World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 243 Tournament Start

Van woke up to a very odd situation. On top of him was Arkina. On his left arm was Kira, and on his right was Nephi. And somehow his head was resting on Luna’s lap.

He looked up at her. “Luna… what happened last night?” Sounding a bit accusatory.

“Shh. you’ll ruin it!” Luna whispered. “It was so hard to get them like this while they were asleep!”

“You… Dragged a bunch of sleeping girls onto your husband…” Van said deadpan.

“Of course! What else would a good wife do?” Luna answered honestly and proudly. “Besides… They were having a hard time falling asleep, and I wanted to make sure they got the rest they needed for the exam. And well, I know for a fact that I always sleep amazingly when it’s with you. So I thought the same would be for them.” She admitted naively.

“And what if one of them was someone you hated?” Van asked.

“Then they don’t deserve to sleep with you!” Luna answered matter of factly.

Van sighed. But couldn’t argue with Luna’s sense of logic. It was pointless anyway. “You know… Now that I think about it. Maybe Luna is the way she is, not just because of the whole being ranked up into a succubus thing, but because of the soul bond and the great amount of trauma she went through during that time. Could it be that perhaps… Some of my past live’s memories were picked up by her on a subconscious level through our link? Making her think this kind of thing is normal and expected?” He thought about it but wasn’t sure there was any merit to such thinking. It did make him want to ask Luna a few questions about what she felt between him and her through their link, but he would save that for next time.

“What's the score right now?” He instead asked.

Luna turned her head. “It’s eighty-three. Only eighty-three contestants left.”

Van’s eyes widened at that. “That means more than three hundred students have been kicked out since last night… We’re lucky that no monsters decided to attack us while we were asleep.”

“And speaking of sleep…” He looked down at the sleeping trio on top of him. “Come on you three, I know you're awake, it’s time to get off. Especially you Arkina, I can feel you trying to grind your lower half onto me.”

Arkina’s face went red and she tried to pretend to yawn and stretch her body as if she just woken up. “Yawn~ oh hey Van, how did I wake up here?” She said as innocently as she could while straddling him.

“I have a feeling you know how. Now get off.” Van said flatly.

Arkina pouted but did as bid, followed by Kira and then Nephi who actually seemed to have just woken up from a nice dream and was now sleepily getting up with a cute yawn. Only to just let herself drop halfway through and snuggle up to Van again and enter straight into another nap.

Van was a little surprised by this but gently shook her until she finally opened up her eyes and saw him right next to her. When she realized she was laying right on top of him, she shot up into the air with a shocked expression and jumped away. Apologizing profusely.

“I-I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed, horrified at what she had done and how that may have made Van hate her.

“Yeah, sorry Van.” Kira added. “I think I realized what happened a while ago, but was too tired to move. Still… Sorry…”

“Yeah Van, I’m-” Arkina was about to begin.

“No,” Van said flatly, cutting her off, not believing it for a second.

Arkina gave a hurtful pout.

“It’s alright you two, I know you didn’t mean it. It was just Luna trying to be nice is all, and I honestly didn’t mind it much.” Van said, looking at Kira and Nephi, who both looked relieved by his forgiveness. “Anyway, we should focus on more important things, such as what are we going to do now? Should we just wait? Or try and climb down and maybe kick a few people out into the stands?”

Kira thought about that. “I think we should just play it safe for now. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets eaten by a monster. So why waste time and energy on an empty stomach?”

That was a good point Van hadn’t thought of. They hadn’t had anything to eat since the beginning of this test. “So… Do you girls just want to talk or something?” Van asked, looking around at the sheer amount of nothing they had to do.

“I guess so?” Kira said, unsure.

The group then sat down in a circle, talking to pass the time.

“Actually, there is something I want to ask about,” Van said after a while. “What happened to Serena and Seral? I didn’t think those two would be so easily defeated.”

“Oh that? Yeah… That wasn’t pretty…” Kira spoke up. “Seral was so hyper-focused on his opponent that he kinda forgot about the others. Which was fine because Serena had his back and… Oh gods, were they a team!”

“They really kicked ass and it’s amazing to see such a well-trained male be able to fight like that! But… the problem was that… Well… Not only were they outnumbered, but there were actually a few mines on the ground. Seral was just about to step on one because his opponent at the time tried to charge him through it. Serena saw that and tried to push him out of the way before it was too late. But during the confusion, and because they both lost their balance, they were dogpiled until they were sent to the stands. It was a sad thing to see…” Kira said, looking down.

“Damn…” Van muttered. “Same thing almost happened to me.” He admitted. “I was so focused on my opponent that I forgot that there was a giant fireball headed my way… I just wasn’t used to this group battle. I just focused like it was any other dual…” Sounding down.

“I mean! Why did they try so hard to fight us anyway? Was it really worth them losing almost their entire dormitory?” His emotions turned from sadness to anger at the unfairness of it all. “I mean they were the ones that started it!”

Everyone nodded.

“That’s just how it goes around here,” Arkina said, sounding a bit more serious now. “They probably felt like they had no choice in the matter. At that point, it was a matter of honor and reputation. If they didn’t, then it would have turned bad for them in the future when the school year starts.”

“What do you mean?” Van asked, now curious.

“Dorms are ranked.” Arkina began to explain. “The higher the rank, the more options are given to them, plus a bonus of a monthly stipend. Whereas if you are on the bottom of the rank, those whose dorms are more powerful than you might try to extort money or people from you. Have you heard about the situation where sometimes soldiers are poached by other dorms?”

“I think I heard something similar to that from Kira,” Van said.

“Well, it’s something like that. But it can get worse… A lot worse…” She said seriously.

Van looked toward Kira and Nephi, who both nodded their heads in agreement with Arkina.

“You see Van.” Arkina continued her explanation. “It isn’t just soldiers that can be poached… It's students as well…”

Van’s eyes widened at that.

“For example, if there was a powerful student in another dorm not in your own that you wanted. You can invite them to your ‘house’ and if they accept, then you just gained a powerful new member. Though there is a limit on how many students can be in each dorm, sometimes that limit can be increased depending on the merits spent. Thought, for the most part, people would just bully the weakest member of their dorm out to make room for the new one.”

“Oh! I should explain. Each dorm is called a ‘house’ almost like the school is trying to create a smaller version of the political landscape of Alcray, with all its backstabbing and power plays that it entails. The leader of the house is called a squad leader. And when enough houses band together they become a clan. Clans can take on vastly more lucrative tasks and quests. And by working together, you can go out into the waste and hunt down more dangerous monsters that can both earn you contribution points and money. Because of this though, no one wants to be the small fry in a clan, or worse, be subjugated into a large clan against their will. Otherwise, you’ll just have everything taken away from you and your fellow students would most likely be used as cannon fodder without any real compensation to show for it.”

“Damn… That sounds… Harsh…” Van said, taken aback by the brutal nature of the school in trying to weed out the weak from the strong.

Kira nodded. “My mother warned me all about it. I’m just glad I got to be in an amazing dorm with all of you.”

Arkina nodded happily.

“What about you?” Luna asked Nephi. “Are you happy with your dorm?”

“Huh? Oh, uh… Not really…” She admitted. “Not a lot of people like… Scholarship students…” Looking downcast.

“What? Why?” Van asked.

“Because sometimes scholarship students aren't here because of any merits they’ve shown. Not like Nephi has shown at least.” Kira explained. “Sometimes they're just there to pad out the roster and get some poor vampire a chance at higher learning. But most noble vampires look down on those who don’t hold some blue blood in them and see scholarship students as more of an eyesore and a drag on their dorm than a plus. Due to most students of such not having the opportunity to train or have access to advanced learning material like most noble students did when they were young.

“Seems a bit unfair…” Van commented.

“It is what it is, sadly enough, not much we can do to change it,” Arkina added.

Everyone seemed desponded now. Until Luna perked up with a smile and an idea on her lips. “I know! Why don’t we poach Nephi! That way she could join us in our dorm!”

Everyone looked up in surprise at that. Van turned to Arkina and Kira for an answer to see if that was even possible. The two girls shared a look, then turned to gaze at Nephi.

“Honestly… that would be up to Nephi. And what you can offer to her squad leader for her purchase, if you don’t have another work around of course.”

“Nephi, do you want to be a part of our dorm? I think we have a spare bed for you.” Van asked.

Nephi looked stunned by the offer, unable to reply until she kicked her brain into gear. “Yes! Yes! I would love to join your dorm!” then realized she might have sounded too desperate. “I mean… If you're willing to have me…”

“Then it’s settled!” Luna clapped her hands together happily. “Nephi will be our new roommate!”

The girls gave a small wave of clapping for Nephi and a few congratulations. Much to her embarrassment, though she did seem happy about it.

Time passed and Kira and Arkina explained to Van what they had to do to create the proper invite for their new friend. When they were done they continued to wait… and wait… and wait some more as the hours passed them by ever so slowly.

“Ugh! Come on!” Luna complained. “Someone die already!” She whined.

“That’s probably going to be difficult… Whoever is remaining probably wants to stay in for as long as possible. Sunk cost fallacy and all that. They made it this far, they probably don’t want to turn back until they at least get to the next level…” Kira said.

“Then we’ll probably be here for a few more hours,” Van said with a sigh, leaning back and resting his head on Luna’s lap.

Kira looked down at the small number of talismans she had left. She had begun drawing a new set, but it would probably never be enough for the battles ahead. She was silent for a moment before she heaved a sigh herself. “Maybe not…”

“What do you mean?” Van looked.

“I… I think I'm going forfeit…” She admitted.

“What! Why!?” Luna asked, with a look of shock.

“Let’s be real. There was no real way I was going to pass the next test. It probably would be for the best to bow out now before I make a fool of myself.” Kira said.

“But… We haven’t even come up with a name for our dorm yet…” Luna sniffled.

“It’s not like I’m actually going to die.” Kira laughed at how hard Luna was taking her leaving. “I’ll just be cheering you on in the stands.”

“Are you sure about this?” Van asked.

Kira nodded. “I am.” She then got on her feet and raised her hand up high. “I, Kira Bloodmoon, FORFEIT!” And the next thing anyone knew, she was shot out and into the stands.

“...Welp, I guess that’s my cue to do the same.” Arkina got up. “Sorry guys, but I have to be honest with myself. I don’t think I cut it out as a fighter, so it’s no big deal if I forfeit either. See you when you win.” She then did the same and was sent out into the stands.

“Aww… Arkina…” Luna looked very sad that her two friends just went and left.

Now there were only eighty-one contestants left. But perhaps seeing two people forfeit one after the other finally got to someone's head and broke their will, because about two minutes later another ball of light shot towards the stands, making the number now total eighty.

Ding! “The tournament round will now begin! You all will be divided into groups of ten in eight small arenas. The last two standing will move on to the next round!”

Van, Luna, and Nephi then began to float as the landscape below them changed until eight square stone arena’s formed from the ground. They were then flown randomly back and forth until they landed. Sadly, they were all separated into their own square, making them have to deal with strangers in another free for all.

“Well, well, well… Looks like my fortune has turned around. Nice to see you again.” Aldina walked forward with a predatory smile on her face.

“Oh, gods… Not her…” Van complained inwardly. It was one thing to fight against a bunch of strangers, but another thing entirely when there was someone with a bone to pick with you.

“I guess fate has brought us, star-struck lovers, together. Sadly there won’t be a happy ending… For you at least.” Aldina said, getting her flame whip ready.

She was an incredible woman, now that Van thought about it. Tall, lean, and with fiery red hair. She stood out amongst the other combatants in the arena they shared. And he really didn’t want to fight her… But will if he had to… But…

His mind quickly came up with an interesting idea that he just had to try out.

“Hey… I know you don’t like me… But it was your side that started it first.” Van began, trying to see how she would react.

Aldina shrugged. “That may be, but I’m the one who has to end it now.”

“Hey, I get it, I do.” Van said, “I know why you're doing this.” Then went on to explain what little he knew about the whole clan and house business. “-that’s why I would like to cut you a deal…”

“Oh?” Aldina was listening.

“A little wager, a bet if you will. A duel between you and me, no one else.” Van said. “If I win, you have to kick out that bitch of yours and submit to my dorm. But if you win… I will profusely apologize to you and your people for all to see… And give you… a hundred thousand Crava’s a month for the rest of the year. BUT! Only if no one interferes. The second they do, our bet is over. I’ll even swear on my name. Do we have a deal?”

Aldina’s eyes widened. That was more money than what that stupid bitch that started this whole mess provided. She was a bit hesitant to agree though, her instincts telling her that there might be a trap. But her greed got the better of her, and the thought of not needing to rely on the stupid bitch for the next year was tempting, though she didn’t miss the part about someone interfering.

She gave him a knowing smile and walked right up to him, extending a hand. “You got yourself a deal.” The two shook hands and swore on their names to abide by the bet made.

Not soon after the bell rang, indicating that the tournament began.

But instead of attacking Van, Aldina stood beside him and drew out her flame whip, getting ready to defend him.

He looked at her oddly, and a little confused.

Aldina smirked. “You didn’t say when we had to have our duel. And if I allowed them to attack you, would that count as interfering? Best to clean them up first and fight each other in the next round. That is… If you are more than just talk…” Her smirk widened.

“Well damn… I had hoped she wouldn’t have thought that far…” Van thought, but also stood beside her to fight. “Now there is nothing left to do but see this through to the end. At least a part of my plan is in effect... I hope things work out...”

The other contestants realized what just happened, and while confused as to how people who looked like they were going to fight each other started working together, it wasn’t lost on them that they were the two biggest threats here. Or at least Aldina looked like the biggest threat here, they weren’t so sure about the male amongst them, nor can they figure out how he got this far without probably using some tricks, making them wary of him.

With a silent nod to each other, they charged at the unlikely alliance.

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