World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 50 Temp working (nsfw)

It was two months in, and Van left the therapy room with mixed feelings. It felt odd to talk about something so private, especially to a group full of people who were also telling their past traumas. It wasn’t just a shy thing, he was a noble, who technically, has a very high standing. Showing one’s weakness, or sharing such personal info, could be used against him, or allow people to figure out who he was. So he kept it as vague as possible, hopefully, that was alright.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one with these problems, nor was he alone in sharing them, hearing about others' experiences and suggestions on how to overcome such trauma felt like he was given the tools necessary to overcome his own problems.

It also helped him realize how different he was compared to other males, in some ways he was more sensitive, in others he was completely uncaring. Talking with the few friends he made along the way, he realized that the way most males thought about their place in society and what society expects of them, influenced how they react to these social pressures.

It really was like the gender roles were reversed except for some notable exceptions.

When in the cafeteria, during lunch, he would overhear how different the lives of other males are. How they have many more sisters than brothers, how it was expected of them to marry a good wife and help raise kids, that some of the jobs suggested to them were usually out of the way in case they get harmed, and how different the things they learned here was compared to regular schooling, such as sex ed and safe sex, mostly because their parents wanted to protect their innocence. One going so far as to complain that his mother insists that he wear makeup, and another rebutting that if he thought that was bad, try being forced to wear many different colored clothing and dressed up like a doll.

It just wasn’t other students he overheard, but also employees who work here, males that were escorts, complaining about their latest client or jobs. Talking about how tired and how they need a massage or a drink, some always carrying a vial of eros on them at all times in case they need it.

Talking to some of his friends, he found out most of them were here because being part of any guild, even the Lovers Guild, was a great way to get access to jobs in the future, as well as more learning and how to deal with women, both in bed and if they have to defend themselves. Not to mention, by becoming a part of any guild, it can be said you are protected by them, any who try to harm that guild member of any guild, usually has to deal with that guilt and all that it has to offer. Such as force, leverage, connections, and more to make the offending party wish they never were born.

Of course many have come here for their own reasons, some even because they were pressured by their parents, or because they have nowhere else to go and are willing to do anything to survive.

As the days and weeks moved by and he was going into his second month, the guild had him go through a few more classes to get him temp working earlier, so that he can pay off the guild, since he wrote down on the form that he would be paying for the classes with temp work. Some of these classes were kinda weird, such as watching professional escorts bang each other and pause, talking about what they were doing, how they were doing it, what was expected to happen, and what else they could do to make their partner feel good. It was seriously the most embarrassing experience of his life, and he had to take several of those classes.

After each of those classes, the teacher would ask if any students would like to practice on each other. Those who didn’t were allowed to leave, those who did, were to stay. The last time Van had opted out, he got an earful from Luna that night, telling him that he should take any opportunity to improve himself. At this point, he wondered if she just wants him to improve his skills here so that he could use them on her later.

Taking that in mind, he decided, very nervously, to take the extra lesson, and like usual, despite there being more males than females, most of the males left and the gender ratio was reversed, making him feel even more nervous. Afterward, he was assigned to a girl and was instructed on how to give good cunnilingus and then they switched and she learned how to give good head then they did many more sexual positions. Thankfully, they were all made clean with powerful cleaning magic before they went through with it, otherwise, he wasn’t sure he would feel too comfortable with doing it. Not even mentioning the awkwardness of being watched and instructed as he worked on girl after girl, or when she was working on him.

This and more was learned, but thankfully no real sexual intercourse was taken, or at least not yet… if he had to be honest, the best thing he learned out of the class, was the upgraded cleaning cantrip.

Another week in and he was now working at the help desk helping people, mostly women, get to their destination. It was very nerve-racking, because he wasn’t the most sociable of people, nor did he enjoy interacting with strangers. But thankfully he did slowly cultivate a type of persona as he worked and talked. A professional mask he built for himself over the course of the week. Allowing him to mostly ignore almost all the times he had been hit on the job. Which was far more than he expected to be hit on.

It wasn’t just the help desk he was to work at, they made him do everything from, cleaning rooms, working behind the counter, guiding people to their rooms, and much more. With the classes becoming harder with them also trying to test him on how to sing, dance, play an instrument or recite poetry so that they can determine where his skills lie. All for the benefit of them trying to up his worth as a potential worker of the guild and maybe future escort or even courtesan, a prestigious title for their best prostitutes.

Honestly, he was starting to feel a little worn out, his classes didn’t diminish, they only increased. And two and a half months in, they had asked him whether or not he would like to get started on temp working for real. As in, take customers/clients.

This was the last thing he wanted, but… he knew if he asked Luna for her advice what she would say. And Anna didn’t seem to care. So with a heavy heart, and knots in his stomach, he agreed to do it.

He was given a new room that he would be staying at to take in customers. With a quota to meet. Thankfully it didn’t seem that big of one, just one person a day whenever he had the time. Another thing he found out was that both real workers and temp workers had the right to refuse any customer. It wasn’t just that the customer had the right to choose an escort, but the escort also had the right to choose the customer.

Not to mention his ‘real’ temp working, wasn't’ actually taking women to bed, at least not this week. No, instead it was just to keep women company, have fun with them, go on dates with them, make them feel good about themselves, and use what he had learned in classes to heal his clients not only in body but in mind. Acting like some sort of pseudo therapist if necessary and giving the women in question a feeling of love and caring.

In other words, Van had to act like the perfect boyfriend and or lover.

And it wasn't just dates he had to go on, sometimes he would work sitting next to women, serving drinks, and smiling along with jokes. Getting used to being groped a little here and there while trying to give his customer a good time.

All of this and more was more than what a normal introvert loner like him could deal with. It frayed his nerves and emotionally and mentally exhausted him. He would go to bed and just complain to his familiars and loved ones about the day he had. Even Anna and Luna were starting to show some sympathy, which helped calm him down and heal him a bit. But ranting about it still felt the best than just being consoled.

He was starting to feel like some of his past lives who lived in the service industry, dealing with all sorts of people throughout the day and expected to just deal with it with a smile. But then again, he suspected, even they probably didn’t have the worker’s policy or insurances and the like that the Lovers Guild offered.

But if he had to be honest, not all of it was bad. Going on dates and experiencing new things, helped him learn more about the world and its social dynamics. The way some of his dates treated him like porcelain or the way they tried to lavish him with gifts felt a little weird, but also strangely, a little flattering. And some of the girls were really nice to him, there was only one out of the week that seemed to try to force themselves a little too hard on him, but all he had to do was tell the guild staff and they instantly took care of it. Warning the woman to what was agreed to beforehand and what was and wasn’t allowed, not only that, but they will be putting her over-aggressiveness on their profile of her. Then the guild even offered some compensation to him, but he politely refused.

She was aggressive, but even he didn’t realize how far the guild would take it, he even felt a little bad for her.

Finally, it came time for him to start sleeping with other women. His first night on the job, wasn’t actually with a customer, but another escort who would be testing him to see if he was ready. Followed by one of the few female students, while the tester watched.

It was nerve-racking, and embarrassing to know that the women he would be having sex with would essentially be grading him. But he did it anyway and pulled out all the stops to make sure he did his best even if it was incredibly embarrassing, then there was a part of him that didn’t want to be deemed bad at having sex, probably having to do more with the influence of his other past lives, but he really didn’t want to be seen as bad, so he gave her everything he had.

The next morning, he passed with flying colors, the tester going so far as to say he had a natural talent. He had the strangest feeling of pride he had ever in his entire life. Of course, right after that, he started to get worried that it had more to do with his bloodline of being part incubus than any actual skill. But he decided to keep that info to himself, there was no way he was going to tell anyone about that…

After that he started taking customers to bed, all of them were, of course, those who were prescreened and heavily vetted beforehand by the guild. But still, they all were technically speaking paying customers. Which made him feel a little pressured to do his best.

So throughout the rest of the week, he took goblins, hobgoblins, vamps, high ghouls, and other vampires. It felt scary to do so, to put himself out like that and be used. But just like when he was working behind the counter, or doing the other tasks given to him, he did it all by putting himself in a special mindset. And over the course of those few days, he slowly began to relax and actually enjoy himself.

Which he figured was inevitable, he was not only told to have as much sex as he wanted, but also praised for when he did by those in authority and by those he loved in Anna and Luna. slowly, whatever preconceived notions he had about relationships, or what was right and wrong, was forced aside for the truth of how this world actually works to finally set in his mind.

Van slowly built up some confidence in himself, he realized that it wasn’t so bad to have sex with women if he wanted to. Of course, so long as he was in control, which the Lovers Guild gave a lot to him. And so long as it was on his terms, sex with strangers was okay. Not that he would now go out of his way to have sex with everyone and anyone who catches his fancy. But now it was something he can enjoy without having any bad feelings about it.

He wasn’t the only one doing temp work either, some of his friends were also doing it too, and having the ability to just talk about and complain together about it actually somehow helped to normalize it all. Van wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. But it was nice to laugh some of his problems away rather than letting it stay inside him and build up into something ugly.

They would laugh about how some clients would be even more nervous than they were, and how goblins, despite being so small and tight, scream bloody murder to do them harder, no matter how much they bulge. Complaints that vamps and other vampires were real biters or loved being bit in return, or how ghouls were fine with riding someone for hours until satisfied. There were even a few who actually had sex with humans, and one with a halfling.

Humans were not that uncommon, but a halfling was so that was pretty interesting. They were kinda like goblins, but a little different as far as Van was aware.

The last few days went by like this. Talking, some drinking, and generally just laughing off everything else until they felt experienced enough to laugh at their old selves for being so childish and weak.

But not all things were meant to last, today was the last day, the day where they will graduate from the program and be official guild members of the Lovers Guild, albeit of the lowest wrung. He just had to have sex with one last person.

Van was nervously waiting in his room like he always was, more so than usual because this time he did not get to choose who he would be sleeping with. A final test for him.

A light knock came at the door.

“Come in…” Van said nervously. The door slowly opened and what he saw surprised him.

In the doorway was Kella, one of the knights in service to his father, as well as the women who was his bodyguard when they were traveling to Thea’s home and back.

The two stared at each other in surprise until Van couldn’t help but ask. “Kella? What are you doing here?”

“That’s the question I would like to ask you. What are you doing here? Why are you working for the Lovers Guild?” Kella asked in return.

Van hesitated but decided to tell her how all this came about and why he was here.

Once finished, Kella shook her head in amusement. “Well… that is a certainly interesting story.”

“Now it's your turn. Why are you here?” Van asked.

Kella quirked an eye. “Why do you think? I'm here to get laid.” then shrugged. “Normally you would be right, it would be surprising to see me here as I prefer to train than just play around. But one of my friends and even your parents insisted that I get a few days off. My friend even went so far to arrange all this for me, even as I tried to stop her.”

“But…” now it was her turn to hesitate. “I supposed it has been a long time since I got laid, so I eventually caved in and decided to give this a shot.”

“Why has it been a long time since you got laid?” Van asked, a little confused. “Couldn’t you have asked my father or another worker to help you?”

“Let's just say… the reason why I haven’t had sex in so long has nothing to do a lack of available men. It's… for more… personal reasons.” Kella said, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Van sensed that and not only trying to follow his training but genuinely wanting to help out of the kindness of his heart asked. “Would you like to talk about it?” gently patting the bed that he was sitting on.

Kella stared at him. But slowly nodded, “you know what. Why not? It's something I should've gotten off my back a long time ago.” and sat next to him on the bed. Slowly, she began to tell him about how she was actually meant to be wed. a long long time ago, she had a lover who she loved dearly. He was one of the workers whose job it was to ‘help’ the women and maids of the castle.

Back then, she couldn't care less about sex or having a lover, more interested in being the perfect knight and becoming as strong as possible. She put everything and all the time she had into training and honing her skills. Sometimes even to the point beyond just exhaustion.

The man, slowly over the course of a few years, taught Kella to relax and enjoy life. For some reason, he was interested in her, and would always try to rope her into some fun or game. Telling her jokes or egging her on, sometimes intentionally making her mad and running away. He would point out the things she missed, tell her interesting stories, even once tried to cook for her. But most importantly, he was always there to listen to everything she had to say, without complaint.

The years flew by like this, and Kella was finally starting to realize that she should enjoy her life a little. The two then started to go on dates, awkward dates but dates all the same. They started to talk a little more about themselves and opened up to each other, mostly Kella, with the men just quietly listening.

Finally, they decided to become lovers, and then, maybe something more. That was until…

“House Vrankarra attacked. He was one of the dead found… once we were able to identify him.” Kella said, through fists and gritted teeth. Some of that old anger gone, but it’s ember’s still there, smoldering behind the surface.

Van was silent for a while before he finally spoke. “And that's why you don’t like Anna? Because she is a Vrankarra?” he asked.

Kella nodded. “They took everything from me… my love, my pride, everything. I was supposed to fight to the death. But I was ordered by my superior officer to flee. There was only one other way of opening the vault down in the basement other than with the bloodline of house Vranater and that was with a special key. I was given that key and told to leave for house Moonshadow, in the hopes they would be able to do something. Without the key, it could take decades if not longer for house Vrankarra to get at the treasures of our house. Not to mention… I was supposed to help evacuate everyone I could… but…he stayed behind so to do the same… and didn’t come back out in time...”

“I ran when I should have fought, I was entrusted with the lives of our people and I failed. All for what…” Kella then went silent, deep in thought.

Van didn’t know what to say. So he decided to just speak from the heart. He drew close and hugged her to him, and said what was on his mind. “I’m sorry for your loss. But none of that was your fault… and if I had to go by what you said of him, he probably would have said the same. That that he still loves you, and would like you to be happy. So don’t hate on yourself too much, and try to remember what he tried to teach you, and what he would have wanted of you.”All this and more was what Van said as he hugged her tenderly in his arms.

And like that, they stayed for a long time until Kella moved out of the hug and thanked him.

“No problem… so… what do we do now? Do you just want to wait till the session is over?” Van asked.

For the first time, Kella smiled.

---Line break---Sex Scene---


--- end of sex scene---

After showering, and changing, Van kissed Kella goodbye, only for her to change that kiss on the cheek to one on the lips, and deep with tongue.

“If you ever want to hang out with a real woman sometime, just call me.” then pulled out a vespera bangle and gave him her sequence code and frequency.

This wasn’t the first time he was given something like that, but it was the first one he accepted. With a nod and he bid her goodbye, not just to her, but to the room he had been staying in as well.

A few hours later he was leaving the Lovers Guild, with a certification that he completed the program and is now a member, with high grades as well as the Lovers Guild logo and app now on his vespera bangle. The app allowing him to search for women who are interested in sex in his area. If he does them, he gets paid with the app acting taking a small percentage of the agreed-upon price.

With all that done. He finally went home, this time not just for a few days, but for a long time. He still remembered how Luna pouted at seeing him go so soon. But he was sure that she would be very happy to see him tonight. Especially after everything he learned…

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