World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 485

Chapter 485 Winner Takes It All (12)

A deck fan dance boasting an enormous scale of over 300 million players.

Even with that enormous number, it was clear that it was a guild of such an enormous level that it was even in the world's integrated guild rankings, but it was still a level of inferiority that was close to hitting a rock with an egg to face head-on with a monster called the World Guild Alliance that exceeded billions of scale. was

However, most of the users of the World Guild Alliance are following the instructions semi-forcibly according to the decisions made by the heads of several guilds. Even if they finally won the current scenario, the huge reward would not return to them, so the basic mindset they had was not as enthusiastic as they thought.

“Aren’t our guilds small and cold after all?”

“Why are you participating when you won’t even get the proper contribution?”

“Let’s not get hit in the back of the head while walking down the street for no reason after messing with those damn stalkers.”

The world guild union is so huge and countless guilds are jumbled together. No matter how powerful the carrots and sticks were, no matter how hard they tried to control them, it was not enough to turn the minds of those who had already fallen to the bottom of their morale and motivation.

However, unlike such world guild unions, the crazy idiots are completely united in one mind. Those who showed their obsession to give the glory of victory to their true monarch, the emperor of black panties, began to jump into this scenario more passionately than ever before, risking their lives.

“Loyalty to the emperor of black panties!”

“Long live Dex! Long live the black panties! Long live the deck fan dance!”

“Outrageous things that stand in the way of our glorious Emperor, His Majesty. I will condemn this body myself!”

Deck Fan Mu launched an offensive against the world guild alliances located all over the continent simultaneously with an incomparable frequency and volume. Of course, because of the difference in scale of more than ten times, no matter how hard they did their best to start a counterattack, but that was not a threat enough to change the game in this final scenario.

[Occupancy rate 71.24%]


However, Captain Yankee, the head of the Heroes Guild, is looking at this situation with a more uncomfortable expression than anyone else. Seeing that the world guild federation's dominance rate, which had never fallen once and continued to rise in a steep upward trend, decreased for the first time, his expression did not show any signs of lightening.

“An unexpected variable has occurred. To think that Deck Fan Mu, who had almost defeated them, would start a large-scale resistance again like this.”

Peter mumbles in trouble as he receives a report on the current situation from Captain Yankee. He confidently looked at Captain Yankee, who had an overwhelming power difference that he would not dare to look at in this world of Arcadia, and said as if rebuking him.

“So I told you to take control of that deck first, right? It is a force so threatening that we cannot dare to ignore any of its size, cohesiveness, or the capabilities of individual users.”

Peter, who considered Deck Fan Mu as the top priority for elimination. It contained the meaning that this situation would not have occurred if things had been handled properly from the start as he said, but Captain Yankee protested as if he was a little unfair.

“It's not that the Heroes Guild didn't make an effort, but there were a lot of difficulties in reality...”

The spies of Shy Deck Fan Mu who steal inside information here and there suddenly appeared out of nowhere and were ready to die, their guild leader taking time to escape safely. Guild members who used to earn money. It was caused by a combination of many other reasons, but Peter interrupted him as if he didn't want to hear it.

“There is no need for lame excuses for what has already happened. What I want is how to deal with this problem situation in the future.”

It doesn't matter what happened, Peter tells him to come up with a solution. At his words, Captain Yankee nodded and started talking about the plan he was currently working on.

“Currently, the basic tactic of Deck Fan Mu is Hit and Run.... In other words, guerrilla tactics are actively used. They are simultaneously attacking small guilds on the recently merged borders, reducing our control rate and interfering with the victory of the scenario, but that is all.”

The core guilds of the World Alliance and the deck fan dances that are not doing any damage to the hegemonic guilds that play a pivotal role. The scale itself was so great that the difference in power was so great that it was not a level that could be dared to be done by a small number of elites, so Captain Yankee was planning to attack them by aiming for that point.

“Currently, the majority of Deck Fan Mu's forces are gathering in Shurim, the great desert located in the Central Continent. We also obtained information that after gathering a large army there, we plan to advance toward the headquarters of the Moorim Guild at once.”

“It's Murim.....”

China is called the largest country in terms of population.

The majority of the population of more than one billion people enjoy playing, and most of them have joined a guild called Wulin, amid the active propaganda and massive support of the CCP.

That's why Moorim has an unbelievable number of 900 million guild members as a single guild and occupies an overwhelming control rate. Hearing of Deck Fan Mu's plan to attack this place and instantly overturn the world Guild Alliance, which currently has an overwhelming level of control, Peter frowned as if he really didn't like it.

“If that happens... it will certainly be a fatal blow for us.” “That's right. However, even within the guild union, there is already a strong opinion that we should respond more aggressively to them, so we are preparing a response plan.”

It is a situation in which, if you get carried away, you may fall back even if you have victory in front of you. However, Captain Yankee said with a confident look as if that would not happen.

“like? Did the Moorim Guild decide to start suppressing Deck Fan Mu in earnest?”

“yes. We are issuing a convocation order to the entire guild and gathering all our strength. It seemed that I was greatly stimulated by the overwhelming unity of deck fan dance.”

China does not yield at all when it comes to unity.

The Guild of Moorim, determined to show the spiciness of the people of a great country to Deck Fan Mu, who dares to prepare a plan to rob their headquarters by rallying all the Chinese people in a totalitarian atmosphere, leads a large-scale army of over one billion units and sets out on a campaign. there was.

“100 million... I wonder if there is a battlefield capable of accommodating that many people.”

“Well... it's a huge number of people that I can't even fathom, but I don't think there's any particular problem. Because Shurim is a vast desert.”

Shurim, a great desert with endless sandy beaches where not even a single blade of grass grows.

There, Peter muttered with an intrigued look on his face that he was going to have an unprecedented large-scale battle in world history.

“I don't know how many troops will gather in deck fan dance... but with that level, it's absolutely impossible to win.”


Peter was embarrassed by the variable of being a deck fan, but was convinced that the winner would not change in the end. So, with a satisfied smile on his face, he picked up a glass full of red wine.

Without even imagining what was going on in the great desert Shurim.

* * *

The great desert Shurim, which was one of the five forbidden regions of the Korean continent in the past and was the realm of the dwarves, a hidden heterogeneous race. Due to the unification of the continent, this place, which has become the most adjacent area to face China, was a very suitable place as a stage and battlefield for this huge war.


A sandstorm driven by a gust of wind from somewhere.

This realm, filled with suffocating heat and powerful desert scorpions, was so dangerous that it was not called the land of the dead for nothing, but it was no longer a very threatening place for adventurers who had already grown up through countless adversities and hardships.

thud. thud. thud. thud.

The elite troops of the Moorim Guild advancing from afar.

At first glance, as if only the most powerful ones had been carefully selected and scratched, those who approached radiating unusual energy began to show off their power to the fullest in the clash with the deck fan dance that soon began.

“Ha ha ha! Kill them all!”

“How dare you attack our Murim? Do you think it's possible at such an unusual level!”

“die! Fire dragon dance!”

Numerous spells and arrows cover the sky.

A fierce battlefield where all sorts of weapons wield and kill each other.

The vast army of 100 million people was huge enough to fill the endless horizon, but the number of deck fans standing on the other side was so shabby that it seemed like they were inferior even at a glance.

“Keugh... don't be pushed back! If the tank line is breached, everyone will die!”

“Benefit...! The glory of black panties!”

“heel! heel! heel! heel! Wide area recovery!”

“Fire Buster! Fireball!”

“Fight even if you die! For our Emperor of Black Panties!”

Obviously, everyone knows that continuing the battle like this will lead to annihilation.

However, even in such a situation, the heroic appearance of the deck fans who did not retreat even a single step and rushed forward with a resolution to fight until the moment they died was admirable.

Of course, the reason they did this was so nasty and dirty that no one thought they were cool.

“As expected.... Was it too much to deal with all of them with just one deck fan...”

Jaeyoung, who did not move at all, watching the situation on the battlefield. While watching the battle closely, he quickly came up with a clear analysis of the current situation through his unique game genius.

“It's not about being outnumbered, but the quality level is also quite different, right? Was it a problem that the Chimera scenario was a scenario that took place in China? Everyone seems to have passed level 200 lightly, but hmm... It wasn't intentional, but it's like they gave away dogs because they were completely dead, right?”

Looking at the unusually strong Chinese players, Jae-young grumbles with an expression as if something is going on in her stomach. However, seeing that he did not show any special action or movement other than that, Arthur slowly opened his mouth with a worried face.

“Hey, Dex. If we keep going like this, I think we'll lose... First of all, retreat and reorganize...” The

situation was no different than hitting a rock with an egg. Arthur cautiously brought up the idea of withdrawing because he did not need to cut his strength while continuing the losing battle, but Jae-young looked at him with eyes as if he was saying what he was talking about and said.

“yes? Why do we lose?”

“No... the current situation...”

“I already called for reinforcements to come, so please wait a little bit.”

“Reinforcements... is this...?”

“yes. You should have almost arrived, I just confirmed that you sent a message.”


The second scenario is as if the winner has already been decided.

That's why there was no guild that was hostile to the huge World Guild Alliance and thought of taking the side of Deck Fan Mu, so Arthur made a strange expression when he heard that reinforcements were coming.

and that moment.

Unbelievable situations began to happen in front of Arthur's eyes.

“I command in the name of the Dark Flame Dragon, the lord of death. come! Land of the dead! Sanctuary of the dead! come! Army of the Dead!”

“Firebolt Maximum.”

“The King of All Byeongji plays. A storm of swords.”

“You are the spark of the source that gives all the heat to this world. Choco Paizoa, the apostle of the World Tree, earnestly wishes that you show the fury of nature to all enemies who stand in my way. Ifrit, the summoning fire spirit king.”


coo coo coo coo coo.


The sun of eternity fell in the middle of the Moorim Guild and burned everything, and the intangible weapons made of mana created a huge storm and tore the entire area to shreds.

A huge army of the dead rose up and rushed indiscriminately toward the living, and the Avatar of the transcendent god, the Fire Spirit King, appeared in Arcadia.

“This is.....”

The Hwarangdan of forces built by Choco Paijoa.

Necronomicon, a guild of black magicians and dark knights who rule the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness.

And... the incarnation of the guild battlefield recently created by Angelina and Casillas.

Obviously, it was a very small guild with only a small number of people that could not be compared to the size and number of deck fans and Moorim, but the power of the leaders who led them was so strong that they could not be ignored.

Watching the reinforcements newly entered the war completely reverse the flow of the battlefield...

Jaeyoung looked at them doing all sorts of things on his behalf and was more than proud and rewarded than anyone else, smiling at his dad. .

“Uhh. Now everyone is paying for the food that I cherished and raised.”

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