Worthy Core

Chapter 156: Wandering into Trouble

The color-coding of the dungeon's gemstones seemed to continue for the next few caverns, with the Valleylands party passing through chambers lit up in green, blue, and violet. Whether or not the colors meant anything was still difficult to determine, but the opponents the group faced in each section continued to change along with the shades. In the green cavern warriors made of polished white and green stone, wielding strange black blades, swarmed the party only to be held at bay by the blunt attacks of the team's heavies. In the blue section pixies appeared, the tiny four-winged humanoids blasting the soldiers with lightning magic. Haylizt proved useful there, blinding the tiny creatures with shadow magic and causing many of their shots to go wide.

Finally, in the violet-colored cavern, the team was ambushed by a sprite-like monster none of them had ever seen before. Rather than fire off elemental energy at them like most sprites, the oddly liquid-like flying blobs would get up close and attempt to spray them with various kinds of goo. It seemed to come in a number of 'flavors', the worst of which was a blast of acid which kept Jantana fueled with all the rage she needed to finish the fight. The other forms of attack were...less easy to identify in some cases, and the party generally agreed not to talk too much about this particular portion of the engagement.

After going through this spiraling cycle of small chambers however the team eventually came out into a much larger central cavern. It wasn't quite as large as the forest floor above, but was still easily the second largest room in the entire dungeon, and a marvel to look upon in its own way. Crystal growths dotted the floor, but the largest came down from the ceiling, branching off as if they were upside-down trees. All colors of the rainbow were represented here, as well as crystals both light and dark, but if anything all the gem-powered light and forking branches actually made it rather hard to see very far into the chamber. The lowest of the branches were perhaps eight to ten feet away from the floor, thickly obscuring the ceiling which was likely a good thirty feet or so overhead, and Tinsel eyed the dense growths warily.

"Keep your eyes up - floor looks mostly clear, but that...forest or whatever is nothing but a maze of cover and shit. Could be anything hiding up there."

"You've got good instincts, soldier." A deep voice booms out from above, and as the party quickly turns their heads they spot a man standing on a gemstone branch, leaning against its upturned trunk. His shining armor actually proves to be a rather effective camouflage in here, given that the many lights it reflects only helps him to blend in with the glowing gems even further. His rabbit ears at least are rather easy to notice, though his identification is still a little uncertain. As the team leader, Tinsel yells out a response.

"Well, you're no orc, but I really hope you're Trush and that there ain't another damned boss we gotta deal with today."

The man hops down to the ground, his rabbit-like legs easily handling the jump, and he slowly approaches the group with his drawn sword resting on his shoulder. "Aye, I'd be Trush - I hear you've been looking to speak with me? A bit surprised, I'll admit. I thought perhaps I'd have friends visiting me one of these days, but can't say I know a one of you. All a bit wet behind the ears to have been around when I was in the service, haha!"

"Yeah, yeah, it sounded like the higher-ups considered looking around for a few of your old war buddies to send on the mission, but the couple that were left in the army were too busy for an op like this. So you get us! Mind answering a few questions?"

The Knight shrugs, more confused than anything. "I'll grant you a moment to speak, certainly. It better be important, though."

Mesht is the one who steps forward to speak next - as a fellow orc, the man is a little more familiar with the concerns their superiors had when they sent the team out. "First off, sir, allow me to say that you've created quite a stir back home. At first, people weren't certain what to think of the offer the dungeon was making - a lifetime of service as a dungeon boss, that is. But now you're living confirmation that the offer is real! Or at least it will be, once we make our report. But command is...concerned."

"Concerned about what? A patriot I remain, but I left the army years ago! They had no authority over my decision to join the dungeon."

Kalasha responds next. "Not over you, no, but a lot of older officers are apparently showing an...interest in following your example. Not so much the driders, maybe, but the minotaurs, and our people? The thought of growing old, retiring out in some desk job, starts looking a lot less appealing compared to being young and in fighting shape for eternity."

Trush takes a moment to consider that. "It's true that Worthy doesn't want a flood of applicants - but we've got a process in place for handling that, probably. What is it you want from me, though?"

Tinsel takes charge of the conversation once again. "Officially, we're just supposed to interview you, find out your thoughts on the, uh...experience you went through, joining this murder hole. Unofficially, I think they want you to say it's horrible and that no one else should do it. And...double unofficially, as a patriot, I think they're hoping you'll clue us in if there's anything going on around here the Valleylands ought to know about. You know...being in Rainlands territory and all, or, I don't know...if the Dragonlord happened to have any sort of contact with the dungeon, that sort of thing."

The Rabbit Knight narrows his eyes. "First off, patriot or not, I swore an oath to defend this dungeon, and it's to the dungeon that my highest loyalties lie. I will not spy on my new family!"

Vanguard Mesht nods along, hoping to placate the man. "Entirely understandable - but we can hope that if there was a significant threat, or information we ought to know about, you would tell us?"

"Sure, if the world's ending or some shit, I'll write you a letter. We can do that here, you know." As he continues, the man's frown turns into a wide grin. "As to your other point, I'm afraid I'll need to disappoint you again! Aside from healing my broken body, my life's never been better! I spend my days sparring, I'm starting to get back into my old carpentry hobby, and every night I bed a different beautiful woman!"

The squad does pause for a few moments at that last statement, before Jantana offers a halting response. "You mean, like...the banshee? ...The slime?"

Trush's grin grows to display ever more teeth. "Among others, aye."

Haylizt offers her own suggestion. "...The tentacle monsters?"

"What sort of perversion do you take us for, Priestess!?" Trush eyes her before a memory seems to occur to him. "...I suppose the slime could count as such, on occasion...but let's not dwell on that, shall we?"

"Yeah, yeah." Tinsel hastily tries to regain control of the topic. "So you're really gonna do us like that, then? 'Worthy Dungeon is great for fightin' and fuckin', everyone should sign up?' Command's not gonna wanna hear that."

The former orc shrugs. "The costs are obvious. Giving up your old life, your family, your friends - your body, for good or for ill. But if I thought I'd have regrets I would have never come here in the first place. So - is your mission now complete?"

Tinsel shakes her head. "We'll file a report, but we're probably gonna be here for the long haul, to keep an eye on the place...and stay in touch, in case anything comes up you do wanna pass on. That said...I guess we gotta fight now?"

Trush nods. "Indeed. As a nod of respect to fellow soldiers, I'll try not to take any of your lives today - but the dungeon makes no arrangement with you. I make no promises regarding your limbs, and should you come on another day, your lives may well be forfeit."

"Yeah, we're familiar enough with that, I think." The mousekin's hand twitches towards one of the bags at her waist. "Let's get this party started, then."

Before anyone can move, the team finds out that just because Trush revealed himself doesn't mean that the opportunity for an ambush was lost. Arrows begin to fly at the soldiers from above, while a pair of spear-wielding rabbit-folk leap down to join their captain. As they take up their positions, Trush shouts out orders. "You two, pin down the minotaur! Archers, harry their support - I will handle the Vanguard!"

Plainly hearing the challenge, Mesht rushes forward to meet the Knight in battle, and his first mace swing is easily blocked by the man's shield. When he blocks Trush's own sword, however, the orc is surprised to find it comes fair less easily - a crack actually begins to form in the metal upon the very first impact. Eyes wide, Mesht comes to a quick realization. "You were a Shieldbreaker - you kept your old abilities!"

"Pssht, the slime didn't clue you into that way back on Floor Two? Here, allow me to demonstrate!" As the boss forces Mesht to rely more on his footwork, the two rabbit spearmen do an excellent job of keeping Jantana in a stalemate. Their spears have trouble scoring a lethal blow on the large, quick-healing woman, but they remain quick enough on their feet that the minotaur is unable to land a hit on them in return.

The archery contest on the other hand turns out to favor the soldiers. Despite their cover among the crystal branches up above, the group on the ground soon matches that advantage with clouds of shadow summoned by Haylizt. At the same time Kalasha proves to be the more adept shot, and her second bolt sends a rabbit-man crashing to the ground, struck through the chest. Tinsel meanwhile launches a 'Percussion Potion' into the air, and while the explosion creates little in the way of flame or fragments, the pressure wave it unleashes shatters half a dozen 'trees' into shards of razor-sharp gems. The second archer manages to land on her feet, but she's badly wounded by the numerous cuts covering her body. She'd still likely manage a rabbit-leap away to a new perch within moments, but black tentacles shoot out of the ground and latch on to her limbs, and another shot from Kalasha hits her target easily.

"Won't complain about you lining up shots for me, Haylizt, but those things are still damn creepy! Jantana, stop playing around!" The Sniper quickly fires off another shot at the nearest spearwoman, who leaps out of the way without issue but grows concerned when she notices that she leapt into a puddle of strange oil. Looking up, the rabbit-woman pales as she notices the look on Tinsel's face.

"Jantana, dodge - or not, up to you!" The mousekin fires off a simple spark spell at the oil she'd spread across the ground, and flames quickly begin to flicker at the feet of both spearmen and the Regenerator. It bothers the minotaur far less than it does the squires, however, and as the rabbits attempt to flee the conflagration they become easy targets for Jantana and the rest of the team. Within moments both are corpses lying on the ground, and the party is finally able to focus their attentions on Trush - just in time to see Mesht tumble, his shield and mace shattered, and his helmet falling to pieces following a magically-enhanced headbutt from the Knight.

"Damn! Well, they kept you busy for a minute or two, suppose I'll have to make do!" Before Trush can make a move the minotaur quickly moves to intercept the man, now that Mesht is unconscious on the floor, but she finds herself surprised by the power of the Rabbit Knight's legs. A single leap takes him into the support section of the party, and Kalasha is barely able to bring her knife to bear in time to block his first swing. He doesn't remain focused on her, however, and instead moves on to an easier target. Swiftly swinging around to face Haylizt and attacking before the drider even realizes she's under threat, the former orc's sword has soon taken its due in the form of the Priestess's two front legs.

With the drider screaming in pain, Trush turns once again to face a new target, but is surprised to find Tinsel strangely missing. Her absence is explained when he feels a weight clinging to his back a moment later, and the woman is soon cussing directly into his ear. "I hate this gig, you know! Don't take it personal if I take it out on you, alright!?" Trush opens his mouth to respond, but regrets it when a bottle of acid smashes into the side of his face before he can speak, sending pain shooting through him. Half-blinded, he spins and swings his blade rapidly, and is at least rewarded by a shout of similar pain from the tiny woman before he loses track of her.

The distraction proves fatal for the Knight, though. As his remaining good eye notices a shadow beginning to loom over him, he barely has time to turn before a blow from Jantana's warhammer crushes him into the ground. It's not enough to kill a boss like Trush, not immediately, but the two serious wounds do prove enough to effectively end the battle. With a few more blows from the minotaur, and a well-aimed bolt from Kalasha, there's soon enough blood spilled to ensure the monster stays dead. There's little time to relax despite the sudden quiet, unfortunately, as the party then turns to their wounded members.

Tinsel at least seems to be in no immediate danger. The well-stocked mousekin is already pouring a health potion into a deep cut along her ribs, and it seems likely enough that she should manage a full recovery. They're a little more surprised when they turn towards their Shadow Priestess...and find her standing on eight legs. Or rather, as they look closer, six legs and two black tentacles, growing out of the amputated stubs of her forward limbs. Kalasha rushes forward to check on her a little closer.

"Haylizt! Are you...alright? Since when could you regrow new limbs at the drop of a hat!?"

The drider scowls. "It's...it's not a regrowth, exactly. I can't control their form, and these are temporary, quickly-made. There's a ritual I can do to...to make them permanent parts of my body. But it requires time and materials, it's not something I can do in the dungeon."

Jantana picks up the woman's severed original legs, and brings them over to her. "How about these? Can they be re-attached?"

"It's...it's unlikely, but we can bring them back to town and see if it's possible. I feel like I shouldn't bet on it, though..."

Tinsel growls a little as she applies a few potions to Mesht to get the Vanguard Charger back on his feet. "Hate to say it, but I'm calling a retreat, we backtrack to the last exit portal. There's still at least one more boss on this floor, and I ain't trying to push us through in this condition." She looks around at the shattered crystals surrounding them, along with the corpses of five rabbit warriors, and shakes her head. "All this for a fuckin' conversation. I really, really...really hate dungeons."

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