World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 260 Midnight Bath with Lucia (nsfw)

Van waited nervously with Astrid near the boy’s bathroom. It was midnight, and Van had to excuse himself from Luna, telling her he had to do something and would be right back in an hour. Confused, she let him go, understanding that he probably just had to do something.

Lucia then arrived and headed right in as if she’s done this a dozen times before, motioning the both of them to follow her in.

The two did and followed her to the smaller of the two bath pools, where the heat can easily be adjusted to be warmer or hotter. To which Lucia made it warmer by injecting some mana into a nearby orb that regulated the temperature of the small bath. She then turned to the both of them and began to undress, until she was as naked as the day she was born.

Van and Astrid gaped. Unbelieving that she of all people would do something like this, and could only stare as she finished undressing.

Upon noticing their gazes, she simply razed an eyebrow. “What? Never seen a naked woman before?” Which made Van close his mouth and give her a second look.

Lucia was… Average… Actually no, not exactly, she was above average. But she wasn’t as head-turning or stunning as the other women that Van roomed with. Lucia had average breasts, hips, and an above-average heart-shaped face with the only thing really standing out being her beautiful long light blue hair and shining eyes, both a light red.

It was only then that Van realized he had never truly seen Lucia’s face right on, as she was always wearing a hood, hiding her features. So he couldn’t help but try to commit to memory everything he was seeing right now.

“I usually don’t like bathing with others, and the other girls can be very loud. So when it’s midnight I come by to the boys bath since hardly anyone comes here and lets me take my time to enjoy myself. It’s a bit smaller, but it’s enough for just me…” Lucia said, slowly dipping herself into the bath and sighing with some relief. She then casually spread her arms to either side of her on the edges of the bath, leaving her entire body open as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“Well? Aren't you going to join in?” She raised a brow. “I hear in some cultures this is the best time to talk openly and bond. Something about having nothing to hide and letting everything air out. I believe the custom comes from far to the east. Let's try it out shall we?”

Van and Astrid looked at each other. Astrid gave a nervous shrug, still at a loss of what was going on, but following Lucia’s suggestion anyway since she didn’t want to get into any more trouble with her.

Seeing that, Van did the same and joined Astrid in the bath right after her. The two sat there waiting for some time as Lucia seemed to gently close her eyes and just relax into the warmth of the water of the small bath. If Van wasn’t careful, just a careless extension of his leg and he would touch her.

“I’m sure you are probably wondering if me and Hilda are related.” She suddenly said out of the blue. “Honestly speaking I am not sure… We both grew up in the same orphanage, have the same hair color and eyes… But where she was taken in by the slayers, I was taken into the order of Lucius…”

“...Which is what we're here to discuss…” Eyes opening up and leveling them at Van. She crossed her legs, her entire demeanor changing with the sudden seriousness of the situation.

“As you know…” Lucia began. “I belong to the order of Lucius. And it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that the order has spies in Alcray. Just as Alcray as spies in Fandor. While my duties do not necessarily pertain to espionage or anything of the like, I am sometimes recruited against my will to do certain… Tasks that go against my normal job description. One of them is analyzing data and sending it back home, as well as compiling my own set of accounts and observations. This is of course all in the hopes of being able to provide suitable advice to the crown heir when it comes to dealing with enemies foreign and domestic.”

“I believe Kiki and Nikkia operate under a similar vein of work, though they too, from what I found out, were forced into this by their boss. So please forgive them if you see them next time, they were very distressed that you might think less of them for hiding such a thing from you.” Lucia said on Kiki and Nikki’s behalf.

“I won’t really blame them for it, though I’m still kicking myself for not using the bond I have with them to figure out they were still here to begin with. Unless they have a way to even hide that from me…” Van thought. Though he silently continued to wait for what Lucia would say next.

“Now… Let me ask you a question…” Lucia uncrossed her legs, exposing everything. “What do you know about the order of Lucius?”

Van blinked at the question, before trying to give his best answer, wondering where this was going. “They are an order that directly opposes vampires and all that they stand for right? Vampires use darkness, so they use light. They are probably the only light mages in all of the continent that could combat an Alcrayian dark mage. They are also known to be very zealous, and will even go out of their way to destroy all forms of darkness. Whether natural or not. I also hear that they do charity work, and that they have some influence and weight in Fandor, just like the slayers guild. But other than that, I don’t know much about them.”

Lucia nodded. “That is to be expected. The order doesn’t really make a show of itself. Most people even in Fandor believe that the order of Lucius is some sort of monastic order. That we just meditate on the concept of light or pray to it. Though in some cases that is only partially true…”

She shook her head. “I won’t bore you with the details, but just like Alcray, there are some divisions in the order. The two prominent ones are. The Zealots, who believe they have to do an outright extermination of all things Alcray. And the moderates who believe that destroying Alcray is an impossibility, and should instead try to contain and or regulate the dark magics that might slip into Fandor from their south. They also acknowledge the purpose that Alcray plays in keeping the wastes in check. There are also some who are tired of the constant war and hope for peace between Fandor and Alcray, so that they might continue on their studies of all things… Light…”

“I’m more of the moderate faction myself… And I just want to assure you that I don’t mean any harm nor plan to do anything so long as you keep your word that you’ll keep quiet about what happened… Not only that, but I’m hoping that you could help me…” She leaned forward a little, looking him right in the eye.

“What could I help you with?” Van asked.

“The sudden revelation of the MPDs that are being smuggled into Alcray, and being stockpiled by Malon Taldor. Is considered to be a very big deal with the higher-ups in both Fandor and Malor, and they want to know why such a thing is happening, and how there was such a breach of security that allowed it to happen in the first place… You have a way of getting along very well with the other girls in the dorm… In particular, one Cerina Taldor… I want you to tell me if there is any mention of the MPDs.”

“And… Why should I tell you that?” Van stiffened, feeling a little insulted. He was no spy to keep tabs on his women and sell the information out like some jackass.

“Please understand Van.” Lucia said calmly. “This is a great international incident. We have to at least have some assurances that Malon isn’t planning to do anything nefarious with all those MPDs his stockpiling. It’s imperative that we find out what he’s planning to do with all of them.”

Van gave it some thought, a few of the things Arkina mentioned to him coming to mind. “Perhaps it’s for the great march?” He said out loud thoughtfully.

“The great march?” Lucia asked, slightly confused.

“You haven’t heard of it?”

Lucia gave it some thought before realizing what Van was mentioning. “You mean that time of year where Malon sends a massive expedition into the wastes?”

Van nodded. “I think that's more than enough reason to want a MPD stockpile. I know I would want a few if I had to face such a thing on a daily basis.”

Lucia thought about that, slowly coming to a nod. “Perhaps the simplest answer is the correct one…” As if she had been thinking about this before and Van had only reinforced her own conclusions.

“Still… I want you to keep your ears out and tell me if you hear anything suspicious, I would be very appreciative for any info you can provide me, and do my best to return the favor.” Lucia said calmly.

“I’ll think about it.” Van responds, not wanting to be told to spy on others. “Anything else?”

Lucia tilted her head a little at Van’s attitude. “Yes… In fact there is…” As if coming to a sudden idea.

Van tensed a little, feeling suddenly worried.

“I want to thank you for the words you gave to Avalyn. It really seemed to help her get over her slump and now she’s working harder than before to improve herself while she’s here.” Lucia said, taking Van off guard. “I also am quite taken with the suggestion you gave her, and want to ask a few more… Personal questions about that…”

“Suggestion? Questions?” Van replied, his instincts telling him she was up to something.

Lucia slowly pulled her arms towards her and submerged herself in the small bath. She then kicked herself towards Van, gliding through the small distance in one smooth motion in the span of about a second.

He was so surprised that he couldn’t react in time. And then found himself in an interesting dilemma…

Lucia was now pressed against his bare chest. Straddling him. Her sex sitting right on top of his dragon. Her eyes mere inches away from Van’s own.

“Yes… Your suggestion that Avalyn wed someone influential from Alcray. You see…” She began seductively into his ear. “I’ve been studying about Alcray inheritance rights… Correct me if I'm wrong but… Technically, you are also considered an Archduke. At least ever since Rosalyn wed you and raised her own rank, correct?”

“Y-yeah… Though that is only true when my parents relinquish their rights to the barony. After that I have to go through a few rituals myself before I can become an Archduke in my own right.” Van replied, frozen and wondering what was going on.

Lucia slowly began to gently grind herself onto him. “And is it not true… That the heir you designate will inherit everything?”

Van hesitated. “Technically yes… though individual titles can be passed down normally. Such as if Rosalyn and I had a child. Her child would inherit the title of archduchy of all of Rosalyn's land, or if I designate my own heir, keep the title of duchess, though with the possibility of becoming an archduchy once more if she gains a bit more followers. And If I had a child with Luna, that child would inherit all of Luna’s lands and title of countess. Any child I designate as heir, will have the highest title that would overrule all the others, but not necessarily give all the rights of all the other titles. That’s why concubines are a thing, you tie your house to a stronger one without losing your title. You're just under a bigger house. That's why technically, my particular title of archduke would actually be above Rosalyn’s unless I designated her heir as my own. There is a little more to that, but I feel like you already know…”

Lucia nodded, as if understanding everything Van just said. She slowly began to move her hips a little harder. “Indeed… So an Idea came to me… The only two people who are worthy of marrying Avalyn are you and Seral… A tie to the progressive faction, the one we do the most trade with and holds the most land border with, will be our ally. Which could be a huge benefit for us in the future. But… Seral doesn’t inherit anything… You on the other hand do… Which means if you designate Avalyn’s daughter as your heir… We would technically own a lot of land within Alcray’s own borders. But more importantly than that is the title. Vampires place everything on a title. Just having the heir of Fandor own the title of Vampire Archduke, would be enough to deter the majority of Alcrayians… Whether they are from the progressive, neutral, or aggressive faction…”

Lucia then took Van’s cock and lined herself up.

Van grunted as Lucia skewered herself onto him. He instantly knew she was a virgin, and yet she rode him as if she trained for this.

“At the moment.” Lucia gasped. “Avalyn is on the fence about who she should marry between the two of you. There are also a few prospects back home to consider, which would be a whole lot less difficult to convince a bunch of old fogies than trying to sell them a vampire as a husband. But I feel like there is a lot of potential in this union, especially with what you could provide…” She teased into his ear as she worked his shaft.

“And what do you mean by that…” Van said, trying to keep himself composed.

She whispered into his ear. “I know what you are… Van… You don’t really keep it well hidden…”

Van stiffened, but Lucia didn’t stop moving body, nor her words.

“I… Don’t know what you're talking about…” Van responded.

Surprisingly Lucia gave a cute giggle. “Come on Van… you're better than that…” She panted lightly, as her body began to feel really good. “Just imagine how useful an incubus could be when used right. Tying down houses and wooing all your adversaries… You're the perfect catalyst…” She moaned as the very idea of it got her turned on. “Imagine tying so many powerful houses and noble clans, and designating all of that power into one heir… It would create a path for long-term peace and stability.”

“Not to mention what else can happen… Think about it Van… I can help you, you can help me…” She gave another small moan, hugging her arms around Van’s neck as she continued to do her best to ride him.

“I’ll even help you seduce Hilda… What's important is that Aclray and Fandor are at peace. I’ve studied you long enough to know that is something you want as well… Correct? You want freedom… I can promise you, you don’t even have to put in any of the work after the child is born, I’ll take care of things. ” She gasped as Van took her by the waist and began setting his own pace.

“Let’s say I take you up on your suggestion… Why should I do what you say?” Van demand, growing a little incensed over that last part.

“I’m not telling you to do anything… I’m only working for your and everyone's best interest…” Lucia responded, she moaned out loud, becoming more and more taken with the movement of her lower hips.

Van looked into those eyes of hers… Hearing everything she said… And the amazing thing was… He believed her… She didn’t seem to be lying at all. She truly wanted peace between Alcray and Fandor. He could feel it in the connection they were sharing right now… Perhaps an incubus thing… Which made him wonder if she knew even that…

The only thing he wasn’t sure of was what she was willing to stake or sacrifice to accomplish such a goal… All he knew was that she was dangerous… And manipulative… Perhaps… Useful…

“I’ll think about it…” Van replied, becoming rougher with her, an idea forming in his head. If she was going to try and use him… He will try to use her…

“That’s all I can ask I suppose…” Lucia answered with a knowing smile.

The two went at it for the next few minutes until Van finished inside her. When that was done she simply got up, still dripping from between her legs, and walked away. But before she left the bathroom, she turned to address Van one last time. “I’ll keep my end of the bargain, I’m sure in a few months, Avalyn will be looking at you with new eyes…”

She gave him a wink. “Try to be gentle with her…” And with that, she left.

The bath was silent now as Van tried to contemplate everything that just happened.

Astrid looked between the now-gone Lucia and Van. “That… Was hot…” She couldn’t help but say.

Van turned to her with a glare, making her tail and ears stand on end.

“Turn around and stick your ass out,” Van growled.

“Eh?” Astrid blinked.

“Turn around and stick your ass out.” He demanded, the look in his eyes making it clear it wasn’t going to ask a third time.

“...Oh!” With a wave of excitement and realization, she turned over and stuck her ass out.

Van pounded Astrid for the next hour until he got all his stress and anger out of his system. He then left Astrid in a blissed-out state with a happy look on her face.

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