Working Out Issues

6. Massage

"Fuck me!' I groaned. I dumped my bag on the ground and collapsed on the futon. I lay there face down, letting the waves of shame and frustration roll over my body. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I heard a clatter, and heavy footsteps, and turned my head to see Adam with his shirt half buttoned up and a bottle of vodka in his had. I groaned and buried my face back into the futon.

"You definitely didn't say "Come hug me" this time, did you?" said Adam. I laughed bitterly into the cushion.

I heard Adam put the vodka down, then felt his strong hands gently rubbing my shoulder. I sighed and sat up. He sat down on the futon beside me. I shrank away from him.

"I can't come to the bar tonight, dude," I said, "I'm sorry."

"Oh crap," he said, "Is everything okay? Was work alright?"

"I don't think so," I sighed. I screwed up my face, not feeling like I could even look at my so-much-more-successful roommate.

"What happened?" he asked softly, reaching out to rub my shoulder again. I tensed up.

"I don't know," I said, "I was feeling so confident before. I got these great new pants and this top that fits really well, but... my chest was really hurting, because it didn't have support, and so I got this new bra and... and..."

I stood up, unbuttoned the first few buttons on my blouse, and pulled it open, "Fucking LOOK at that."

Adam gasped, "Whoa, bro. I almost feel like I shouldn't. It kinda looks like you have... cleavage?"

I laughed, "No, dummy. I know that, it just happens when my chest gets pushed up. But look at the edges of the cups."

I undid the rest of the buttons on my blouse and leaned forwards, pushing my chest up further towards Adam so he could see. Yeah, in the middle there was kind of a deep valley of cleavage, from the two round globes of my chest getting squeezed together. That was just natural, I saw it every day when I was adjusted my sports bra. But on the edges you could see how my bra was way too tight, and was digging into the flesh of my chest, so it spilled out over the sides.

"It's just as bad on my back," I said, "I could feel it the whole drive to work. And then I couldn't stop thinking about it, how fat and gross and pathetic I am. And I felt like everybody else was just staring at me. They kept saying stuff about my appearance. Like, about my hair, and my skin and stuff. And then they were talking about my "work ethic" and everything and I just... I didn't even know what to do. I just kind of zoned out and gave one word answers. And then they said they needed to make a decision but they would call later tonight. So I guess I have to sit here and wait for them to fire me!"

Adam dragged his eyes up from my pathetic, flabby chest to my face. For some reason he looked a little flushed, "That's awful, dude. Are you sure they're going to fire you? Maybe you were just in a bad headspace because you felt self-conscious?"

"I doubt it," I sniffed. I flomped down on the futon next to Adam.

"What kind of stuff were they saying, bro? About, like, your hair and stuff?"

"I dunno, like, "Wow, it's so long," or "It looks like you live by the beach!" You know, like, saying I was lazy or something? And about my skin, like, one of my bosses shook my hand and was like "Your skin is so soft", like she was calling me a wimp."

Adam shook his head, "No way, bro. Those all sound like genuine compliments. Did they say anything about your chest?"

"No, thank fuck. I don't think they noticed. They just said they were really impressed by how much weight I lost. I just said something about, like, eating healthy and daily aerobics. And then I felt weird about not talking about work, so I said maybe they could start offering like a health and fitness program at the office. So dumb."

"No way," Adam said. He shuffled closer and put an arm around my shoulders. Reluctantly, I relaxed into it and leaned against his strong, supportive body. "Did they say anything about work?"

"Just stuff about, like, I was so "independent" and a really "out-of-the-box thinker", and stuff," I whined, "I think they meant that I don't know what I'm doing and I'm not part of the team."

"Mel, bro," Adam sighed. He wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me close. I sniffled and pulled my leg up, turning so I could straddle his lap and rest my head on his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist, and hugged me tightly. His strong arms felt so comforting and nice around my body. He must give the best bro hugs at the gym. "I swear, all these things sound really positive," Adam continued, "I really think you were just in a negative mindset because of the bra."

I sniffed again, "You really think so?"

"Definitely," said Adam, smiling at me.

I smiled back weakly, "Could you help take it off for me, please? It's really uncomfortable."

"Of course, dude," said Adam. I let my open blouse fall to the floor, then he reached up, gently moving my long, wavy hair out of the way, and started fiddling with my bra. I expected him to have some trouble after his years without practice, but he unhooked it easily. I shrugged it off and he chucked it across the apartment.

"There," he said, "Now my beautiful princess is free."

I groaned and buried my head in his shoulder.

"Whoa, is everything okay, dude?" he said, "I can stop calling you that, if it's getting annoying, or..."

"No, I know it's just a joke," I sighed, "The sad thing is, it actually feels nice being complimented. Even though it's just a joke."

Adam pulled back from the hug and looked me in the eye, "Well, the princess part might be a joke, but you know what, bro? You ARE beautiful. You're a beautiful person. You're funny, and smart, and you're really thoughtful, and you're always there for me. And you have beautiful hair, and your skin is really soft and smooth and nice, and you have really great legs, and your ass is amazing."

I giggled with surprise, blushing hard, "You like my ass?"

"Oh, uh," Adam stuttered. His grip loosened on my waist, "Sorry, that, that came out super weird. I meant, uh, meant like, one guy to another, like, the squats are paying off, and it's strong. It's, it's a strong ass."

"Oh my god," I giggled, "You are such a dork."

Adam looked offended for a second, then his face broke into a wide grin, "It's a strong ass!"

"Well, thank you," I smiled, "I work hard on my ass. I just wish my chest was progressing as much. That stupid bra had, like, no support. My chest and back really ache right now."

Adam's eyes lit up, "Dude! I can totally give you a massage! I've been learning how for work, you would be perfect practice!"

"Really?" I asked. I shifted back so I was resting on his lower thighs instead of being pressed right up against him, "I don't want to make you late for the bar. Especially now that you don't have a wingman."

Adam shrugged, "Screw the bar. You were there to hug me when I needed you, now I'm gonna be here to massage you."

I blushed harder and smiled, "Thanks, sweet prince."

"No problem, beautiful princess," Adam beamed. I swung my leg back so he could stand up, and he ran to his bedroom, quickly returning with a towel and some massage oil. He set out the towel on the futon and I kicked my shoes off and laid on my stomach on top of it. I could feel the beachy waves of my hair cascading down my back. It tickled a little.

"Okay, not to be weird," Adam began, which was always a good sign, "But I'm still pretty new at this, and I don't want to drip oil all over your only set of pants. So maybe-"

"You want me to take them off?" I said, looking back nervously over my shoulder. I could see my own full, round ass in my tight work pants. Adam was right, it did look pretty good. I had heard that girls actually liked it when a guy had a nice ass. Maybe I was closer to getting some action than I thought!

"Yeah, I was thinking maybe change into some sweatpants?" Adam said, "Or you could just take your slacks off. I mean, I've seen you in less."

"Oh god, don't remind me," I sighed. That had been really embarrassing, getting caught totally unaware, with my whole pale, chubby body on display. I could feel myself getting goosebumps just remembering that moment of being naked with Adam staring at me. On the other hand, I was already lying down, and I just wanted the ache in my back to stop.

"Um, I think I just want to take my pants off," I said, "But I feel really self conscious, like, I feel weird just being out here on display? If that makes sense?"

"Dude, totally," said Adam, "That's why I don't do bodybuilding comps anymore. It's just so uneven, with everybody fully dressed, staring at you covered in oil."

"Yeah," I said. Oh man, I couldn't even imagine being in that situation. I would so much rather be in the crowd, watching Adam. He must have looked amazing, with his rippling abs and bulging arm muscles gleaming.

"Hey bro, what about this?" said Adam, "How about if I just get in my underwear too? Then it's not like you're on display, we're just two guys hanging out. Like we're in the changing room or whatever? Right?"

"I guess that wouldn't be weird," I smiled at him.

"Awesome!" he pumped a fist, then quickly unbuttoned his shirt and wiggled out his pants. I laughed at his energy. It was like he was a teenager getting ready to lose his virginity. Not that I'd ever experienced that.

Soon Adam was standing behind me just wearing a pair of black boxer briefs. They clung tight to his muscular thighs. I sighed at the sight of his unbelievably shredded body. There wasn't a single part of him that wasn't perfect - tight pecs, clearly defined six pack abs, he even had that muscly V shape, like an arrow pointing down towards his dick, although I managed to avoid actually checking out his bulge. That would be a little weird!

"Adam, you look amazing," I said, turning sadly away, "I wish I looked like that."

"Hey, bro, come on," I heard Adam say, "You can't compare yourself to other people. It's just pointless. The only person you should compare yourself to, is the version of yourself that you used to be. And compared to how you used to look a couple months ago, you're even more amazing."

I squirmed a little on the futon. Fuck it, he was right! Forget that stupid bra, I was so much fitter and more active than I used to be. And I had a strong ass!

"Thanks, Adam," I said, blushing. I reached my hands down to try and undo the button fly on my pants, but for some reason I was a little sweaty and my fingers were slipping on the buttons.

Adam must have noticed me struggling, "Here dude, I'll help you."

I felt his arms encircle me. I raised my butt off the futon so his strong hands could slip under me, brushing against my waist as they reached for my fly. I sucked in my tummy so it wouldn't get in the way. Adam made short work of the buttons, then gently tugged down the waistband of my pants. I wriggled on the futon to help him drag them down my legs, slowly revealing my plump ass, barely covered by my tight black panties.

"Thanks dude," I said.

"No worries, bro," said Adam. He brushed my hair to the side, then stepped away to gather up my pants and blouse and folded them neatly over a chair. God, he's so thoughtful. Then I heard him unscrewing the lid from his bottle of massage oil. I tensed up a little in anticipation. I expected him to pour it onto his hands and then rub it in, but he surprised me by drizzling it onto my naked back.

"Oh!" I gasped.

"Is everything okay?" Adam said. He stopped pouring.

"It's cold," I said, "I'm okay. Just a little surprised!"

"Oh shit, sorry!" said Adam. He put down the bottle, and leaned over to start gently rubbing the oil into my back, "They fully told me I was meant to rub it into my hands first, I totally forgot. Sorry."

"It's okay," I said. His powerful fingers were just gently brushing over my back, but already I could feel myself relaxing. "Sorry I gasped like that."

"Oh no, dude, let it out," said Adam, "I mean that was totally my fault, bro. But also, like, you should hear the insane sounds I make when I'm lifting. It's all part of it. If you try and hold back the sounds your body wants to make, it's just gonna distract you or tense you up weird. It's way better to just let them happen."

"Oh, okay," I said. That made sense. I definitely found myself grunting and gasping a lot trying to follow Michelle Champion's lessons. In fact, Michelle Champion herself made some pretty weird sounds too. "So, if I feel like making some sort of noise, I should just do it?"

"Totally," said Adam, pressing down into my shoulders. I moaned. He laughed, "Yeah, dude! Just like that!"

"Mmm," I moaned, letting my eyes close. God, Adam felt so good, rubbing my shoulders, working out all the knots and kinks that had built up throughout the day. The heat from our bodies had warmed up the oil, and now his strong hands felt hot and slick as they penetrated my sore muscles. I moaned again, "Mmuh, ohhh."

"Yeah dude, just like that," Adam repeated quietly, clearly focused on giving me the best massage possible, "I'm just gonna put down the other side of the futon so I can get a better angle, is that cool?"

"Mm, yeah," I moaned. Adam reached down and wiped one of his hands clean on the towel, right beside me. I turned my head so I could see his muscular arm working. Oil had crept down to his forearm and even just the muscles in his wrist looked incredible, like one hand would be enough to totally pin me down against the futon if he wanted to. Instead of that, he pulled the lever to let the back of the futon flip down.

"Okay," said Adam, one hand still masterfully squeezing the tension out of my shoulder, "I think the best angle is gonna be if I straddle you and kind of lean over your back. Is that okay? Sorry, I'm used to practicing with a massage table."

As he finished speaking, his thumb pressed down right on a really tender part of my back.

I moaned, "Ughhh, yessss dude. That's sooooo fine."

"Great!" he said. He climbed onto me, straddling my legs so that his crotch was pressed up against the bottom of my ass. He leaned over me and started working the muscles of my lower back. I kept moaning and sighing as he pressed deeply into me. As his thumbs dug into my tender spots, I would gasp with the pain, but as he kept pushing it would fade into pure relaxation and my gasps would turn into moans of pleasure.

Adam poured more oil onto my back. I gasped again.


"Oh shit, sorry! I keep forgetting!" he said, "Here, I'll warm it up."

He leaned down over me, so that his entire chest was pressed against my back. I moaned. It actually felt so good, the weight of him pushing me down into the futon as he squeezed my shoulders again. He was so hot, and I felt like I could feel every one of his muscles pressing into my soft body. As he rubbed his chest against my back, I could feel the soft bulge in his boxer briefs rocking up against my panty-clad ass, so close to where my own soft dick was tucked back. I tried to ignore it, and just moaned with the pleasure of his hot body against me.

"Is that better?" he asked. His mouth was right next to my ear and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Ohhh, that's sooo goood," I panted, "Adam, you're amaaaazing at thisss."

"Thanks, bro," he said, "I'm just glad I can help you relax. It sounds like you had a really rough day."

I groaned, "Ughh, don't remind me. My chest still feels so sore."

"Do you want to turn over?" Adam said.

"Yesss please," I sighed.

My eyes were still closed as I felt Adam get up, and I sighed sadly as his weight shifted off me. But I quickly opened my eyes wide when I realised that now Adam's chest was totally oiled up. Just like in that bodybuilding competition from two years ago that made his mean coworker want to have sex with him. My pulse quickened, because I knew Adam was probably feeling really fragile right now. I carefully rolled over, lying on my back, and saw him.

He was standing nervously at the end of the futon, hugging his arms across his chest. Every part of him was gleaming, from his broad, powerful shoulders, to his rippling abs. He looked like a Greek god glowing in the moonlight, or... like a personal trainer illuminated by an electric lamp. Either way, on a purely objective level, he was breathtaking.

I controlled my racing heart and smiled up at him, "Hi, sweet prince."

He smiled back nervously, "Hi, beautiful princess."

I spread my legs so he could come kneel between them, "Are you gonna massage me or what, bro?"

Adam's small smile broke into a wide grin when he realised it wasn't going to be awkward between us. Poor guy. Being viewed as a sex object had clearly done a number on him if he didn't even feel comfortable in front of a platonic friend. He climbed onto the futon, kneeling between my legs, and carefully poured more massage oil onto his hands.

"Nice," I smirked.

"I'm learning!" he said, "Uhh... that said... I haven't really done the front half of a person yet. Where should I start?"

"With my chest, dude," I said.

"Well, yeah," said Adam, "But like, is it actually your pecs hurting? Or your traps? Or is it straining your serratus anterior muscles-"

"Oh my god, you're worse than the girl at the department store," I sighed, "I don't know the name, just, like, where my nipples are. My breasts."

Adam laughed, "They're so not called breasts, dude."

"Screw you," I laughed back at him, "I'm doubling down. Massage my boobs."

"Okay, princess," Adam smirked. He reached forward and started gently rubbing the sides of my breasts. I moaned. After hanging free and then getting squished together all day, having this gentle pressure against them felt so good.

"Yesss, dude," I sighed. Adam rubbed a little harder, moving from the sides down to the bottom of my breasts, cupping them tenderly in his strong, masculine hands, lifting and separating them gently before squeezing them together. I exhaled slowly. It felt so different to how he massaged my back, but so, so good. Adam was a genius at this.

"Is this okay?" he asked, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

"You're doing soooo gooood," I said, closing my eyes and relaxing into the futon, "Just keep doing that."

"Whatever you say, princess," said Adam.

I frowned, "Beautiful princess."

"Of course, sorry," Adam laughed, "Beautiful princess, obviously." He leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead as he kept carefully massaging my breasts. I sighed with contentment. The massage just felt so good. He leaned forward again and kept giving me little, silly kisses. On my forehead, on my cheeks, on the side of my neck. I sighed.

"You seem really relaxed, dude," Adam said.

I smiled, "I really, really am."

"That's so good," said Adam. His thumbs moved in slow, sweeping circles across my breasts, "I honestly have never massaged someone's chest before, so as long as this is working I-"

"Oh!" I gasped. A tingle was running through my body.

"Shit, bro, everything okay?" Adam froze.

"Ooh, no, do that again!" I said. I opened my eyes and looked down at where Adam's hands had stopped. His right thumb was just pressed against my nipple, "Rub my nipple again, that felt really good!"

"Really?" Adam said quizzically, "I didn't think it was possible to have tension stored in your nipple..."

"I don't know dude, it just felt really, really nice." I said. I didn't understand it either, but I guess maybe being chafed up against that tight bra had made my nipples a pressure point, because as Adam started slowly rubbing them again I found myself gasping and shaking at his touch, "Ohhhh my god Adam! Mmm, yesss."

"Man, this is so crazy," Adam panted. He was leaning right over me, his hot, slick fingers pressing and rubbing against my hard nipples, sending little electric shocks of pleasure through my body, "They literally never mentioned this during my first couple of classes. But it seems so effective."

He lifted his hands like he was going to move onto another part of my body. I grabbed his wrists, pulling his hands back desperately, "Don't stop!"

"Okay, relax!" Adam laughed, "I was just gonna get some more oil, bro! You're such a demanding little princess."

"BEAUTIFUL princess," I gasped, panting and laughing.

"Beautiful princess," Adam grinned, leaning forward and kissing my left cheek, then my right cheek, then finally giving me a peck on the lips. His fingers found my nipples again, and started squeezing and pinching them. Without the oil, his fingertips felt so rough and manly.

"Keep doing that," I moaned.

"Which part?" Adam asked, but I was in too much bliss to respond. He kept tweaking my nipples, and hesitantly leaned forward and pecked me on the lips again. I moaned. He kissed me again, a little longer this time, gently pressing his lips against mine. My whole body was just shaking - the heat from our bodies pressed together, the amazing feeling of his strong hands playing with my breasts, all the stress and tension from the day being released, and the delicate, intimate feeling of this incredibly powerful man kissing me so softly, our pure bond of friendship - all the feelings were so overwhelming. I let go of Adam's wrists, grabbed him around the shoulders and pulled him hard towards me. He slipped in all the oil and came down on top of me, pressing against my body like he had when he was on my back. He kissed me again, and I kissed him back. I felt his lips part and I let mine part too, and just as our tongues started to touch I felt something hard pressing against my tucked-back dick in my panties -

And then the phone rang.

"Oh shit! Work!" I yelled. I slid out from underneath Adam, leaving him panting on the futon, and ran for my phone. It nearly shot out of my slippery hands, but I managed to fumble it back and hit answer, "Hello?"

Like I figured, it was my boss. Only she wasn't calling to fire me. As I stood there, trying not to breathe heavily into the phone, supporting my slippery breasts with one hand, my boss explained to me how everyone was so pleased with the quality and efficiency of my work, and so impressed with how I had clearly managed to juggle that with taking great care of my health, that they had decided to implement the health and fitness program I had suggested, and give me a raise for coming up with it. I was so blown away I didn't know how to respond, so I just thanked her effusively, and she ended by wishing me a good night. I hung up the phone and looked back at Adam. He was sitting on the towel on the futon, grinning up at me.

I pointed at him warningly, "Don't say you told me so!"

"Well, it sounds like I was right, bro!" he said, "I told you, everything went great, you were just projecting because you felt self-conscious."

"Shut up, dude, you don't even know what she said."

"Oh, yeah, she fired you and you were just super happy and beaming about it and thanked her a hundred times," he smirked.

I blushed and smiled back, "Okay, fine, you were right!"

Adam got up and came over to give me a hug. I sighed happily and leaned back against his hard chest, letting him wrap his arms around my front as I thought about what had just happened. Not the massage, even though that was great. But the rest of the day. I had almost let a great day become a nightmare just because of my own negative thinking. And I had made Adam miss out on going to the bar, and maybe both of us getting laid. All because of that stupid bra!

"Hey Adam," I said, tilting my head up to look at him, "If I found out all my proper sizes, could you go to the department store and buy me some new clothes? Like, some bras that actually fit? I don't really want to go through this again."

"Of course, bro," said Adam, squeezing me a little tighter, "Uh... what do I tell the person at check out when I go to buy them?"

"Just use self checkout, dude," I said, "And if you need help, there's this lady there who, like, doesn't give a shit at all, she's so chill. Just ask her for help. I think her name was Ashanti."

"Okay, cool," said Adam. He paused, and I felt his grip on me falter a bit, "Hey, bro. Was everything about that massage, uh, were you comfortable with that?"

I turned around in his arms, pressing my heaving, sweaty breasts up against his chest, "Yeah, dude. I'm sorry I was so self-conscious before. Thank you for helping me out."

"Oh, yeah, of course," Adam said. He still looked nervous, "And, and all the, uh, kissing and stuff."

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, "It's okay, bro. I know. It's just jokes." I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him softly on the lips, "But you really are my sweet prince, dude. Thank you for everything tonight."

Adam smiled, "Okay. Cool. I think I'm gonna towel off and go to bed."

"Totally," I said, letting go and stepping away to grab my own towel off the futon, "I'm gonna go take a shower, I think. Hey, Adam?"

"Yeah bro?"

"Don't walk in on me this time!"

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