Worthy Core

Chapter 178: New Jobs

The day after Bountiful Mother Hammerdown's visit was almost routine, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it might be representative of what the new routine was going to be. The mercenary Challengers who had been spending the night woke up, had breakfast, and then a few of them took on Floor One as an 'exercise routine' before heading back to the inn. Given that it would take an extra hour or two for any arrivals to climb the mountain, it was a good way to kill some time and get a bit of loot rather than just waiting around. The policy requiring them to 'check out' of the dungeon before returning to the inn was strictly enforced however, due to a complicating factor in the dungeon system.

The system recognized that anyone fighting together as a team was a 'party', regardless of whether or not they had entered the dungeon together, but once someone was considered to be part of a group their intrusion wouldn't be registered as complete until all members had exited. If a mercenary joined a party in the inn, cleared some floors, and then returned directly to the inn for the rest of the day, the intrusion would be left open and Xenia would be unable to collect any rewards she might have gathered. There was something of a partial reset every day at midnight, where abandoned gear could be collected and slain bosses could be revived without the need for extra mana expenditures, but it was better if left unneeded. In any case given that the rooms, food, and drink were free, no one made any serious complaints about needing to spend a minute outside even in the cold weather. In fact the only complaint anyone did have about the inn was the lack of music, but even the Lucky Bastard rarely had a musician playing yet, so Xenia simply marked it down on her 'things to think about' list.

Three parties attempted the dungeon that day - one team of Advanced Challengers, one mixed group of an Expert duo and a number of Advanced mercenaries they hired on, and the House Perlin expedition. The Perlins went the deepest, clearing Floors Four and Six - this time without encountering Trush on the way - but halting before trying the still unbeaten Floor Seven. The mixed group had less luck as they attempted Floor Four, successfully clearing it but with an Advanced-level Mage mercenary falling to DEATH's scythe in the process.








Once things had settled down for the afternoon though Xenia decided it was time to upgrade her staff a little further, starting with the Rabbit Acolytes that had been discussed the day before. She did go ahead and make a small apartment for shrine staff attached to the back of the facility, much as she had made a bunkhouse-style room for the inn and lounge staff. Monsters didn't need to sleep, owned little or nothing in the way of personal property, and didn't get bored standing around all day the same way an ensouled guardian might, but Xenia just felt a little uncomfortable watching supposedly-sapient monsters working at a task for twenty-four hours straight. Instead she had implemented very generous twelve-hour work shifts, and once off-duty the monsters would return to their housing and spend their twelve hours of free time...well, what happened in the rabbit warrens was for Xenia and Guy to know and for everyone else to constantly pry at her about.

After the living space was set up she then returned to the shrine's main room, gathering with Guy, Deylia, and...for some reason, BB. Leaning up against the podium at the front of the chamber, she gives the boss an amused look. "Sup, BB? You feeling like you need a little more religion in your life?"

Attempting to look disinterested, as if he had somehow just randomly wandered up to Floor Five and then into this room, the man shrugs. "Just curious about the latest happenings in the Worthy Dungeon rabbit community, I suppose."

"Oh, is that what it is, huh, the rabbit community? Well, I suppose you're definitely a member, then. Better be careful though, you keep coming up here and I might just give you a job."

Slightly worried that Xenia might be serious, Deylia winces. "Perhaps we should see how our newest staff do before we go handing out additional duties, don't you think?"

"Sure, sure. So - Rabbit Acolyte test, round one. Figure we'll give you two assistants and see how they work out, but you got any specific requests for them? They might not be 'yours' in the way Trush's Squires are part of his Wandering Boss setup, but I will be having them take orders from you."

Having already thought it over, the Priestess nods. "I'd like one man and one woman, if you would. I know that some people are more comfortable talking to a specific gender - particularly with matters as sensitive as their reproductive health. Even if it may not really mean anything with dungeon monsters, anything to help set people at ease, yes? Appearance doesn't matter much I think, but if you can set their personality types...well, calm, caring, pious, anything like that would be suiting."

Xenia nods. "Sounds good to me. Alright then, here we go - two Acolytes, made to order!" With a few taps on her menus, the requested monsters spawn at the head of the sermon chamber. Their appearances are immediately distinctive, with the man developing pale white skin but with sleek black fur on his limbs and ears, while the woman next to him comes in the reverse with dark skin but pure white fur. Their bodies are garbed in the robes of a cleric, and rather generically so, but as they take shape Xenia imprints their chests with Kahlia's womb-like symbol. Before they awaken, Deylia leans in with a question.

"Their coloring is rather...striking, isn't it?" The dungeon master shrugs in response.

"What can I say, I got a theme - not that I've been using it all that much. No complaints, though?" After giving them a closer look, Deylia can't find any immediate flaws. They appear perhaps slightly older than a typical acolyte, being somewhere in their twenties, although they have the flawless skin of someone even younger. They both have close-cropped, modest hairstyles, and share the same height which makes the male a little on the short side. All in all, the two look pure, serene, and utterly non-threatening, which is always an important consideration with a dungeon monster.

"I see nothing to take issue with, no."

"Alright then, time to say hello." With a snap of her fingers the pair open their eyes, and immediately turn to bow towards both Xenia and Deylia. They greet their master without hesitation, speaking the same words at the same time.

"Blessings be upon you, Master of Worthy Dungeon. May you ever prosper in the light of..." Although they both began their introductions with a calm confidence, as they get towards the end their expressions swap to one of confusion. As they turn to face each other, blinking, Xenia finds herself dealing with a sudden feeling of concern.

"Shit, this is that null thing, right? You two feeling alright? Your brains aren't going to start leaking out of your ears now, are they?"

The woman turns her confused gaze back towards Xenia. "My...brain feels fine, master. But I feel as if there's something I should remember, but it...it's just not there. Do you know what this is about?"

Xenia nods, relieved that it really is just a matter of minor confusion. "Yeah - I imagine the dungeon system is, you know, shaping you to be worshipful of the god that granted us your monster design. However, special you, there ain't one! But so you know, the dungeon is associated with Kahlia, Goddess of Fertility. You know who I'm talking about?"

The pair share a nod, and the man answers. "I am aware of Kahlia, yes. I do not recall any of her particular rituals, but..." As he trails off again, the woman continues for him.

"...I am aware of a number of rituals and prayers that are favored by many of the divine in general, if that would be of service to you."

Xenia pauses before she answers, her eyes narrowing at the two. "Okay, Trush's Squires don't do that back-and-forth shit. Never noticed it from any of the bar-bunnies either. I didn't accidentally give you a hive mind or something, did I?"

The two share a smirk with each other, which doesn't exactly set Xenia at ease. However, the woman answers with a shake of her head. "We do not share a mind, master, no. But I can sense my companion's spirit, and I imagine he can do the same for myself? Given that our purposes are aligned, it feels...natural to be in tune with his thoughts, or at least his intentions, I suppose."

"...Well, you don't have souls, no offense, but maybe you got pieces of my 'spirit' in you? Or...this is some divine energy shit? Ugh, whatever, doesn't matter really." Shaking her head, the dungeon master turns to face Deylia instead. "They're your Acolytes. You want the honor of naming them?"

Deylia takes a moment to think it over before nodding. "Their...shared sense of spirit, whatever that may mean, does give me an idea or two." She looks first towards the woman standing before her. "I dub you Fay. And you, I dub Lin. Faylin was the name of a high cleric who came from House Perlin in the early days of the kingdom, in service of the God of Honesty and Balanced Scales, Taliar. They say Faylin sometimes took the guise of a man, and at other times that of a woman. Perhaps together the two of you can represent the balance they embodied in their life."

The pair bow, seeming to feel more at ease now that they have names and a more specific role. Lin takes charge of thanking Deylia for her choice. "Thank you, mistress. You are to be our head cleric, then? What are your orders?"

For this question Deylia's response is a little less confident. "Well, your list of duties is admittedly rather light for the time being, and may be so for some time. I myself have not even yet begun my proper training in my role as a Priestess of Kahlia. However, Bountiful Mother Hammerdown did give me a few notes which I can share with you, and otherwise...perhaps you could take some time speaking with Challengers in the rest of Floor Five? Don't disturb them if they wish to be left to their business, but it could be a good way of, ah...advertising the clerical services we'll soon be offering?"

The Acolytes nod again, although Fay turns towards BB with another question. "And what is this one's role in our task?"

If he's surprised to be suddenly drawn into the conversation, the Rogue quickly covers it up with an easy grin. "Me? Oh, why I'm the sinner who's in need of redemption. Will you help me save my soul? Which I do have, for the record."

"Of course, anything we can..." Fay trails off in another moment of confusion. "How does one sin against the Goddess of Fertility, exactly?"

"...I haven't had any kids, yet?"

Her nose pinched with one hand, Xenia finally gives out a groan. "Please don't use the shrine as a place to pick up rabbitgirls, BB. At least wait til they're off shift! Fay, Lin, please ignore BB here. He just has a lack of actual responsibilities and so he's going around and lookin' to get himself into trouble. Idle hands and all that."

BB gives a snort of his own. "Well, maybe I could have other responsibilities. I have talents besides slicing off arms and legs, you know!"

The dungeon master raises an eyebrow. "You do?"

"...I might! If you gave me a task to fulfill, I could rise to the occasion. You never know!" BB takes a defiant stance, although the rabbit begins to wilt a little as he realizes Xenia might actually be about to give him one. Sure enough, an evil grin takes over her face as she steps towards the man.

"You know what? I do got a job that would be perfect for a charming lil Rogue like you. You might lack the skills at the moment, but fortunately that's what a Challenger skill library is for!" Turning towards Guy, Xenia pulls up one of her menus and quickly taps through them, glancing back at BB every few seconds. After she gets a few screens in, BB begins to feel information flooding into his brain.

"I - what? No, I was just joking! I'm fine stabbing people, really!"

"Too late, too late!" Clapping a hand on the man's shoulder, Xenia leans in with a toothy grin. "Report to Worthy Inn tonight after Challenging hours are over, kiddo. You're the new tavern Bard."



Later that night another, more professional Bard is plying his trade, as Lionel is occasionally prone to doing when he needs a few extra coins for drinking money. Although he generally keeps to more mobile instruments like flutes and such for his dungeon intrusions, tonight the incubus is playing on a proper lute as he sings out a song to the guests of the Lucky Bastard. The place is perhaps a little emptier now that it has actual competition, but there's still a decent enough crowd, and on a cold winter night everyone in town prefers to be indoors and next to a fire when given the option.

Halfway through his tune however the demon finds himself rudely interrupted as the tavern door is slammed open, letting in a gust of chilled wind and light snow. Stepping inside, a dwarf woman glares at everyone in the room, hunting for prey as if perhaps one of the local drunks left her at the altar, or worse, owes her money. Two male elves follow her inside, looking a little too slender perhaps to play the role of toughs or backup muscle, but they certainly have the look of experienced Challengers to them. After a moment of silence it seems the dwarf doesn't find who she's looking for, so instead she belts out a question the whole tavern can hear.

"Oi! My name's Tolla, and I'm here to find out! Where's the slutty bitches who're going around saying they broke our record!?"

When no one immediately answers, her lips split into a wide grin. "...Cause I'm here to buy 'em a fuckin' drink."

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