World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 463

Chapter 463 Taffy (1)

After the World Tree's death.

Eight continents scattered far away.

However, thanks to an incident that saved her from being engulfed in darkness and restored her strength, the fragmented continent was able to unite again.

A huge land completely integrated into one centered on the World Tree.


After that huge change took place, countless chaos took place all over the continent, but among them, especially the cities that were centered on maritime trade were truly a crucible of chaos.

[What the hell is this...?]

[I can't believe it... The sea has completely changed.]

[Land...? Is this a dream right now...?] When

I open the window in the morning, one day I suddenly start to see wide plains and forests in the landscape full of the sea, and a huge, unknown continent suddenly takes its place. situation.

A city developed in maritime trade was destroyed overnight, and the charts that were barely created over a long period of time and trial and error have become completely useless.

And such a change could not be avoided even in the Caribbean, the city of freedom and revolution ruled by Captain Carlos of the Black Pirates.

In the first place, the base of the world tree and the Caribbean, which was located in the central continent. So, after the continental unification, the coastal area where they were active as the main stage turned into an inland area facing the huge continent overnight.


even so, Carlos... No, the Black Pirates haven't changed at all.

[Hehe... that unknown continent is also full of disgusting rulers and those who suffer under them.] [

All gathered under the black flag are brothers and sisters, comrades who share blood.]

[Gather! Those who are bound under the chains of rulers! Gather! Those who seek freedom! Get your freedom with your own two hands under the flag of the Caribbean!]

A boat is just a tool.

Their spirit of freedom, equality, revolution and fraternity has not changed at all, so they took up arms and declared it in front of everyone.

To come to the Caribbean, a city where everyone enjoys freedom equally, regardless of status, past, or gender, and no one is treated with disrespect.

Because it was made up of countless criminals, vagrants, beggars, and slaves from all over the continent, the atmosphere throughout the city was rough and disorderly, and there was no quiet day due to all sorts of accidents, but thanks to the powerful charisma of Carlos, the captain of the Black Pirates and the liberator of the Caribbean. At least the basic order of the city was being maintained to some extent.

Of course, the order continued to be compromised.

“Oh no..... Captain, it's a big deal.”

“What else?”

In the midst of wrestling with all kinds of documents, Carlos's subordinates enter the office again with thick documents. He spoke in a serious voice, unable to erase the worried expression from his face.

“Food. Looking at the harvest this year, it seems that there will be a lot of food shortages.”

“what? What the hell does that mean? Why is there not enough food?”

Carlos, who had just received a report a few months ago that the stockpile of food was already sufficient. That's why he asked back with an absurd expression at the words of his subordinate, who was telling a completely opposite story from before.

“That's it.....”

He explains why the situation has come to this point. And the face of Carlos, who had been silently listening to the story, began to harden.

“So... because of the recent catastrophe or whatever, the number of vagabonds and refugees has exploded, and as a result, food consumption has increased significantly... is this what you mean?”

“yes. In addition, merchants who had previously contracted to purchase food suddenly canceled their contracts. The reason was that the supply of food was unstable due to the recent rapid change in the continental situation... but the paralysis of the transportation network seems to be the main reason.”

The aftermath of the disaster that struck all over the continent.

Arcadia returns with a more complex and delicate economic structure than any other game. Therefore, due to the disaster that struck the entire continent, the production and consumption cycle itself, including the transportation network, was completely paralyzed, so the situation of food shortage was a more serious problem than expected.

“Umm... How can there be no other way?”

“First of all, we are looking for other companies, but with the recent surge in food prices, it is questionable whether we will be able to match the market price they demand. To be honest, the current financial situation is a bit on the edge.”

“Keuheum .....”

The Caribbean, which has no means of generating revenue, because it cannot engage in piracy or maritime trade as before. There were all sorts of complicated problems, but Carlos couldn't come up with a sharp solution no matter how much he thought about it, so his silence couldn't help but get longer and longer.

But at that moment. A young child wearing a black hood with an urgent face came into his office in a hurry.

“Captain Seo! It’s Captain Carlos!”

Hans is the youngest official member of the Black Pirates and plays the role of the cutest maknae. Carlos tried to scold him sternly at the moment of his rude behavior when he burst open the door while he was still talking about something serious, but when he saw him panting and making a fuss without even saying a word properly, he suddenly became curious and asked softly:

“What is it that makes such a fuss?”

“He... he's back!”

“If it's him... can't it be...?”

Hans shouted in a very excited tone. At his words, Carlos tilted his head for a moment, but soon his eyebrows twitched as if he understood his words. And soon, when he saw Jae-yeong slowly entering after Hans, he put on a shocked expression.

“W Long time no see.”

A greeting too arrogant to say to the absolute ruler and ruler of this city. But Carlos lunged at him with a big laugh, as if he didn't care about that at all.

“Ha ha ha ha ha! my friend! You are finally back here!”

Carlos unknowingly hugs Jaeyoung out of joy. After a brief pause, he asked Jaeyoung with his eyes shining.

“So... what did you come back for? I don't think he intends to settle down here...”

“I came because I had a request.”


Carlos tilts his head at the word that he has a favor. And he soon realized what Jaeyoung wanted and put on a troubled expression.

“Go to the sea at the eastern end of the continent and catch the mythical sea monster... is that what you mean?”

“that's right. There shouldn’t be any big problems since we’ve already thought about how to deal with them.”

A catastrophe in the east, where the main stage is the sea.

In order to overcome such environmental limitations, the experience of those who have lived at sea all their lives and the boat is no different from home was essential.

However, contrary to Jaeyoung's thoughts, Carlos expressed his intention to refuse after a long silence.

“I'm sorry... but that request seems difficult to grant.”

Jae-young stares at him calmly without any reaction to those words. And then he asked in a low voice.

“May I ask why?”

Jae-young inquires about the reason for the refusal. And in response to his question, Carlos started pouring out all sorts of stories with an unusually serious look.

“So much has happened since you liberated this city. Suddenly, one day, the continent moves and the sea turns into a huge lake. Doesn't the territory of the pig-like lord suddenly appear on a continent that I did not know at all? Oh and...”

Carlos has been doing his best to keep and preserve the Caribbean as it was after Jaeyoung left. He hesitated and talked about numerous things without even asking if he wanted to prove his hard work, and Jaeyoung listened to them silently.

“The owner, unlike how he looks, talks dirty a lot.”

“Be quiet, bat. Don't you notice?”

“What are you doing all of a sudden? You damn chicken.”

Tan throws words without thinking while looking at the serious look of the two from the side, and L immediately subdues him. The two of them were making a loud noise again, but Jaeyoung completely ignored them and only looked at Carlos.

‘As expected... I expected it, but it was gradually falling apart after the continental unification.'

The situation where the town of sailors has changed into a city in the middle of the inland overnight.

Originally, it had already been unable to adapt to this huge change long ago and had to go through the process of self-destruction like other maritime cities, but thanks to Carlos' dedicated efforts, Caribbean was still able to maintain its current status.

‘The economy and infrastructure are underdeveloped... Human resources are poor because most of them are vagrants...'

The Caribbean is completely different from normal cities. In the past, it was somehow maintained by the predatory economy using hegemony at sea, but now it was a world where that method did not work.

“In conclusion, the current Caribbean does not have the capacity to go out in any way. Neither the funds nor the manpower nor anything else would be enough to launch such a gigantic campaign. It's a tight situation to survive this winter, so it's impossible to borrow manpower dispatched for farming. Besides, all the existing ships are tied to Lake Faegal, and there is no way to even go out to sea.”

All of the thousands of ships originally anchored at sea are now trapped in a huge lake called Fagal. In the first place, the route itself to reach the area where Leviathan was located was blocked at the source, so even if he tried to do Jae-young's favor, there was no way.

‘What is it.....'

Jaeyoung's thoughts run through his head. Jae-young, who realized that he was planning to use Carlos and the Black Pirates to defeat the disaster remaining in the east, but realized that there was no answer in the current situation, soon put on a serious expression and tapped the extension desk with his finger.


“I am so sorry, my friend. In my heart, if I could move the ship by sea even by flying, I'd like to do it anyway... but the reality is that I can't do that.”

Carlos apologizes over and over again as if he was sincerely sorry for not being able to fulfill Jae-young's request. And at his meaningless rhetorical expression, Jaeyoung felt something flash through his head. “Okay... Then it will work.”

“What... do you mean?”

“Flying. Can we fly by boat? Why didn't I think of that?”


Jae-young suddenly muttered something incomprehensible to himself. And Carlos asked with a worried expression on whether he was crazy.

“Hey... do you know that ships can't fly?”

A boat originally built for the purpose of floating on water. That's why Carlos made an expression that he couldn't understand when he saw Jaeyoung who was so serious about flying in the sky.


“Oh, you know. A boat cannot fly.”

He nodded his head while repeating the obvious common sense.

Then he added a meaningful word with his strangely sparkling eyes shining.

“In exchange, I know people who can make me fly.”

“what....? what....?”

After hearing Jaeyoung's words, ‘Did I hear correctly?' Carlos's eyes widened with a smile on his face. However, he shuddered involuntarily at the indescribable strange feeling that came from deep in his heart as he saw Jaeyoung's face with a very evil smile.

“there is. They’re like gongdols, so if you throw something like this again, they’ll say they’ll like it and make it?”

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