World Development System

Chapter 180

Chapter 180


Marsh spoke frustratingly as he was piled up with paperwork because of the recent war preparations, he roared as he heard a knock on his door, "Don’t call me if it isn’t anything important . "

Marsh’s subordinate spoke from outside, "Its urgent sir . "

Marsh nodded for him speak fast, "Ok, speak . "

The Subordinate came in,

He gave the report and summarized it to Marsh, "Greenwoods village is being attacked by a group of armed people . Most likely knights, This is urgent, sir . There is a massacre of massive proportions going on at that village . "

Marsh was alerted as he read the report .

After reading the report, Marsh immediately headed to the Border post and met the villager . Hearing about the incident, Marsh had a grave face . he roared to his men, "On to your Posts men, from today onwards, all of you will be extra alert from now on . Kill any Hostile Invaders . I don’t want anyone of slacking during these times . "

Marsh handed 2 two letters to his scouts, "Bring this letter to Jay at the nearby castle and this letter to Lord John . This is a very serious matter . Bring their reply as well . Okay?"

Everyone answered in unison, "Yes, Milord . "

Marsh ordered, "500 of you men will come with me to Greenwood’s village . If anyone of those perpetrators is still there . I will make sure they regret this for their whole life"

One of Marsh’s subordinates was against this decision and laid out his reasons, "Is it okay, sir? This will be considered an invasion by other lords and this may affect us . Why don’t we wait for Lord’s decision first . "

Marsh shook his head and spoke, "We will still be accused of invasion if we don’t act now, this is a big conspiracy which is aimed at us . If that guy who helped that villager wakes up, tell me immediately . "

One of the doctors shook his head and claimed as he looked at the rookie knight, "He most likely won’t wake up soon, that guy is already in a coma . I think that only Lord John can most likely wake him up if he checks him up . He is already in a coma . "


All the people at Greenwood’s village were killed by the invading knights disguised in normal civilian clothes so no one of the travelers suspect them .

The Captain ordered everyone, "Lets go . Our Mission is complete . Make sure to take away all of our mates who were killed . "

The veteran and the captain noticed that he couldn’t find the rookie, "As for that rookie . we will remove his records from our register . It seems he has died while chasing or already fled . Just looking at the way he almost vomited should have been our wake up call . I guess I didn’t want any chaos within our ranks . Sigh, such a good talent who is bound by the chains of morals . No need to worry about him guys who tried to escape . We haven’t left any corners loose this time around . The Gold Rush mercenaries have collaborated with us so there would be no problems . That guy most likely died at their hands if he was trying anything funny . "

One hour later,

The Mercenaries avoided Marsh and his men like a plague as all of the 500 Magic knights where charging throughout the forest to reach Greenwoods village as they were armed to the teeth . Marsh and his men were heading for Greenwood Village without hiding their destination or their killing intent .

The Leader of Hell’s Playground mercenaries, Liam, spoke with a cruel smile, "Interesting, It seems someone has played a big move . No wonder, Jim was behaving so nicely with everyone today . " He was the same guy who was advising his men previously when he was teaching the rookie . He was the head of the biggest mercenary group in the Aelius Kingdom .

Liam gave an order in a grave tone, "Ok, we will be drawing back for a few days, Just looking at the reaction of those soldiers from the North-frontier domain, I feel there is a storm coming up for sure and we the mercenaries will be the ones who will bear the most burn of this conflict . Let the other guys be the cannon fooder for this conspiracy of others . Knowing the personality of that Count, I am sure he will target every mercenary on his borders . "

Ed the rookie asked with a confused face, "Why do you say so, Boss? Won’t he be more cautious now that such an attack happened at his borders?"

Lain stroked his chin and explained, "Well, its because my instincts say so if he was someone who can be controlled even a little bit then they wouldn’t have minded those sanctions which were aimed him . But, what was that count’s reaction? He told the king to fuck off via his newspapers, didn’t he?"

Ed looked suspiciously at Liam and counter questioned him, "Nah, I never read something like that . Stop lying Boss . Do you think I can’t read so you want to fool me?"

Liam slapped his forehead and thought, ’This idiot . "

Liam slowly explained containing his anger, "I am talking about the actions of that count, He has made a lot of moves which have directly affected the king’s interest after that verdict instead of simply taking it lying down . Now you understand? Don’t make me speak twice if you are itching for a beating . "

Ed remembered about Red Moon and spoke, "Aah, yes, I got it, I understand that since we are able to drink Red Moon every day . Hmm . . . okay, so what will you do, Boss? Aren’t we following Radiant Church’s lead this time around?"

Liam shrugged and spoke with a smile, "Fuck them, I ain’t going to become their cannon fodder . Just some of those magic knights who protect those big trade caravans are scary enough . I wouldn’t want to face such a group of magic knights with those weapons and armors . Those swords of theirs are already lethal enough to cut our armors like nothing not to mention their mini-ballistas where they can kill us from a distance . "

Ed remembered about armors and spoke, "Aah, Yes, their armors are sturdy too, aren’t you wearing the same one, boss? While all of their men are quite good at riding horses . "

Liam nodded with a smile and spoke, "Good, now you are learning faster . I only got this armor from one of the guys selling it in Dolores . I guess he stole it from some officer at North-frontier town and came to Dolores to sell it . Well its all good as long as I am safe . This time Jim will most bear the most burnt after these actions from him . Hmph, a fool . "

Ed nodded and spoke, "Ok, As you order, boss . We will back off since we don’t have the same armor as you . " Ed spoke sheepishly spoke and ended his sentence with a smile .

"Cunning kid . " Liam smiled and they headed off for their base .

Liam was a lean man with quite a height and sharp face, he had red hair and looked quite handsome

Every one of them laughed as they heard Ed and headed to their base .

Marsh and his men arrived only now after everything was over . A lot of soldiers were angry as they saw the men who used to travel in their city daily .

One of the soldiers cursed as he saw one of his dead mates in the pile, "Fuck! how can this happen? Why weren’t we informed about such a big mobilization of our enemies? What were the Ghosts doing at that time?"

One of the men looked in the same direction and exclaimed, "Hey look, this guy is still breathing, quickly bring first-aid to treat him . "

The Medic knight claimed, "He is badly wounded, I wonder how he is still surviving . Come, help me dress up his wound . He can still be saved . "

It was the same boy who was slashed by the Captain of the Knights that invaded the village .

Marsh ordered his men, "Look up for other survivors, We are moving back . "

Marsh continued as he looked at the scene of the massacre with dead cold eyes, "My hands are tied for now . Damn, I wish I could shoot all of those scums already . "


After their operation,

The captain spoke to prince Hector and Antonio who were present in the meeting, The captain gave his reports, "It’s done, Milord . All of the people in Greenwood village have been killed . A perfect operation . I was able to take help from Gold Rush mercenaries who killed all the guys who were escaping . "

Hector nodded and spoke after reading his report, "Good, Now the wheels of fate will move faster after this incident . I don’t think anyone would take this lying down . "

The captain remembered something and reported, "Yes, we heard that Count John’s men just arrived an hour later with a bigger force when we left the Greenwood village We can use this to our advantage . "

Hector laughed in victory as he toasted with his men, "Hahaha, You did well leaving early . now lets see how he will save his ass . Previously he thought that those weapons will help him . hmph, this time his very own weapons will kill him . "

Duke Norman spoke, "Yes, with this we can start our operations and block the eastern port from where he is earning a fortune . Now lets see how this fish flails without any water . We will blame this incident on Count John and his men invading Greenwood as an excuse to block the port . I don’t think that King and the courtiers would mind . I think they are already preparing for an excuse for war looking at King’s stance . "


Alistair slapped his forehead as he looked at the current report . He thought, "Damn, how can lord take this decision when I was only gone for 2 days? Did anger get the better of him? This will be irreversible . I guess they are counting on blocking the port to their advantage . This would mean that Count John would be forced to invade the eastern port and a bigger war . I hope he doesn’t ally himself with other powers and gift the Ballistas to them . "


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