World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Big Update!

Hey guys, it's been two weeks. As you know, I'm putting Rise of the vampire lord on a hiatus where even I do not know if I will ever pick it up again or not. If I do write chapters for it I think I'll just post it on patron until I make enough to shove down the line. It should also come as not so much of a surprise that I have lost a lot of my patrons in these two weeks. So for those who have stuck with me, I greatly appreciated it.
I just want to thank everyone who stuck with me from the very beginning to this end, through the ups and downs and through all the contrivances and bad plots. I genuinely feel like you all have made me a better writer than I could ever be. I look back on some of my earlier chapters and am thankful to see myself improve under your care.
With all this in mind, I have created a list below of all the books I want to write one day. I'll also be linking every story more thoroughly and have similar power leveling systems in each one of them. This is because I found out that trying to do everything at once wasn't working out and even I couldn't keep track of the power scaling of the mc anymore.
let me explain myself. Van is the main character, but he was born in a nation that might be where the last boss or last boss's live for god's sake. Think about it, you have thousands of powerhouses, some living for thousands of years, and each one could probably blow up a city if they wanted to on a whim. So from my perspective and Van's, it made a lot of sense to keep your head down and hope someone doesn't use slave magic on you, no matter how powerful you become. And that was also the problem, after defeating the big bad in Alcray, when he finally gets around to it, he was going out to explore the rest of the world, but that would mean everyone else would be severely under-leveled for him. In the end I felt like I had a great premise and potential, but poor execution and experience necessary to make it work. I wrote off the cuff, instead, I should have plotted things out more, I had an idea, and made bullet points of what I wanted to happen next, but no real overriding arc other than I wanted him to get somewhere and write whatever popped in my head that would get him there. This was all my fault, but it was a great learning experience on how to balance spontaneous writing and actual plotting. In all honesty, I had a lot of fun with it looking back, and I'm not sure I'll be able to do better.
Anyway, I've created a list below of all the books I kinda want to write. Please choose from the options which ring out to you the most. next Saturday I'll tally up the votes and start working on the choice down below. it may take a while, maybe even a few months, but I'll get to writing, again, promise. if you choose option four, I'll create another poll.
Line break - Polls close in one week
  1. Hello guys, this option is for those who wish for me to continue Rise of the vampire lord in some way. I’m not sure how I would be able to do that, but I can promise to at least try.
  2. This option is for me to continue working on my World of Solisia, which I have a few pages out. If you're interested in sky islands, spirits, air pirates and an ancient secret that could change the whole world this is the one for you. It starts with an MC that is hated by his parents for being different and somehow finds himself on the lowest layer of his world. He must climb up and discover the secrets of his world and his place in it. (low on the nsfw)
  3. This option is for Aether Space, which I have worked on a little. If you're interested in elves in space and magic powers alongside mecha pilots duking it out this one is probably for you. In an era of advanced technology and great societal progress, where the society of the twenty first century looks silly by comparison, our mc is not human but is raised by human parents. He decides alongside his girls to explore the galaxy and find his origins. (Moderate to high nsfw)
  4. Line break
  5. The world is almost completely covered by water. The mc lives in an underwater ravine where they are attacked by pirates and he is the last one left alive. He uses whatever means possible to survive and is taken in by sailors. He eventually goes to a naval academy and completes it, using what little money he has he buys a few ship girls, ai ships that allow him to sail the seas. There will be merfolk, some science magic, ancient secrets of a lost civilization and more. (low on nsfw)
  6. Mc wakes up in a world not of his own living in the slums of some unknown city. He is snatched from the streets by some strange men and taken to a hidden demonic blood cult. The MC realizes this world is a world of ki and cultivation and that he must somehow survive in a world of eat or be eaten. Will he rise up and learn the other demonic techniques from rival schools and become the heavenly demon? Or will he escape and become a force for good? (Low on nsfw)
  7. A world similar to our own but with different continents and nations where spiritual energy is a thing. Mc was a test tube baby, a chimera who was rescued and adopted by a kind couple. He grew up dealing with ghosts and spirits which are considered commonplace and normal for this world. He has a game interface because he has some memories from a past life. One day he has to leave his home because of a bad boss who accused him of doing a bad job and having ties to a cult when in truth mc was the one that pointed out that the boss might have ties to a cult. Anyway, mc leaves and is better off for it, off to Hanxia, where he meets a few girls and raises his power. There are different plans and spiritual worlds to travel to as well. (low to moderate nsfw)
  8. Mc lives in the twenty third century of a world similar to earth but with different nations and landscapes. He loves to play games and sometimes plays vr games which are only a little better than the ones we have now. One day a game company invites him to try a new augmented reality game to help test their game before it goes into vr. He happily agrees not realizing the danger he is in. turns out a great arch wizard tricks him into creating a summoning circle where the mc is sacrificed and sent to another world. It turns out the mc is another soul half of a prince who is on ice, waiting to be woken up, and the whole reason why he was estranged from his mother who made her own cult was because of this archwizard who influenced her. Now the archwizard, who turned out to not only be his uncle but his father from his own world wants to make mc the prince and then the king to finally get revenge on all those who wronged him and mc’s previous life’s father. But first he has to marry several princesses, rebuild and fix up the broken down castle, revitalize the economy, deal with the lawlessness and somehow do that all under the radar of several entire nations who are out to kill him. Let's also not forget that all the stuff that happened to his parents happened about a hundred years ago and that some of his friends somehow accidentally ended up being summoned with him and think this is all part of the game! (low to moderate nsfw)
  9. Mc just wants to be the greatests Monslut tamer! He wants to fuck all the monstergirls! With his girlfriend living in a monster girl world like pokemon, he will go out of his way to tame them all! With a game system and everything and a big adventure full of laughs, loves, and sex, will he become the number one tamer of them all? (high to absurdly high amounts of nsfw)
  10. Mc was once just human like anyone else. That was until he was summoned to a dungeon where he had to fight to survive. What’s worse he got the death dungeon, the hardest dungeon to survive on his first try at random. Finally getting out, he is a changed man, now a vampire and is sent to a world similar to his own. He now wants to make a dungeon of his own to relax in, somewhere off the radar near an unused crypt. But a big tiddy goth chick found him out and demanded to be his slave. Turns out she was bullied a lot for being a weirdo and wants to stop being human. Mc sends her back not wanting the trouble and starts thinking about taking on more dungeon quests from the world hub. But she still comes back until he finally agrees. Mc goes into planer dungeons to rank up and unlock other dungeons while growing his own dungeon in another world. What is he to do? (low to moderate nsfw)
  11. Mc wakes up to a game interface. It turns out he is a domain lord of video games. He slowly finds out he can expand his influence on his surroundings and create stuff out of nothing. As his powers grow he finds out he can make characters and stuff, but too late he realizes it's out of people who have been influenced by his power. As his power grows the government finds out and sends him to a school for people like him. Soon after he is given his own fiefdom and told to manage it as he sees fit so long as he obeys the federation. Mc does this and as time goes on faces a problem, there's a nearby domain lord of death who keeps attacking him. The world is about twenty-first century technology. There are many other people with unique powers. (none to low nsfw)
  12. Mc wakes up to find himself in a mad max and kenshi like bullshit of a world but with zombies and freaking cultivation and game like mechanics and magic and super science and a whole lot of other bullshit that doesn’t make sense. How will he survive in this weird world?
  13. I have a crap ton of other ideas, from summoners to space miners. Tell me what you want to see in the comment section down below.




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