World's Fastest Level up!

Chapter 92: - The Tenth Floor - 『King of Thunder』 ~The Last Half

I’m not sure how I should describe the state of the battle after that. But I was just simply overwhelmed by the Tenraijū, unable to do anything.



Even dodging was difficult against this monster. The speed of the Tenraijū has already far surpassed me and each of its blows had the power to bring certain death.

Although direct attacks could be evaded, by grazing its body alone, my HP was reduced by nearly 1000 from the physical pain and impact of the lightning cladding its body.

At this rate, I would just get destroyed. I couldn't even try to counter-attack because the Tenraijū always moved at high speeds, providing me no chance to do so.

Then, would it be better to use [Transfer Within Dungeon] to sneak into its bosom? No, it's impossible. To activate [Transfer Within Dungeon], at least 1 second was required. And there was no way to make such time in a battle at this level.

In the end, I could only do my best to evade its attacks after that too. Moreover, defending wasn't even the only problem.

"_It’s here!"

As I simply continued evading the attacks, I was finally able to discover a slight gap. Grasping the Nameless Sword with one hand, I slashed the forefoot of the Tenraijū.

However, it was mercilessly deflected by the barrier_ and that’s not all.


The moment my blade touched the barrier, the lightning cladding the Tenraijū struck me through the Nameless Sword, blinding my sight for a moment due to the intense shock and burning heat. At the same time, my HP reduced by 3000.

The Tenraijū's attack didn't end just like that. Towards me who stopped moving after being hit by lightning, it launched a follow-up-attack.

–And I couldn't dodge it.


Receiving the heavy kick from the Tenraijū, I was blown away by a sheer force to the rear without being able to take an ukemi.1 Then, after bouncing off the ground many times, the motion finally stopped as if I was groveling there.

HP 14345/78380 was displayed at the edge of my vision. With that attack alone, more than half of my HP was scrapped. If I received another attack, surely only death would await.

And right now, in order to make that thought reality, the Tenraijū rushed toward me with all its might.


I stimulated my bloodied body that bore several broken bones to get up and tried to evade the rushing Tenraijū.

–However, at that moment, I realized. That considering my current state and the speed of the Tenraijū, it would be too late to evade.

…but, so what? Should I just give up?

_don't kid me!

"I will not die in this kind of place!!"

Squeezing in a last bit of power, I jumped out of the spot while knowing it was useless.

Immediately after, with a rumble, a huge crater was created on the ground due to the trampling attack of the Tenraijū. I was certain anything below was crushed into dust.

And I looked at that scene from a distance.


The fact that I was able to evade in time was something that made even myself surprised. Originally, I should have been squashed under the Tenraijū by this time. So, how did I even evade it…?

And here I remembered the existence of a certain skill.

"I see! It's Resilience!"


Resilience Lv1:

+20% to Attack Power, Speed, and Intelligence when HP was below 30%

+50% to Attack Power, Speed, and Intelligence when HP was below 20%

+100% to Attack Power, Speed, and Intelligence when HP was below 10%


Currently, my HP was 14345/78380 which was less than 20%. Therefore, the skill was activated and as a result of the 50% increase in my speed, I was able to dodge in time.

"Really, even though I just said this is a skill that shouldn't be used as much as possible, this kind of thing happens right away, huh."

At any rate, because of that, I was able to escape from death.

The Tenraijū who seemed to didn't even think I could evade the attack was silently looking at the situation. In the meantime, I have to devise a countermeasure to break through the current situation.

Better yet, should I just launch an attack relying on the effect of [Resilience]? If it's now when my attack power and speed was increased by 50%, I might have a chance to fight against the Tenraijū on an equal footing.

"No, not like that."

However, I shook my head.

If this was a situation where I could defeat the enemy with a single blow that uses all my might, I might have chosen that method. However, since the Tenraijū was cladded with a barrier, I have to strike at least several times before being able to damage its body.

In addition to that, every time my attack was hit, a strike of lightning would counter-attack me which could cause my remaining HP to become zero in the blink of an eye.

"This is such a waste but there is no other way because this is not a situation where I could grumble about something like this."

I took the Full Potion from [Item Box] and drank it at once. At that moment, all my injuries were healed in an instant and my HP and MP completely recovered.

The problem starts here. It was necessary to think of a breakthrough plan to defeat the Tenraijū.

"What should I do?"

All of the enemy's statuses far exceeded mine and even if I wanted to launch an attack, its body was protected by a barrier of lightning. On the other hand, the attack unleashed from the massive body of the Tenraijū could easily take my life.

Just like a predator and its prey. That kind of relationship crossed my mind.

No matter how I devised a plan, I felt like nothing would work. With the weapon I possessed right now, it was impossible to break through the defense of the Tenraijū, much less damage the skin–

"_There is. Just one."

–At that moment, a certain plan comes to my mind. It was a ridiculous and unrealistic plan.

"Do such things really possible?"

My rational side tried to reject the idea. However, my instinct screamed at me that this was the sole method to overturn the current situation.



However, I have no time to keep thinking about that. Because the Tenraijū slowly approached warily, as if telling me that this time, it won't allow me to escape and finish me off.

And here, I made up my mind.

"I, will not run."

I lowered my stance while telling myself like that. Victory or defeat will be concluded in a moment.

"I will–surpass the limit!"

And with a powerful step, I rushed toward the Tenraijū.


On the opposite, the Tenraijū also accelerated to respond to me. Then, the Nameless Sword that I swung and the claws of the Tenraijū collided– that instant!


Without swinging down the Nameless Sword, I evaded the claws within a hair's breadth and slipped into its chest with that momentum. Just after that, the positions of me who was running at maximum speed and the Tenraijū coincided.

The power of an attack wasn't determined solely based on strength but strength x speed. And at this moment, the relative speed between me and the Tenraijū reached the maximum.

I didn't just swing the Nameless Sword at full speed. But the Tenraijū also approached the sword at a maximum speed!

In other words, this was the strongest attack that surpassed the limit I could bring out, that even used the power of the Tenraijū!

With this, it should be possible to break through the barrier with a single blow!

"Eat this!!"

The blade that contained unprecedented power swung at the Tenraijū.

And then,

The blade, cut the air.

"…. Ha?"

That blow should have definitely hit it. Confused by the fact that the swing of the blade failed to hit its target, my movement stopped for a moment. And I instantly understood the cause.

"It’s above!"

Most likely, right before receiving my attack, the Tenraijū made a sudden break and jumped. It was an evading method that was possible only because it possessed an explosive instantaneous force.

When I looked up, the figure of the Tenraijū was undoubtedly there. Not only that. The Tenraijū also exploited gravity to swing its massive legs down toward me who was directly below it.


It was an almost meaningless resistance, even if I raised the Nameless Sword in between on the spur of the moment. Because the trampling attack released from the Tenraijū with its inordinately weight alone could be deadly.

A big crater was once again created due to its trampling. And this time, without being able to dodge, I was also swallowed by that.


Due to that feeling of pressure, the air was leaked from my lungs and almost half of my HP also reduced in the blink of an eye.

Even if I wanted to escape from here right now, the Tenraijū would not remove its leg that was still stepping on me. Looks like it intends to continuously injure me by throwing lightning from its body.

The Tenraijū already knew that I couldn't get out of this situation with my power. That's why, it was merely silently watching until I used up all of my strength without launching a follow-up attack.

In the end, without being able to do anything, I will die from the damage caused by the lightning_

"–That's what you thought, right?"

While fearlessly laughed, I muttered.

Unfortunately, I have no intention to do what the Tenraijū aimed. Because although it was true that the lightning attacks assaulted me, I barely received any damage. The reason was simple. Because before the last clash, I drank the magic pill.


【Magic Pill】

・By drinking this, reduce magic attacks taken by 99% for 10 seconds.


The bonus reward of the sixth floor, Magic Pill.

I used this item that could almost nullify the damage caused by magic for 10 seconds. As long as I’ve drunk this, I don't have to worry about the damage even if I was continuously touching the Tenraijū within 10 seconds.

It was certainly unexpected for me that the attack that I unleashed with all my might was avoided. But, I never thought I could defeat it with that attack to begin with. I just lured the heavily damaged Tenraijū to trample on me who slipped into its bosom.

Although the process was different, the situation where I was trampled down by the Tenraijū was just as I expected.

Then, why did I want to create this kind of situation? There was only one answer.

Because the Tenraijū who wanted to keep me trampled, will not move its leg from me. And just silently wait for my life to end–for a few seconds.

And this moment was what I had been waiting for.


Perhaps noticing that I didn't seem to be injured, let alone die no matter how long it waits, the complexion of the Tenraijū finally changed. Seemingly thinking that it couldn’t stay like this, it raised the other forefoot which wasn't the one that was putting pressure on me.

It seems the Tenraijū was trying to squash me once again, but it was too late. Because the time required to activate it has already passed.

Then, albeit quietly, I clearly said.

"Transfer Within Dungeon"

The condition of using [Transfer Within Dungeon] was 『Transfer only possible to the dungeon where the caster has set foot in』.

Due to the change of the condition, I was able to become this strong in a short period of time because I was able to level-up at a high speed, ignoring the re-challenge intermission.

However, there was another way to utilize the [Transfer Within Dungeon].

And it was different from transferring behind the enemy or to the sky to launch an attack like when I was fighting the Nameless Knight or the Orc General. There was a simpler and the most effective way to manifest its effect.

Until now, I couldn't even think about this method because I have not fought any enemies that fulfilled the condition to utilize this method. But, theoretically, this should be possible. If the opponent was a huge monster that could even swallow me entirely just like the Tenraijū.

That's why, at the last moment, in the dark place where no light reaches, I declared only a few words to the Tenraijū.

"–Inside your body could still be called inside the dungeon, right?"

And then the blade I brandished pierced the Tenraijū’s body from the inside. Soon after, the Tenraijū roared loudly because of the pain.


As expected, it seems like the barrier couldn’t protect even the inside of its body.

As if the hardship I felt previously was a lie, my attack worked against it. Such a chance will never come again. That's why I have to kill it right now!


A dozen of sword slashes cut through the darkness surrounding me. In a blink of an eye, the clouded sky jumped into my sight as a hole was created in the body of the Tenraijū. And perhaps because of receiving severe damage, the barrier was no longer there.

"This is!"

Promptly after that, lightning ran through the body of the Tenraijū. It was probably the countermeasure that the Tenraijū who knew I was inside its body thought of.

The effect of the Magic Pill has worn off. Hence, I couldn’t afford to receive the lightning attack directly. Thus, I jumped out of the body of the Tenraijū through the hole that opened in front of me.

Subsequently, I looked down at the Tenraijū from the sky. Despite that there was a hole in its body, the Tenraijū was desperately trying to resist as it looked at me who was floating in the sky with bloodshot eyes.


"Do you think I will let you!"

Avoiding the ferocious bite attack from the Tenraijū, I slashed its huge neck with all my might!

This is a crucial moment. Ignore the lightning strikes and devote all my nerves just to attack!

My blade smoothly penetrated the neck of the Tenraijū who had lost its barrier. Fresh blood fluttered in the air as the Tenraijū roared in pain.

And then, I launched my final onslaught!



A battle of instinct between beasts that were about to die. From here onward, it will be a clash of willpower that has surpassed beyond limits. And only those who overcame it can survive.

In that case, I will bring you to your end and survive!

Approximately 30 seconds have passed since the exchange of offense and defense that felt like forever begun. While the equivalent amount of damage was accumulated on each other, our movements were beginning to show a difference.

Because there was a hole in its body and every part of its body was injured, the movement of the Tenraijū was slowed down considerably.

On the other hand, due to the decrease in HP, the skill [Resilience] was activated once again thus accelerating my movement further.

And finally, the final moment arrived.

The Tenraijū launched an attack using both its front legs and mouth and completely abandoned its defense. There was no escape for me in all directions– If that’s the case!

I strongly kicked the ground and jumped into the air.

The simultaneous attacks of the Tenraijū didn't invade the sky and pierced the area where I stood before. And then, I grasped the Nameless Sword with both of my hands in the air and launched the final attack!

"This is, the end!"

It was the best attack I could unleash that used everything I had. And my blade which stuck that way, deeply pierced the head of the Tenraijū.


While raising the last cry of agony, the Tenraijū slowly collapsed. And my body was immediately propelled next to it.

I somehow managed to land with my trembling legs and readied the Nameless Sword in case the Tenraijū woke up once again. However, it looks like it was not necessary.

Because the announcement from the sound of the system that signaled the end of the quest reverberated in my head one after another. Therefore, for the first time, I realized that I was able to defeat the Tenraijū.

"… It's really over, huh."

Thus, I’ve conquered all floors in the extra dungeon 【Isolated Demon Tower】.


Amane Rin – 19 Years old – Male – Level: 13212

Title: Dungeon Conqueror (10/10) ・Nameless Swordsman ・The One Who Brings The End (ERROR)・The One Who Surpassed The Sage

SP: 32710

HP: 37850 / 103560 MP: 15280 / 28560

Attack Power: 23510

Endurance: 20340

Speed: 23700

Intelligence: 22950

Mental Strength: 20100

Luck: 21520

Skill: Transfer Within Dungeon Lv18・Body Reinforcement Lv10・Herculean Strength Lv10・Superhuman Strength Lv9・High-speed Movement Lv10・Gale Lv10・Resilience Lv1・Beginner Magic Lv3・Purification Magic Lv1・MP Recovery Lv2・Magic Power Increase Lv7・Enemy Detection Lv4・Stealth Lv4・Abnormal Status Resistance Lv4・Appraisal Lv1・Item Box Lv4・Concealment Lv1


【The Nameless Knight’s Sword】

・Sword used by the Nameless Knight

・Recommended level to use: 10000 (MAX)

・Attack Power +100%

・+100% to all statuses except HP and MP when fighting against superior level enemies (Recommended level to subjugate)


『Total level-up in 【Isolated Demon Tower】: 6608 Levels』(Last result)


  1. Ukemi: the art of falling safely. Usually used in Judo or other Japanese martial arts.

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