World Keeper

Chapter 449: Dungeon Battles

Chapter 449: Dungeon Battles

As it turned out, Aurivy’s little ‘project’ really had been prepared for some time. After briefly running to her room, she returned with a golden sphere which seemed to shine mysteriously. “This is a magic item that I personally created after that first invasion we fought in.” She explained with a smile.

Thinking back, I recalled that her avatar at the time had used the powers of the Knight class to create a replica dungeon core. “So… this is an artificial dungeon, then?” I asked curiously, looking the item over.

It appeared to be an almost perfect crystal sphere, thin lines engraved seemingly at random both on the outside of the orb and within. When she heard my question, Aurivy nodded her head. “That’s right! I call this the Artifact Core Unit!”

“This AC unit has several special properties, all of which can be powered by the owner’s mana. First, they are able to absorb the mana of a dungeon to create a link with it, through which they can teleport to that dungeon at any time. This is the basic principle of the Dungeon Master Project.”

“The second feature is what you saw my previous incarnation use, the power to create an artificial dungeon. In order to spawn monsters within the dungeon, the AC unit is able to capture the souls of defeated monsters and slowly convert them into aeons. However, terrain may be modified freely through the use of the owner’s mana.”

“Finally, the units have a resonating effect. If two units enter within one hundred meters of each other, they will immediately be notified. This is to encourage what I call ‘Dungeon Battles’. If two units are activated within range of each other, only a single dungeon is formed, with the two units fighting to control the monsters and terrain.”

I gave an occasional nod as I listened to her explanation. “Aren’t you worried about the dungeon masters using these to kill each other? I mean, I feel like it would be common to aim for the enemy commander in a battle like that.”

“And that’s where the first feature comes into play!” Aurivy announced proudly. “With the ability to teleport to safety at any given time, the risk of death is reduced as low as possible. However, fleeing the scene in such a situation will result in the opposing core gaining total control of the terrain and winning the battle. Any monsters that the fleeing core lost in the fight would then be claimed by the victor’s core.”

Relieved that this project wouldn’t completely undermine the plan that the dungeon cores were making, I nodded my head once again. “Okay. But obviously, the units should only ever be used by a dungeon master. It would be chaotic if the dungeons mass produced these, letting them spread to the public.”

Aurivy considered that for a moment, before nodding. “Since it looks like the cores were able to come up with the Dungeon Master achievement, I should be able to use my divinity to make these units only functional for those that have that achievement.”


Mother contacted us! The Trials dungeon spoke up over the link in excitement, once more causing the network of dungeons to focus their attention on it.


Did she hear about our plan?

She did! The dungeon confirmed, answering the myriad of voices. She liked our idea, and gave me an item for us to make for our dungeon masters.

A stream of information flooded over the link, the Artificial Core Unit’s plans immediately shared among the entire network. After mastering their own Akashic link to this degree, it was a simple matter for them to share information on items that they either create or acquire from outside sources.

And with their innate ability to understand the structure of magical items, it only took a few moments for them to realize the purpose behind these artifacts. Creating the physical structure might be a nearly impossible task for a normal craftsman, but to a dungeon core there was nothing easier. As for its enchantments, they were able to analyze those directly to reproduce them regardless of their understanding.

She wants us to give these to our future masters? Does everyone have a crystal supply? Glass won’t be able to contain this much mana.

I don’t have any crystal! One dungeon called out, several others voicing similar issues.

Hearing their complaints, one mountain-based dungeon spoke up helpfully. I should have plenty to cover everyone. This dungeon specialized in producing crystalline creatures, so their bodies would make for the perfect material. I’ll send some over. I don’t think I’ll be able to participate in the plan much, anyways.

Why not? Several curious cores asked together, worried about their brother not being able to join the fun.

There’s a super powerful diamond monster lurking near me. It won’t let anyone inside.

There was a pause as the cores processed that information. The dungeon cores were not familiar with the concept of ‘disaster-level’ monsters. To them, monsters could only be measured on a constantly growing scale of strength. Some, like the Trials dungeon, had existed since long ago. The most powerful monsters in the world from the time of its birth would pose no threat to those strong adventurers of the present.

I’ll fly over to help. Another dungeon spoke up. If we attack it together, we can bring you into the plan!

Thanks! The core answered innocently, before focusing intensely. It must be remembered that almost every dungeon was also a Priest of Aurivy. They held unwavering faith in her, and she rewarded them for it. Thanks to that status, as well as their Akashic link, they had developed a special gift.

The crystalline corpses within the mountain dungeon’s interior shattered apart, pieces vanishing one by one as they were physically transferred across the planes to the other dungeons. Aside from the Fairy Gates, only the dungeons had such a reliable cross-planar transportation system.

Meanwhile, another mountain in a distant region of Earth began shaking, cracks forming along its base. Birds and beast scattered along the valley as the mountain broke apart, the peak rising into the air. This dungeon had been importing magnartum from the dungeons of Deckan, creating a structure that would enable it to fly once activated.

It wished to become a roaming dungeon, able to freely move throughout the world. While most were content with just remaining in one place, this dungeon wished for freedom. Using its control over the surrounding area to create a powerful wind current, the mountaintop began flying to the west. I’ll be there in a few days to help with your problem!


Petra sat on a black couch, watching a news broadcast playing out on the projection before her. Next to her was her ‘big sister’, Sora. While Petra was an unassuming young demoness with pitch black eyes, Sora was a human woman with golden eyes and black hair.

The two were currently ‘vacationing’ in Deckan, having decided to step away from Fyor for a little while to both build a history for their new lives and allow Petra to get more experience around other people. Yet, despite being within Deckan, they saw an image of Earth’s Elven Empress standing on the screen.

Petra looked incredibly excited as she heard the announcement, the news about the dungeon cores fascinating her. Sora, on the other hand, looked mostly amused by Petra’s reaction.

“That will be all. I encourage anyone interested to participate in this event, and look forward to everyone’s performance.” After the Empress said that, she stepped off the stage, the scene transitioning back to the normal news broadcasters.

“Can I get one, Sora?!” Petra asked as soon as the announcement ended, turning to look at Sora with wide eyes. “Please? I promise I’ll be good!”

Sora simply let out a light laugh. “I’ve no objection. What about you?” She asked, though there was nobody else in the room. Instead, her eyes were focused on the floor, where Petra and Sora’s shadows merged.

I don’t see an issue with this. Thelsa’s voice spoke to the two of them. However, Petra will be the dungeon master out of us. We’ll make that a part of her identity. Thelsa didn’t wish to have all of their identities exposed by sharing the dungeon master privileges, after all.

“Thank you!” Petra squealed out happily, jumping up off the couch and earning another laugh from Sora.

“Well, we might as well get started. Alright, Petra, focus for me. Can you feel any shadow-related dungeons nearby that we can visit?” It was obvious that as the Demigoddess of Shadows, Petra would have the greatest chance at winning over a dungeon focusing on her element.

“Hmm…” Petra closed her eyes, beginning to focus heavily. “Miss Margold said that it had to be one around our own level. I don’t feel any like that in Deckan. Let’s just pick a normal dungeon! If I can convince it to accept me, I can make it a shadow dungeon as its master, right?”

Sora thought about that, before agreeing. “Alright. Let’s go to the Guild and find a list of all the dungeons that are around your level. We’ll pick one based on that.”

No need. Thelsa spoke up in a confident tone, shocking both of the girls in the room. I’ve been compiling a list of dungeons for a few years now. I wanted Maria to be a professional dungeon explorer. From what I know… there is a dungeon suitable for your levels, but it will require us to travel a bit.

“Oh?” Sora asked in amusement. Both Sora and Thelsa would be considered Maxers in Fyor, so a dungeon of their level meant something really powerful. “How far away is it?”

If it’s following its normal route, it will be touching down in the Valley of Dragons within a week. That was all that Sora needed to hear, her brain filling in the rest. The Valley of Dragons was a jagged canyon that had been carved out along the equator thanks to the numerous flying islands that inhabited Deckan. As the area where the planet’s magnetism was the weakest, any islands passing through would scrape along the ground.

As the canyon had been carved out in an almost serpentine appearance, it had earned its name. As far as anyone knew, there weren’t any real dragons living within the area. If there were, they would surely have protested against the islands carving away at their homes long ago.

“A week, huh?” Sora muttered to herself. “Can we get to it before that? If this thing turns into a real craze, there might not be any known dungeons left unclaimed after another week.”

Don’t worry. This one won’t be taken so easily. The name of this dungeon is the Floating Eye. Everyone avoids it because the island exists within the eye of a hurricane.

“The Eye had a dungeon?!” Sora called out in shock.

It should, yes. The guild theorizes that the hurricane is a result of a dungeon possessing high quantities of both lightning ore and numbasic. The numbasic stores the excess mana of the dungeon, which then channels into the lightning ore to empower the storm. Any creature that lives on that island should be roughly our level, if not a little higher.

If not for Aurivy’s church forbidding the destruction of dungeons, the island would have been destroyed long ago to end the eternal storm.

Sora let out a low whistle when she heard that. “Magnartum, lightning ore, and numbasic all in one dungeon. Okay, I think this place is totally befitting our little demigoddess.” She said in a teasing tone, the demon in question already excitedly bouncing on her heels.

“Yes please!” She called out happily, fully satisfied with such a special dungeon.

I’ll send Maria to accompany the three of you for this. Since Fyor hasn’t found the next level orb yet, I won’t join in. We don’t want me to level and lose access to the gates when we return.

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