World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 293 Information Get Together

Luna felt alive, or at least so clear headed that she felt like she was a new person. She could literally feel the adrenaline humming through her veins, alongside a boiling anger right beneath the surface. She wasn’t sure what the elder did to her, but she knew enough that whatever it was, helped unlock the burning passion inside of her that she bottled up so long ago.

She was done being passive about things. Now she wanted to do something, to move and act and decide for herself her future. While she still can…

For while this was a new novel experience, one that she felt was a great improvement to her previous self. Already signs of cracks were beginning to form in this new persona of hers, old habits trying to claw her back down into the abyss of her subconscious. It would be up to her now to determine if she allowed them to or not, for it was just so easy to allow others to dictate what she should do next.

But the lack of ability to do anything on her own, as well as the lack of options of which she can choose from didn’t help...

“Luna… Are you okay?” Anna asked as she strode alongside her aimless mistress. She had gone through so much change in just one day, and now it seemed like Luna couldn’t keep still. Though after four days it finally seemed she was mellowing out, though whether that was a good or bad thing, Anna couldn’t tell…

“I’m fine, never better.” Luna responded a bit more sharply then she meant to, eyes focused ahead.

Anna remained silent as they walked down the halls, her thoughts a jumbled mess. She never before felt such a strange sensation of not being able to sense her master. Not being able to has put her off balance in a disconcerting way, like she had lost her guiding star. To make things more confusing, Luna has been the one taking charge all of a sudden, even though it was clear she hasn’t yet figured out her goal…

To make things a bit more nerve racking was the fact that Luna was leading them to confront Malon Taldor himself in his own office. With the only explanation being that her mistress was going to demand answers and ask questions about what they were doing about finding their husband. She had a few reservations about this, but she decided to keep them to herself.

It wasn’t long before they finally arrived and were stopped by two guards.

“Halt! State your business!” One of the guards ordered.

Luna bristled up.

Anna looked at her mistress worried, knowing that as of late Luna had been very combative to the point of reckless aggression and feared that she might start something with the guard. But to her great relief it seemed Luna was able to refrain from falling back on her new found passions and keep a level head.

“I’m Luna Vransolis.” Luna stated, glaring daggers at the guard sharp enough to cut. “The wife of Vanris Vransolis, the male who is also husband to Archduchess Rosalyn, and I demand an audience with Malon Taldor to ask what he is doing to get my husband back.”

The guard frowned, not liking the way Luna was looking at her, thinking Luna was just another upstart noble brat who thought herself more important than she was. But when she heard about Archduchess Rosalyn her expression froze and she was now at a loss of what to do next. She was explicitly told not to allow anyone in, no matter who it was, and now a rising conflict was brewing in her head about what course of action she should take next.

Thankfully she didn’t have to worry long as she got a silent message from those inside to let the noble brat in. With a nod like this was all expected, she moved aside with practiced ease and opened the door,with a schooled expression. “Of course Luna Vransolis, Master Malon has been expecting you.”

Luna walked in like an angry bear finally seeing the fish in her sights, only to freeze when something more dangerous came into view.

“Ahh… If it isn’t my daughter's little friend. How are you feeling?” Verona asked with a knowing smirk.

Luna looked between Malon who was sitting behind his desk with a badgered look on his face and back to Verona, wondering what was going on and unsure if she should walk any further into the room.

“Now now my dear, no need to be nervous, come on in… Let’s hear what you have to say…” Though the little smile on Verona’s face made it clear she knew exactly why Luna was here.

Luna wanted to take a quick look back to make sure Anna was there with her, but forced herself to keep her head staring forward. She clenched her fists but quickly hid it by doing a graceful bow then stood up with her back straight, putting the act of nobility on full force.

“Lord Malon, please forgive my sudden intrusion. I understand that you are a busy man, and I normally wouldn’t do anything to take up your busy time. But as you know I greatly fear for my husband and I have yet to hear any news of his well being…”

Malon wished he could sigh, first Verona had been messin with him all morning demanding absurd things and now the first wife of the missing student was taking up his busy time. Of course he knew he had to be a bit careful with how he approached this, Luna was the sister of Archduchess Rosalyn, he couldn’t dismiss her like he did the others who were demanding answers, even if he had answered them dozens of times already. So much so that he already had a prepared speech to give.

“I understand that you are hurting from the loss of your loved one.” He said, trying not to let his tone of voice stray into the monotone. “I can assure you that we are doing everything we can to look for your husband and that we will find him eventually. The school as well as the city and my house personally will do everything in our power to see that you two are reunited as soon as possible.”

“Do I have your word?” Luna suddenly asked.

Malon lips creased in a small hidden frown, in cases like these, it was very rude to demand someone's word. But considering the fallout should he actually be unable to find the boy and return him safely to his family he might as well as it wouldn’t get much worse if he failed. If he never found the boy he could always say he was still searching for him, after all, he gave his word…

“Yes… You have my word.” He stated.

The two had a staring match for a few seconds before Luna finally relented.

“Very well… I would also like to be privy to any and all information that you come by concerning the search for my husband. I am also willing to share anything I find on my end in equal measure.” Luna said.

Malon thought of her statement as a good joke, though he didn’t let it show on his face. He wondered what in the world a little girl could give that his robust spy network could not. “Thank you Luna.” He said gently, like a wise principal would to an endearing student. “But perhaps you should let the experts deal with this. After all, we wouldn’t want conflicting or redundant information that could make the search time for your husband longer.”

Which wasn’t particularly wrong as too much redundant and unnecessary information could make things overly complicated and force resources and personnel to investigate too many avenues that are highly likely to lead anywhere but dead ends.

“I understand.” Luna said gracefully. “But if you would hear me out I would greatly appreciate it, and it would do much to calm my heart.”

Malon nodded a little annoyed but if listening to her would get her off his back then so be it.

“Thank you.” She took a quick breath, her eyes alight, knowing exactly what she wanted to say. “As you no doubt know. When Verona temporarily amplified the connection between me and my husband I sensed he was heading towards the west, beyond Bright City. Of course that shouldn’t be possible, after all that would be too soon considering the small time frame we are dealing with here. The only thing I could conclude was that this wasn’t just a feeling from him, or him sensing something from his surroundings, perhaps overhearing someone and it being lodged in his subconscious. Whatever the reason, it coincides with the predicted destination of the train that we have found so far.”

Malon frowned, giving a quick glance at Verona who smiled on as if watching a good show.

“Another thing we have discovered, with the help of the insect-kin, is that while the train is on the express track of towards Bright City, some bugs have reported that that train in fact did make a stop where a bunch of cargo was offloaded a few stations before the city itself, right in the middle of a wooded forest.” Luna said.

If Malon wasn’t paying attention before he was now. It never occurred to him to use the help of the insect-kin to gather information from the very bugs themselves. It had been four days since the boy's disappearance, and while things were still a little hectic, information was still pouring in about possible scenarios as to where the boy could be. All answers pointed to him still being on the train as it was reported to not have made a single stop yet still on its way to Bright city.

But if what Luna said was true, that means that the boy could have been moved out of the train and to who knows where. Not even their best spies had told him about the train stopping in the middle of some woods. So far they were planning to wait for the train to stop in bright city before raiding it, but this might change things if it was true.

“Do you know where exactly the cargo was dropped off? Which woods in particular and how long ago?” Malon asked, now invested in what Luna had to say, only to be disappointed when Luna sadly shook her head.

“Unfortunately while insect-kin can speak to some bugs, not all bugs are intelligent enough to give an intelligent response. Though if you have a map, I can call one of the insect-kin and perhaps she can give an estimate of which of the woods the cargo was dropped off at.”

Malon nodded. “Please do.”

About fifteen minutes later the general of the insect-kin had arrived, alongside one of Malon’s guards carrying a map that she gently placed on his desk before excusing herself.

“Now, miss…” Malon looked towards the Insect-kin general expectantly.

“You may call me Teli.”

“Miss Teli, Can you show us where on the map the…” Malon paused wondering what a good term for bug informant was. “Uh, the bug that said it saw where the train stopped?”

Teli nodded and flew over the map inspecting it carefully. She started in Akeldama then made her way towards the train line that Van was suspected to have been taken in. with some hesitation she landed on a small patch of green woods.

Malon frowned. “Are you sure it’s not on the other side of the tracks?”

Teli nodded. “Yes, the bug was very sure that it saw the cargo get dropped off on the other side of the train and that the group in question carrying it walked into these woods in particular.”

Malon rubbed his head with a confused expression, as if the choice of woods didn’t make sense. “If they had gone here, that would make sense.” He said, reaching over and tapping his fingers on the woods on the other side of the tracks. “The forest reaches very far. But…” He pointed to the woods on the north side. “There's practically nothing over here. You can make your way out of the woods in half a day. After that is nothing but open fields where farmland is. How long ago did you get this information?” He asked the insect-kin.

“This morning, we too have methods of long distance communication.” Teli explained.

Malon stared at the map as if trying to figure something out. Luna leaned in and tried to also make sense of what might be going on.

“Maybe… They are trying to go through a territory in particular?” Luna asked. “Perhaps whoever kidnapped them knows a noble that would help them smuggle Van and whatever else they had stolen?”

Melon’s eyes widened as it hit him. If it was true that these crooks had access to those in high places, then just maybe…

He immediately demanded another map be brought and in a few minutes they overlaid the previous map with the new one that was see through and had colors each depicting a region of control and or ownership of one house or another.

“Hmm…” Malon stared at the adjusted map in concentration, but slowly shook his head. “There's nothing here. All the nearby houses are too minor for them to risk pulling something like this off.”

“Perhaps our suspects are a bit further afield?” Verona chipped in, eyes dancing on the map with barely restrained joy as if remembering the schemes of old she used to play with her friends about who they would topple next.

Malon frowned but inspected those a bit further out from the tracks. “No, there is still nothing… Hmm… But maybe…” He turned to Cali who had been waiting patiently. “Cali, I want a background check on all the houses and who they have ties or connections to.”

“Of course master.” Cali said with a bow.

“LORD MALON!” A messenger suddenly burst in looking panicked. She froze when everyone turned to look at her, especially when her lord looked on disapprovingly. She wished she could just duck out of here, but forced herself to move into the room and hand a sealed envelope to her master before fleeing the room.

Malon continued to frown wondering how he should punish the messenger as she ran away. But upon seeing what was written on the envelope he decided to check its contents, and when he did his eyes widened.

“Oh my~” Verona said upon leaning over to read what was in Malon’s hand.

The envelope contained the background information of every student that went missing on the train. Including one Arkina Volturi. Specifically it was how they sent someone physically to check out the Volturi residences and found no traces of Arkina’s existence…

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