World Development System

Chapter 191

Chapter 191


Currently at the outskirts of North-frontier city, at the factory,

Serin was ordering the men to move the cannons in steady order which were to be sent to the borders of north and west .

One of the dwarves commented after watching the cannons leaving their factory with a huge sigh of relief, "Finally they are being moved after such a long time . I thought they would never be used and were just made for decorations while occupying space day after day . "

Serin nodded enthusiastically and answered, "Yes, we only got orders from the capital to move them . Lord has personally given his orders . It’s good that we already are well beyond our quota of production which would be good news to everyone . "

Redbeer came and commented, "Don’t relax just yet kid, This is just the start . These are just the warning bells, you guys should stop your chattering and get back to work immediately . Increase the production of Cannons, rifles and ammunition . I will be treating all of you if can finish my quotas within today’s deadline . "

Serin smiled cheekily and answered with other guys present, "Yes, Boss Red . "


Grey immediately came with a report after having his meeting with Liam,

Grey sighed as he smoked after getting some news of all the mercenary groups rejecting their offer, He immediately got Taylor and John for a meeting, "Milord, It seems there is only one group who is ready to align with us . It looks like others are pretty much sure of our defeat and don’t want to cross the Royal family after they have deployed commander Irwin in the North . However, the ones who are ready to do our bidding would surprise you . As for our problem of recruiting mercenaries, It is the head of Glorious explorers who have foiled our plan . Another reason is the connection of Mercenaries with Nobles and hence they are unwilling to align . Not to mention that we are directly affecting their interests since we don’t intend to keep slaves in the future . It looks like they want to teach us a lesson"

John nodded and understood, " Well it was expected anyway, We are only trying our luck . Who is it that wants to work with us?".

Grey answered, "It’s Liam, the head of Hell’s playground mercenaries . "

Taylor was surprised and asked him immediately, "Woah, I never expected him to work with us . Did you ask him why he intended to work with us since all the others have refused to work with us?"

Grey scratched his head and spoke, "Well, he says that he is going by instincts . Even I too don’t understand his mentality . However, as far as I know, he will take any kind of work as long as he gains from it in the form of power or immense wealth . He always worked that way . "

John nodded as read the official letter, "Well, it’s ok, we can sell him our armors and Mulberry cement . This would be better for us since Radiant church would have one less pawn in their hands . "

Taylor immediately asked with a worried face, "What if they become our enemies?"

John looked at Taylor and answered, "We have our cannons and improved Ballistas to deal with them not to mention our guns . And we are anyway not going to provide them our best armors . So we don’t need to worry . Are you guys clear?"

"Yes, Milord . "


Irwin rambled as he headed to Gritos with the Royal Army, "Damn, those courtiers had to send me to this godforsaken place and then that Luke had to give me such bad news . It seems that count already got scared of my presence and hence a huge built up at the borders . I was quite happy at the western borders dealing with half-beastmen and the new Cannons . Can’t they simply send that shrewd guy Bellion . "

Irwin’s subordinate came near him as he bought him some news, "Lord, Prince Hector and Baron Antonio Mendez want to meet you . They just arrived from the capital and wanted to greet you on your new appointment . "

Irwin thought a bit and agreed as he was informed by courtiers of the current situation of Northern Domain, "Tell them, they can come and meet me in my camp near Gritos . Lets see, what do they have to say . "

Irwin’s Subordinate answered cautiously, "Lord there is one more problem . "

Irwin furrowed his brows as he heard of problems as soon as he entered the northern domain, "What is it now?"

The subordinate cautiously answered as he knew the temper of Lord Irwin and tried to explain in a calm manner, "Lord, Count John targetted the mercenaries today . Not a single one of them was left alive . I think this was a well-formulated plan which was made in advance and not an abrupt decision . However, all the men were killed without a single prisoner of war by the Devil General, Anak Everburning as proclaimed by the mercenaries . However, the main problem is that they invaded Dolores as they chased to kill the mercenaries . So This was practically just a slap in the face of the Royal family after their recent sanctions against count John . How do we deal with this provocation?"

Irwin stroked his china and rubbed his bald head and spoke, "This Count is quite a character to defy the Imperial family with such a small army . Now, fighting such a Count and a general would be fun . Their only advantage of ballistas will be no more with our Magic Ballistas which are more superior to them . We better not reveal it in an earlier stage . Let’s see how he flails with such a small army against us . I think Prince Hector can use the invasion as a pretext to attack them . This time, we aren’t making the first move . As for that Count, I don’t think he was aware of the decisions made at Imperial Captial, Additionally getting offended by this would just drag us first in this mud of war . Let others use up the forces of that count . "

The subordinate sighed and spoke, "Ok, Milord . "


Hector and Antonio were preparing for their meeting with Lord Irwin .

Antonio asked Hector, "Prince, What do you think about the steps taken by Count John? The situation is quite alarming if they do these sorts of operations every day . That General of theirs is a barbarian just like their Naval Admiral Blake . No, he is worse than him, even he had some mercy for his enemies . This time, not a single man was left alive . At least Blake would deliberately let the running army leave so that they can speak about his actions . "

Prince Hector had a serious face as he spoke, "Hmm . . . True, it’s quite alarming that not a single Mercenary was able to escape their hunting . This guy seems a lot more sinister who isn’t really interested in fame as he tried to kill all of his enemies and almost succeeded in it . However, That count and this general can’t do anything now that Father has already made his move . From now on we will shelter all the mercenaries in our borders . If Count John’s men try to invade when they try to catch mercenaries . We will Simply fire at them in the name of invasion, legally there won’t be any problems for us if we attack them . Also, advice the mercenaries to escape near the posts that have Ballistas installed in it . Father has already sent my next batch of 100 Ballistas with Commander Irwin . If Count John Invades then General Irwin would also have the pretext to invade them . Come, lets meet Commander first, he will leave for northern Barracks near Dolores at North-West Later on . This is our only chance to meet him before anything big happens . That count can’t do anything now that the port is blocked . His trade with Elves is now null and void with that blockade so this is a good chance for us to forge relationships . I will try to get Duke Norman in confidence and try to rally Forces at Eastern port and Dolores since an invasion of Duke’s Domain took place . Since Count John never gave his allegiance to the Duke, Duke can claim that invasion from Count John’s men took place in his domain . This count must die, he is really becoming a big bone that will interfere in my future path of becoming a king if he is kept alive . I have already offended him big time, we will try all of our means this time around . As for Eastern port . You don’t have to worry, I have already ordered a part of our Ballistas to be transferred to Eastern Port . I understand that Count John may become impatient and Invade the port if push comes to shove and hence the precautions . Currently, I think their vessels are roaming the small islands without any resources . This would also be a good time for Duke Fjord to start acting . "

Antonio slapped his forehead and remembered, "Ohh! I almost forgot that they also built those Ballistas which they confiscated from the ships of Duke Rose, I think already made a prototype . Now I understood why you wanted to collaborate with Duke Fjord . You are such a genius, Prince Hector . "

Alistair spoke after hearing all of them out, "Prince what if this a ploy by Charlie to get you involved in this mess we did just now? I think we should take our decisions carefully . From the way that count reacted to mercenaries, it seems he isn’t really afraid of anyone . I don’t hope, we face such a fate . Just that previous action from Count is enough for me to understand that this count doesn’t play with words when it comes to dealing with his enemies, he simply acts, he is just insane like Prince Lukavv . Who knows if it was the order of Count to kill all the mercenaries . My insticts say the same . You may be ok with Prince Lukavv since you were never on his list but those who faced Prince Lukavv’s barrage know the fear he created when the country burned for 3 months, I think we should deal with the same caution against this count . "

As soon as prince Hector heard Alistair, the previous words of Charlie rang again in his ear which irritated him to no extent, ’You can take your own decisions, right?’

Hector made an irritating face and spoke after hearing Alistair’s advice, " That count and Lukavv? That Count is simply an entertainer with a small of land . We don’t need to fear anything . The last assault too was done by his general . You should know that even Generals can be bought . It’s good that he is not a warlord . As for Ploy of Charlie? Who do you think you are, I took this decision carefully after thinking of the consequences . The very advantage of that Count is long gone with no access to the sea while the Royal family already has the ballistas . We will take Aggressive decisions against that Count from now on . With this one move, I have made his deal with the Elves Null and void while Father has sent troops at the north at the pretext of the last event at Greenwoods Village . And you call this a ploy of Charlie instead of checkmate and a master plan against that Count? Hmph, do you really understand what is going on? As for your advice, keep it to yourself and you should understand your own position, you are only a butler and an advisor . I can make my own decisions . "

Alistair was quite surprised as he heard this rant from prince Hector, he thought, ’What happened to prince Hector after his meeting with Prince Charlie? He has changed quite a lot and is rebutting me a lot since then . This usually didn’t happen previously . Prince doesn’t understand that we will become the casualty of this war if we fight head-on with that count . I need to talk to Duke Norman and delay this as much as we can . Is this the ploy of Charlie to alienate me from Prince and consolidate power during this turmoil?’ Alistair sighed and followed Hector

Antonio laughed as he saw the scene and showed a mocking face, He was planning to take Alistair’s position in the near future . He thought, ’A mere slave forgets his position and thinks he is something just because his lord favors him . how can he hope to achieve the same status as a noble? I will become a marquis or a duke following Prince Hector in wars . ’

Prince Hector simply smiled and headed to meet General Irwin who was then followed by Antonio .

Alistair sighed as he followed them, ’I hope they don’t mess it up because of their fragile egos . ’

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