilian ship, got on the captured assault boat, and rushed towards the dock.

The machine gun on the bow began to fire.

This is called taking the lead.

Even if you can't kill people, you can still scare them.

In fact, in modern warfare, it takes an average of about 10,000 bullets to kill an enemy. Sometimes you may seem to be fighting fiercely, but the unlucky ones are the pedestrians walking by. If it is an African, this number will be longer given their casual shooting skills.

"Run! Victor has hit the island!"

A small drug dealer leader stomped his feet hard and shouted at the drug dealers who rushed over, "Don't run, don't run!"

But the drug dealers who have been beaten and have lost their energy and spirit don't care who you are?

After resisting for less than ten minutes, the gunfire gradually stopped.

The Mi-8 circled around the dock.

"Pull the boat over!"

The Norwegian captain had a bitter face and wanted to slap himself. He shouldn't have taken this business. In the short term, he can't think of taking the Tijuana sea route. The drug dealers must hate him.


When the ship docked at the pier, there was a dull sound, and the ship shook, which made the seasick people feel a little dizzy. When the cargo hold was opened, the TPz-1 armored vehicle rushed out first.

The convoy did not stay at the pier for long and drove directly to the police station.

The sudden convoy attracted many residents to stand on the balcony to watch. The words "Policía" (Police) were written on the body of the car, reminding everyone that the new armed forces have officially intervened!

Some people were happy, while others were hesitant.

But this time the battle looked really big.

"Mom, are these the police?" In a residential building on the side of the road, a little boy stood on a chair and looked out. He looked at the woman next to him and whispered, "I know the words on their car."

"The teacher said that Policía is specifically for beating bad guys, right?"

"Then will you not be charged protection fees when you set up a stall in the future?"

"Why didn't I see the police on Guadalupe Island before?"

"Can they save my dad?"

The series of questions made the woman unable to answer, and she just wiped her tears.

No matter how much the drug dealers "control" the basic territory, they are criminal organizations after all, not charity organizations. On a small island like Guadalupe Island hanging in the Pacific Ocean, they are even more unscrupulous.

All men are forced to serve drug dealers!

Help them transport, unload and smuggle goods!

If you don't agree, you will all be fed to sharks.

Many family pillars died during this period.

In other words: Guadalupe Island has suffered from drug dealers for a long time!

Although the new police force seems to be well-armed and has good morale, who knows whether they can control the safety of the island?

The public does not have much confidence in Victor.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"

"Butcher! Get out of our hometown!"

"We don't need the police, we have our own order!"

Just as the woman was wiping her tears, a team of hundreds of people appeared in front of the motorcade, both men and women, many of whom were old, even on crutches, and they held banners in their hands: Guadalupe Island belongs to the real people!

They were furious, and they threw stones in their hands at the motorcade.

They all looked like a group of warriors protecting their homes.

But this is also one of the methods used by drug dealers.

In fact, this group of people is also a member of the drug cartel. They were once the backbone when they were young, but now they are generally older. According to the basic point of view, even if you are a criminal, you should be "forgiven" when you are old.

As for taking stones and not guns, it is also because from this point of view, they are just "civilians!"

It can be written in a big way in public opinion.

Drug dealers have killed many government departments with this method.

Evil people like to disgust people with goodness mixed with shit.

The tweeter on the TPz-1 armored vehicle made a "sizzling" sound, "Any attack on law enforcement officers is illegal, and our department firmly defends the security and stability of Guadalupe Island..."

But this dispersal voice obviously has no lethality to these old drug dealers, and some people even smashed the tweeter with stones.

"Since persuasion is useless, let the caliber speak! Shoot!"

Old drug lord?

He is also a drug lord!

Do you really think that Uncle Victor is kind?

The wealth you have enjoyed should be returned today!

The police in the TPz-1 armored vehicle heard Victor's order, and without hesitation, they turned on the weapon system and loaded the bullets.


Da da da da da da...

The old drug dealers in front, with an average age of 65+, were directly killed like targets!

The old drug dealers cried and screamed, dropped the flag and ran away, but they were old and their legs were not smooth. The advantage of turning around and running was that they were shot in the back of the head.

"The police opened fire!"

The nearby residential buildings were in an uproar. They heard about the conflict in front of the police station, but they didn't see it with their own eyes.

But this time, they shot at the drug dealers in the residential area.

This is equivalent to...

Modern people know about dinosaurs and understand that they are awesome, but they don't know why they are awesome. One day, they appeared and killed everyone. This is the sense of déjà vu.


The convoy continued to move forward, and the old drug dealers who were not killed screamed.

"Pablo, save me! Pull me up quickly."


The tires of the armored vehicle ran over directly, and screams were heard.

Parents in the nearby residential area hurriedly covered their children's eyes to prevent them from seeing such a cruel scene.

"Mom, don't cover my eyes, I'm grown up." The little boy pried open his mother's hands and looked out hard.

In his eyes...

The reflected picture is like this.

A mighty armored vehicle ran over the drug dealers, and the arrogant "old men" began to scream, and the drug dealers who only knew how to bully the islanders began to beg for mercy. They were also in pain...

"Use violence to maintain law and order?" The little boy murmured, his eyes shining.

"Victor's violent law and order theory" began to take root.

The streets were full of blood...

The loudspeakers on the armored vehicle began to play sounds.

"Narcotraficantes, han salido a recoger sus cadáveres!"

"The drug dealers are coming out to collect the bodies!"





In a two-story building in the distance, beyond the range of the armored vehicle's artillery, there were many drug lords gathered here.

All the prominent figures on Guadalupe Island came.

When they saw this scene in the distance, they all cursed.

"What should we do? This damn Victor is going to fight us to the end!"

"Call someone to charge the police station again. I don't believe we can't kill him!"

Most drug lords have not received proper education and have very bad tempers.

"I think we can try another way."

A man wearing glasses and a suit, who looked gentle, suddenly raised his hand.

"Alberto, what do you think?"

"Yes, you studied in the United States and have some ideas. Tell me."

Alberto pushed his glasses on his nose with his hand.

"We can ask the vendors not to provide them with food and living supplies. Many supplies on the island are under our control. We will fight with him. It won't be long before he cooperates with us or surrenders."

The eyes of the drug lords around him lit up.

"This is a good idea."

"Okay, let's do it this way. Let the people below notify everyone. If anyone sells supplies to those policemen, their whole family will be killed!"


PS: I'll give you everything. Don't scold me!

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