Worthy Core

Chapter 196: Eye to Eye

While Taly searches for the proper greeting for this particular situation, Gilda as usual is the first to speak up. "Banshee Queen. Prowling about the inn for your next prey, are you? Not satisfied with waiting for the Challengers to come to you?"

Always an expert at reading the room and then completely ignoring what she finds, Tolla answers instead. "Oh, she was satisfied with having some Challengers coming to her last night, alright! Defeated us pretty good, too, but we're done now if you wanna take your shot."

"Tolla!" Taly snaps a little at the dwarf, deciding that perhaps there's some occasions where it'd be better if the Shield Smasher gave her mouth a rest. "Please, ignore her. Ladies Highbranch, as you know Floor Five is neutral, and peaceful, ground. I mean no ill will to anyone here...and while I understand if you might have a grudge against me, this is not exactly the ideal place to have it out. If you want to swing by Floor Six again, that's fine, but I hope you don't take the results of our last match personally."

"Don't take it personally!? You - " This time it's Gilda's turn to be interrupted, as Silva speaks up for herself.

"Sister, please! I'm glad that you feel inclined to stand up on my behalf, but this is entirely unnecessary. The guardian was doing her duty, and besides - we cleared Floor Six in that fight, did we not? Repeating it for a grudge match would be entirely counterproductive."

The Rogue nods her head at the blonde half-elf. "I'm glad to see there's no ill-will on your part, at least. Would...it be insensitive of me to ask how you're doing? I'm a little surprised to see you back at it so soon, and your prosthetic seems rather unusual?"

Despite her sister's words, Gilda can only restrain her frustrations so far. "Really? You take her eye and then ask how she feels about it?" Taly's response is a raised eyebrow.

"Would it help if I pointed out that I was aiming for your neck? Also, I did take a couple of ridiculously-sized blades through my chest in that fight, thanks to your bodyguard there. Even as a monster, that's not exactly painless, you know."

"Gilda!" This time Silva turns to glare at her sister, and it's hard to say whether it's the look in her organic eye or the magical light in her replacement one which makes Gilda wince harder. After focusing on her for a few moments to ensure that she doesn't have any further comments, Silva turns once again towards Taly. "I'm doing quite well, considering, thank you. I may still get some proper healing done at some point in the future...but then again, perhaps not. To be honest, my prosthetic is rather growing on me."

"Oh?" Taly studies what she can see of the new eye, noticing that there's a few rune markings on it which are just barely visible...but it's not remotely a field she has any expertise in, and so it's more or less meaningless to her. "Is there more to it than just normal vision? I'm assuming you can see from it, at least?"

A slight smile graces the half-elf's lips. "Now that would be telling. I do have some basic vision, yes, but this was something of an experiment the two of us put together. It restores my depth perception, and at least now I can tell if someone's standing to my right. But more than that...well, you'll understand if we don't show you all our cards."

"Yeah, that's entirely fair." A moment of silence turns into another, and Taly decides if she stands here any longer, the conversation could begin to get truly awkward. "Well, right, I was just about to get back to work, gotta be ready if anyone tries the floor this afternoon. Good luck on your next run - or, well, you know what I mean."

She begins to walk past the House Highbranch team, and receives a nod from Silva as she does so. As she passes Gilda however, the woman stops her and asks a quiet question. "Hold a moment. You can leave this dungeon, yes? There's stories of you wandering around the town from time to time."

"...I don't like to make a big deal of it, but yeah. Within restrictions. Why?"

Gilda narrows her eyes as she stares into Taly's. "Right now, securing our reputation by clearing this dungeon is our highest priority. But once our claim is made, I would wish to have a duel with you, Banshee Queen. Outside - no dungeon tricks, no traps."

The banshee has a hard time not laughing at that. "You know that even if you kill me outside the dungeon, it won't, you know, kill me, right? And I'd say that I'd rather not fight an expectant mother, but...well, if you want to keep Challenging then I suppose that part's on you, at least."

"It need not be to the death. But I will see you humiliated."

Try as she might to summon up a stronger response, the best Taly can find is a shrug. "Alright, well, I'm always up for a good fight. Just let me know the time and place." With that said she continues on her way out of the inn, and vanishes through a portal ring moments later. Once she's gone, Silva turns towards her sister yet again with a sigh.

"Really! You don't always have to make everything so dramatic all the time, you realize? And if I were bothered enough by the wound, I'm still capable enough of fighting for my own honor."

Gilda's expression softens slightly as she meets her sister's gaze once again. "I know, I know. If she were just a monster, I don't believe it would bother me so much. But if we're going to be sharing this inn, having drinks a few tables away from each other...I want to have at least taken her measure. To know where we stand in a contest of even skill. Do you understand?"

Silva smiles, but it's thin-lipped. "...Not really, no. But when the time comes, you'll have my support of course. ...So! Shall we go see what this Floor Seven is all about, then?"

"Yes, let's."



Compared to most of the other parties who had attempted Floor Seven, the House Highbranch expedition had a rather difficult time dealing with the minor fae monsters of the floor's early chambers. Certainly the team had a strong enough defense to avoid taking any serious injuries from the low-tier monsters, but their offense was fairly low in magical terms, making it difficult for them to deal with the elemental creatures they faced. Gilda was constantly needing to re-apply elemental runes to her blade to add additional effects to her attacks, and although Sweet's Bloodletter skills had allowed her to somehow make even skeletons and slimes bleed on earlier floors, doing the same to creatures of flame seemed to be beyond her limits.

They did eventually make it to the main chamber, however, and once there the team moved with far more confidence. Sweet was actually able to manage the leap from the ground and into the branches of the upside-down crystalline trees, and from there she was able to stalk and slay quite a few of the fae archers before they became a danger. When the party reached a larger group of archers, firing at them with crystal-tipped arrows, a single ring from Gilda's enchanted bell was able to disorient them sufficiently enough that half a dozen fell, immediately killing several in the process. It did mean that the artifact was drained when the next ambush came, but the group had another plan in mind for that one.

Huddling up behind one of the rocky outcrops dotting the floor, Silva refreshes the group on their roles. "I recognize this section - according to the divination I did at the start of the room, the man will strike once we move not much further from here. Randall, do you believe you can disable his archers? Once their initial volley fails, we should be able to make our challenge."

The half-elf gives a cocky grin as he nods. "Aye, I'll go first - I've got something that can handle arrows alright."

Gilda looks around at the group. "Who will issue the challenge, then? Does it matter? You didn't specify earlier. If not, then I'll take that role."

"Don't be silly, Gilda!" Kalin, her Noble Duelist cousin, chides the Enchantress. "This is exactly the sort of situation you brought me along for - don't let your pride make you foolish. Besides, you've already issued one challenge today, at least spread the fun around a little, hrmm?"

Gilda looks towards her sister, but Silva has to apologize to them both. "Ah, did I not mention? Apologies. I'll be the one to challenge the guardian to a duel."

The Enchantress gasps. "What? Silva, don't take this the wrong way, but...you may be the worst duelist on this party. I have not seen Randall engage, but I have seen you. Please tell me this isn't going to lead to us replacing another of your organs afterwards!"

"No worries, sister. I have a good feeling about this one. Now, Randall, whenever you're ready."

"As you say, my lady. I'll trust you know what you're doing." With that said the rogue steps out from behind the rock and into the clearing ahead, muttering a spell and making signs with one hand behind his back as he goes. "No Big Problems, Only Little Ones..."

Ten feet later, the sound rings out of two bowstrings firing their ammunition at the man. Calmly looking down at his chest, Randall lifts a hand towards the two arrows protruding from his armor...and brushes off the toothpick-sized pieces of wood from the tiny indentations they had made in the leather. When he looks back up Trush stands on the opposite side of the clearing, his two spearmen squires leaping down from the tree branches after him. While the Wandering Boss seems a little put out, he can't help smirking.

"Really can't get a handle on you, you know? Mind telling me what your class is, noble?"

"I'm afraid I'm but a low-born freelancer, sir, and not a fancy Knight like yourself. As for my class..." Randall's grin turns just a hint evil. "I am a Problem Solver."

That response manages to strike Trush silent for more than a moment. "...You're joking, right? I've been a Challenger for years and I've never heard of such a thing."

"It's an Esoteric, if you're familiar with the term." Trush does recognize that, going by the widening of his eyes, but Randall continues before he can ask any follow-ups. "However, I am not the one who wished to speak with you. My lady?"

Hearing her cue, Silva steps out into the clearing. "Good day, Trush Sharptongue. I wish to challenge you to a duel for the right to proceed on to the boss arena, without further harassment from your squad or the fae."

"Aye? And why would I accept?"

Silva smirks at the Rabbit Champion. "If you win - and don't immediately slay me in the process - I'll tell you your future."

Trush harrumphs. "Not sure I need any such telling - but I do enjoy the opportunity to duel a Rainlands noble, rare as they are. Very well - with the understanding that I may still slay you after your divination. This shall be a match to the death, after all!"

The half-elf gives a slight bow before raising her sword and shield. "Agreed."

"Very well, then!" Trush raises his own weapons, and waits only long enough for Randall to clear the field. Knowing that speed and reaction time are on his side he immediately rushes forward, sliding somewhat to Silva's right to flank her in her slightly-blind spot. Indeed, the woman is slow to adjust her defense, far too slow, and as Trush charges in he has time to look into Silva's eyes as he moves in for the kill.

Which, as it turns out, is a serious mistake. As his gaze meets Silva's prosthetic vision, a yellow light flashes before him. It lasts for only a fraction of a second, but when it's gone, he sees that Silva is now standing a foot to the left compared to where she was a moment before. No - she's where she was, but her shield and sword have swapped arms, making it easier for her to block his blow. Wait - that gnoll bodyguard of theirs, Sweet, has suddenly leapt into the fray!?

Trush attempts to dodge or pull back, but somehow that only seems to make things worse. He attempts to dodge to the right, yet at the same time he feels himself dodging left. No, he's...leapt backwards? A nauseous feeling of having somehow moved in a dozen different directions at once takes hold of the man, and that feeling of disorientation manages to impact most of the simultaneous movements he appears to be making. All across the arena he's stumbling, tripping - in one case managing to completely fall out of one of the crystal trees and to the rocky floor.

He tries to rise and return to his feet, but that's a little difficult to do when he's already on his feet and moving around. He has to guard - no, recover - he has to do something about the seven different Silvas, one Sweet, and two Gildas he sees running in his direction. He swings his sword at one, but to his horror he does so with the wrong right arm, his blade hitting nothing but air. He blocks with his shield, yet his shield doesn't move at all as a blade plunges into his gut. Or did it strike his heart? No, his right arm is gone - three of his right arms, now.

All told the confusion lasts no more than ten seconds, but when his vision finally clears Trush finds himself lying on the stone, disarmed in a literal sense of both his right and left limbs, and bleeding from a serious chest wound as well. It's only thanks to his constitution as a dungeon boss that he's even able to gasp out a question to the now-singular Silva he sees standing over him. "What? Ill...illusions?"

"Not illusions, Sharptongue. Possibilities. The world as I see it, at times - but quite difficult to handle with the untrained mind, I think you'd agree. So, I believe I've won this round, hrmm? ...Ah, I believe he's expired." She looks up at the rabbit squires standing opposite of her, each of them looking dumbstruck at the speed with which their Champion was taken apart. "You will honor his terms?"

A spear-wielding woman finds her tongue first. "...Aye, we will. You'll still need to clear the floor boss itself to proceed, but we'll not harry you any further."

"Excellent!" Silva looks back towards the rest of her team, who are now moving to catch up with her. "I'd say that was an excellent first test, wouldn't you say, sister?"

For her part Gilda is no less shocked than the squires. "That - you said the primary enchantment we placed on that eye was a beneficial spell! You've never won a duel that quickly in your life!"

"I didn't spend all those months in divination lessons for nothing, now did I? It's only a benefit to those who know what to do with what it provides. Now, shall we slay ourselves some slimes?" Silva turns to head on towards the boss arena, but does stop to make one last comment. "Oh, and by the way - blue, green, and orange."

"Whatever you say, sister."

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