Worthy Core

Chapter 167: Chapter Name Pending

Lollyp returns Alizz's forced smile with a genuine one of her own. "Xenia's calling it a 'tourist trap'! Cause, it kind of seems like we're getting more benefits to having Challengers spending time in the dungeon, doing stuff aside from just killing things, so we decided to give Floor Five an overhaul! Plus, especially in the wintertime, giving people an option to stay up here rather than climb the mountain every day seems like it'd be real appealing."

Alizz nods slowly. "So you've remodeled the floor into an...inn? That certainly seems unique."

"More or less, yeah - some Domain dungeons have similar spaces for residents, but nothing really designed for travelers like this. This room is just the public section, though - folks can come here without even trying the dungeon, if they want. We're thinking free booze and snacks for folks actually trying the dungeon, but maybe a barter system if others just want to spend time here."

The Association Administrator frowns a little at that suggestion. "You know there's rules against 'feeding' dungeons, yes?"

"It's not feeding, it's bartering! I dunno, maybe we can put a cap on it or something, we're still working it out. But same thing for the rooms, too, if you're not trying the dungeon we're probably going to charge something for em."

"...I may need to spend some time coming up with a few guidelines that can help me sell this as not violating the anti-feeding rules, but perhaps we can work something out. You say this is just the public section, though? Are there still others like before?"

This time, Lollyp's grin grows even wider, and Alizz feels herself growing nervous in response. "Oh, yeah. Turns out, we've managed to make the floor a lot bigger."

Kelsey asks the question. "How big is 'a lot', girl?"

"Well, for starters, ages back Xenia got the option to spend a floor unlock on giving an existing floor triple the capacity. And we did have an unused unlock thanks to our bodycount, so we went ahead and spent that."

Sely's head tilts. "Wait, I thought you were referring to that other triple capacity thing you got just recently - that 'safe floor' option?"

Lollyp's grin reaches inhuman sizes. "Yup! And we went ahead and used that too!"

Alizz's voice grows worried. "...Lollyp..."

"And did you know that apparently those kinds of bonuses..."


"They kind of stack? Like, multiplicatively?"

The drider's eyes grow large. "Lollyp. Are you saying this floor is nine times larger than a normal dungeon floor?"

The slime nods. "Well, potentially! We haven't gone and built that all out overnight, of course! I think we're barely even at a quarter of the space so far."

Renter Forst, the newest member of the Association team and a man generally willing to let others handle the talking, finally steps forward with a question. "Hold on, hold on now. I don't know no numbers or anything on what a floor's 'capacity' actually is, but I know you had Floor Five divided up into a whole pile of rooms before all this. If you're turning this into an inn - just how many rooms is that?"

"Right, well, Floor Five had five sections of five chambers each before, and Xenia figures she could've maybe fit in one, maybe two more sections. Which is to say - "

Alizz cuts in with the math. "Floor Five can now support almost three hundred rooms!?" As Lollyp nods again, Alizz adds a quick followup. "And for the rest - traps, monsters? How many is that?"

"Well, the 'trap' capacity is going to be mostly taken up by adding in working plumbing and stuff like the booze taps - amazing idea, by the way. Instead of having to mana up every individual drink someone orders, turns out Xenia can just put an upfront daily cost into a tap and any bartender can pour one out for her! Stuff like the hot springs has an upkeep cost, too, so that's not gonna be every room for sure. And it's not all gonna be small private rooms like before either, like you can see here."

Alizz presses the point. "And monsters?"

"Yeah, so, assuming we go with Rabbit Champions for the staff, which are a little more expensive than your basic skeleton or whatever...well, at least a hundred or so. Maybe more, though it's not like there'd be space for them if we're reserving all of that room for Challengers to use. Bad news is, it seems like the bonus doesn't apply to boss slots, there's still only one. Although since it is a non-combat floor, we could multi-boss it like Floor Four and take the hit on each boss's individual power. Could maybe do four or five before their ability to do boosts diminishes to uselessness, if they start off as good at it as Deylia."

Alizz turns to look at the rabbit-woman, standing quietly off to the side. "Yes, Deylia - Sely told me somewhat of your current...situation. Is this part of your new role as Kahlia's priestess? Would we see more such priests, if you do as Lollyp suggests?"

Deylia bows her head slightly as she steps forward. "We have not really discussed adding others of my role - I haven't even begun my own training yet! Perhaps down the line...although in any case, there's hardly a need for any immediate expansion for as long as we still have no clientele."

Kelsey chuckles as he looks around at the place. "Well, I think you'll be seeing some before long, that's for sure. It ain't gonna be a problem, though, having folks living in the dungeon full time? To be honest, I'm not sure myself on the details of how the Domain works it out with its collaborator dungeons."

Lollyp's grin fades a little as she hears the question. "Yeah, it's a worry. It sounds like the increased capacity's actually helped Xenia with managing the number of ongoing intrusions though, and we might get into the habit of like, a forced check-out after folks finish a run to close off intrusions and make sure people don't get in the habit of leaving their stuff here. Unless they want their shit eaten by the dungeon when they leave, of course."

Alizz shakes her head a little in disbelief. "Yes, I'm sure it has helped. Lollyp, The entire dungeon is only seven floors deep! Xenia's just doubled her capacity overnight! More than!"

"Amazing, ain't it? Though a bit of a risk, too - if we build the whole thing out and then someone actually dies on this floor, it's gonna end up completely draining Xenia's mana supply to maintain it until we can close it down or earn the safe floor requirement back."

Kelsey picks back up with his own questions. "Right, speaking of - you say this is just the public section? You're still doing the floor-themed sections past this?"

Lollyp's smile returns in force. "Folks can still 'rent out' those rooms if they've cleared the matching floor, yeah, but we also got one more semi-public area, only for people who've actually beaten the first four floors. We're calling it the Fiver's Lounge at the moment."

"Well, that's certainly a better name than - " Alizz cuts herself off as she notices Deylia suddenly growing rather flushed. "...Lollyp. What's this 'Fiver's Lounge' like?"

"I'm glad you asked! Just follow me through this portal and see for yourselves!" The slime makes her way into another portal ring on the floor not far from where the guests first came in at, and one by one each of them shrug and follow along, with Deylia taking up the rear. As they make their way through however, they have to force themselves to keep moving so as not to block up the portal as most of them need to stop to pick their jaws up off the ground.

If the 'Name Pending' public inn was a surprising sight to see in the dungeon, the Fiver's Lounge is an absolute shock. It's also laid out in a way somewhat like a tavern, but with even more space - some of it taken up by semi-private booths set off into alcoves and other small rooms. But almost as much is taken up by a pair of stages, one on each side of the chamber, each hosting a number of vertical metal poles - and a rabbit-person dancing on each side, a woman on one stage and a man on the other. The party finally spots some of the dungeon's other bosses as they sit at various tables, cheering on one dancer or the other, but it's the other staff that draw most of their attention.

Aside from the dancers there's more rabbit-folk bartenders and wait staff in this area, but their attire is entirely different than that worn in the first section, which more or less resembled typical tavern fashion. Each wears a tight, black one-piece outfit showing off their shoulders and thighs, with a cutout for their stomach, and more than a little cleavage in the case of the women. Thigh-highs cover their legs and long gloves hide their arms, and Alizz would bet serious money that at least one piece on every outfit is enchanted with boosted charisma, because every single member of the staff is stunning. Forcing out a question, Alizz's voice comes out almost as a whisper. "Lollyp...exactly what kind of monsters are you using to staff this place?"

"You like? They're all Rabbit Champions of different types - the dancers are minion-level Rogues, for the agility boosts. I think the bartenders are Magicians? We're working up a list of tricks they can do with pouring drinks and stuff. As for the actual consorts - "

Lollyp is cut off by a shocked squeal from Alizz. "The consorts!? Lollyp, are you insane? Is Xenia!? This is a terrible idea!"

Renter raises a hand. "Well, now, hold on...I think we could at least stand to hear the potential benefits of the scheme before passing any judgment, eh?"

Alizz turns between Lollyp and her betrayers of a team - aside from Renter, Kelsey also seems appreciative of the design, and even Sely seems to be working to hide a smirk. Zappy meanwhile just appears to be a little confused, but Alizz still has significant concerns she needs to bring up. "Lollyp, tell me - tell me this isn't part of Xenia's scheme to get someone knocked up by a monster? I thought she was working on something with the Church of Bounty for that!"

Taly answers that question, having come over once she noticed the new arrivals. "Oh, whoa, definitely no need to worry about that. We're not using Patriarchs as staff, and everything else here's firing with an empty quiver. If Challengers want to shack up with each other, well, that's still their own concern. And honestly, we'd rather Challengers do that than use the consorts. But given there's potential benefits either way..."

Alizz sighs. "Yes, Sely mentioned you had an...unusual incentive for Challengers to engage in relations with monsters. Which is just..." The woman sighs again, not even sure how to voice her frustrations. "But prostitution? Monster prostitution? Really?"

"Well, not for coin." Taly pauses to take a drink off a tray carried by a wandering bar-rabbit, who gives her a charming wink as she passes by. "Maybe as a reward for clearing floors? This is all still really recent and in-design, so, you know, still working out the details."

"Lollyp, I...is Xenia here? I know she used her avatar spell just a night or two ago, but is she listening to me?" The frustrated woman rubs her forehead, already feeling the headache forming.

She nods. "Yeah, Xen's about two feet to my left right now, actually."

"Right." Alizz turns to face the empty space. "Xenia. Not that I have the authority to command you on any matters, but I really must put my foot down on the prostitutes. It's just - there are cases where it's legal in the Rainlands, but those are exceptions! And in a dungeon - I will not become the first Administrator of a dungeon brothel! I refuse!"

Lollyp and Taly get serious looks on their faces as they listen first to Alizz, and then to the empty spot between them, and after a moment Taly responds. "Alright, fair, we...might be moving a little fast on that, I'll admit. But we've still got a motivation for getting Challengers horny, so the rest is staying...and if a Challenger does manage to actually seduce a bartender or something..."

The drider sighs, deciding she'll take what she can get. "Okay...wait, though, is seducing a dungeon monster something that can even be done? Aside from ensouled bosses, I mean?"

Lollyp giggles. "Xen can apparently assign personality types to monsters now, and apparently 'promiscuous' is a type of personality. Blame the gods!"

"I certainly will. Is there anything else we should know about?" Alizz looks around, and is a little surprised to find Zappy's wandered off a bit and is staring at one of the stages. Not at the woman dancing on it, however, but at one of the unoccupied metal poles further behind. "Zappy? Something...interesting?"

Zappy turns back towards the group, an excited tone in her voice. "You - there's a kind of dancing on metal people do? Just going up and down and around on it?"

Taly raises an eyebrow. "Was new to me too, but yeah, apparently Xenia tells me it's real popular in some places." The banshee smirks as she shoots a look at the air next to her. "Even gave us a few demonstrations, very educational. Why do you ask?"

The elemental's response comes without hesitation. "I want a job!"

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