World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 273 Sudden Changes

Van was woken up by Luna, who was leaning in towards his face with a look of worry.

“Van, are you awake? Are you okay?” She asked, concerned.

Van blinked with groggy eyes, completely unaware until now how tired he was. “I’m fine, how long was I out?” He asked, slowly getting up.

Luna shook her head unsure. “All I heard was that one of the guards tried to wake you up, but that no matter what she did, you wouldn’t budge or open your eyes. They finally asked me to see if I could do anything.”

“I’m fine, I was just… I was just really tired…” He said, figuring he should keep what he saw in the great black void to himself. He slowly turned around and got off the bed, stretching his tired muscles, only to fall sitting back down on it. “How long was I out for?”

Luna looked sadly upon her husband, coming to the conclusion that all of the stress of the past few days must be weighing heavily on his shoulders. “Malon has asked for you. He wants to discuss plans for your future. But I can ask them to wait if you want…” Saying so out of concern for Van’s well-being and wondering if he needed more rest.

“I’m fine. Thanks.” He said, giving her a gentle smile. “Tell the guards I’ll be out in just a few more moments. Just need to get my bearings…”

Luna gave one last look of concern for him, but slowly nodded and moved towards the door to do just that.

Van was left alone in the room once more. It felt weird now… He had gotten used to the girls talking, gossiping, play housing and more. With it just being him, the cramped room felt too big and empty. He hoped the girls were doing okay and getting the sleep they need…

He got up and walked towards the door, feeling a bit more awake now that he had some time to get his head back on straight. He was a bit nervous that he was going to meet Malon once more, the things Ren told him about being in his presence for too long could mean one of them dying playing in his mind. He hoped that whatever the Malon wanted to talk about wasn’t going to take too long…

Not long after he had left the room he was escorted to the head principal's office. Once more they took unused corridors and hallways, as well as some employee and teacher-only passages. Allowing them to avoid the majority of students along the way and making great time. It was interesting to see the other side of some of the doors that only instructors and staff could use.

Finally he was once more ushered into an elegant yet spartan room where Malon Taldor sat, waiting for his return. Once Van had arrived the guards left and silence descended on the room.

Van wasn’t sure if Malon knew what he did about their shared soul situation, but it always seemed like Malon himself couldn’t help but feel like he had seen Van somewhere before, though long ago. That feeling probably never left his mind, though he kept it from showing on his face.

Malon gave a somewhat stern look, one well-practiced for dealing with problem students. “Van… I, and a few other teachers and staff after hours of discussion have come to a decision on what is to be done with you…”

Van stiffened but waited quietly to hear what would be said next.

“While we think you should have told us of your… Unique situation… We also have come to the conclusion we can’t fully fault you for keeping such a thing to yourself. Though by doing so, you have put yourself and your fellow students in danger. Because of this you will be punished, but you will not be expelled…”

Van didn’t know if he should relax and feel thankful that he wasn’t being expelled or worried…

“Instead, in light of your academic progress in just a mere six months, we have decided to allow you to skip a few grades. Under the condition that you stay behind during your break and catch up with the rest of the other students who are your seniors. By doing this we can provide you a room within the outer walls of our school. While more dangerous, the students there are far more mature and self controlled and we have more staff and soldiers to help prevent anything… Outward or harmful to you by your fellow female colleagues…” Malon took a heavy breath and sighed.

Van was somewhat nervous and grateful about the decision so far, though he couldn’t help but keep his guard up considering how heavy the sigh Malon made, wondering what was going to be said next.

“There are, of course, still a few things that must be arranged before we can go through with this transfer. And there is of course the issue with you and Devi… That we have to go over… I think you don’t need me to tell you how a student sleeping with a teacher can be… Viewed… Correct?”

Van didn’t move an inch, wondering how much trouble he was in.

“While technically there are few rules in this school when it pertains with who you want to have sexual relations with. Having sex with a teacher who can in turn give you better grades is genuinely frowned upon and by all means not allowed… If you were a graduate or had told the school staff beforehand that you had such relations, we could have switched your teacher out with someone else so as to avoid any favoritism.”

Van paused at that. He had thought it was illegal flat out to sleep with a teacher, but apparently, that wasn’t the case… But then again, in such a world like this one, perhaps it made sense that some teachers wouldn’t be able to help themselves wanting to be in a relationship with one of their student’s or vice versa, so perhaps some allowances were given.

“We also can’t overlook all your sexual relations you’ve made. There are reasons why you should have told us that you are an incubus. Normally a male incubus will think they are able to control themselves, and so suppress their desires and pretend to be selective with who they bed. But as time goes on they find themselves slowly slipping and unable to control their urges. They are similar to that of a succubus in that regard. With that in mind we have contacted the Lover’s Guild to send someone with some knowledge about your unique situation who can help you find women to bed and how to safely control your urges until you’ve mastered them.”

Van wasn’t so happy to hear that part, but he couldn’t really say anything on the matter.

“Finally, about your punishment.” Malon’s eyes narrowed darkly.”

Van waited with baited breath.

“We had a hard time discussing what kind of suitable punishment we could give you. Some of the teachers thought you should work at the breeding pen to help produce more future warriors for the school, but considering your unique position, found that it may not be a suitable punishment…”

“Oddly enough they may be right…” Van thought inwardly.

“Unless you want to of course… Instead we have come to the decision, considering your skill in runecraft and magic. To use your abundant magical aptitude to power some of our spells and to use you to craft talismans and other portable enchantments. More importantly, you will be used to help replenish the mana barrier that helps protect this city for the next six months. It is a tiring and exhausting job, but one we think you make use of your ample mana reserves.”

Van felt a little relieved at that, if there was one thing he had in spades, it was mana.

“Now then, are there any questions you would like to ask?”

Van hesitated but nodded.

“Go ahead then.”

“Will my wives, concubines, and lovers be allowed to visit me? Or come with me?” Van asked, a little worried that he would be all alone in an unfamiliar place. “What about my maid and my soldiers? What will happen to them? And finally what does this mean for the classes I’ll be taking since I’ll be skipping so many grades at once?”

Van hoped he wasn't asking too many questions, he didn’t want to annoy Malon and get into any more trouble than he already was.

Thankfully it seemed he didn’t mind.

“Yes yes, your wives, concubines can visit. Your lovers on the other hand will have to prove that they know you since normally we can just check what kind of binding someone has with a person to determine the relationship. As for your maid, since she is bound to you of course she can be with you, blood-bound maids are an exception. Your soldiers will also be going with you, for it is a fact you will be going to the outer walls, you will need an army to help defend yourself and this city. Your soldiers will also now be obligated to help patrol and hunt monsters that get too close to the city walls. That is part of your punishment. As for your classes, we will have you go through a few tests to determine where you are academically, and then change your classes accordingly, any more questions?” Malon raised a brow.

Van hesitated. “About that lover’s guild assistant… Umm what Exactly will I be taught? And do you know when they will arrive?”

“I do not know what you will be taught, and if I have to be honest, I would rather not know… She will arrive in about three days. Just in time for all your things to be transferred into your new room on the outer walls. You will also be receiving a new uniform set. Please wear it as soon as it arrives. Once you have settled in I will arrange for someone to help you be your guide for the rest of the school year and get you familiar with the outer walls. She will also keep an eye on you to make sure you are okay and that nothing outward happens to you.”

“I hope that satisfies your questions…”

Van nodded. “Thank you.”

A silent few seconds passed.

Malon Cleared his throat. “By the way… I heard that you and my daughter are… Getting along…”

Van stiffened up, all nervous once more. After a few seconds more passed he gave a slow nod.

“I see…” Malon said.

A few more seconds passed.

Malon cleared his throat. “Well, we wasted enough time here. You may go now.” Then dismissed Van.

Van was thankful and with great relief walked away from the uncomfortable atmosphere, but just as he was about to walk out the door he was stopped.

“Ah… By the way… I do not mind what you do with my daughter… You can even have as many kids with her as you want… But.” Malon’s tone of voice began to drip with danger. “If you ever break my precious baby's heart… I will end you… I just wanted you to know that…”

Van stood frozen at the door, before giving one last nod and slowly exiting the room. He only was able to relax when he finally got back home, or at least back to the dorm. The guards said that they will start packing his things soon, and by tomorrow he will be in his new room on the outer walls.

He thanked them for their time and help, and then went to his bed to rest, the conversation he had with Malon was just that stressful. But before he could completely relax and take a quick nap, he found Avalyn there with a strange look in her eyes.

“Hey Van… Can we talk for a moment?” She asked gently.

Van perked up at that and nodded. “Sure, what do you want to talk about?” He motioned for her to sit down, wondering if this was perhaps something to do with the fact he was an incubus.

The two sat down side by side on the bed, and when Avalyn began to talk, he realized he had hit the nail on the head.

“I… Just wanted to apologize to you…” Avalyn said out of the blue.

“Apologize? What for?” Van asked.

“For so long I thought you were… Well…” She blushed. “A slut…”

Van was slightly taken aback, though he couldn’t really fault Avalyn for thinking such a thing.

Upon seeing his face she quickly tried to explain herself. “Not that I wasn't flattered by your advances. Nor had anything against that or you or the way you lived your life. I mean anyone can be whatever they want to be. I just… No I meant-” She was starting to panic now.

“It’s fine.” Van chuckled gently, not wanting her to be hung up on this.

“I just… Wanted to apologize… And now I realize that the reason why you were hitting on me was just because… You know…”

Van tilted his head.

“I-I”m not someone who… You know…” Her face went red. “I…”

Van gave her a somber look. “Avalyn… The reason why I courted you was because I like you. I genuinely do. And yes, I like a lot of women, for a variety of reasons. But I’m not just some male in heat.” Though he had to admit inwardly that was less true than it was before.

“I like you.” He said again. “And I hope we can… Continue to go out on dates and see new sights together. And maybe one day… Do something a bit more…” He said suggestively. “Until then, let’s keep going and see where this all leads us. If that’s okay with you of course…”

Avalyn blushed at that suggestive part but slowly nodded with a shy smile on her face. “Alright… Thank you Van…” She said appreciatively.

Van nodded. “Anytime.”

After that, they shared a moment and parted ways. He then got back with Luna and told her what was going to happen. He then shared it with everyone else in the dorm.

“So does that mean you're leaving?” Kira asked with a sad puppy-eyed look.

“Sorry girls, but it is what it is. I have to go, this is going to be my last night here.” Van said.

That got a few mutterings from everyone.

“Then we should make the most of it!” Luna exclaimed. “Who wants to party!”

A small cheer resounded with everyone trying to think what they could do to help pitch in for the sudden farewell party for Van.

“You girls really don’t need to do this, I appreciate the thought,” Van said.

But already everyone was going on about who will get what.

In the end, a small party was held. Which obviously ended with most of the girls having an orgy with him at its center until daybreak.

He hoped this wasn’t going to be the last time.

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