World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 22: The Party

Van tried to enjoy the meal placed in front of him, but it was hard with all the stares from the guests. They whispered about him and about what happened, so going through his meal was pretty slow, and halfway through he lost some of his appetite. Thankfully dinner wasn’t too long and he was able to excuse himself from the table.

The celebration that was ruined before was now back on again, as everyone tried to pretend nothing happened and push through the night with the hopeful whispers and rumors of another grand thing to celebrate coming soon. food and drinks flowed and the entertainment was back as people began to mingle and talk once more.

Van tried to keep his distance from everyone, walking around others, and standing far from anyone nearby. Sadly, that still didn’t stop a group of women from surrounding him. They introduced themselves and gushed about how cute he was and how they would like to introduce their daughters to him. Something Van presumed was standard noble stuff. But things became a little uncomfortable when they started talking about what happened to him.

“Oh it is just horrible what she did to you, just horrible!” said one of the women. “To think her mother would raise a child like that! Simply horrible!”

“Indeed!” said another “and on the same day of Thea’s celebration! She could have waited at least a day or two.”

“Honestly!” said a third one “what she did was in bad taste! She could have waited a few more years for the boy to grow older.”

“But then she wouldn’t have gotten him fresh!” a fourth one joked, sending the other ones into a fit of giggles.

“Bad taste? Could Have waited just a day or two? Fresh!? What the hell is wrong with these women!” Van thought, his face a complete mask that was starting to feel stiff. “Is the rape of a male not considered a big deal!?” he tried not to show his anger and felt like it was doing a good job at it. But that still didn’t stop him from imagining that they all blew up.

Then when Van wasn’t paying attention, mostly because he was thinking about women exploding. One of the women, who seemed to have come later, introduced her daughter to him. He can’t believe he didn’t notice her sooner, since she was the only vampiress he has seen so far with light brown hair and brown doe-like eyes with a petite body.

She came barging through the group with her daughter out like a battering ram. “This is my daughter, Leiah, what do you think? The perfect wife material right? I’m sure she will make you feel way better than that Karen. What a bitch right? Here you go!” the woman said, in rapid talk fashion, pushing her daughter in front of him.

“Mom! Please!” Leiah whined as she was pushed against her will in front of Van.

“Oh! Don’t you two look wonderful together! We’ll leave you two alone so that you can get acquainted.” and with that she convinced, more glared, at other women to leave, leaving her daughter behind. Both Van and Leiah looked uncomfortable.

“I’m really sorry about my mother.” Leiah began. “She means the best I’m sure, after all, as you can see from the other women, they have at least the sense not to approach you after... what happened,” she said tentatively, pointing out the dozen other women or so that gave their little group a quick glance but then ignored them.

Leiah sighed. “Those women are just the worst, they're well known for being annoyances and gossip mongers.” she said looking back to the group her mother pulled away. “but honestly it could get even worse than that, this is a pretty tight-knit community and we mostly share the same ideals. But from what I hear from others, if you were at any other party, it would be a hundred times worse. Over there, they will openly take a man they take a fancy to, and have them right out in the open, and no one will bat an eye at it.”

Van’s eyes widened at that. “Really!?”

Leiah nodded “Really.” before hesitating “Or at least it sounds believable, right? From what few acquaintances I've heard back from that went to other parties and celebrations at least.” she then started talking about all the things she heard from her relatives, hoping to break the ice.

Soon the two were having an amicable conversation, and slowly Van started to let his defenses down and take notice of the other person in front of him. Unlike most vampires, who had black hair followed by gold/blond, then white, she had the rare hair color of light brown that ran down in waves below her shoulder. Her eyes were blue, wide and expressive and she overall had a gentle look to her that hid her sharp mind. She looked only a few years older than Van himself.

“That must be hard.” Van said in sympathy, to the conversation they were having.

“Ya… My mother is always trying to hook me up so that I can have sex. She means well, but she just doesn’t understand that I don’t just want to just have sex, that I want to find the right person! I’m only sixteen and she already expects me to give her a granddaughter! But honestly, I don’t want kids, I would be happy just being a lover or concubine. You know what I mean?” Leiah said somewhat exasperated with a little whine at the end.

Van couldn’t really, but he did understand enough to know she was having a hard time and that her wishes were not being taken into account. “And you tried telling her but she just doesn't listen?”

“Yes!” Leiah said, as she drank from a cup that Van surmised might have a little alcohol in it. “Don’t get me wrong, I want sex just as much as the next women, and I know she is just worried about me, but I don’t want to throw myself randomly at guys in the hopes I find mister right! Or just throw myself at guys in general! I mean… I suppose she has been more patient than most mothers would be, especially if you consider how most of them act, but you would think after how she met dad she would understand a bit more, right!?” looking slightly out of it.

Van didn’t know what she was talking about but nodded along anyway, and gently took the cup away, just in case, without her realizing.

she sighed once more. “ though I admit, it's hard to always end up just pleasuring myself, I know it must be hard for you to understand as a male. But the need is real for women.” her voice taking a serious tone like her own body was her greatest enemy. Which was slightly ruined by how she sounded a little drunk.

“Well, I for one, think a bright and intelligent girl like you. Will definitely find the right man you’ve been searching for, for so long.” Van said. “Listen to your heart, it's your life, you should do what you want so long as it does not harm others. At the very least, you have my support.” he finished in a kindly tone, hoping to inspire her to find her own happiness, while at the same time, a little worried about how drunk she was.

Leiah just stared at Van, lost in thought. “ you know, no one has ever just listened to me before. Not to mention we just met and you have already been so kind to me. All I did was just rant and rant.” she said, becoming a little over-emotional, a stark contrast to how she was before she started to drink.

“Well... you had a lot to say, so of course I would listen. Not to mention, you're really smart and mature, or at least I think so. All I ever was trying to say is... you know... belief in yourself.” Van said, somewhat embarrassed.

Leiah was touched. “ He is the first person to really just listen to me. Him, a boy a little younger than me, who was just raped, is trying to console me and tell me to believe in myself.” she felt like she was going to cry.

“Are you okay?” Van asked worriedly.

Instead Leiah bent forward a little and cupped Van’s cheeks with both her hands and drew in closer. She gently closed her eyes and gave him a passionate kiss.

Van’s eyes widened by the suddenness of it all. Her hot tongue entered his mouth as she kissed deeply into him, her taste heavy. A part of him felt aroused, another part of him felt sick to his stomach.

Leiah pulled away with a blush. “S-sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.” she actually looked like she was about to cry. “I-I never acted on impulse before! I’m Really Sorry!” she said with a bow. “B-but I-If you want, I think I don’t mind being your lover if that's okay with you. Of course, I’ll wait until you're older! Or I mean, if you want to…”

Van was still in shock about what just happened. warring feelings of disgust and arousal and confusion fought inside of him. “This… disgust. Is it from the trauma of being raped? And this arousal, is that from my incubus bloodline taking effect? Then again, It could be an evolutionary thing for men to get over being raped quickly, considering how most men are considered second class except in a few rare cases.” he thought, feeling slightly distant from everything, a blank expression on his face.

“V-Van?” Leiah asked in worry.

Van blinked, trying to get his head back in the game and emotionally distance himself from any decision making. “I should agree... if only because I have to force myself to get used to it, and the more allies the better. Besides, I don’t think she is a bad person... so for now, I will agree.”

“Alright. I agree,” he said somewhat quietly and distantly, then remembering something. “But you will have to ask Luna first, my parents said that they want to make an announcement about me and her getting married.”

“Really!” Leiah said, surprised. “That's... That’s... That’s Wonderful!” she squealed in joy, hugging Van. which took him aback by her genuine joy. She then upped and hugged him harder in a tight embrace, her body clinging to him, her soft breasts pushing against his chest and almost to his face. “I’m so happy for you!” then she pulled away as a sudden thought struck her. “I-I mean we are friends at the very least, right? So I can be happy for you?” she asked worriedly.

“Uhhh. ya. I guess we are friends at the very least, and depending on what Luna thinks, maybe something more.” Van said, uncertain and a little worried, thinking he might have just made a mistake.

Actual tears left Leiah’s eyes. As she squeezed him close to her once more. “You really are the perfect man!” she said emotionally.

“Damm... I didn’t think someone so sharp and intelligent had such a massive emotional side to her.” Van thought, now definitely doubting himself. “Either that or she is a lot more drunk than I first thought she was.”

“Well, it looks like you two are having fun. Feeling better already Van?” A voice teased from behind him.

Van’s eyes widened as he realized who the voice belonged to and gently pushed away Leiah, who didn’t resist. He turned an apology already on his lips. “Luna I can-” he paused, trying to understand the emotion on Luna’s face.

Luna was there, staring at the both of them, her face a little red as she breathed in and out deeply through her nose. Her face had a wide grin that she tried to control and make look more serious to no success.

“Luna… are you okay?” Van asked, only to realize what he was looking at. “So even Luna can’t fight her genetics. Or perhaps she is influenced by her succubi blood?”

“I'm fine. Hello Leiah” Luna said, trying to wrestle control over her own face.

“This is... You know her? Van said in surprise.

“We were friends before I was sent off to…” Luna paused and shook her head as if trying to get rid of a bad memory. “What were you two talking about?” she instead asked.

umm...she wants to be my lover…” Van said, trying to see Luna’s reaction.

Luna paused and swallowed “R-Really? S-She wants to be your lover?” her chest expanding in and out rapidly, but trying to control it as an expression of joy tried to worm its way into her face. As far as Van could tell, she was happy to hear that her old friend wanted to be the lover of her man, but she wrestled control of her expression and gave a more serious look. “I'm going to have to ask her a few questions first to see if she is acceptable.” she then turned to Leiah, “is that fine with you?”

“Of course. Lead the way.” Leiah said nervously, but also a little happy about meeting her old friend once again. After that, the two walked away to talk in private.

“You know… this world really is fucked up…” Van thought to himself as he watched Luna’s reaction. “If this is considered normal, what is the rest of the world like?”

Van didn’t get much time alone after thinking that, as he once more was beset by many women who he had to pretend to be polite to until they finally left. Once they left he sighed in relief only to be crowded again, but this time by three men.

“Heard what happened to you. Sorry to hear you had to go through that, it ain’t easy being a man is it?” a big burly man with a scar over his left eye and in a loud merry voice said, slapping Van on the back forcing Van forward by a step and acting overly familiar.

“Don’t be rude Gavar.” said the middle man who carried himself upright and wore a nice suit. “Sorry about him, he means well.”

“W-We wanted to come by to give our c-condolences, what happened to you should have never happened at all.” said the third weak-looking man off to the side, who for some reason seemed overly shy.

“That's Levon.” the middle man said pointing to the weak-looking men on his right. “He's a little socially awkward and shy, but a good person and a better friend.” making Levon blush

“Hey! What about me?” Gavar said.

“Yes. yes. You are a good friend too.” the middle man said in a slight teasing and mocking tone. He then looked at Van, “and I’m Tam, nice to meet you.

“I’m Van, nice to meet you too,” Van said politely.

Tam nodded “as my friend was saying, we had heard what happened to you. We know what it feels like. we have all been there... even this burly brute of a man.” he said jokingly pointing to Gaver.

“Gah! Why do you always have to use me as the example!? Gavar complained.

“B-Because if he used me.” Levon began. “E-Everyone would think, ‘ah, that makes sense’.” he smiled, making a joke at his own expense.

Van couldn’t help but crack a small smile in amusement at these guys' antics.

“Ah!, there it is, the smile we’ve been searching for!” Tam said with a grin. “We were worried with all those fake smiles you have been giving, you had forgotten to do a genuine one!” he teased.

Van blushed as he brought his expression back under control.

Gavar rolled his eyes. “Seriously Tam, this is why you don’t have more friends.”

The two then began to bicker back and forth as Van and Levon watched on. As Van continued to watch their bickering, he couldn’t help but feel a bit more relaxed as he slowly started to enjoy the little show. It was then that he realized that that was exactly what it was, a little show made just for him.

“umm...Thanks...” Van said quietly, making the two pause.

Tam smiled and leaned forward a bit so they were closer to eye level. “Like we said we know what you went through, and what you're going through.”

“But it gets better, and you get used to it...kinda,” said Levon kindly. “Who knows, it might help you find the right person.”

“And if you don’t want to get used to it! Then get so strong that they can’t do anything to ya!” Gavar said, flexing his muscles.

“Says the man whipped by his wife.” Tam teased.

“Gah! Stop trying to make me look bad!” Gaver whined. “And don’t talk bad about her! She's a perfect little angel!”

“It's true,” Levon said to Van, “she’s really nice and likes to bake sweets for everyone.”

“See! Levon gets it!” Gavar said with pride, crossing his arms.

“I know, I know…” Tam said in mock defeat. He then turned to Van with a wide grin. “Do you want to know how Gaver and his wife first met?”

Gavar whined. “Seriously, why do you always do this!?”

“What? I can’t tell him?” Tam asked innocently. “But it's such a beautiful story! And look at his face!” he said pointing at Van who looked on with interest. “Is that a face you can say no to?”

Gavar looked defeated, “finnnnne, you can tell him.” he whined.

Tam grinned triumphantly and turned to Van. “okay, okay, so this is how it begins right?” he began excitedly. “Gavar has always been a bit,” he paused. “Big Boned” making Gavar groan. “And he was pretty weak back then, so all the other girls would make fun of him and bully him, and once they were old enough they started using him, saying mean things like ‘at least you're also big down there,’ and ‘chasing you down is so easy,’ and a bunch of other mean things.

Gavar shivered as if remembering something he didn’t want to.

“But then here comes Leen, just going about her day until she sees Gaver here being used like usual…” Tam paused then decided to add some context. “Leen has always had an abnormally large sense of justice, even at a young age, so when she saw what was happening… well do you want to know what she did?” he asked with a massive grin. “She got a running start and fly kicked the girl right off of Gavar!”

Tam tried not to laugh but he couldn’t help let out a few giggles, even Levon was the same. Van was surprised by such a turn of events and couldn’t help show his interest. “Her antics about dealing with would-be rapists spread so far, it soon became a thing to kick them. See a rapist? Kick her!” Tam chuckled.

“A-After that.” Tam tried to continue through giggles. “Gavar fell completely in love! And since then Leen was always hovering around Gaver, making sure he was safe. Which drove him crazy, he started training himself so that he could defend himself and prove that he was strong in the hopes of winning over Leen’s heart.”

Tam grinned “it was a good solid five years of awkward courtship that is a story all on its own. But suffice to say, Gavar and Leen are now happily married. You even meet his daughter Leiah.”

Van was stunned by that and looked at the big burly man who was blushing red at the story that was just told. “You are Leiah’s father?”

“Y-ya…” he said sheepishly. “Sorry about what my wife did, she just saw what was happening and wanted an excuse to get you out of it. She means well.”

“Oh…” was all Van could say. Now that he thought back to it, those women seemed to have left more out of fear than because they were actually convinced to go.

“Ummm, I don’t know if it's my place to say...but…do Leiah and Leen not get along?” Van asked nervously.

Gavar sighed. “No, I completely understand why you would ask that,” he said with resignation. “But It's not Leen’s fault, she just doesn't realize how similar Leiah is to her, she thinks Leiah is just like all the other girls her age. It doesn’t help that Leiah doesn’t seem to have any friends. So Leen overly worries and kinda pushes Leiah in the hopes she can at least get herself a man to be friends with, and to of course help with uh… things that most women start needing help with after they reach a certain age.” he finished blushing.

“Though it does seem that I won't have to worry about that anymore, thanks for that,” Gaver said, giving Van a meaningful look which made Van blush.

“L-Leiah is a g-great catch! You couldn’t do better than her!” Levon said, which seemed to fill Gavar with pride.

Tam nodded, “please take good care of her, and please remember, we will also be there for you. It's not just your parents or your immediate family, that's out there willing to lend a hand. But most men in general, if you ever need help you’ll find us and people like us all around the world.”

Van was genuinely touched. “Thanks…”

“No problem,” Tam said with a smile. “Now it's best we be off, I hear your parents have another announcement. And you probably should prepare,” he said with a wink. “Oh! And before we forget, we're sorry… we should have been more prepared and prevented such a thing from happening. Please know that we will be more careful in the future with security.”

After that they said their goodbyes, leaving Van alone to think about everything that just transpired. He had a hopeful feeling that things aren't as bad as he first thought they were, though he was confused as to why they would apologize all of a sudden. But deciding that it wasn’t anything important, he shrugged it off and went to grab himself a drink. As he waited to be called on for the announcement.


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