Worthy Core

Chapter 165: Exposure

There was quite a stir in Grassbrook the next morning, as the residents of the town got to see something they had never seen before. Something that had perhaps never been seen before at all, really. Sable and Lilly walked their way down the main street, both of them looking quite red in the face this morning in their new enchanted gear, although Lilly's color was of course from furious blushing.

For starters, they were both wearing chokers with blue gemstone features, providing a generous amount of cold resistance. It was the middle of winter, after all, and they would need that particular bit of protection to survive the rest of their outfits. On the top of their heads sat pairs of rabbit-ear headbands, both vastly improved over the early model Grizza had once obtained. Not only were the base materials several tiers higher now, but the enchantment was likewise notably stronger.

The rest of their outfits shared similar themes but were quite different in the details. Sable was indeed wearing the threatened chainmail bikini for her top and bottoms, although she had at least negotiated a leather underlayer so that it wasn't entirely transparent to the winter winds and staring eyes. Lilly's outfit meanwhile was constructed of draping cloth, two large pieces of fabric hanging over her chest and displaying the symbol of the Church of Bounty, while her bottoms were essentially a long, gold-embroidered white loincloth. Carefully hidden straps kept everything street-legal, although it was plain the Priestess had left her underwear in her bottomless bag for the day. Following each of the pair was a fluffy bunny tail, fixed to the back of their bottoms.

Protecting their feet were, perhaps almost as unusually, pairs of thigh-high high heels. Sable's were actually made of steel armor while Lilly's matched the white of her garment, but they were both enchanted with boosts to agility that made them actually practical for combat use, if one were so inclined to try them out. The rest of their outfits were, of course, enchanted to boost physical charisma.

It was still the working theory that the enchantment worked by making the wearers resemble more closely the image that their audience wished to see, and as the two walked into town, it appeared that what the townsfolk wanted to see was even more skin than the two were already displaying. With so many stacked enchantments the women were perhaps the most beautiful anyone in town had ever seen, with every single flaw and blemish completely wiped away. Lilly's hair flowed like water, Sable's short horns curved far more elegantly than they ever had before, and both had piercing eyes that looked as if they could peer into a mortal's soul. Meanwhile, despite the fact that their outfits remained structurally sound, somehow they managed to move about with every step and gust of wind as if they were about to cause the pair to flash everyone who saw them. Lilly's breasts looked at least a cup size or two larger than they already were, displaying an impressive amount of cleavage, while the bulge in Sable's bottoms was equally apparent.

That wasn't any larger due to enchantments, however. Sable was just really enjoying the attention.

Lilly is somewhat less excited as she hisses under her breath to her companion. "This is the last time you talk me into joining you on one of your bets!"

"Are you crazy, Flower Girl? Enchanted accessories, headpiece, chestpiece, bottoms, boots? Two complete sets? Do you have any fuckin' idea how much coin we just walked out of the dungeon with? I'd lose a bet like this every single day if I could!" Sable grins as she recalls the events that got them this windfall. A sparring challenge had been issued between Beatrice and Sable, with the stakes being that the loser would have to wear an outfit of Xenia's worst impulses for the entire next day. Sable had agreed if they made it a two-on-two, and so Lilly and Sincere had been added into the fray as magical support, with the caveat that Sincere wouldn't use any of his 'time fuckery'. Despite everyone's warnings however Sable had greatly underestimated the magic-less Beatrice, hence their current situation.

As she passes a vendor's stand where three men are busy collecting their dropped jaws, Lilly sighs. "But why did you decide to walk right down the main street of town!? If Beatrice had lost, she wouldn't be showing off to anyone other than the dungeon bosses right now!"

Sable shoots a smirk at a gawking woman, who almost faints at the sight of the angelic, demonic, barely-dressed paladin. "You know why, Flower Girl - the others needed a distraction. Besides..." Sable trails off before leaning over and whispering in Lilly's ear. "We stay out here another twenty minutes, just think how excited we're both going to be by time I get you home, eh?"

"...I suppose we could walk down one or two more streets on our way there..."



Just outside the main town district, a sober discussion was being held in a tent in House Perlin's camp. The house had brought a fairly sizable collection of servants and retainers, as had House Highbranch, and there wasn't remotely enough room at the inn for everyone. Instead tents had been set up in the area once used as the temporary Association headquarters, with of course a number of protective enchantments to keep the weather out. It was still a far less comfortable place to hold a meeting at than the Lucky Bastard's common room, but the Perlins had quite a few people they needed to talk with this morning.

The first of those was Thunder Priest Palm Redbeard, the lead cleric of the Perlin expedition, who was sitting in the main tent across a table from the house's core adventuring party. The Perlins weren't particularly tied to the Goddess of Storms, or to any god really, but it was always wise to include a man with some influence over the weather when traveling in the middle of winter. There were other reasons he had been brought along however, and it was those that were the topic of discussion today.

Arlon Perlin continued where he had left off. "I did check the enchantments on the...container, Priest, and I compliment you on your work. They should serve well to...protect Deylia's remains until they can be transported home, as best as anything could - damn the roads in this season, especially out in this region."

The man, who did indeed sport a thick red beard, nods in agreement with the younger lord. "All the more reason this young town needs noble attention, my lord. And I'm honored to do what I can for the young miss. I take it you have more pressing business with me, however?"

Sansie nods. "As you know, we brought you and some of the others along as supporters for our primary party - to fill in temporarily if one of us were injured, sick, or simply busy. After Deylia...you are the next most qualified healer in the expedition. Which is to say, Priest - are you prepared to join on our dungeon intrusions full-time? We still have yet to clear the dungeon, and we must, even now."

"I'm up for it, my lady. I'll admit I'm not as highly-leveled as the young Maid was, or as specifically trained in the healing arts, as I've rarely done much Challenging this past decade. I am still an Expert rank, however, and I'll gladly serve the needs of House Perlin."

Sitting a bit further away from the table, Raylin scoffs. "Perhaps we should find a replacement for me while we're at it. Highbranch must be loving this - not only did our cousins vanish in there entirely, but now we've lost poor Deylia, all on my foolishness? As if their family rank wasn't enough advantage already, now we look like incompetents twice-over in comparison to them!"

Sansie puts a hand on his shoulder, although she struggles to put much comfort into her voice. "You're not getting out of this yet, Raylin. Besides, the Highbranches have yet to challenge the dungeon themselves, they may yet prove even worse fools than we."

"I know that's the outcome I'll be hoping for! Although the dungeon must claim neutrality on the matter, I'm afraid." As the nobles look up in surprise, a guest enters the tent uninvited - a woman in strange, white priestly robes, followed by a second in a black cloak and hood. The robes are odd - they include a tall white hat of a style rarely seen outside of important ceremonies, and yet everything is very generic, with no symbols of any particular church or god on any part of them. What's most distracting however is her face, one which is strangely familiar yet also somehow...off.

As her eyes widen, Sansie lets out a small scream. "DEYLIA!?" At the sound of her exclamation Raylin's eyes go wide, the man turning as stiff as a board, while Arlon gets to his feet so quickly his chair goes tumbling.

"Deylia!? That - what...is it you?" Although Arlon's voice remains reasonably calm, by instinct one hand begins to wander towards his weapon, especially after he gets a better look at the gray-skinned woman following after the former Maid.

"It is me, everyone - please, I know this must be a shock...it certainly was to me. But there's nothing to fear here!"

Sansie cautiously begins to approach her old friend. "Deylia...did...something's changed about you, hasn't it? Your face..."

Deylia's rabbit-like nose twitches a little as she brushes it with one hand. "You have a good eye, mistress. I'm afraid I may not be exactly...human any longer. I serve the dungeon now."

Raylin's eyes somehow manage to grow even wider. "What? What did it do to you, Del?"

In response, Deylia pulls the clerical hat from her head, and the reason for her unusual fashion becomes clear as her over-sized rabbit ears reveal themselves. "I am, apparently, a lagomorph. Which is to say...a rabbit-woman."

The room goes silent at that statement, until eventually the sound of giggling breaks loose from Sansie's lips. "A - a rabbit-woman? This - oh, Del, tell me this is a joke! I don't understand, I thought there was some...religious process to becoming a servant of the dungeon? And if that's so, how are you here?"

Taly steps forward, pulling down her own hood. She gives a slight bow to the nobles, although not as deep a one as would normally be due from a commoner. "Perhaps I can explain, my lords and ladies. I am Taly of Highfalls, currently Boss of Floor Six, of Worthy Dungeon. We haven't had reason to meet yet in the dungeon, but we thought Deylia here could perhaps use some company on her trip out here."

Arlon turns his full attentions on her. "Yes, perhaps we should address that first - I do recognize you by description, but how are you here?"

Taly raises an eyebrow. "I know we haven't been using it as much as we could, as we haven't wanted to cause any panic, but I am a little surprised word of it hasn't spread around a bit more by now. Our dungeon has a limited ability to send bosses beyond the dungeon borders. And since we weren't sure if you'd be coming back up there anytime soon, Deylia here wanted to come and see you as soon as possible, to update you on her new...status." Fortunately, with Beatrice having returned for a lengthy stay, the dungeon now had two tourist slots available including the previous one thanks to Slooshy taking up residence inside. Given that Deylia still seemed to be in a half-shellshocked state so soon after her revival, Xenia had decided that it would be cold both metaphorically as well as literally to make her descend the mountain on her own.

Sansie's expression loses a bit of its confusion, but it's largely replaced by concern. "And what is that status, exactly? As a...rabbit-woman?"

Deylia picks up the explanation herself. "Well, as it turns out, the process with the Church of Bounty is rather more of just one particular path, and there are other circumstances where one may qualify to join the dungeon...although I've been asked not to speak on them in detail. But the short of it is that the particular manner of my demise did qualify me for a role within the dungeon, which I now have, thanks to the dungeon spirit taking an interest in me. As, um." The Maid swallows a bit before continuing. "I have been assigned as Floor Boss of Floor Five. Also, I have spoken with the Goddess Kahlia in regards to becoming one of her priestesses."

Raylin's voice nearly squeaks as he focuses on the first half of that statement. "Floor Five!? Doing what!?"

"Helping people! I mean - not lasciviously! The dungeon plans to expand that floor into more of a resting and safety zone, aided largely by my own trained skills as a supporter. I will provide healing, perhaps boosts, at least to those on good terms with the dungeon."

Sansie shakes her head. "But - Del! You're here, you're free, aren't you? I mean, yes, the ears and such might be a bit of a scandal, but...couldn't you just come home, with us?"

The Maid smiles softly as she bows her head towards her former mistress. "I am not free from obligation and responsibility, my lady. The dungeon could force my return, but aside from that - I spoke with a goddess, Sansie! To her face!"

The expressions on the nobles grow a little pale at that, and even the reserved Redbeard finally has to speak up. "Wait, you were speaking literally before? The goddess herself asked you to become a priestess?"

Deylia turns to face the man. "Actually, it was at Xenia's - the dungeon's - request. Although it sounds to be a beneficial arrangement to all involved."

"The - the dungeon makes requests of a goddess? And the goddess answers them? That's - I had no idea the dungeons were so close to the divine! I've been a man of the faith all my life, and have never heard so much as a whisper from Roe! Not that I would have expected to, of course. But this is incredible! You've accepted the training, of course?"

"Of course. As you can imagine we have much to discuss, even within the limitations of what the dungeon has asked that I not share. But, first..." Deylia trails off as she turns towards Raylin. "...Might Honorable Raylin and I have a moment alone?"


Behold! My Xenia's Stuff!


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