World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 245 Bone Mold Factory

Van woke up to Astre and Astra sleeping on top of him. At this point, he shouldn’t be surprised anymore. Yesterday it was Kira, and the day before it was Astrid trying to worm her way up into his sheets once more. Though that time, Luna was there to properly kick her off, since then Kira accidentally woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and snuggled into the wrong bed. And now it was the two twin sisters in very loose one-piece lingerie sleeping on top of him.

It seemed no matter what, he was doomed to have someone randomly sleep on top of him. Though he couldn’t say it exactly hated it… It had been a while since he last had some fun with his dear wife. But no matter where they went, he couldn’t find any alone time for the both of them, not even enough time to put her into his soul realm and do it in there. School life might not have technically started, but it was already demanding with all its little exams and papers you have to sign and push in order to get into the classes of your choosing. And this didn’t even mention the fact there was so little privacy that the girls over the course of a few days quickly got used to his presence and began changing around him without a care. All except Avalyn and Lucia who still seemed to care a little.

Normally he could probably take care of himself by meditating and taking one of his girls and his soul realm. He was sure Kella and Isa were waiting for him for that. And he did have Kassandra to get around to… But he felt it wasn’t fair to Luna who had been waiting all this time and seemed to slowly become desperate.

Tentatively he felt up the asses of the two girls on top of him, squeezing them gently and soliciting a few moans from them in their quiet slumber. He froze and quickly removed his hands, wondering what he was doing, but knowing he was enjoying the warmth they provided and enjoying their soft skin on his own.

“Aww, they're so cute.” Luna murmured half asleep, gently caressing Astre’s hair who was closest to her on the bed.

Van wasn’t surprised by this, Luna liked cute things. Kira even being included in that due to the sheer fact she was smaller than Luna. That was because Luna also liked small things. And Astre and Astra were the smallest, youngest and cutest of their group, so obviously she would like them very much.

Eventually, they woke up after a while and looked around bleary-eyed. They seemed to notice the situation they were in, but instead of being embarrassed, they both gave him a kiss on each side of his cheek before moving slowly off of him.

Luna waved them goodbye as they walked away groggily to their own bed to nap and then change for the day to come.

Morning came not soon after and everyone slowly got up to change. Serena and a few other girls were already making their way out since they had appointments to keep. But when Van and Luna finally walked out of their room into the lobby, they found Serena still there with a huge smile on her face holding an envelope. Upon noticing she waved at them, sharing in her good news.

“Hey, guys! You never guess what!” She said, barely able to constrain her joy. “My sister is coming! She’s coming tomorrow!”

“Oh, uh, wow! I’m so happy to hear that.” Van said, seeing that Serena seemed really happy and not knowing what else to say.

“Really!? I’m so excited!” Luna enthusiastically said back, truly excited to get a new roommate and possible friend.

“Right!” Serena gleefully cheered back. She looked back at the letter. “It seems my parents were able to round up enough money to send her here. She should be arriving tomorrow and I can’t wait to see her!”

“Good for you.” Van smiled, happy to see his friend this joyful.

“Yeah! We should hold a little party for when she arrives!” Luna added.

Van immediately realized something. “Wait… isn’t Nephi also coming tomorrow?” He asked out loud to no in particular.

Luna gasped as she also realized what Van was getting at. “We can have two parties at the same time!”

“Well… She got it somewhat…”

Van then furrowed his brow in worry. “And aren't we supposed to take care of that problem girl from Seral’s dorm? She’s also going through the paperwork for the transfer from his room to ours, and she will be ready to move by tomorrow…”

Luna’s eyes widened like dinner plates. “Three parties-?” sounding as if three parties at once was too much for her mind to handle.

“Luna, I'm serious. We only have twelve beds, and thirteen people in our room. Were lucky it all worked out, but with three more people coming in tomorrow, we don’t have enough space for all of them. Even if we get an extra two beds, one person would still have to leave to make everyone fit.” He said.

“Oh… That’s not good…” She said worriedly.

“Oh… I guess I didn’t think about that…” Serena said sadly.

“It’s not your fault,” Van said to Serena. “It’s just something we will have to figure out when everyone arrives.” Trying to make it sound like everything will work out since it seemed she was taking it as if it would be her fault if someone had to leave the room.

Serena gave a small nod at what Van said, already trying to think about how she could make this work out for everyone.

“Anyway, don’t you have somewhere you have to be? Or are you free today?” Van asked.

“Hm?” Serena looked up, taken from her thoughts, and looked up confused. She then looked up towards the nearest clock and her eyes widened. “shoot! I’m going to be late! Sorry guys, I really need to go!” Looking their way apologetically.

“It’s fine, just go and hurry. We can talk about what to do about everyone arriving tomorrow later when everyone's comes back. We can decide what happens together then.” Van said helpfully.

“Thanks, see you!” And then she fled out the doors and moved quickly down the hall.

Van waved her goodbye as Luna walked over to the table that Serena was close to before that seemed piled up with letters.

“Hey, do you think we might have a few letters from home?” Luna asked, looking around on the table.

Van walked over, also interested in the question. “Probably… Let’s see what we got here…” Muttering that last part. “A-ha! Here it is!” He exclaimed with an envelope between his fingers.

“Let me see! Let me see!” Luna excitedly hopped over trying to peer at the still-enclosed letter.

“Give me a moment,” Van said, quickly opening and taking out the papers inside. As the fastest reader here, he quickly scanned the letters one after another. Luna would barely be able to read the first paragraph before he was done and switched to the next one. Soon he was done and began to explain to Luna what he had learned with a smile on his face.

“Guess what, you wouldn't believe it.” He said.

“What! What did it say!” Luna begged.

“Mom and dad are having another baby! Alecto is becoming Dad’s concubine. And Lore and Pepper are going steady!

Luna gasped. “No! Really!?”

Van nodded.

“Let me see!” She then took the letters from his hands and began to read as quickly as she was able. After a great amount of time, she squealed, making a few heads turn her way, she then jumped up on Van in joy. Saying how happy she was about everything that happened and wishing she was still there to see it all happen with her own eyes.

“Yeah… we’ll have to tell Agnès too when we get the chance,” Van said with a smile.

“Oh she would be so happy!”

Van’s smile faltered a bit. “Yeah… She would be happy I'm sure…” Thinking it over a bit.

They then talked about everything they learned in the letter for a while. That was until Van noticed Cerina walk out the door. “Oh, hey Cerina! Can I have a moment of your time please?”

Cerina looked up surprised, she had just walked out so was taken aback to suddenly being called out. But she gave a professional smile and began walking towards them. “Yes? How can I help you?”

Van told her about all the newcomers arriving tomorrow and asked her what they should do about it.

“Hmm…” Cerina thought about it. “I can get two new beds in by tomorrow… But even I can't do more than that. I’m sorry, but someone is going to have to leave…” Apologizing to him.

“It’s no problem, I understand. Thank you anyway. Let’s talk about this some more when everyone arrives tonight.”

Cerina nodded and said her goodbyes.

“Well… I should get going too.” Van said, seeing Cerina leave. “There is a tour at the bone mold factory. I have to take it at least to show that I’ve been there, and then I can take the test for necromancy. I’m also going to drop off my form for artificery, and then walk around and maybe pick up forms for alchemy and runecraft. I heard Kira was going to be in that last one.”

Luna elbowed him in the side lightly. “You should take that last one then, Kira would love to see you there.”

“Maybe I can do both? But I think I'll stick to either necromancy or artificery as my majors. With a few minors in runecraft, alchemy, mage craft, and some others. What about you?”

“I’m going to take the martial exam again, so I might be late tonight. I’m also planning to take the weapons course with fist and bow as my primary weapons. As well as an aura course or two.” Luna said proudly. Planning to be the best fighter she could be.

“Good for you!” Van said happy for her, though a little jealous she already had everything she wanted to be figured out. “Let’s get going before we are late.”

The two walked out together but eventually parted ways after a while. After some time Van arrived at the bone mold factory, where the tour was just about to take place.

“Hello everyone to the bone mold factory. Where we use advances in science and magic technology to create vast amounts of bone-like substances in a humane and ethical way.” The guide said with a plastered professional smile on her face. She then began to lead the small group through the factory complex where large metal vats with slow-turning paddles moved a strange white gooey substance.

“Ossemunion is a special type of cultivated mold that has been refined and evolved for centuries to be what it is today. A faster, stronger, versatile, and more replenishable supply of bone matter for all your necromantic needs. Bone mold as it is called only requires a little bit of actual bone as a base before replicating rapidly. It can grow quickly and only requires a few nutrients, with only a small special cocktail of chemicals provided by our researchers to reach exponential growth. Bone mold in its semi-liquid state can take the shape of any mold it’s poured into. It then hardens once you pass a certain spell through it, killing the mold and letting it take the shape of its container permanently. There are even engineers trying to create a 3-d bone printer, just imagine what you could do with such a thing!”

She then led them on showing more of the factory. How the bone mold is made, what spells help control it, and even watching as it was poured into a mold of a skeleton soldier. Van watched in awe as one could make an army of skeletons with ease. He then heard the price and everything made sense. While relatively cheap to buy, the molds, containers, and other things added up. As he left the gift shop, he made sure to at least buy himself a jar of the stuff to send into his soul realm for Ren to analyze. Maybe he could make more and Van would finally have a way to create skeletons without the gruesome detail of needing actual corpses.

“Thank you for spending a day at our factory!” The tour guide said happily behind her professional smile. “Please come again, and if you have any questions about purchasing our products in bulk, talk to the receptionist near that counter. Be sure to also pick up our business card on your way out, so you can purchase our products wherever you are and we’ll have it shipped to you for a fair price. Have a good day!”

Van walked out of the gift shop and on to his next destination. The second he did, he felt eyes on him and remembered that he was a lone male in a school of horny women. He quickly moved towards the central campus, where there should be more eyes and teachers about, in case anything were to happen. He also called ahead on his Vespera bangle as he made his way, so as to have someone to meet him there. He hated doing it, and wondered if he should call Anna. She was busy at the moment filling out her own forms to allow her to take a few classes here. The only person around that was available was Kira, who said she was on her way.

Entering the spacious courtyard of the central campus, he found it filled with people, just as he expected. But what he was not expecting was how much of a hook-up spot it would be. It had barely been a week, but already couples had formed and were now enjoying each other's time amongst the trees and flowers.

He found a girl sitting on the edge of a water fountain with her legs spread as her boyfriend ate her out. There was another guy being ridden by two girls on a picnic blanket. And a third boy with his back to a shrub wall was pinned by two girls while a third girl took his member in her mouth. There even seemed to be a few teachers getting in on the action with a few of their students. One girl noticed him and stopped, looked around, and started to walk his way. Upon getting in his face, she nervously bit her lower lip and took the hem of his cuff in her hands while looking upward into his eyes meaningfully.

Van froze, not knowing what to do in such a situation.

“Back off, he’s with me,” Kira growled from the side. She had come rushing towards Van’s direction when she learned he was alone.

The girl frowned, wondering who the midget was. “Who says he’s with you?” She asked angrily, thinking that Kira was a random rude girl trying to intrude on her claim.

“I do, his roommate! He’s part of my dorm, and if you don’t want my sisters to beat you up for touching our male without permission, you better back off!” Kira growled.

The girl frowned. “How do I know you're not just making that up?” She asked suspiciously, realizing Kira was alone.

“Easy, Van, do the thing!” Kira said, looking with her eyes at Van with a secret message that he would do something that would convince the girl to leave.

Van raised a brow, wondering why she was leaving him to deal with it in the end, but then an idea came to him to get back to her. As if following the command, he took a few steps toward Kira, picked her up, and gave her the most passionate tongue-filled kiss of her life. Kira’s eyes bulged out of her skull, but she forced herself to act as naturally as possible to play the part, her eyes swimming near the end. Finally, after a while he let her go.

“S-see! Th-that means he’s with me!” Kira said, eyes still spinning.

The girl frowned even more, though this time with jealousy. “Fine… you win this time… But… Van was it?” She asked, looking at him. “Here’s my card, it has my id… Just in case you want to have fun with… Someone else for a change…”

Van took the card and the girl went on her way.

“Wha-wha-what was that about!?” Kira exclaimed after the girl was far enough away. “I thought you were going to show her how strong you are or something!”

Van looked at her. “I asked for help.” He said matter of factly, as if that was all that needed to be said.

Kira blinked, a little confused.

“Forget it.” Van said. “Are you going to take the runecraft exam next?”

“Umm… Yeah… It’s why I was able to get here so quickly.” Kira responded.

“Alrighty then, let’s head there right away.” Then proceeded to continue carrying Kira in his arms.

“Umm… Van… Can you put me down? It’s… Kinda embarrassing being seen like this…”

Van looked down at her. “No.” Then continued walking as some students took notice, watching Kira being held like a child in a male's arms. Kira wondered if this was a reward… Or punishment… But if so… For what?”

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