World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 256 Date with Aldina (nsfw)

Van and Aldina had been going to the gym for another month now. He had been trying to make sure that he went at least twice a week to keep in shape.

Right now he had just finished another work out session with Aldina and the two were putting the equipment away.

“So Van…” Aldina began, wiping some sweat from her body with a spare towel. “I was wondering if you would…” She paused nervously.

“Well… It’s just that… I was wondering if… If you have some free time… That maybe I can treat you to some… Um… Food?” Her face went a little red near the end. “Maybe… Tonight?” Unable to make eye contact with him.

Van looked towards Aldina somewhat surprised. He knew she probably had a small crush on him. But didn’t think she had the courage to ask him out. He didn’t really have to think about his answer though.

“Sure. Your treat though, right?” He teased with a small knowing smile.

Aldina went a little red in the face, doing her best to school her expression and calm her fluttering heart. “Yeah, sure. Umm… I’ll see you outside when your ready.” Giving her own smile and doing her best to pretend she wasn’t blushing happy.

Van watched her walk to the girls locker room with a barely contained pep in her step. He went to the boys locker, though he really just used his soul realm to switch out to a clean set of uniforms and use a simple cantrip to clean himself up. Once that was done he waited outside for about half an hour, surprised that it was taking Aldina so long to walk out.

When she finally did come out, she was also in a very neat and pressed uniform. He noticed that her stockings were different, being of the laced design variety. When you earn enough contribution points, you could change how your uniform looked within reason. Right now she was wearing a surprising amount of frills and more form fitting uniform with a dark tone with a few threads in place to make it look a bit more formal. She also carried with her a small black purse and wore high heels.

He was surprised by how well prepared she was, and wondered how long she had been preparing this for.

“You look lovely.” Van said truthfully. It was a nice change of pace considering the usual fair she usually wore everyday.

Aldina blushed, but did her best to hide it, acting she wasn’t nervous at all and walking up to him as if he didn’t compliment her. “Thanks… Umm… There’s this place called Shellys, it’s very good. Umm… I know someone who works there, they can get us a seat fairly quickly. Do you want to try it out?”

“Sure.” Van said with a smile, he then offered his arm. “Lead the way.”

Aldina stared at this offered arm for a good long while, unsure of what to do with it until it hit her and looked away trying to hide how flustered she was once she realized. She looked back after gathering her courage and gently hooked her arm with his and began to escort him to their destination.

Van enjoyed the feeling of her breasts on his arm, and seeing the slight redness on her cheeks. Aldina was alway putting up a tough and carefree attitude. It was nice to see these new expressions from her.

As they walked, they were the subject of a few stares. But were quickly ignored once the girls watching realized they weren’t going to do anything lewd. At least not at the moment…

Van and Aldina walked in silence towards their destination, taking a few trams and making the rest of the way on foot to a nearby commercial district not too far from the school grounds proper. During this time Van tried to start up a few conversations with Aldina, but she seemed a bit too nervous to properly hold them.

Not one to give up, Van started to talk about things more inline with her interest. Talking about the last arena challenge, and going over what their next work out session could be. He told a few stories, and made a few jokes until he was able to make her crack a smile and chuckle a little.

Finally they arrived at the place. It was a pretty nice looking restaurant with wood carvings with decorations and art all over. It gave off a homely feel, and in the center was an open kitchen where you can smell and see everything that was being done.

“H-Hello, table for two?” Aldina asked nervously, walking up with Van in tow. “I think I have a reservation. Umm… Under Aldina?”

The women raised a brow and looked at Aldina’s date. Her brow raised further wondering what a guy like him was doing with a girl like her, but kept her opinion to herself and searched her list. After a while she gave a small nod. “Table A 14, the waitress will be with you shortly.”

A few minutes later they were escorted to their private booth, by a peppy waitress. “Hello, I’ll be your waitress tonight! Is this your first time here?”

Van and Aldina nodded.

The waitress then began her spiel about the specialty of the day, the chef’s choice and this week's deals. She handed out the menus and began to explain this booth's specialty functions. “If you two ever want any privacy, just press this button on your table and we’ll ignore you until you press it again. This button next to it helps move the table, and you can also move this screen for privacy. The last button is a noise canceler, it is highly recommended so as not to bother the other customers. And if you ever want a plus one…” She gave Van a wink. “You just need to ask.”

She then left to give them some time to think about what they wanted to order.

Van turned to Aldina with a raised brow while she stood there pale, with a mortified looking expression on her face. He then looked at the menu and flipped it to the back giving it a quick scan.

It was there he found that Shellys was just acquired by the nearby Lover's Guild about six months ago and that the restaurant went through a restructuring, now with the Lover’s Guild logo on the menu corner. Taking a look around, he was not surprised to see a lot of couples here. He could surmise on his own that this was probably a popular date spot before the buyout, but now that the Lover’s Guild has interfered, the atmosphere of the place had turned far more lewd…

“I-I Swear Van! I had no idea!” Aldina began, trying to defend herself, afraid that he would think less of her.

“It’s fine, I honestly was expecting our date to go somewhere like this eventually tonight. So let's just enjoy ourselves while we are here.” Van said with an understanding smile.

Aldina didn’t know how to take that. On the one hand she was happy he wasn’t angry at her or thought less of her. On the other hand, she didn’t know how to think about the fact that Van was expecting something like this from the get go. She didn’t want to be compared to every other horny girl on campus. But then again Van openly admitted himself that this was a date, making her very happy, not to mention the fact that he might be willing to do something raunchy after their date.

In the end… She was left conflicted… But happy…

The two then perused their menus for some time.

“So uh… Van, what are you going to get exactly?” She asked, just to make some small talk as she looked over the menu items.

“Hmm… I think I’m going to go for the ribs.” He said.

Aldina looked surprised. “Really?” She had a picture of a salad in her view, and she wondered if that was something Van was going to get considering he was a male they most males always worried about their weight.

“Yup!” Van said with a smile. “Can’t go wrong with a nice stack of meat!”

“...Oh hell yes!” Aldina couldn’t help but say in full agreement. She thought a guy eating meat off the bone like a girl was pretty sexy. The fact that Van didn’t act like most other girls and sometimes just acted like one of the girls was a huge plus in her books. He would technically be this world's equivalent of a tomboy.

Van blinked. “What?”

Aldina blushed. “Nothing!” Quickly looking back down to her menu and pretending to scan it.

In the end they both got the ribs.

“Oh wow, these are pretty good!” Van said, enjoying his meal thoroughly.

“Right! And this cheesy macaroni goes great with it!” Aldina happily added.

Van thought it was amusing they didn’t have the word ‘mack & cheese’ instead calling it cheesy macaroni. But it was just as good as the ribs so he wasn’t going to complain. More importantly the dessert they ordered was coming and it looked tantalizing.

“Here's your double fudge and ice cream, along with your chocolate shakes.” The waitress, handing them out.

Van and Aldina said their thanks and began to dig in.

“Wow Van… I can’t believe how much you can pack in…” Aldina said after a while. Then realized what she said, becoming afraid that she somehow offended him.

But Van paid it no mind. “Psh! This? I can eat far more than this!” He said with a smile. “I’ve trained to be able to pack in at least twice this amount. All so that I can go for days without eating or drinking water.”

Aldina looked amazed. “Really!?”

Van nodded and began to explain some of the training he did with his parents. Aldina hanging on his every word.

“Wow…” Was all she could say once he finished. “I thought all the boys from the west would be sheltered… I had no idea they put you guys through such training…”

Van laughed a little. “I think my training was a bit unique compared to most males training in the west.”

The two then happily chatted for the next hour about the training they did and what life was life for them growing up. Talking about the interesting places they’ve seen and a few stories and funny moments of their life. They both were having a lot of fun.

Then the waitress came by to pick up the dishes and clean the devastation left in the wake of her two gluttonous customers. “Can I get you two anything else? I would also just like to remind you there's a time limit to how long you can reserve a booth. As there are many more customers wanting to get in. You can pay for an extension, or I can retrieve your check alongside any last minute food items you want for take out before you leave.”

Van and Aldina looked at each other.

“Do you want to go?” He asked.

Aldina gave it some thought before nodding. “Yeah.” She turned to the waitress and asked for the checks.

A few minutes later Aldina set down a few dozen silvers with a long face. It seemed even she didn’t realize how expensive this restaurant was until it was too late. But she did her best to give a strong front and act like it was no big deal.

Van wanted to offer some help in paying for the food, but had a feeling this was a matter of pride for Aldina, and that she wouldn’t want him thinking she was poor.

The two then walked out of the restaurant, the waitress asking them to come by again.

“Well that was pretty nice.” Van said happily. “Good food, good company, and I had a great time.” Giving Aldina his best appreciative smiles.

Aldina’s heart fluttered. Making her feel the price was worth it if she could get such a nice smile.

Van looked up at the darkening sky. “Do you want to walk around the park before we head home? Maybe burn some of the food we just ate?” Turning to her with an outstretched hand.

Aldina looked at him and then at the hand, until she connected the dots and blushed a little. She tried to hide it, but in the end gave up and gave a genuine smile, taking his hand in her own. “Yeah… I would love that…”

The two then went out for the next few hours. It was a perfect night sky today. The clouds were parting and the stars were in full bloom. They walked around until they found themselves alone surrounded by shrubs and tall plants with a small bed of flowers nearby. Just talking about their day and the time they spent with each other.

“Aldina. I had a wonderful time tonight. And if possible, I would like to do it again, maybe introduce you to my wife and take you as my concubine. That is… If that’s something you would like…” Van asked.

Aldina looked like she had just been shot by cupid's arrow straight through the heart. She immediately wanted to say yes, but stopped herself when she forcibly reminded herself that as the heir of her house, she had a responsibility to not just wed herself to any male, no matter how much she liked them.

“I would love to… But… I have to make sure of a few things first… For my family's sake…” She hated saying it. But It had to be said.

“I understand… But if you don’t mind… There is one thing I always wanted to do…” Leaning in close, his eyes all seductive.

Aldina’s eyes fluttered and she leaned in closer as well. “Yes?” She asked surprisingly girlishly.

The two kissed, hesitantly at first, but with growing passion as the seconds ticked by.

--- Sex scene---


--- End of sex scene ---

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