World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 295 Timelapse

Luna felt like a tiger trapped in a cage. She paced the confines of her room over and over again in large quick strides. Anna waited not far off, her face filled with concern for her mistress’s well being. Everyone else had left to give her some space, though at this point they were also a little annoyed by how she was hogging the room all to herself. It had been a few days since the last meeting with Malon and they still haven’t heard anything back yet, which only made Luna more aggravated with each passing hour.


A knock came at the door and a courier from Malon snuck her head in. Upon seeing Luna and Anna who both turned to look at the intruder she excused herself and explained the reason for her sudden visit.

“Pardon the intrusion. Malon is calling for you.” Was all she said, then promptly left, her job done.

Luna and Anna shared a look then made their way out the door and into Malon’s office where he was waiting with Cali and a few others whose task it was to find any and all information about the missing student.

“Ah, Luna Vransolis.” Malon said as he looked up from his reports and at the map in particular with a few new highlights scrawled upon it. “I have some good news… And some bad news…” He then gestured her over. “Please, come over here.”

Once she did so he began to explain what he had found so far and why he had called her, pointing at the map in question and a few dossiers filled with information about the nobles both major and minor in the region of Van’s supposed disappearance.

“After careful searching and background checks, as well as a few well placed bribes. We were able to conclude some interesting information…” He said solemnly. “While at first there seemed to be no one of particular importance within this region, it has come to our attention that a few of the houses there have a few connections with the black market. Supposedly because their lands are not suitable for farming and have no major resource to exploit.”

“This of course leads to some notable connections… That being to one Karmila Moonshadow in particular…” He gave her a steady look, one that showed he was clearly aware of Luna’s other last name and noting her reaction.

He continued on however, as if saying that it was of no importance. “I was hoping that you would be able to tell your insect friends to go further afield and scout out the area within this region.” Pointing at the map showing the domain of a few houses and clans. “While it is true we know where he is no doubt heading towards, we need to root out the network that Karmila had built for herself in this area as well as capture a few suspects if we want to weaken her influence and find answers as to why she kidnapped your husband.”

He pursed his lips, “though I suspect it should be pretty obvious as to why she may want him…”

Luna’s hands tightened into fists, her nails digging into her flesh with barely constrained anger and rage. Somehow in her heart of hearts she knew that bitch would come back again to fuck with her life. Now she had all the excuse to get back at her and fuck her up, but before she could say anyting to that notion Malon raised a hand to stop her.

“Now I know that look in your eye, and I completely agree with you. But we can’t start a war with her without proper evidence. We need proof that she was the one that stole Van, otherwise she would claim that this was just us trying to prosecute her just because house Vran and her are on bad terms. We need to make sure that her crimes are brought to the light, otherwise she would be able to convince most of the houses under her thumb to fight alongside her. Or worse, seek arbitration from Dagon, who is the leader of the neutral faction and an impartial judge when it comes to the old laws of Alcray.”

He gave her a look. “So please understand and wait just a little while longer. You have my word we will do everything in our ability to get your husband back and make Karmila pay for her actions. I’ll even swear on my name…”

Luna stared at him for a good long while, eyes blazing with anger. She took a deep breath and let it out, reigning in her rage and raising her head high. “Thank you Malon, I appreciate how much you have done for me and my house…” Her voice was frosty. “I will tell my friends.” Referring to the insect-kin. “Your desire for their cooperation and to help you and your endeavor with finding… Proof…”

“Now if that would be all… I have some important messages to send to my family…” She didn’t even wait to be dismissed. She turned and walked out the doors without so much as another word.

Once she was gone Malon heaved a sigh. “Damn you Karmila… After everything you stab me in the back like this…” He practically hissed the thoughts out loud, his eyes becoming venomous. “Why now after everything I’ve worked for!?” He slammed a fist on the table. “Now I will have to set everything back! I would be lucky if the fallout doesn’t drag me down too!”

His eyes gazed far off into the distance as if seeing something only he could envision. A desolate wasteland ever growing within the ancient city of Nilfan bloomed into his mind the destruction of his city and ruination of his people encompassing every corner of his brain.

“That bitch has finally gone off the deep end.” his eyes narrowed. “I better do what best for the all of Aclray… She was a useful tool. But the Bitch thinks herself the wolf. Now she will be put down… Just like she deserves…”


Karina checked the bonds holding Van in place. Her heart went out to him and not for the first time she felt heartbroken at what she had done. Sadly her fear of her mother was overriding, she had been since birth conditioned to obey her mother in all things. Trying to disobey her was anathema in her mind. Not because she didn't like the thought of disobeying her mother, but because it just didn’t stick, the idea she could try and reject her mothers orders was just too ludicrous to the point it simply didn’t make sense to her.

How could anyone, knowing the consequences, disobey her mother?

It just didn’t click…

And she knew more than anyone what happens to those who disobey Karmila moonshadow… She had seen things…

Just thinking about it made a shiver run down her spine. She had been so conditioned to do her job that even when she wished she could at least somehow make Van’s travel more comfortable, she still couldn’t help checking his bonds and making sure they were secure and that he was properly injected with the necessary drugs and his seals tipped up.

She heaved a small sigh, making sure those also watching Van didn’t see it lest they report it to her mother. She gently raised Van’s head in her hand, looking at his beautiful face. He was in a drug induced deep sleep right now, so took this time to make sure he was physically okay.

Just looking at his lips made her want to kiss them…

With a mental shake of her mind she checked the seal on his neck and noticed that it was once more already worn thin. It was crazy how quickly the seals ran out and needed to be resupplied with mana. She already had to take a few mana potions just to keep up with the rate of resealing his soul realm.

Refilling the seal she put the cover back on his head and got up and turned to the two guards watching. “Pack him up, we are on the last stretch of our journey. Soon it won’t matter if he wakes up. But just in case make sure to double the guards on him. He may be weakened but he is very powerful.”

The guards gave a vacant look, not entirely acknowledging her order or dismissing it. They’ve been at this job for far longer than Karina had been alive, and while they didn’t like taking orders from her, they were forced to because of her mother. But that didn’t mean they had to like it. Though they were professionals, so they obeyed without complaint, walking over and roughly picking Van up and placing him into a well designed crate.

Karina watched this all with some annoyance at how they treated Van, but knew she wasn’t one to complain after the betrayal she did to him.

“Just a little longer… I just have to hold out a little longer…” Her hands tightened and she turned away. “Someone, please come to Van’s rescue…”


Van felt nauseous. He must have been drugged again and his seal renewed. At this point he felt like his veins were more poison than blood with how much they were injecting into him. He didn’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not, considering that meant his body must be robust enough to deal with the drug and his soul realm strong enough to wear out the seal so quickly.

Though it still didn’t change the fact that it always gave him an upset stomach. He had to lean back on his throne to try and deal with it. He tried going to his royal bedroom and sleeping it off, but it didn’t help, and so had been stuck on the seat of his throne for what felt like weeks, his expression always looking a little sickly and his body not wanting to move an inch for fear of getting dizzy.

During these few days he had been working with the denizens of his soul realm to improve the quality of his soul. He had given up on ranking up one of his current bloodlines, but agreed to awakening one of his other ones. Sadly they found out the hard way that the seal not only prevented him from using his powers outside his body, but also stifled its flow of spiritual energy and prevented any changes to his body as well.

With no other option, their only other choices were to grow the power of his soul realm by improving it as much as possible and ranking up his followers and making them as strong as possible. The stronger the overall strength of his soul realm, as well as those living inside of it, the better it was for Van in every way.

The first order of business was to name a few of Lyn’s friends who hadn’t been named yet. He named her sister Kera, the queen bee that followed Lyn was named Basil and the black ant princess Ceara. With those names their power grew greater and with it in turn they helped make his soul realm grow stronger. Lyn was ranked up from a greater Insect-kin into a high insect-kin.

And many others were going through changes and training to grow as strong as possible within the limited time available. Sadly the seal didn’t allow them to do much else, only Lyn was able to go through a rank up, and that was because they were able to force it through despite the seal. It took a lot more energy than it would have normally, leaving Van with another headache.

So instead they started doing other things such as planting flowers and trees. Which in turn would grow and start producing their own life essences that would help the soul realm flourish and grow.

For the next few days they simply did what they could. Planting plants, crafting weapons, and training as hard as they could for the expected day they could finally break out and wreak havoc.

Unexpectedly though, Van felt an odd change in his body. Lately he had been feeling a lot better these past few days and realized that he hadn’t been injected with drugs or had his seal renewed in some time. This was cause for joy and concern, wondering why such a sudden change had occurred.

And when Van finally had the strength to force himself awake to see what was going on around him, he was face to face with something unexpected…

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