World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 270 Chase of the Incubus(nsfw)

“Quick! I think he went this way!” A student called out as Van ducked behind a corner and melded into the shadows.

Once the gaggle of girls passed by he quickly went back to normal and started to have Azra scout ahead. From there he went from shadow to shadow, making his way back to his dorm as quickly as possible while trying to remain hidden from view.

He didn’t know how it started, though he had some ideas… But after word about his duel with Zariel a few weeks ago became more widespread, rumors began to spread about him. Uncomfortable rumors that perhaps hit a little too close to home for his liking.

As information spread about his strength, people began to wonder and speculate about his upbringing. How was it possible that a male was so powerful? What did he do to get that way? Does he have any wives? Lovers? If so, how many and was he interested in having a few more?

But as more information was gathered about him, the more people began to realize that he indeed had a great many wives, concubines, and lovers… And that set off a new wave of speculation and rumors. With some people beginning to wonder if he was a… Incubus… After all, how else was a male able to handle that many women? And it would explain why he was so powerful as well. Incubi can grow stronger the more women they bed, just as women can grow stronger the more they have sex with an incubus.

And now there were a few people wanting to meet up with him to determine if those rumors are true…

Van rushed down the hall. He knew it was dangerous to use his power to increase his speed, as there were censors to determine if someone was running in the halls past a certain limit. But he was panicking, and for good reason. This was the sixth group of girls that tried to corner him this week. That made two this day.

“Hey, is that… Him?” A student said from her group of friends that happened to be walking along the same hall Van was traveling on.

“Hey you're right! Let’s ask him a few questions.” Her friend said.

Then a third student spoke up. “Hey, are you really an incubus?”

Van ignored them and continued to rush down the hall as quickly as the speed limit would allow.

“He’s getting away!?”

“How dare he ignore us!”

“Let’s follow to see where he’s going!”

Van doubled his pace and rounded a corner, turning himself into a cat in the hopes no one would suspect a thing.

“Where did he go!?” One of the girls exclaimed as they all now blinked in surprise by the sudden disappearance of Van as they rounded the same corner and saw nothing but an empty hallway. The only trace of their target was a thin wispy line of shadowy smoke.

Van poofed from shadow to shadow in his new cat form, rushing from shade to shade. He followed Azra’s lead, trusting her to guide him to safety. Right now he didn’t trust any group of girls, and had plans to only go to his dorm as quickly as possible as soon as possible.

But word seemed to have gotten out that he was trying to escape, and now there were even more girls out and about trying to look for him.

“This is getting out of hand! Why are there so many people looking for me!?” Van exclaimed inwardly. “This is ridiculous! Damnit, if I can only get to the dorm, I can have everyone there protect me until this thing blows over.”

He jumped into another shadow and poofed out the other side. “Maybe… Maybe I was being too greedy… Perhaps I should have slowed down a bit… But with so many talents around me, how could I refuse? I still want Devi, Zariel and Avalyn. Imagine the power-”

He shook his head. “No, stop being so obsessed with power Van. you need to get a handle on yourself first. Then you can bang whoever you want.” He told himself.

He slowly began creeping around now. “Why in the world did I have to go to the library today? It’s so fucking far…”

“Hey, I’ve never seen that cat before.” A student said, noticing Van’s form.

“Oh, I’ve seen it around the cafeteria with a few other cats. It’s really cute right?” Another student said.

“Is it owned by anyone?” The first student asked.

“Hmm… I don’t think so?” Her friend replied. “Why do you ask?”

“Well… I’ve always wanted a cat…”

“Oh! Let’s go check then and bind it if it doesn't have an owner!

The two girls then turned and began walking towards Van.

“Oh you gotta be kidding me…” Van lamented his cute cat appearance.

He then rushed away.

“Hey, it’s getting away!” The student exclaimed.

“Let’s follow it to see where it goes!” Her friend said excitedly at the sudden chase.

“Please just leave me alone!” Van whined. Another chase ensued with him running from a bunch of girls now chasing him because of how cute of a cat he was. “Avalyn was right! We do bind anything we see!”

He rushed down the halls as quickly as his four legs would allow. Poofing from shadow to shadow in erratic ways in the hopes of losing his pursuers. But it only seemed to serve to get them more interested in him.

“Wow! Do you see that! It can use shadow magic! It must be a rare breed!”

“Don’t lose sight of it! I want that cat more than ever now!”

Then other girls became interested. “Hey, isn’t that the cat from the cafeteria?”

“Looks like some people are chasing it?”

“Maybe it’s ownerless?”

“Now that you mention it, I've never seen a mark on it or sensed any binding on it before…”

Does that mean it’s… Free game?”

Now even more people began the chase.

Van wanted to cry…

He ran for his life as fast as his little legs could take him. “Wait, isn’t that…” His eyes alighted upon a familiar door to Devi’s personal workshop. He had only been there a few times in the past. It was a cluttered mess filled with contraptions and broken machines. The perfect place to hide…

“Azra!” Van sent a command to his familiar and she knew what he wanted. They began to move erratically together and Azra created shadowy doubles of them both as well. Soon there were a dozen of them and they all poofed into different directions once they hit the intersection up ahead. All except Van who vanished through the shadow under Devi’s door.

Normally, one wouldn’t be able to do such a thing due to the magical barriers on most doors. But Devi gave Van a key to use in case he ever wanted to come by and visit. Which he used right now to deactivate the barrier and slip in unnoticed.

Once on the other side. He quickly turned back to normal and made sure the door was locked. Then pressed his ears against it to hear what was happening on the other side.

“Where did it go!?”

“Did it multiply!?”

“Which way do we go?”

“Ugh! Just split up, whoever finds it gets it!”

And then the sounds of shoes slowly disappeared off into the distance.

Van sighed with relief once they were gone, turned to look at the rest of the room and froze upon finding Devi and Cecilia right there staring at him.

“Uh… Hi?” Van said lamely.

“Van? What are you doing here? How did you get in here?” Cecilia asked, confused.

“Well… What about you? What are you doing here? I thought you were only interested in necromancy?” Van returned the question.

Cecilia frowned. “I’m here because you convinced me to study up on golemancy in the hopes of improving my necromancy. And figured Devi would be the perfect person to ask about it.” She crossed her arms. “Now, how did you appear and why didn’t you tell your friends that you were an incubus!” Looking very cross with him.

“Incubus? What incubus? I don’t see no incubus.” Van said, trying to play dumb.

“Oh please Van…” Cecilia gave him a flat look. “If it isn’t you, who else could it be? Everyone that knows you would realize it once it was shoved right into their faces…”

“Really? How long have you two known?” Van asked, now curious and worried about how obvious he was and wondering how careful he should be in the future.

“Just now.” Cecilia said smugly. “But in all honesty, if someone said you were an incubus, I would be inclined to believe them unless proven otherwise… You do tend to have surprisingly lecherous eyes when looking at women you want to bed. Such as Devi here.” Motioning with her head.

Devi blushed, surprised by Cecilia’s words. “Do… You really want me?” She asked as if she couldn’t believe anyone would want someone like her.

“Great… that means everyone in the dorm knows…” Van thought annoyed. He sighed. “Okay, yeah, you got me. I’m an incubus…” His eyes went cold. “So tell me why I shouldn’t charm you into forgetting that?” Demanding a satisfactory answer.

“For one. Where friends, I won’t just rat you out like that. For two. No need to mind wipe me, I would be perfectly happy to help you. And three. Well… I want what everyone wants from an incubus. No love needed be involved if you don’t like me. I’m more than happy being friends with benefits. And my skills in necromancy could be useful to you.” She said proudly.

“So you're just like the others…” Van said sadly.

“Oh don’t you dare lump me with them.” She said crossly. “I actually care about you and how you're treated. But I also accept that I won’t be anyone seriously important to you. I won’t try to control you. All I ask is that we remain friends and you still help me with my homework. Deal?”

Van thought about it. It was at least a lot more honest and straightforward than probably anything the other girls chasing him would have offered. And Cecilia really was a good friend of his. “Alright, deal.” Nodding his head.

“And you?” Now looking at Devi. “What do you think about all of this?”

Devi looked completely at a loss at what just happened. For one, Van likes her. For two, Van was an incubus. And for three, Van and Cecilia just made some sort of deal to exchange sex with each other or something. She wasn’t sure, she was still confused.

“Umm… Do… Do you really like me?” She was still stuck on that one.

Van blinked and gave it some thought. In the end he decided to be completely honest with her. “Yes… I do.” He nodded gently. “Not just because of what you can offer me. But because I genuinely think you're cute and you make me happy with how we can always talk about runes, golemancy and other things together. I love learning from you and I love your mind.”

Devi blushed beet red and looked downward and mumbled a small thanks. Too shy to look Van in the eye. But then something crossed her mind and tears began to form. “Why… Why didn’t you say something sooner…” She sniffed. “Here I was thinking I was unlovable and with all these feelings and it turned out you liked me!?” She incoherently began to cry a little.

Van was at a loss of what to do and looked to Cecilia for help.

“Don’t look at me. Use some of your incubus charm or something.” Cecilia said with a shrug. “She’s liked you for a long time, maybe show her some proof of your love?” She suggested.

Van sighed. “It’s true… I actually haven’t spent a lot of time with her other than to talk shop. I should have at least taken her out on a few dates…”

He walked towards Devi and picked her up in his arms and looked her in the eyes. “Devi, from now on you are mine. And I’ll love and cherish you forever.” Putting some charm into his eyes for extra effect.

Devi seemed to be enraptured by Van’s words and eyes.

And to seal the deal he leaned forward and gave her a deep passionate kiss.

Devi moaned. Scared at first, but then began to tentatively kiss back, tongues trying to swirl together.

“Oh shit. Are we doing this right now? I’m not ready!” Cecilia exclaimed and began to quickly take off her clothes. “Okay, now I'm ready.” She said in a joking tone of voice once all her clothes were off.

Van rolled his eyes. But perhaps Ceclia had a point and so began to be a bit more adventurous with how he held Devi’s body. “I really seem to be unable to help myself. Might as well go all the way and see where this goes. I’ll just use my incubus powers to grow stronger to the point that no one can force me to do what I don’t want to do.”

---Sex Scene---


---End of Sex Scene---

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