World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 275 Succubus Teacher

Van woke up groggily from his sleep. A constant knocking from his door prevented him from simply going back to bed. Checking the time he found that it was very early in the morning, it was barely even daybreak.

His first thoughts were to ignore it. But then he began to fear that it might be the officer in charge of him, the one he met yesterday, knocking on his door to make sure that he was coming to the canteen on time for roll call.

Now fearing that he actually might be late, he quickly got up and sleepily changed into his new uniform before answering the door. Who was actually there when he answered was not who he was expecting…

Van blinked. “Who are you?”

A very pink girl smiled up at him. She wore a pink dress, pink headband, pink and white stockings, and well… Basically pink everything… And what wasn’t pink was frills. The only thing that wasn’t some shade or color of pink was her hair.

“Hello Van, I am Marie Valentine. I was sent by the Lover’s Guild to help you with your little problem.” She said teasingly.

Van paused at the door confused. “Weren’t you supposed to come like… Tomorrow?”

Marie’s smile widened. “Trust me Van, nothing could keep me away from such a wonderful task as helping an incubus gain control over his own powers. Not to mention all the fun that it would entail…” Giving him a coy smirk.

“So? Are you going to let me in?” She asked as Van just stared at her.

“Uh… Sure…” Van moved aside to which Marie promptly welcomed herself in. Carrying a small suitcase behind her. Once at the center of the room she put her case down and began to undress.

“Uh… Isn’t it a little too early for that? I have roll call in an hour.” Van said as Marie stripped.

“Nonsense! The sooner we get to work, the sooner we can help you control your power. Now, do you know how to charm women yet?” Marie asked, turning towards him wearing nothing but her stockings.

“Umm…” Van thought back to when he charmed Devi and Cecilia. “Maybe…?”

Marie gave an amused snort. “Not like that. I mean just by existing do you charm women. Like do you walk into a room and all the women take notice of you?”

Van pondered the question. “A little… I guess?”

“And have you used a charming gaze before?” Marie asked.

“...Once?” Van responded unsure. But then remembered his fight with Karmine so long ago. “Twice…?”

At this time Luna rolled over with a groan. All their talking had woken her up from her sleep. With tired half lidded eyes she scanned the room, trying to figure out where her husband went and what was going on.

“Oh my, Is this another conquest of yours? I would have thought that after that whole fiasco that you would have taken it a bit slow. I guess nothing can keep you down, am I right?” Giving Van a knowing wink.

Van blushed, “actually… She is my wife… And no, we didn’t do anything last night other than cuddle…” He responded defensively.

“Oh my… Terribly sorry about that then.” Marie then walked over to Luna and stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m with the Lover’s Guild, here to help your husband gain control over his powers. I hope you understand that I might have to be hands on with my approach. I have nothing to hide, so if you wish, you can even join me in helping me with your husband or just watch. Or if this is something you don’t want to think about, you can leave and I'll just leave a report about our progress.” Sounding far more professional than before and like she was trying to sympathize with Luna for having an incubus husband.

Luna paused, looked at the offered hand, then at the naked women who it belonged to. After a few seconds she gently took the handshake. “Just don’t be too loud okay…” She then yawned. “And if it seems fun I might join. Hope that is okay with you.” Swaying back and forth from lack of sleep. She really wasn’t a morning person.

“Of course! And I just want to add I won’t do anything to your husband that you don’t want me to do. Everything is above board.” Then as if an idea struck her she quickly turned to the pile of clothes she left in the middle of the room and rummaged through it. She returned with a piece of paper and a small card. “This is my ID card and certificate showing my profession in dealing with such rare instances of helping incubi. I also have a copy on my Vespera band.” Showing a holographic image of her forms with her band.

“If there are any questions you wish to ask, please don’t hesitate, I’m here to help after all.” Giving a professional smile.

Van wondered why she wasn’t like that when he first answered the door…

Luna carefully, if not a little slowly due to lack of sleep, read the paper in front of her before giving a nod. “Okay…” Was all her brain could come up with at the moment. Her thoughts slowly strayed to cups of coffee and maybe a donut or two. She then handed the certificate and ID card back.

“Thank you for your understanding.” Marie said, accepting her things back. She then turned to Van. “Alright, now first things first.” She looked him in the eye. “Why don’t you let go of that glamor…”

Van was taken aback. No one had ever figured out that he was actually wearing glamor to make himself look more normal rather than more attractive… At first he wasn’t sure if she was just guessing or if she actually knew from the beginning. But considering she was supposed to be a professional…

He dropped his glamor and let his true appearance out.

Luna began to drool, far more awake then she was before.

Marie had to squint, a complicated look on her face.

“Yeah… This might be a bit harder than I thought…” Acting like Van’s true appearance was just a minor hiccup or inconvenience rather than an actual challenge. “Can you now use your glamor to up your appearance? As high as you can go please.” Marie asked nonchalantly.

Van blinked, surprised that someone wasn’t affected by his looks. And for some reason a little… offended… He gave what she asked for. Now using his power to increase his attractiveness.

Luna began to suck the inside of her mouth, doing her best to hold herself back as her eyes narrowed to help shield herself from Van’s intenseness. Now fully awake.

Marie on the other hand gave a few nods. “Alright, not bad. I can see why you have so many women chasing after you.”

Van frowned. “This is the first time I’ve ever used my glamor to make myself more attractive.”

Now it was Marie’s turn to look surprised. “Oh, really?”

Luna came to her husband’s defense. “It’s true.” She swallowed. “This is the first time he has ever done something like this.”

Marie blinked, turning to Luna in surprise. “How are you okay?”

Van wondered if he should tell her this, but unlike the fact he was an incubus, Luna never really kept the fact she was a succubus secret, though for some reason it was always more of a surprise to most people.

“My wife is a succubus, she probably has more defense against this kind of thing.” Van answered.

Marie looked between Van and Luna. It was clear this bit of news had taken her by surprise. “Hmm… Maybe I should have done a bit more research before taking this job…” She shook her head. “No matter.” A predatory smile taking her face. “I enjoy the challenge.” Then looking up to address the two of them. “She’s not the only one with succubus blood in her.”

Then her body began to change and morph, revealing a tail, horns and a small pair of wings on her back. “I think the three of us are going to have a lot of fun…” She said with a smile.

She turned to Luna. “I'm going to take you under my wing and help you master your control over your succubus bloodline.” Then turned to address Van. “And I'm going to help you be the best incubus you can be. With my tutelage you’ll be able to cum on command and gallons of it. Empower your sperm with healing or other effects. Increase the rate of growth for all the women you bed. And hold in thrall everyone you meet with just a glance. You're going to go through quite the training arc, I hope you're ready.” A perverted smile on her face.

“Umm…” Van raised a hand. “I kinda know how to do most of that stuff already… What else are you going to teach me? Also, I thought this was all about controlling my power, not making me more powerful?”

Marie blinked. Once more taken aback. She wasn’t expecting such an answer.

“Well… Even if you say that you’ve done all that, It might not be exactly to standard. Also, just like you said, you have used these powers in one form or another, so training them is a good way of gaining control over them so you don’t accidentally use them. They can also be quite the weapon for your defense once properly mastered.” She explained.

Van nodded, accepting the explanation.

“Now then, let’s try and do some exercises. Please undress and then try to use your eyes to charm me.” Marie asked.

Van blushed. But then wondered why. After all the things he’s done. He really shouldn’t be embarrassed by undressing in front of a woman he just met. So he neatly took off his clothes, and after a few seconds of collecting himself, tried to do the thing he remembered doing to Devi and Cecilia.

His eyes turned pink for a split second. But instead of Marie’s eyes turning pink, nothing happened. Confused, Van tried again, though this time for longer and trying to put more effort into it.

Marie gave a superior than thou look towards him.

Making Van try even harder, no longer hiding his power but using it openly to get Marie affected by his gaze.

“Not bad.” Marie said after a while. “But not good enough for someone of my caliber.” Though she said that, and while her front projected strength and confidence, the back of her legs were shaking…

Luna on the other hand began to slowly crawl towards Van. Mouth watering. She wasn’t even the center of Van’s gaze, but his power was enough to affect her anyway. Her natural mental defense as a succubus meaning nothing to the full brunt of her husband’s power.

“Nope.” Marie came to the rescue, turned Luna’s head and charmed her with her own gaze, turning Luna back to normal.

“Wha-?” Luan blinked confused.

“We're going to need to work on your mental defense…” Marie explained to Luna.

Van was surprised. It had never occurred to him that he could use his charm gaze to help people like that. This show of skill actually made him a little excited about what else he was going to learn from Marie.

“Alright then.” Marie turned to Van. “Your Charm is pretty powerful, now we just need to work on control. For now let’s move on to the next thing. Do you know how to feed a woman?”

Van tilted his head. “Do you mean… When I empower them?”

Marie wasn’t sure and so explained herself further. “I mean, do you know how to transfer your mana reserves into a woman to help her cultivate faster. That’s usually what incubi are used for.”

Van had to think about that. “...A little?” He said after a while.

Marie nodded. “Then do you know how to drain a woman?”

Van blinked. “I thought it was all one way?”

Marie shook her head. “Not completely, no. Just as you give women your mana, pure mana that can be used to help others cultivate and grow and evolve. So too can you drain them of some of their vitality, aura and stamina. This in turn can be converted into more mana to replenish your reserves and reused to be pushed back into the women, increasing your effectiveness. Mastery over this skill can also allow you to turn your own lifeforce into mana and back again. And will even allow you to cultivate faster than ever before. You can also just keep the drained energy for yourself.”

“There is also the case where you can color your energy and insert it into a woman. Making them a form of thrall to your will, depended and desiring your energy more than anything. Though such things are illegal of course… During my stay here, I’m going to do my best to train you to be the ultimate battery! And also help you master your abilities so that you also get stronger. You see, the more women an incubus beds, the stronger they grow. No one is entirely sure how or why, but it may have to do with the coloring thing. Can you close your eyes and try and feel out for all the women you have ever slept with?”

“Is this different from when you blood bind someone?” Van asked.

“Yes it is. It’s based more on feel than anything.” Marie answered. “Try to do it as if you're searching people close by using aura. I have found that tends to help.

“Hmm…” Van closed his eyes and concentrated. It took a while but just like she said, he began to feel the auras of others around him. More importantly he began to feel people who were very far away from him, even outside his normal ability to sense those around him. And true to Marie’s word, they were all those who he had sexual relations with.

He opened his eyes and explained this to Marie.

She nodded with a smile. “Good! It seems you're a natural at this.” She then looked around and then at her vespera band. “Hmm… It seems like we don’t have enough time anymore… Shame, I was hoping for a quickie before you had to leave. Oh well, I guess I can just wait for when you return.” She looked up at him. “It’s probably best you get going now, don’t want to be late on your first day.

Van looked at the time and paled a little. He quickly got changed and headed for the door. He stopped himself right as he was about to leave and turned to rush back to give his wife a kiss on the cheek before rushing back out. “Love you Luna, see you later.”

“Aww… That's so sweet…” Marie commented as Van disappeared.

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