World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 291 Luna’s Anger

Malon slammed his fist down in fury. “What do you mean you can’t find him!” He roared at his subordinate, who tried to slink away from her boss's anger.

“W-Were sorry! But we honestly don’t know what happened! All eye witness accounts show him summoning a bunch of insect-kin and then disappearing into train A-147. We don’t know what happened to him after that…” Shivering in fear at what her boss was going to do or say next to her.

“Do we at least know where the train was headed!” Malon demanded, glaring daggers at the poor girl.

The women began to panic. “W-We thought it was going to Brasov Town. But when we checked with the authorities there they said no such train had arrived. Instead we got accounts of it passing through a few villages on the express track to Bright City!”

Malon frowned, wondering if Rosalyn had a play in this. It wouldn’t be so far-fetched at all if she had a few spies in his city, especially concerning the train lines she helped work so hard to create all over Alcray. But this didn’t seem like her modus operandi…

He clicked his tongue. “Find out anything you can find about where that train was headed and what happened to it when it arrived in Bright City. Even if it’s Rosalyn I cannot allow her to abduct an entire train out of thin air! Dismissed!” Waving the women away who gratefully fled the room.

He turned around on his chair with a sigh, looking out onto the half destroyed ruins of his city.

“Master… I do not think it was Rosalyn who stole our students away… She had no reason to, nor did she know what was going to happen. No one did… This seems more like it happened on the spur of the moment…” Cali said beside Malon.

“I’m aware Cali, I’m aware… Hmm…” He tried thinking this through all the angles. “Do we know who else was on that train?” Tilting his head in thought. “Perhaps it was just a coincidence that he was stolen away?”

Cali shook her head. “I’m sorry master, but we did our best checking the list of all those that parted on that train.” She brought out a few papers and started to scan them quickly. “We first did a census of all those still in the city. Then we had another one with the help of our neighboring cities and towns who accepted our people and gave us a list of all those who they took in. We then compared and contrasted all our notes, taking out everyone who died and narrowed it down to a few thousand people. Afterward we checked the backgrounds of everyone to see who was important as well as who was missing from the census and their last known whereabouts. And what we found was that, other than Vanris Vransolis, no other was a particularly important person of note. Most of the others came from minor clans and houses, though with the exception of Volturi of course.”

Malon sighed once more. “Have all those houses concerned go through another thorough background check. As well as sending them our apologies for misplacing their children with the promise that we are doing the best we can to track them down. Flourish our apologies and such and make it sound like we mean it.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose feeling a headache coming on.

“Understood. And what are we to do about the insect-kin? They greatly helped us out in protecting our civilians and soldiers, even at the cost of their own lives… Though now they are demanding answers as to where their master is…” Cali said concernedly.

Malon perked up at that. “Wait… are you saying they can’t sense their master?” Looking over at his maid questioningly.

Cali hesitated, but nodded.

He straightened his back and looked at her now with intent. “And what about his wives and concubines… Can they not sense where he is?”

Cali shook her head sadly. Even just the thought that she wouldn’t be able to sense where her master was at all times put her in a solemn mood.

“I see…” Malon steepled his fingers and went into deep thought trying to put all the pieces together. Wondering who had the backing or ability to completely block any forms of magical scanning or bonds that would point them in the direction of their missing person.

After thinking about it for a while he came to an idea. “Cali, have it checked to see if any of the people missing on the train that disappeared also have any loved ones they bonded with. Then see if we can’t use them to get an idea of where the train is headed. It may be going to Bright City as we presume or it might not. We can’t be too sure. Also inform Arch Duchess Rosalyn of what we found so far and that the train is presumed to be heading her way as soon as you can. As for the wives and summons of Van, tell them they will just have to continue waiting while we figure this all out and to not interfere with the investigation.”

Cali bowed her head. “As you command master.” And then left the room to carry out his orders. Only to be stopped when someone unexpectedly opened the door.

“What’s all this now hmm?” An old corpse called out entering the room unannounced.

Cali got into a battle stance, already sweating the thought she might have to fight an elder vampire. Malon quickly turned around to see who so rudely barged into his office then paused upon seeing who it was.

“Well if it isn’t the city lord himself!” The thin corpse said with a smile that did not look right on its face with how gnarled it was. “I have a tooth to pick with you!” It chuckled. “Ohoho, just some old vampire humor.”

Malon cleared his throat. “How can I help you elder…” Trying to put a professional front on. Even though these vampires were a bit annoying, they were too powerful to ignore or get on the bad side of.

“No need to stand on ceremony with me my dear.” The elder vampire grinned. “You can just call me Verona.”

Malon blinked. He had first thought the person was male. But considering how much skin and bones the elder was, and the very baggy and loose clothing it was wearing, as well as its hoarse voice, he supposed it could have made a mistake. “Okay then… Verona… How can I help you?”

Verona smiled showing all her teeth, not a pleasant sight considering how large they were and how she looked like an emaciated corpse. “My descendent was telling me how a boy she liked had up and gone missing, and then I overheard you talking about how you can’t find this poor child. Now I may be old, but I can’t allow for my sweet little Zariel to go all sad. What kind of ancestor would I be if I can’t help my children find true love?”

Malon forced himself not to sigh. “Of course this would be about some girl wanting to bed the incubus…”

“I understand your situation… Verona… But we are doing our best to track him down. You have my word we will find him, and we can arrange a… Playdate for your darling descendent once we do.” Schooling his expression.

“Now don’t give me that!” She huffed. “I know that expression anywhere! You all are flying around like bats without ears! You don’t even know where to look I bet!” Crossing her arms in a melodramatic manner as if trying to press something upward that wasn’t there. “Now see here, if you can’t do anything to find my girl's soul mate I’ll have to take things into my own hands and find the poor boy.” She then gave a few experimental sniffs. “He must be crying all by his lonesome without a big strong girl to protect him…”

Malon did his best not to frown at the sexism and instead just tried to reassure the elder that everything was under control. “Verona, I understand. You have my word we will find the boy. Just give us some time, we are already investigating all angles and should come up with something soon.” An idea popped in his head. “And if you have anything that can help us find the boy sooner, we would greatly appreciate it.”

Verona stopped her pretend cry and looked up with a feral smile. “Why city lord… I thought you’d never ask…” She walked up to his desk and leaned in, her red eyes practically glowing. “I would love to help you find this boy… I just need something small on your end…”

Malon did not lean away, though Cali looked like she was about to start something if the elder vampire got any closer, waiting on the side just in case. “And what is that?”

Verona gave the biggest toothy smile yet. “Oh… Just a little… Blood…”


Luna was inconsolable when it was found no one knew where Van was. The only one she could cling to in these trying times was Anna thanks to her kind words and encouragement, telling her it was all going to be okay.

Anna herself knew her master was okay, if only because her other selves inside his soul realm were alive and well. But that was all she could sense, she still couldn’t pinpoint Van’s direction no matter how hard she tried, and even though she knew her other selves were alive she couldn’t communicate with them. Giving her a slight feeling of dissonance, like she was on a rocky boat or a slanted floor. Despite that she dared not tell Luna of her condition and still held out hope that everything would work out in the end.

“Don’t worry Luna, we’ll find him, even if we have to mobilize the entire army to do so.” Cerina said, trying to soothe her friend's worries.

“Indeed, he was a great friend, if possible I will do what I can to help in his search as well.” Avalyn added.

One of the insect-kin generals also spoke up. “My lady, no matter what we will find the master! Even if we have to search the entire world to do so!” Even with the great amount of casualties the insect-kin had taken in defense of the city, there were still a few hundred left, and they were still willing to die to the last if it meant finding Van and their queen.

All of a sudden the door burst open and someone unfamiliar to them barged in, she scanned the room until they alighted upon Luna. “Is that the girl?”

Zariel rushed chasing after her ancestor, who had disappeared from her sight after explaining everything that happened with unimaginable speed. Upon seeing how everyone was arming themselves at the sudden intrusion she hastily began to explain why they were there.

“W-wait!” Catching her breath for a quick second. “She’s here to help look for Van.” Then began to explain who Verona was and why she was here.

The dorm then turned to look at the ancestor in awe and surprise upon finding out her identity. And a few with a little hope that she might be able to do something that will help search for their friend, lover, and husband. Though there were some that found it hard to believe, for while the women did wear outdated clothing she looked like every other vampire with smooth skin and beauty. She was different from the other corpse-like ancestors that suddenly started walking around.

“Oh my~ Is that a Fandorian I see?” Verona cooed and gave a little sniff of the air. “Oh~! Not just a Fandorian but one of noble blood as well! I wonder how you will taste…” Giving a lick of her lips.

Avalyn took a step back while her friends and bodyguards moved in to protect her.

Verona laughed. “Don’t worry don’t worry I don’t bite unless offered… Or if you're an enemy…” Eyeing Avalyn up and down like a bag of meat.

“Ancestor please!” Zariel begged, feeling embarrassed and worried.

“Sweet child, please just call me Verona. We're family after all.” Verona said with a smile. She then turned to Luna. “I heard you lost your male. How could you call yourself a woman if you lost your male?” Giving a shake of her head in admonishment.

“Verona!” Zariel practically hissed, but tried to refrain herself. Family or not, her ancestor was an elder vampire and could easily on a whim kill everyone here.

“Yes yes, I know…” Verona then took a step forward and was suddenly right in front of Luna, leaving only a sudden gust of wind. “Now then sweet child.” Cupping Luna’s face. “Let's see what we're working with here…”

Anna froze at the sudden appearance of the elder vampire. She wanted to strike out, but with Luna’s head already in the elder vampire’s grasp she dared not to. All she could do was watch as her body tensed, unable to do anything.

“Oh my~” Verona spoke up after a few seconds of intense gazing into Luna’s eyes. “Soul bonded are you?” Earning a few gasps from some of the students in the dorm, even from Luna’s close friends.

“Poor girl… You must be so emotionally unbalanced…” Almost sounding sympathetic. “This should help.” She took one of her fingers and pressed the tip of her nail directly onto Luna’s forehead and pushed deeply.

Luna winced and cried out as a sudden bright light flashed in her mind. But when she blinked her eyes it was gone and she found herself suddenly clear headed.

“Tell me girl. Where do you sense your beloved?” Verona asked.

“W-west!” Luna stuttered, her eyes rolling back.

“That’s it, keep it going.” Verona cooed.

“B-beyond Bright City!” Luna gasped, feeling the sense of connection disappear and her body slump.

“Well I guess that’s the best we're getting…” Verona said with a frown stepping away.

“Luna!” Anna moved in to hold her friend.

“Don’t worry, your mistress is fine.” Verona said, turning away. “In fact… She might be even better than fine…” Giving a coy smile followed by a chuckle as she walked out of the room.

All of a sudden Luna felt something flow inside her. A deep red anger boarding on hatred. Her back stiffened and she stood up straight and got up, done just waiting around. She shrugged off Anna’s help and held her head up high with a new found sense of direction.

“Anna, I need you to organize everything we have, I want a full list of all our current assets.” She turned to the insect-kin General. “And you, stop buzzing around and send some of your forces outwards to the west. Get in touch with your insect-kin brethren and find out if they had heard anything about a group of people heading away from Bright city towards the west that might be suspicious. I don’t care if you have to check every smuggling group or merchant caravan!” Glaring daggers.

“Err, YES! As you command my lady!” The general said and flew off to do just that.

Luna whirled on Kira, Aldina and the other girls. “And you sluts, you want to bed my husband again right? Or want to be his concubine? Then stop standing around and start sending messages to your families asking for help!” She turned to Avalyn. “You! I don’t care if you're a princess! I know you want to fuck him too! Have your people keep an eye on the border just in case someone tries to smuggle him out of the country.”

Anna hesitated. “Is that even likely?”

“I don’t fucking know and I don’t fucking care!” Luna snapped. “Especially you two!” Glaring at Cerina and Lucia. “Get your spy networks or whatever to find out any information you can.”

She gritted her teeth, glaring at everyone equally. “I’m going to get my husband back even if it’s the last thing I do.” Her eyes turned a deep red. For once in her fucking life, she felt the emotion of anger… And fucking loved it.

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