World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 247 S*x Ed (nsfw)

“She really did that?” Van asked as Luna explained everything that happened while he was gone, surprised by how fast Cerina worked.

“Yes! Come look and see!” Luna said happily, dragging Van to their room.

Upon entering it, Van saw that two new beds were wedged into the already cramped space to allow the newcomers something to sleep on. More importantly, Van’s and Luna’s bed was now double the size with a thicker mattress to make it more comfortable. The screens on either side of the bed space were large and thicker, and now there was a privacy curtain on as well to prevent someone from just looking in.

While he did feel a little bad about taking a bit more space compared to the other girls, especially considering that they will now have fewer space thanks to the two new beds, he was thankful that everyone allowed this to happen. After all, he didn’t think Cerina would go through with this unless everyone was okay with it. Though he still couldn’t help but worry a bit and wanted to make sure.

“Wow, this is amazing. I just hope everyone is okay with us taking up a bit more space…” Looking left and right at everyone else’s shrunken area.

“It’s fine, I already asked everyone first before going through with it.” Cerina said, appearing from the side, probably walking from her own bed area. She carried her fan that she always seemed to be waving around and covered the lower half of her face, though it was easy to tell that she was smiling underneath it all.

“That's good to hear, I wouldn’t want to make anyone more uncomfortable than they already are. But I do worry how the newcomers might take it, and we still have the issue of having one person too many.” Van stated.

“That won’t longer be a problem. As much as it pains me, Serena will be leaving our room to join Seral’s. Though it also makes me happy to hear they are getting along so well together.” Cerina said with a hidden smile.

“Really!? That's… Actually good to hear! I didn’t think they would move so fast.” Van said, surprised by this tidbit of information.

“They're just testing the waters so to speak. It’s clear they are very compatible, but both of them have no experience in love and don’t know where to go from there. So I… Suggested that… It may…” Cerina looked like she was trying to find the right words. “Be a good idea to share the same room. After all, Seral has a few annoying women always after him, and Samira can’t be everywhere at once. And they are such good friends and trust each other so much. And it just so happened that I already accidentally may have… Signed some papers while processing Serena’s sister's forms for arrival and Nephi’s transfer…” She gave a coy smile.

“Damn… forget about them working fast. You're the one people should be worried about working quickly.” Van said, pretending to lean back in fear.

Cerina’s smile widened in good humor at his comment. “If you think that's scary, you should hear what your wife has planned for you.” She said with a mischievous voice.

Van froze and turned to Luna. “Luna… what does she mean by that…” Already sounding accusatory.

Luna gave a defensive look. “What? I just suggested that since everyone seemed to be already taking turns sleeping with us, maybe we can take on an extra person in bed to help out. For example Anna!” Giving him a look as if to say how dare he accuse her of something.

“...And?” Van asked, crossing his arms, staring her down, knowing full well that if she was admitting to this so quickly that meant there was more to it.

Luna faltered for a brief moment. She then mirrored Van and crossed her own arms, doing her best not to back down. “And… Well… Maybe Kira or Arkina, the twins as well. I mean they already slept with us before right? It shouldn’t matter. Especially if we rack up enough points to buy a bigger bed to fit in more people. It would be just like home!”

“Lunnnaaaa-” Van emphasized her name, demanding her to get to what she was really hiding.

Cerina snickered. “Tell him about the sex ed idea you had. I’m sure he would love it.”

Luna panicked, her body twitched and she froze, her face going pale while she kept her expression the same as best she could. She wanted to give Cerina a look that screamed. TRAITOR! But dared not look away from Van for fear of losing.

“Hmm? The sex ed Idea? Are you two actually going through with that?” Merody said. She had come up behind Luna from her own bed area. She was planning to leave because she had a few things to do, but turned when she overheard what they were talking about. “Normally I would love to join. But I actually have a date tonight, so this woman is taken!” She gave a proud and happy smile. Thanks for the offer from before though, I really appreciated it.”

She then turned left the room, leaving only Van, Luna, and Cerina behind. Cerina looked like she really wished she had a bucket of popcorn right about now.

Luna’s face went white as a sheet. Van’s eyes burrowed holes into her. Until finally she gave up and gave in, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

“Okay okay. Some of the girls don’t know anything about… You know… Dealing with a male. How to date them, how to talk to them, and… You know… Have sex with them… SOooo- I might have offered lessons on that last part for anyone that might have been interested in becoming your lover and or concubine?” Tapping two fingers together and giving Van a sheepish grin. “I mean, even if they didn’t, it would be a good lesson to learn right?” She asked hopefully.

When Van looked unamused she quickly tried to defend herself by adding a few other things, raising her hands defensively in the process. “Of course, I wasn’t going to force anyone on to you! I was planning from the start to get your permission first! And you would have complete control over who joined my classes or not! I was hoping-” She gave a glare towards Cerina. “That I had a few days to gauge your reaction, test the waters, and see if you would be willing for something like that. You know I wouldn’t just want to see you have sex with just anyone… I’m not like that anymore… Now I just want to grow our family with the friends I genuinely made on my own… Please… Believe me…”

Luna looked like she was going to cry a little near the end. Which only served to make Van sigh and pat her head.

“Alright, I believe you. I’ll even be willing to go through with this. BUT!” Raising a finger and giving a slight glare. “Always make sure with me first before springing something like this, understand? Run stuff like this by me before you go talking to anyone else about it. Otherwise, you'll get in trouble with me. Are we understood?”

Luna nodded, looking dejectedly towards the floor. “Yeah…”

Van’s expression softened and he gently picked up Luna and carried her as she sniffled into his shoulder. “So… When were you planning to hold these sex ed sessions?” He asked gently into her ear.

Luna sniffed, hugging Van and holding on to him. “I was planning to do them early in the morning. Before everyone's classes. While you were asleep so that you could go to bed and get the rest you needed. If we did it at night, everyone would try to sleep with you, and that might tire you out. So before classes is the best time, since it forces everyone out whether they like it or not.”

Van raised a brow at the fact Luna was planning to do the sex ed sessions while he was asleep, but listened to her reasoning and found it to be sweet. “And let me guess, It was going to be hands-on as well.” He gently teased.

“It was to help you with your morning wood… And only if they wanted to…” Luna murmured back petulantly, then gave another sniff, her eyes a little wet.

Van shook his head, feeling amused. “Alright… You win…” He said as he rocked her gently in his arms. “How soon do you want to do it?”

“Tonight!” Luna replied childishly. “With Kira and the others.” Giving one final sniff.

Cerina blinked in surprise. “Wait… Does that mean-” She was going to ask if they were really going to go forward with this, but Van cut her off.

“No.” Van said, cutting Cerina off. “Not unless you apologize to Luna first.”

Cerina left her mouth open, then closed it, then opened it again, only to close it once more. A confused expression on her face until it dawned on her what Van meant. She then opened her mouth, only to freeze as she realized that if she were to apologize, that would be the same as saying she was interested in Van in some way and the sex ed sessions Luna would provide. Causing her to close her mouth again and leaving her deeply confused as to what to do next.

“Come on Luna, let’s go test out our bed.” Van said as he carried her over to their bed space and moved the privacy curtain closed behind them.

Cerina just stood there, wondering if they were really going to go do it now, and thinking if she really should apologize or not.

Not that it mattered in the end. They all had a long day, when Van laid Luna down, she was already starting to close her eyes to sleep. It was pretty late in the day, and he himself was pretty tired, so held no qualms about joining her in blissful rest.

--- Sex Scene ---


--- End of Sex Scene ---

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