Worthy Core

Chapter 169: Storming the Mountain

After Sincere's experiment proved a success and Zappy was led back indoors to rest and re-discover her new body, Doorman was quite sure that all of the excitement was over for the day. There was barely any sunlight left in the sky, and while parties did sometimes leave the dungeon rather late, there were almost never any new guests at this time of day. So it was that he was rather surprised by the sound of metallic clanging echoing up from the mountain path - the sound of someone in heavy armor moving at a quick pace.

Sure enough, moments later Paladin Sable comes rushing around the bend, a very tired-looking Priestess Lilly following after her. Shouting and waving her hand, the woman works hard to get Doorman's attention as if her approach hadn't already gotten it. "Doorman! Y'gotta warn Xenia - the mob is coming!"

The guardian isn't entirely sure how to react to that statement. "The - the mob? Are we talking pitchforks and shouting, or more of an organized crime operation? Dwarves, I assume? The Obsidian Hammers, perhaps? Unless one of the gnoll gangs has gotten into the mountaineering business."

Sable rather freezes in her tracks at that, her train of thought thoroughly derailed by the strange question. "How is it your riddles are on the level of 'what is a cloud', but you know shit about the Underdwarf Families?"

"I really don't see how those two comments are connected."

Sable's about to respond to that, before she shakes her head and refocuses. "Whatever - no, I mean like, a mob of people! I don't think Xenia predicted this was gonna happen after the Association made their announcement. But they're coming up right behind us!"

Doorman tilts his head as much as he's able to. "Who is?"

"Everybody." Just as Sable says that, the sound of more feet begins to make its way up the mountain path along with the glow of torches, even more visible now that the sun is finally slipping below the horizon. Lilly barely has time to catch up to her friend and try to catch her breath before the first party comes up behind them - the half-elves of House Highbranch. Along with the twins Silva and Gilda and their oversized gnoll bodyguard Sweet, two more half-elves march alongside them, both of the others men. Aside from Sable slipping out of the Bastard as quickly as possible, it was House Highbranch who made the first announcement that they would be visiting the new dungeon floor immediately. House Perlin, who had been planning to wait another day or two before trying the dungeon again, quickly decided that they couldn't allow their rivals to steal a step on them and followed almost as soon.

The Valleylanders had been the next to decide to check the place out, mostly on Tinsel's whim. The Domain party meanwhile was of course resolute on learning about the changes in the dungeon as quickly as possible, and had only been waiting for others to make the first move so that they wouldn't stand out as much. From there perhaps a third of the various 'independent' Challengers in Grassbrook decided it sounded like there was a real party going on that they didn't want to miss out on - those soloists or pairs who temporarily joined into teams for dungeon intrusions, or other groups that were perhaps less solidly bound together as the ones taking the lead on the Name Pending expedition. Alizz did not have the energy to get swept up in whatever was about to happen, and kept Kelsey behind to help her with the paperwork already on her desk, but Sely and Renter had both joined the mass to 'keep an eye on things'. Nor was it only Challengers - a few garrison soldiers not on duty joined in for the fun, including a certain stealthy gnoll who happened to spend much of the march within earshot of the Valleylands and Domain parties.

Watching as at least thirty additional people come around the corner, if not even more, Doorman gulps. "Are...are all of you here to challenge the dungeon? Tonight!? We've, ah...we've never had a crowd quite like this before. I'm afraid some of you may need to wait your turn, depending on which floors you intend to challenge..." Already the guardian is sending silent alarms through the dungeon - generally speaking, the only reason a dungeon Worthy's size would get so many Challengers at once is if they intended to raid and destroy the core. An incubus Bard steps forward to set the wooden man at ease, however.

"Ah, you look nervous, friend! Never been a tavern bouncer before, have you? I think you'll find it to be quite a similar line of work, through perhaps you may need to work on some more intimidating facial expressions? No need for waiting lines, I think, assuming your new Floor Five has capacity for everyone? The Association implied as much."

"Ah, Mr. Fatestealer, nice to see you here again. So you're saying...everyone here is present to visit the new Floor Five inn? At once?"

The region's resident loudmouth mousekin shouts up at the door. "Well we ain't here to pick mushrooms on Floor Four! ...Unless you got some that would really spice up a party. But you got the place open for business or not?"

Pausing for a moment to collect his wits, Doorman eventually nods and speaks with a calmer tone of voice. "Yes...yes, of course! Note that while some sections of the floor are still limited to certain floor clears, the primary attraction of Floor Five is indeed open to the public, regardless of their previous experience in the dungeon. Once inside, you'll be able to find shortcut portals to those sections, or you may ask the staff for assistance. To get inside, please form up into an orderly line and take the shortcut portal to your right. I hope you enjoy your experience, but please note that the floor redesign is still in progress - suggestions and reviews are appreciated! Also, violence will not be tolerated on this floor, so please keep all weapons safely stowed away."

Sable and Lilly had already slipped inside while Doorman was giving his speech, but it doesn't take long for Tinsel to take the lead in going next, practically shoving in front of the gnoll woman eight times her own body weight to get in front. "Don't mind if I do! Last one in's a spoiled stinkbomb!"



The 'orderly' line Doorman requested never quite made a full appearance, but with a relatively minimal amount of shoving and cursing eventually everyone made their way through the portal ring, and were more than happy to get out of the cold in the process. They were relieved to find that the new inn did indeed have room inside for everyone, although some did need to be reminded to keep on moving and make space rather than stop and stare at the sights they found waiting for them. The warm, cozy-looking design of the inn with its wood, bricks, and soft candlelight certainly got a fair bit of attention, being quite a break from the rest of the dungeon's design. But what got even more focus was the inn's staff. Even if they weren't dressed in the attention-getting outfits of the 'other' section of the inn, the bolder members of the expedition were already pushing forward to meet the dungeon's newest monsters.

Including an incredibly overwhelmed Deylia, who had absolutely no idea what to do with such a crowd. While she had of course previously been a maid, and knew all about the proper etiquette of service...that was a very far cry from having experience with customer service, or even just such noisy groups in general. Still, the new Priestess plasters a smile on her face and does her best to try and order the disorderly. "Wel - Welcome to Worthy Dungeon's new public inn! The rules are - are no violence, and the availability of food, drinks, and rooms, is based on your previous experience in the dungeon. If you'd like to find yourself some tables - "

A goblin gives her a snort as he passes her by. "So our food choices get limited too, huh? Y'got a menu?"

"Ah, yes, we can - "

A drider steps forward while looking a little nervous, although the odd black tentacles that serve as her front legs - and occasionally as extra arms, apparently - seem to be having much the same effect on those around her. "The monsters here won't attack us? Really?"

"We will only fight in self-defense, or to prevent an attack from taking - "

"Why in heavens did I get the surest feeling that someone here was going to attempt to bed me the moment I stepped through the portal?" The noise in the room comes to a complete halt at that, as every head turns to stare at the giant gnoll woman asking the question. The gnoll in question eyes them back, as if one of them were to blame for her sudden suspicion. "Truly, I absolutely feel as if someone here is planning to mate with me! What is this?"

Deylia chokes out a response. "Are...are you by any chance a...ah, romantically inexperienced, Miss Sweet?"

The gnoll steps forward, towering over the former Maid. Somewhere deep inside, Deylia gets the feeling that some sort of rabbit instinct is telling her to run and look for a hole to hide in. "Maid Deylia, yes? What would it matter if I were?"

"I'll - I'll explain later, perhaps! But you're entirely safe here, I assure you! You have our guarantee!"

Sweet stares into Deylia's eyes for an agonizingly long two or three seconds, before finally leaning back and giving a toothy smile. "Well, I trust you, Miss Deylia! So, I'm afraid I haven't been here before - you said there was a limited menu?"

"A dungeon virgin as well, eh? 'Fraid it's gonna be pretty limited for you, miss - bread, water, some fruit and nuts and other snacks and the like. All the F-tier beer you can drink! Y'want better, better show us your skills!" The gnoll turns to face the latest rabbit monster to appear, as does much of the crowd, but the bravado in his tone of voice is explained as some of those present recognize that this is no bartender walking up behind Deylia to provide her with some support.

"You must be Trush Sharptongue. I've heard much about you. You're quite bold, even for a man who might survive a disemboweling." Sweet stares down at the man, with even him being a good foot shorter than her, but the Shieldbreaker is unintimidated.

"Aye, been disemboweled, decapitated - burned with acid, thank you very much for that, mouse girl - and I expect I'll get worse in time." He shoots the bodyguard a cocky grin. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do."

"And I look forward to showing you." With that the gnoll makes her way to a table where her charges were already gathering, and half the room releases a breath they didn't realize they were holding. As she goes, Trush leans over and whispers into Deylia's ear.

"Xenia told me you were gettin' a bit overwhelmed, and I can't blame ya! I ain't ever served drinks or nothin' before, but if the crowd starts getting rowdy, you got backup."

The Priestess lets go of a sigh before giving the other dungeon boss a smile. "Thank you - I don't think we'll have any trouble, but it is good to know you're at hand."

If any stress had managed to leave the woman though, it suddenly spikes back up a moment later. As she turns back towards the waiting line, her eyes grow wide to see House Perlin standing in front of her. In front of herself...and Trush at her side. "Lord Arlon! Mistress Sansie! Raylin! It's - wonderful to see you all here tonight!" She gives the party a quick smile, but most of the party's attention seems to be focused on the man standing over her shoulder. After a moment of awkward silence, Arlon speaks up.

"Del, good to see you again. It...seems you and the Wandering Boss here are working rather well together?"

Trush and Deylia share a quick look, but the Maid answers for the two of them. "A dungeon is a dungeon, my lord. Trush has offered his apologies for my death, and I bear no grudge given that I was the one who flung myself in front of his blade. I hope you all will feel the same?" She aims the question towards the group as a whole, but her eyes settle on Raylin. The normally brash Marksman gives a measured response, however.

"It was a fair duel - or if anything, the mistakes were on our end. I'll admit to being a bit uneasy in this company, but we'll be on our best behavior...for tonight. Our business with the dungeon is not done yet though, so imagine our teams will clash again at some point, perhaps in the near future..."

Trush gives the nobleman a toothy grin in response. "And I'll be looking forward to it. But for now, grab yourselves a table and a drink - it's time for a proper party!"

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