Worthy Core

Chapter 188: Using Your Head

Another day had come and gone, and no major events had occurred in Worthy Dungeon...save for perhaps the most awkward slaying of a Challenger yet. An orc woman had gotten staggering drunk late at night in the inn, but when she went to the portal that would have taken her to her rented room, for whatever reason the warrior decided to take a crack at the dungeon instead. It didn't even come down to a monster killing her, however - the woman had stepped out onto the starting platform of Floor Six, stepped a little more, and then stepped right off the cliff and to her death, missing even the safety nets in the process.










None of her colleagues realized the woman had died until she never reappeared the next day, and there was almost a small riot as paranoia began to set in that perhaps the dungeon had slain her in her sleep. Sure, they were protected by 'safe floor' rules, but given the heavy use of portals who knew where the dungeon might actually be sending them? Eventually it was explained to them what had occurred, and after Sincere recovered a few of her personal effects from the bottom of the abyss the Challengers did settle down somewhat. A few of them left to spread the word down at the Association office, and it was generally a rather somber day...but given that a number of Challengers were now more or less living in the dungeon, it didn't stop a normal dungeon intrusion from taking place a few hours later.

Once business hours were winding down though Xenia called for a meeting of her dungeon bosses with the exception of Deylia, who was still on 'time out'. As the attendees take their seats, Sincere takes a look around the core chamber. "Not using the lounge this evening, are we? Must be something rather official. Is this about the...unfortunate incident with the orc Brawler early this morning?"

Xenia shakes her head with a scoff. "Pfft, nah. Can you believe people were suggesting we put up safety checks or something? Like what, guardrails? Or a bouncer? On a dungeon floor? The bastards are lucky I even put in the safety nets! I mean, I do feel a little bad about someone dying like that...but come on. We specifically told people that if they get drunk and hop into the dungeon, we're not giving them any more free passes!"

BB gives a bit of a sad smile as he crosses his arms. "I'll miss her, you know. She was one of the only ones that actually appreciated my music! Although I do think I've been improving this week, so perhaps I'll have more fans in the near future..."

"Miss her, huh? You remember her name?" Lollyp raises an eyebrow at the suddenly-sweating rabbit man.

"Rash...ala? Rarsha? Well, the important thing is, she was a woman who understood culture when she saw it."

"Hate to break it to you, Bloody, but you're gonna need to do a lot more practicing on those flutes before your music becomes 'culture'. Or I need to get some better instruments." Xenia looks off as she thinks that over for a bit. "Is that like, a category of items? I didn't get anything from the Bard we got the class from...do I really gotta make them all manually? A flute's easy, but guitar strings...well, whatever. Not the point of the meet. Got two items of interest to cover tonight - first off, I've been storing up souls for a while now, at first I was doing it in case something came up during the Day Two Hundred milestone I'd wanna use em for, but we're now on...Guy?"

"Day two hundred and ten, ma'am."

"Ten days past that and I should really get some use out of em. Second, we've had two parties clear Floor Seven now, one of which did it totally legit. Gotta assume the Domain and maybe the Highbranches won't be far behind. So I think it's time we do another raid for a new floor unlock."


Xenia nods. "As I was telling Sincere the other day, that's a reason to be cautious, but not enough of a reason to give up one of the best advantages we've got as a dungeon. It's not like anyone's really been able to hurt me through them, so I'll keep an eye out for trouble, but I don't think it'll be anything I can't handle. Main thing is, I'm thinking of going ahead and doing this tonight, so who's up for a little expedition?"

BB quickly raises his hand. "Ooh, ooh! I'd like to see this lost dungeon of yours, especially if we're only doing these every few months now, apparently."

Taly rubs her chin. "Between the two of you that's probably the Rogue duties handled. DEATH, you want to take the dark-magician role on this one? I don't mind sitting it out."


The dungeon master has to chuckle at the reminder. "But it's always such a riot every time you go up there! Could use another Mage though, and Trush, you wanna play tank? Since the armor duo are playing hooky on another dungeon meeting, apparently."

Lollyp almost raises her hand, but shakes her head. "If BB's going, I oughtta stay. I don't think it'd be a huge deal if Floor One is missing a boss for a bit, but if both of the first two floors are down a guardian that could be an issue."

"Fair enough. Trush, Sin-Man?" Both of the men nod in agreement, and Trush laughs.

"I'd almost suggest bringing one of the Floor Seven slimes, but I suppose five is enough of a party as it is. When do we begin?"

"I'll give everyone an hour to do whatever prep you need to do, then meet back here. Let's hope for a boring one, yeah?"

Sincere gives a thin-lipped smile. "I shall hope...but not bet."



Once everyone was prepared, Xenia once again triggered her curse, sending her party into the lost dungeon and herself into her own soul. When her senses returned to her, she found herself in darkness.

Or almost in darkness, at least. After a moment to adapt to the low level of light she realizes there's dim torches illuminating a stone hallway before her, and the woman groans. Whatever comment she's about to make though is forgotten as she turns her head to the right and finds a skeleton standing there, holding a rusted spear and shield. "DAVE!"

The skeleton's head turns to face her, and it gives a shout of its own. "XENIA!"

There's a brief pause before it continues. "So, are we shouting now? That could be fun, there's a bit of an echo. Could see how long it takes before the Necromancer comes around to yell at us."

"No, no, it's just...I was actually just thinking of you the other day, you know? Probably why I ended up here." Finding a spear in her own hand, Xenia sets it aside against the wall, and begins to feel at her face. Sure enough, only bare bone is there to meet her equally skeletal fingers.

"Really? I've been thinking of you, too. The other day and also today. Mostly because you're the only thing here other than the hallway, and we can't leave. Mean of you to say this is my fault, though."

"Oh, no, definitely not what I meant. This? This is all that damn Necromancer's fault for sure. Binding people's souls into animated skeletons and then telling them to just stand guard forever? Without even a TV to watch or something? Super dick move. I was just, uh...well, this is gonna sound weird, but roll with it, yeah? I was remembering this, and thinking to myself...I never really thanked you for everything."

The skeleton turns back to stare at her, dim blue lights glowing in his eye sockets. "Well, you're welcome. Also, what did I do?"

Xenia chuckles. "Kept me sane, man. Spent what? Seven months here like this? Hardly able to move until the day that party of adventurers showed up, and then they blew us to bits before we barely even started to move at all. If it'd just been me down here I mighta gone even more nuts than I already am."

Dave's head tilts on his bony neck. "Well, I'm gonna roll with all that crazy shit you just said and say again, you're welcome. Also, thank you for all your stories of being a Hero and stuff, they've been a lot of fun. Kinda makes me wish I remembered my last life. Also - how are you not holding your spear anymore?"

Xenia turns to look at the weapon leaning against the wall where she left it, and shrugs. "Good point. Hey, let me try something." Turning back towards the hallway ahead of them, she takes a few steps forward and then turns around. "Hey, I can move! Guess the command spell doesn't really affect me in this sort of state, cool! ...Man, first time I've really gotten a good look at that door behind us we were guarding. Skulls are cool, but there's such a thing as overdoing it, you know?"

Dave's jaw drops. "You can move!" He twists and turns a little before eventually sagging. "Nope, feet still stuck in place here. Well...if you're gonna go wandering, think you'll come back and tell me what you find?"

Stepping forward and resting a hand on Dave's shoulder, Xenia shakes her head. "Dude, I am not abandoning you here like this, especially after just saying how not being alone down here saved my sanity. Even if it ain't real, this probably isn't lasting more than like...thirty minutes tops anyway, probably. Assuming no one hits me."

"Eh? I like you too Xen, but if I had half an hour of freedom the last thing you'd see is my bony ass disappearing into the distance."

Xenia laughs, the sound somehow sounding sinister as it magically emanates from her fleshless mouth. "Haha, fair enough. Hey, maybe I can carry you?"

Dave looks down at himself, and the rusted armor he wears. "Nice thought but this crap is heavy. Dunno if it's worth it if you're just dragging me on the floor, scraping up the dust."

The skeleton warrior rubs her chin with one hand as she peers at her friend. "True...but I got another idea in mind. You up for trying something?"

"Sure! Always said you had a good head on your shoulders."



Ten minutes later as the two pass by yet another locked door, Dave makes a comment. "Glad you're doing all the walking for me, Xen. It's a real weight off my shoulders."

Xenia looks down at the skull she's carrying in one arm. "You really gonna keep doing head puns, Dave? I think I might love you slightly less every time it happens."

"Oh, I see. You're saying I should quit while I'm a head?"


"Look, if you've got a bone to pick with me, you can just say so."

"You used that one even back when we were standing guard. Repeatedly."

"Well, maybe you could help me come up with new material. Two heads are better than one, after all."


"Sorry, it's okay if you don't want to commit to working with me. I shouldn't get a head of myself."

"That's practically the same one you just did."

"Sorry, I'm not always that creative. Sometimes it feels like my head's completely empty, you know?"

"Why does this place have so many hallways and doors? Is this a legit old-school dungeon or something? Or is my flashback thing just copying the shit I already knew about? It worked for the Fallen Tower though...right?"

"Hey, are you ignoring me? That kind of hurts my feelings. I'm not exactly thick-skinned."

"Dave, I swear to god, the next time I find a side hall I am using you as a freaking bowling ball."

"Sorry, sorry, I'll be quiet. I'd say that my lips are sealed, but..." Before Xenia can react to that, the skull shouts again. "Hey! There's an open door down that hall! Left! Other left!"

Turning around a bit, Xenia sees what he means. Down another dim, stony hallway lies a sliver of light, apparently candlelight escaping from a slightly open door. "Ah, finally! I hope this is where the Necromancer hides out, I think I'm gonna throw you at him."

"Go for it! I'll give him a real headache!"

Not bothering with subtlety, Xenia simply marches over to the ajar door and swings it open, stepping inside and looking for trouble. Unfortunately, she finds it. The room seems to be some sort of mixture of wine cellar and library, with shelves of books on one side and bottles stacked up on the other. In the center of the room sits a large round table, dotted with open books and ancient wine stains, and in the chair facing the door sits a single powerful individual. Not, however, a Necromancer.

The toga-wearing, white-and-yellow-scaled draconic gives Xenia a toothy grin as they look over at her, a chalice of wine held in one hand. "I hope you don't mind if I've been enjoying the benefits of your memories, Reincarnator. Please, take a seat - we have much to discuss."

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