World’s Most Wanted: Start a Five-Star Prison Break

Chapter 88

That was the pursuer who was in charge of observing the situation on the helicopter. He was always determining Su Yu’s position according to the position given by Li Kai!

When Wang Tao heard this, he immediately spoke up.

“Let’s go now?!”


Shangguanyue nodded when she heard the words, but she had some doubts in her heart.

Su Yu, why are you walking towards the top of the mountain?

Shouldn’t he be heading towards the edge of the ski resort if he wanted to escape?

If you are going to the top of the mountain, it should be skiing.

Is it possible, this guy is ready? !

Shangguanyue guessed in her heart, but she was not quite sure.

Su Yu, will you choose this way?

A total of more than a hundred pursuers, half of them were left on the ground waiting for orders.

The other 50 followed Shangguanyue and the others and headed up the mountain.

Wang Tao even rented a sleigh directly.

“Get in the car!”

Wang Tao pointed to the back.

Shangguanyue and Zhang Mingshan got into the car immediately.

In an instant, the sleigh car, with a few people, quickly moved towards the top of the mountain!

Mountainside location.

Su Yu looked back.

He had already spotted the helicopter.

I even saw Wang Tao and the others who were at the foot of the mountain, coming towards him at high speed.

“Bite so hard.”

Su Yu smiled lightly, and then increased his speed.

As a result, countless tourists who went up the mountain saw a scene that they will never forget.

I saw a man on the steps up the mountain, as if he could ignore the snow on the ground.

Like a light bird.

One foot fell on the steps, the next moment he jumped up, and he had already stepped over several steps.

In this case, it only took a dozen seconds to disappear from the field of vision.

And on the steps, you can’t even see the conspicuous footprints!

Snow without a trace? !

Countless tourists, passers-by, and the audience were shocked at this moment.

【Trench? ! What is this so light work? ! 】

[nm, how did you do it? ! Come to a great **** to explain a wave! 】

[I understand this, in our sect, this move is called Lingbo Weibu, and it is one of the basic movement techniques. 】

[God is Lingbo micro-stepping, this is clearly the left foot stepping on the right foot to go to the sky, right? Leverage, do you understand? 】

【Learning is abolished and learning is abolished】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were shocked.

And below.

Wang Tao originally watched the distance between himself and Su Yu getting closer.

But then, Su Yu didn’t know how to run.

Just a few jumps, and dump yourself and others? !

“Grass! This is not a **** person!” Wang Tao slammed the steering wheel and cursed angrily.

Shangguanyue’s expression remained calm.

“Hurry up!”

She didn’t care about that.

With the vision of the helicopter, Su Yu… There is no way to escape today!

When Wang Tao heard this, he turned the accelerator to the bottom.

In an instant, the engine of the sleigh roared, black smoke came out, and went straight to the top of the mountain!

This scene was watched by countless people.

[Damn, the pursuers are determined to catch Su Shen! 】

[Nonsense, Su Shen just blackmailed the pursuer, if he ran away, wouldn’t he lose his face? ! 】

[Almost, looking at the woman Shang Guanyue, if you don’t catch Su Shen today, you won’t be able to sleep at night. 】

[Goddess Shangguan is so beautiful, my day! 】

[Upstairs, line up, it’s not your turn yet]

In the live broadcast room, countless people were talking.

And on the spot.

Su Yu finally reached the top of the mountain.

Taking a breath, he glanced up and down the mountain.

The sled that Wang Tao was driving was probably no more than two hundred meters away from him.

“Su Yu! You can’t escape!”

Wang Tao’s face flushed with excitement.

In his opinion, isn’t Su Yu finding a way out for himself?

If you say you run into the mountains, it’s fine, we may find it difficult to find you.

You are running to the top of the mountain, isn’t it just to die?

Are you afraid you want to jump a mountain?

And in the live broadcast room, it is even more puzzled.

[What the **** is Su Shen trying to do? ! I am so directly confused. 】

[Not sure, wait and see]

【Su God Come on】

【come on! 】

Countless people are both nervous and looking forward to it.

Everyone knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for God Su to send himself to death.

It’s just that no one knows exactly what he wants to do.

On Su Yu’s side, after taking a look at Wang Tao and the others, he didn’t care anymore.

Qiyun Mountain!

This is the highest mountain in the entire Dongchuan City, and it is also the largest artificial ski resort in Dongchuan City and even the entire Dongchuan Province.

The peak is 1,200 meters high, and there are four options for low, medium, high, and even competitive ski trails!

Right now, Su Yu walked towards a wooden house next to him.

“Hello, do you want to go skiing?”

The waiter looked up at Su Yu.

But the moment she saw Su Yu’s face, she was stunned.

“God Su?!”

The girl was extremely excited, because the current Su Yu was showing her true appearance.

Being recognized, Su Yu smiled slightly.

“Bring me a snowboard.”

“Ah? Okay, God Su, the price of skis is 70 per use, and the deposit is 200.”

The girl was excited.

Su Yu pushed past 2000.

“I bought it and got a piece of the best quality.”

“Bought it?!” The girl was startled, but quickly reacted.

“Yeah, okay, what do you think of this piece of Su God?”

The girl handed over a snowboard, Su Yu glanced at it, and nodded.


“Well, then God Su, what snow path do you want to choose?”

“Let’s compete on the snow track.” Su Yu glanced at the sign above and said lightly.

The girl’s expression turned a little embarrassed.

“Shen Su, a ski competition is currently being held on the competitive ski track, and at most, only advanced ski tracks can be selected.”

Can only choose advanced?

Su Yu was stunned for a while, and was about to speak out.

Suddenly, a roar came from behind.

“Su Yu, you finally stop running, right?!”

Su Yu looked back and saw that it was Wang Tao who had already rushed over with Shangguanyue and a few others.

Shangguanyue and Zhang Mingshan, who were sitting at the back, already had stun guns in their hands.

Obviously, once they reach the shooting range, they will shoot without hesitation.

“Just choose the advanced snow course!”

Su Yu said immediately, took a sign at the same time, turned around and left with the skis.

In the live broadcast room, countless people saw this, and it was an instant uproar!

Chapter 083 Advanced snow trails, this is the challenge

Countless people were instantly in an uproar.

【Slotting! Is Su Shen really here to ski? ! 】

[Don’t tease me, what is Su Shen skiing doing? ! 】

[I haven’t figured it out, I really haven’t figured it out! 】

【sky! Wang Tao and the others have already come, what the **** is Su Shen trying to do! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers were extremely nervous.

And on Su Yu’s side.

He has been running towards the ski resort quickly.

Wang Tao also stopped here because of the roadblock in front of him.

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