World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 266 Confrontation

The sound of explosions going off was deafening. But the Fandorain troops remained firm and unwavering. The only real issue everyone was facing right now was the flood of enemy soldiers coming right at them from several new directions. Kella began ordering the troops to form up on the Fandorain and to protect them as so far they have proven to be the true mvp’s of this battle.

Zariel though seemed to ignore them and already surmised that it would be close to impossible to deal with the Fandorain formation in any real sense with her troops. So instead rallied her soldiers and split her elite core in two. One to lead an assault on the Fandorains to keep them occupied, and another to follow her as she went around to see if she could strike at any softer targets, such as the students. Probably hoping to get a victory through destroying as many of them as possible.

Aldina wasted no time in trying to intercept her, charging into the fray to deter her or at least keep her at bay as Van and Cerina tried to come up with a new plan of attack.

“What now? If we lose to many students it’s over. Not to mention if she kills the commander…” Astrid said, pointing her arrows and firing as fast she could from a safe distance alongside everyone else around.

Cerina began rattling off the number of ways they could lose. “The rules state that if two-thirds of students are killed alongside the designated commander then you lose… Or if the timer runs out the one with the heaviest losses is also considered the loser. Then there are the points tallied given to us by the judges for tactics and strategies pulled off as well as how well we conducted ourselves in battle. As far as I can see… If we can somehow keep up the rate of attrition while keeping our students alive… We may just be able to settle for a draw…”

She looked towards Avalyn. “In no small part thanks to Avalyn and her guards.”

Avalyn wasn’t sure if that was a compliment, but simply nodded her head before addressing the rest of the group. “We should fall back, there is only so much even my guards can do.”

Van sighed. “If only that was an option. There are only two bases in the village. Thankfully they are close to each other. But if we abandon one to hole up in another, and if they capture that base in turn. That would mean they have a means of reinforcement right on our doorstep and we would lose half of our own reinforcement rate. I suggest that instead we replace any troops we lose with Fandorains, if we can create a critical mass of them, we may just be able to push the enemy out of the village all together. And thankfully, Avalyn came with a small army…”

There were a few mutterings to be had from the other students around them. Accepting help from Fandorians was one thing… But having them take care of the battle altogether and deliver victory as if they couldn’t achieve it themselves was another thing entirely… It felt… Demeaning… And what would the other dorms and clans say?

Already there was some pushback on that suggestion. Some would rather go down fighting then completely relying on the Fandorains for victory.

Thankfully Seral saw where the wind was going and decided to offer a counter suggestion. “Perhaps before we do so, we use whatever troops we have ourselves. This is after all for training in the end.”

A few students nodded to that.

“But… Let us not also forget that if we lose…” Seral continued. “We also lose twenty-five percent of our stipend. And while we are all from wealthy and powerful houses… That doesn’t mean everyone here is given free rein to use their assets as they please… Not to mention Dorm Yellow Fang who are our allies, they wouldn’t be able to afford that was well. This has the ability to stunt our growth, and cripple our ally, which could do more harm then for us all in the future should more clan battles happen…”

That got the students to shut up with their grumblings. Some of the parents of those wealthy students have been completely cut off from their wealth in the vain hope that it would build good character. While those from yellow fang paled at the thought of losing an entire quarter of their income. Van might be paying them a hefty sum of money every month, but that was only for a year and it just was able to help the poor dorm reach parity with the other dorms in their area. Once the income stopped, they would be left with their meager stipend alongside whatever else they could scrounge.

“Then it’s settled.” Van spoke up. “We fight to the last soldier or until time runs out.” His words carry a weight that helped the students come to terms with their situation.

Soon, nods were happening all around as well as a determination in the eyes of all those around the group. They will fight to the last, no matter what it takes…

After that the students were sent out to help where they could. Those with bows and that knew how to use them, were sent out to help the soldiers with orders to fall back should things get too dangerous. The rest would help move and create palisades and use their magic to give temporary enchantments to armor and weaponry. And those good at support went to provide buffs to their troops to make them fight harder and for longer.

The battle went on for half an hour. Both sides pushing back and forth. With the enemy commander seeming happy to wait it out. And for good reason… Her second in command had finally joined the fray, pushing the southern forces into the base area alongside everyone else.

“Sorry Van, I killed like a hundred of them. But they kept pushing forward or going around me. In the end, all the choke points were destroyed… But at least I killed a few of their students.” Karmine said, giving him a vicious grin.

“Indeed, this was a nice warm-up for the main course.” Ashina added with her own grin.

“Seriously, you two get along far too well for my liking.” Van commented.

More siege equipment was brought forward to harass their troops. And Van looked at the floating screen in front of him with some trepidation as the number of their reserves began to dwindle.

“In the end, we may have no choice but to rely on the Fandorains to help bail us out of this mess.” He thought. “There were still some available beds in the barracks back at the dorm, perhaps I should have tried sneaking a few of my troops in my soul realm into them, it would’ve been helpful in this situation. But then again…” He shook his head.

In the end, it didn’t really matter. If they could just hold on for a bit longer, they might be just able to make this into a draw. Or so he thought.

“Mercenaries!” A student cried out from the top of a watchtower before ducking her head back under cover as an arrow zipped right by where her head was just a few seconds prior.

It was at that moment that the battle began to shift. It was clear that the enemy commander had finally run out of expandable troops, and her own reserves. Meaning she had to spend her points on the more expensive mercenaries. But though they were more expensive, they were also tougher than the average student soldier. Perhaps not as strong as the royal guard, but they were far more effective in dealing with all the other troops under their command. Killing two or three for every merc that was lost.

“That… Shouldn’t be a problem…” Van thought worriedly. “It just means we will have to start calling up the rest of the Fandorain royal guard sooner… Right?”

He was wrong. The rate of attrition now began to favor the enemy. The rate of units being summoned could not keep up with the rate of them being lost in battle. And the royal guard, no matter how good they were, were forced to move back to prevent themselves from being completely surrounded. It was already impressive, that despite fighting for an entire hour straight. Not a single royal guard had fallen, though there were a few wounded here and there.

This only proved their worth more in Van’s mind. He began to add more of them in the summoning circles as time went by to try to stem the tide of battle. But it seemed the enemy commander had noticed this and had finally decided to make her move.

Gathering her strongest troops, she formed them into a wedge formation and charged forward where the Fandorains were at the fewest. She blasted past them and charged ahead, making a beeline for Van and his fellow students, weaving in and out of attacks and dealing with any soldiers that got in her way with a smooth swipe of her bloody spear..

Kella, Karmine, Ashina, and the others were all taking care of their own fronts at this time. So could do nothing for the sudden suicidal rush of the enemy commander straight into the heart of their base.

“Everyone back!” Van ordered as the commander barreled down on him.

But to his surprise and everyone else's, she stopped about a few dozen feet from them on her shadowy tiger. She then pointed her spear at Van. “Vanris Vransolis correct? I Zariel Moroi Draculesti challenge you to a duel.”

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden challenge, even more so Van wondering how this person even knew his full name.

“And why should I accept?” Van asked, slightly confused and hesitant to accept.

Zariel smiled. “I saw your fight with Aldina in the arena. Ever since I’ve wanted to challenge you. But it would be embarrassing to give a formal challenge to a male. So I decided to challenge your clan instead. But you took so long in forming it that I almost lost hope in ever challenging you.”

“Did… You challenge my clan… Just to fight me?” Van asked, unsure if he was hearing this right.

Zariel smiled. “You interest me. It’s not everyday a male interests me… In fact, I think you are the first!” Her easy-going grin went wider.

“Great… So you have a crush on me…” Van replied, giving an exasperated look. “Any reason why then, you demanded a whole quarter of our stipend?”

Zariel laughed. “A crush!?” Then continued to laugh some more before calming down. “Oh-ho-hehe… Thats…” She gave it some thought. “Actually interesting…” Tilting her head as she let the idea ferment in her brain.

“Well if you're so interested, why don’t you surrender? I’ll go on a date with you if you do.” Van sarcastically suggested, though he knew it wouldn’t work.

Zariel laughed again, thinking that it was a good joke, as Van’s own teammates looked at him in surprise then back to the enemy commander laughing a storm in front of them.

“Oh, you are too good.” She giggled. “I’m almost tempted to take you up on your offer. You are pretty but… I prefer to test your mettle first. Believe it or not, I’ve been looking for a long time for a nice strong male. So If I win, please forgive me, I wouldn’t want our future children to grow up in a loveless marriage.” She joked back at him with her banter.

“And what if I don’t prove my mettle?” Van asked back.

“Then I guess you're just not husband material. But don’t worry, I won't hold against you.” She smiled. “Though I still will be taking that twenty five percent. That stipend could go a long way for our dorm. Not like you need it.”

“And what makes you say that?” Van glared.

Zariel raised an eyebrow. “You are literally sending the entire Yellow Fang Dorm through tuition…”

Van grunted, she had a point.

“Wait… This could actually be useful…” As an idea came to his mind. “She’s clearly a good commander and is showing interest in me. Perhaps I could turn this into my advantage. I swore to myself that I would get stronger through any means necessary. If I can make her my subordinate, how much easier will things be for me?”

“Though I have to be careful… I can sense her power… She’s even stronger than Aldina. This may come back to bite me if I'm not careful.” Eyeing her up and down,

“So? Are you going to fight me? Or oggle me?” Zariel joked, wielding her spear across her shoulders as she waited.

“I accept your challenge… If I win… Regardless if your clan wins this battle or not, you will be my subordinate. But if you win…?” Waiting for her reply.

Zariel was taken aback by Van’s demand. She was clearly momentarily surprised by what he asked of her. But when she thought about it, she couldn’t help but smile and laugh carefreely once more, even as the battle continued all around them. “Oh! You are definitely husband material!”

She then eyed him down like a predator would a prey. “If I win…” She gave it some thought. “Well… I won’t do something silly like ask you to go to bed with me… No… If I win, we will have to do a lover’s bond…” Giving him a knowing look.

Van paled. He had learned of lovers' bonds in class. They were effectively weaker versions of a marriage bond. Similar to that of a concubine binding, but where the male and female shared equal power in the relationship. But it wasn’t as simple as that, for the longer the lover’s bond continued, the more the feelings of the two individuals would intertwine.

It was a method for two houses to eventually join together when their heirs didn’t like each other. It would effectively help the two fall in love with each other before they had a proper marriage bond. There were of course methods of a lover bond that allowed one to share a binding without the forced emotion mixing, but he had a feeling that wasn’t what she was talking about.

“Y-you do realize I already have like, half a dozen wives right!? Are you sure you really want this!?” Van exclaimed, eyes wide at her demand.

“Of course I do… And you have six wives! …That’s hot! Makes me want you even more now!” She leaned in with a fiery look in her eyes.

Now all the students were muttering about this sudden change. Wondering where things were going to end up next.

“Well… Are you going to accept… Or not?” Zariel asked as Van tried to think of a counteroffer.

Van looked towards the battle. The enemy was slowly being pushed back with the reinforcing Fandorains. He could just stall for a while longer, tying the commander up with talks, giving them a bigger edge.


“Alright… I accept…” Van glared at her, eyes filled with determination.

Zariel shivered at the bloodlust directed at her. “O-o-oh you are definitely husband material.” As a lustful smile grew on her face.

Everyone else was shocked and confused by Van’s decision.

“Van, are you sure?” Luna asked him, concerned in her voice.

Van nodded. “I’m sorry guys…” Looking at his wife, Cerina, Seral, Avalyn, Astrid, and everyone else. “But I want this fight. To see how much I have grown. Even if she wins, it won’t be to our detriment. I promise you that.”

Astrid heaved a sigh. “Just don’t get too hurt. And please come back safely.” Her eyes filled with concern for him.

“Indeed. You're acting more pig-headed than a few girls I know.” Cerina said, shaking her head. “But… Do what you feel you must…”

“Show her what a male from the west can do,” Seral said, trying to instill some pride in his words.

Avalyn was silent, but it was clear she wanted to wish him well, but wasn’t sure of how to say the words.

After that, he turned to Zariel. “I’m ready.” Taking a few steps forward.

Zariel smiled and jumped off her shadowy tiger in front of him.

“This is a one-on-one battle. No interference. The first one’s shield to break is the loser. Do you agree to these terms?” She asked him.

Van nodded. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

Zariel smiled and took her stance. “Then let the match… Begin…”

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