Working Out Issues

12. Trying On Clothes

I took a deep breath, closed Adam's door behind me, and turned to the mirror. Moment of truth!

I had maybe gotten a little carried away while choosing an outfit. I started simple, with some of the items I had actually asked Adam to buy. Specifically a plain white bra and panty set. And thanks to my obsessive measuring, they fit perfectly! Maybe even too perfectly. The bra really enhanced my cleavage, and when I examined myself in the mirror, it honestly looked like I had real boobs. Which was... kind of exciting. I mean, it's always nice to see boobs, right? So it seemed like a waste to cover them up.

So I had looked through the bags of clothes until I found this little floral romper that looked like it might work. The bottom half was like loose but really short shorts, which totally showed off my legs, which I knew Adam would approve of. The top half was a kind of flowy wrap blouse, with a deep neckline, so it was almost like a robe, with a sash around the waist that I could tighten. So I tightened it up, and realised, with a kind of thrill, that not only was my waistline really starting to shrink, but even better, it showed off my cleavage in a very classy, but also totally-right-there kind of way.

I mean, not "even better". Duh. Obviously the waistline shrinking thing was better. But the cleavage thing was just, like. Funny. And Adam would get a kick out of it.

I kind of admired myself in the little mirror in my wardrobe for a bit. No one was watching, and how often would I ever be able to check myself out wearing clothes like this? So I tried a few poses. Leaning forward so I could peek down my top, looking seductively over my shoulder, with the side of my top pulled away so my bra strap was showing... Just, like, poses that you would see in a magazine, from some hot model. And it was just, like, kind of silly to imagine myself posing like that for someone. I dunno, it was fun!

I tried to pull my shorts up at the back just a little, to see if I could see the underside of my butt peeking out of my shorts, but the mirror wasn't really at the right angle. Even if I stood on my tiptoes, which made my butt stick out even more, I couldn't really get the effect I was going for. But that gave me an idea, and I quickly hunted through the bags until I found a shoebox, which contained -- score! -- a pair of sandles with a little wedge heel. Hardly the sort of thing I would actually wear in real life, but perfect for my little modelling session!

So I slipped on the sandals, which were surprisingly comfortable, and teetered my way towards the full size mirror in Adam's room, which was unsurprisingly hard, even with the core strength and balance I had unlocked through all my hours of aerobics. But I made it to his room, and closed the door just in case Adam suddenly came home, and turned to the mirror to see myself in my new outfit for the first time.

And I looked...

Fucking amazing.

I mean, my hair was all over the place, obviously.

And my legs were still kinda flabby. And my arms.

And I still had a super chubby face.

And I was really pale, and clearly out of balance in the heels, and I didn't have a thigh gap, or a perfect nose, and my eyes were kinda beady, and I was sweaty and flushed, and I had fat rolls on my neck, and a double chin, and a million other stupid things were wrong with my terrible body.

But I still looked pretty good. And I could fix my hair!

So I started on that. I grabbed my hair stuff (and all my moisturizer and stuff, because you can't sleep on that shit!) and started getting myself ready. But I wasn't sure what sort of hairstyle to go with. I wanted it to keep it casual, so I ended up going with my hair pulled back into a high ponytail, but with a couple strands hanging loose to frame my face, as kind of... a subtle reminder of how I looked last night. Before I got into Adam's bed. But something still wasn't quite right. I tried some more poses in the mirror. I hiked up my bra and adjusted my romper so my boobs were really popping out in the front, and you could totally see the bottom of my buns jiggling in the back (nailed it), and then twisted in the mirror so that both were kind of on display, and looked seductively over my shoulder and pouted and... something was missing.

I tried fluttering my eyelashes but it just wasn't the right effect. Maybe if I had some mascara on, or something? I couldn't think about it for long, because as I was making kissy faces into the mirror, I realised I could see Adam standing, mouth agape, in the open doorway.

"Oh my god!" I shrieked, instantly jumping out of the pose and almost out of my skin, "Fucking knock! I'm not ready yet!"

"Sorry!" yelped Adam. He darted back into the hallway and yanked the door shut behind him. Then, after a second: "Hey, that's my room!"

"I needed to use the mirror!" I yelled. I looked back at the mirror, and suddenly things were not looking so great. I definitely needed mascara. Or, even better, I needed to get out of this stupid fucking romper and heels and put on some normal clothes like a normal guy.

"Adam, go to the kitchen for a second, I need to get changed!"I yelled.

"What?!" Adam protested from the hallway, "You look fucking amazing!"

"I look like an idiot, dude!"

"No you don't, bro! You look... really hot right now!"

I paused. Something in that last sentence actually sounded sincere. I wobbled my way to the door and opened it a crack, just enough to peek out. Adam was leaning nervously against the wall.

"Do I actually look hot," I said, deadpan.

"Yes, dude," Adam nodded feverishly, "You look so good."

I squinted suspiciously, "But do I actually look good, or do I just look "wow it's so brave to be fat and wear clothes" good."

"Bro," Adam said seriously, "You are objectively hot."

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, dude. You're objectively hot. Michelle Champion is objectively hot. I'm relatively hot, compared to how I used to look, at best."

"You're hotter than Michelle Champion," Adam said, with no hesitation.

I laughed, "How would you even know that, dude? You're only into girls."

Adam blushed, "I mean... obviously it's not that simple."

Oof. I guess that was kind of a dick thing for me to say, considering Adam's history with girls and shallow attraction. His relationship with women was far from simple indeed. I sighed and stepped out into the hallway. Adam bit his lip and looked up and down my body, like he was drinking in the whole outfit. He grinned and looked right in my eyes.

"Definitely objectively hot," he said.

I groaned, "Alright, alright! I'll take the compliment! Thank you, my sweet prince."

Adam didn't say his half of the joke. Instead he just stepped forwards, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me in for a long, sweet kiss.  I let myself soften and fall into his strong, hard body. Ugh! A part of me was gonna miss this when him and Ashanti got together.

Adam's hands made their way down to my butt, and slid up under the loose legs of my shorts to gently squeeze my buttocks. It felt really nice, like it had last night, but it was maybe going a little too far. I made a little noise of disapproval, or at least I thought about doing that. But when Adam's strong fingers sank into my supple butt cheeks, he let out a long sigh of contentment, and I just couldn't bear to interrupt. I waited until we broke to draw breathe, and pulled back a bit. Adam was still gently massaging my butt, and I still had my arms around his shoulders. But our faces were far enough away that they weren't, like, physically touching. Roommate distance.

"This is a really nice outfit," I said.

"Definitely," said Adam. He leaned in to kiss me, but I turned my head to the side. I wanted to be serious! Adam's lips found my neck and started planting kisses there, which sent tingles through my body. I kept talking between little gasps.

"I guess the (oh!) sales lady who (uh!) sold it to (ooh!) me must have --" I couldn't do it! I pulled back further and stopped Adam with a hand against his cheek, "She must have really known her stuff, right?" I finished.

"Yeah," said Adam breathlessly, "Totally."

I smiled cheekily, "I wonder if she has equally good taste in men?"

Adam's brow furrowed, "Uh... I don't know what you mean."

"I mean, I know you told her you have a girlfriend, but maybe if she had known you were single, things would have gone a little different, right?" I smirked.

Adam really looked confused now. Oh, I actually felt kinda bad teasing him like this. But he would see the funny side of it on Friday!

"Hey, I really am sorry about screwing up," he said, "And I didn't want to pressure you into having to wear them. It's just... you really do look amazing right now. But I know you would look amazing without the clothes."

"Bet you'd like to see the lady from the department store without her clothes too," i teased. Adam's mouth fell open, and I heard a ding from my phone. I quickly extricated my butt from Adam's grasp, and skipped over to pick it up.

It was Jeremy, with a simple message. Him and Ashanti were gonna spend the day bingeing TV, and he was ready for me to come over and help set up her date with destiny. Destiny in this case meaning Adam!

I almost went straight for the door, but my current outfit was probably not ready for anyone's eyes besides Adam's, so instead I brushed by him on the way to my room.

"I gotta get changed," I said, "I'm heading to Jeremy's. I left some eggs in the microwave. Don't wait up!"

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