Worthy Core

Chapter 215: Duties

It had been a long few hours of negotiations, filled with more than a few shouts and angry looks, and by time it was all over Raylin was more than exhausted. He made his way back down from the mountain afterwards, in order to discuss the outcome with the remaining members of his expedition, and it was not until the next day that he was able to return for one more meeting. This one at least would hopefully involve less yelling, but the man was still a little worried about its outcome.

Deylia was sitting on the floor in her apartment, eyes closed and in a meditative position, when the knock of a fist against a wooden support echoes from down the hall. "Deylia? Would it be alright if we come in?"

The woman's eyes immediately jolt open, and her voice answers before she's even climbed up to her feet. "Raylin!? The dungeon's allowed you to visit? Of course, come in!" She quickly rushes out towards her apartment's entry portal, a smile on her face, but that smile fades a moment later. "Sansie! Oh, Sansie, are you alright?"

The Elementalist gives a bit of a wry smile as she waves with one hand while lifting the bandaged stump of her other arm. "Well enough to climb a mountain it seems, thanks to the efforts of Priest Redbeard and the most expensive healing potions we had on hand. Ah, no pun intended."

Bypassing Raylin, Deylia steps forward to wrap up her former mistress in a hug, after carefully ensuring that she wouldn't jostle the woman's wounded limb. "Xenia told me what had happened, or at least the simple version of events. Those foul spies - it must have been horrible."

"Confusing, more like." Sansie shakes her head. "Even now it's very odd. My memories seem to be from a version of me that watched my arm be removed, so I don't recall how it felt, yet this is the body the fates chose to give me. The randomness of it - there was still an Arlon who was alive when the spell ended, and I'm fairly certain there were two Kalins around somewhere as well. And yet when it was all done and finished, their living versions just...faded away."

Deylia blinks as she tries to imagine the sight of it. "Dear Arlon...he surely deserved better. I suppose the position of heir will go to one of his younger brothers...but you!" She turns back towards Raylin. "Xenia allowed you to visit? She was, ah...rather unhappy about the last conversation or two we may have had."

The Marksman nods. "She did. She's forgiven us now, it seems, but more than that - we needed to come to say goodbye. At least for a little while."

At that the former Maid frowns. "You mean to say you've given up on your claims? Was...was all of this for nothing, then?"

Raylin shakes his head as Sansie answers. "Not for nothing, no, although it would probably be fair to call this more of a loss than a win. We've, ah, negotiated a settlement with both House Highbranch and your new mistress, which to be honest went in a direction I did not expect. It's not all settled, but it's likely both of our expeditions will be returning to our own lands within the week. From there, the only fighting left to be done will be happening in the king's court."

"Well, come in, take a seat, tell me what's happened! Xenia did tell me briefly about your meeting and the fight you suffered, but she wouldn't tell me the details."

Raylin gratefully takes a seat in the apartment's living room, and begins his explanation as Deylia gets to putting together some tea. "The matters still need to be finalized by our house heads, and then of course the king needs to actually sign off on it, but on the superficial level at least House Highbranch has most likely won lordship over these lands."

"Superficial? So there's more to it than it appears?"

"Xenia had quite a few conditions on her support for the plan. Normally, I don't think the king would care that much about a dungeon's approval...but Worthy Dungeon is unique, and to be honest, I think her proposals will probably amuse the old man. For starters, she wants the specific Highbranch representative overseeing Grassbrook and the surrounding territory to be an active Challenger. Apparently, she doesn't want 'some lardass who's only a danger to roast turkeys' to be making decisions about a dungeon."

Sansie chuckles. "Of course, since House Highbranch is a house of half-elves, many of their elder members are still physically fit...but even so, few of them have risked their lives in a dungeon these past few decades. So it will likely be one or both of the sisters who are assigned that task. For now though it sounds as if they'll be returning home for a time. They're qualified now for Master-level training, and that will likely keep them busy for a few months."

Deylia gives a chuckle of her own as she passes out cups of tea. "Not to mention there's currently no estates here fit for a duke's scions, and they're probably sick and tired of living out of inns or tents, even enchanted ones."

Raylin grins along, although it doesn't last long. "There is that. However, when they do return...I will likely be moving down here myself. As part of their administration, and...perhaps more."

The priestess's look is one of confusion. "You? In what way?"

"As Administrator of Dungeon Affairs, or some such title. While House Highbranch will be the one to ultimately profit from regional taxes, Right of First Purchase when dungeon items are auctioned, and so on, anything affecting the dungeon, Challengers, or the Church of Bounty must have my approval. With the expectation that I will be attempting to prevent the Highbranches from becoming too firmly entrenched in their power. Also, on a personal level...Gilda has agreed to recognize me as her consort."

Deylia's eyes narrow. "Consort? That makes little sense. That's not a title the husband of a house scion should have."

Sighing, Raylin leans back into his comfortable seat and rubs his eyes. "Very true, because we're still not getting married. Even with the dungeon specifically requesting my involvement here, I am still not a good match for a Highbranch heir, and besides, I don't know that either of us actually want it. But it does mean that House Highbranch will be providing me with living and working quarters on their new estate, and...that I will be allowed a direct role in the raising of our mutual child."

"And...possibly future children to come?" Rather than immediately answering Sansie's question, Raylin blushes and licks his lips.

"After their behavior this week I feel less inclined to jump into Gilda's bed than ever...but then I would have said that a month ago as well. Of course, once I'm returned I'm hopeful I could visit Del more often - "

He's cut off by a quick comment from Deylia. "I think you should do it." Raylin's expression is confused, but Sansie, who understands her former Maid better, has to quickly hide a slight smile.

"I should visit you? Well, of course, as I was just saying - "

Deylia shakes her head. "Give her more children, I mean. Once she's had time to recover from the current, of course."

The man needs a few moments to process that suggestion. "Really? You want that for me? With...Gilda? Even after their attempt to sabotage us?"

"It would have been underhanded, but had things not gone so dreadfully wrong, it would have just been another move in the usual political game, would it not? And as you said, by rank she's too good for you. If you can't convince her to make you a ducal heir with your station or your wealth, clearly you'll need to rely on your...other talents."

Raylin stares at his lover for a long while. "...I'm not entirely sure if you're being serious or not."

In answer, Deylia sighs to herself. "Ah, to imagine I'll get to watch all of your children growing up in Grassbrook. I wonder if they'll all have pointed ears and silver hair..."

"Dear gods." Raylin sips his tea and finally notices his cousin grinning at him. "Oh please, Sansie, don't tell me you agree with the idea!"

Reaching out with her good hand, Sansie ruffles his hair. "Oh, the idea has its attractions. Children of you and Gilda Highbranch...they'll be such beautiful, strong, stubborn fools. You deserve them as children."

The man repeats himself. "Dear gods. How about we discuss something other than my future progeny, shall we? You know, Taylim will likely be qualified for Master training as well soon. I just hope he forgives himself for what he sees as his failure at the forest."

"I'm sure he's the type of man to let such an event drive him rather than destroy him. With Master-level training, I'm sure he'll be even more of a monster on the battlefield than that Sweet..."



The Perlin family continued to chat and gossip for the next two hours, including a medical checkup on Sansie from Deylia herself, but eventually the two nobles bade their farewells and left to begin their trip back down the mountain. Deylia wasn't alone for long though, as only minutes later Xenia made her own appearance at the apartment's entryway. "Hey, Del. Good to chat, or you need a minute?"

Turning at the sound of her voice, Deylia gives a quick nod. "Now would be fine, miss - ah, Xenia. What did you want to discuss?"

Rather than answer right away, Xenia first moves to help herself to a chair. "As you've heard, the competition's over, at least around here it is, and House Perlin probably won't be back for a while. So with that in mind, and accounting for your good behavior, I'm lifting your grounding. I'm still expecting you to keep up on your meditations, but you're free to visit the inn, the lounge, the other guardians, whatever." She pauses before giving a slight frown. "Still gonna keep you inside til the Perlins have actually left town, though."

Deylia bows her assent. "Thank you, Xenia, that's more than fair. Should I plan on giving services at the shrine soon, do you think? I still don't know more than the one minor blessing, although I do of course have my own healing magics."

"Yeah, about that." The dungeon master sighs before climbing back to her feet. "Come with me, we've got a discussion to have with someone else."



The two hop through the dungeon's portal network to the shrine, and on their arrival Deylia immediately hears the sound of shouting.

"A sex shrine!? In a dungeon!? You're not serious!"

Fay's calm voice answers the shout. "A shrine of worship and healing, Lady Valkyrie, there will be no sex in the - ah, mistress, thank you for visiting us!"

Opal turns to see the new arrivals, and Fay and Lin both have slightly relieved-looking expressions on their faces as Xenia and Deylia make their entrance. Snorting, Xenia takes charge of addressing the woman's complaints. "As Elance would be sure to tell me, no, worship of Kahlia ain't about the sex. It's a necessary part of the process, yeah, but if people wanna screw in the dungeon, we got plenty of other rooms for that."

The Valkyrie gives a brief nod to Xenia, but grants Deylia a longer welcome. "Good to see you again, Priestess Deylia. We haven't had much opportunity to speak, but I understand that you are in charge of this shrine?"

Not entirely sure if she wants responsibility for whatever the issue may be, Deylia gives a cautious nod. "Yes - although I'm still undergoing training on my exact responsibilities, and it's not yet open to the public. Is there an issue?"

"Not...exactly." The green-skinned elf gives a glance towards Xenia before looking back at Deylia. "I would like to expand this shrine to include worship of Theolif, Lord of the Shield."

Xenia frowns, answering before Deylia can speak. "Don't think Kahlia would like that much. Aside from taking up resources meant for her, Theolif's from a whole different competing pantheon. From the sounds of it, there's not much love lost between different groups of gods, yeah? She's not gonna want him making converts and stuff over here."

Sighing, Opal adjusts her proposal a little. "I didn't - ah, well. I don't believe the worship would even reach him from here anyhow, that wasn't really the point. If not worship of the divinity himself, perhaps of the principles that he represents? Your Challengers are an unruly sort, they could use a few good lessons."

While Xenia is still considering the point, Deylia finds herself curious. "And just what principles would those be, exactly?"

"The Lord of the Shield represents protection, of course - but it's the who and why that matter. Protection of the weak, endurance against evil, being a beacon of hope even when the odds seem overwhelming."

"Those certainly seem like noble virtues. But they are rather different than the sorts of sermons which Priestess Fullblossom has been teaching me."

Opal nods. "That's fine. I would like to offer services here as well. I am a trained priestess myself, you know."

Xenia can't hold in her laughter at that statement. "Really? You wanna kill Challengers in the morning and then preach to them at night? You think you're going to get much of an attentive audience like that?"

"Hrmph. If anything I think perhaps they might be more willing to listen to someone who can defeat them on the battlefield."

"Yeah, as long as their heads are still attached." Having said that, Xenia has to take a moment to reconsider. "...Actually, yeah, maybe some of them would be into that. ...Fine. As long as it doesn't interrupt anything Kahlia-related, and we're not redecorating other than maybe putting up some shields. And no mentions of Theolif personally. If it's okay with our shrine maiden here?"

She looks to Deylia, who's a little surprised at the shift in focus. "With me?"

Xenia nods. "It is your shrine, after all. You run the place."

"Oh, yes. Well, I think that would be fine? Actually...even if the things our chosen patrons represent have rather different forms, I think I might be interested in learning more from you, Valkyrie Brightsky. I never spent much time in temples before, and I'd like to hear more about your own?"

"Ah?" Opal considers it only briefly before nodding. "That sounds like an excellent idea. Is there somewhere private we could speak? If now is a good time."

"Certainly, we can have tea in my apartment, just this way..."

After the two have made their exit, and Fay and Lin have returned to their unnecessary duty of keeping the shrine clean, Guy makes their appearance next to the standing Xenia. "Well, it's good that she's making friends, I suppose? It's been a turbulent time, perhaps she could use the companionship."

"You talkin' about Del or Opal there, Guy?" Xenia laughs rather than wait for a response. "Hell, could probably go for most of us. There's a lot on our to-do list right now, ain't there?"

"Indeed there is, ma'am. Finalizing Parker's new combat form, starting proper design and construction of Floor Eight..."

"Getting the shrine up and running and backing up my promise about turning Deylia into a high priestess, making sure Opal doesn't start going all hellfire and brimstone in here..."

"Preparing ourselves for what to do if a Domain dungeon does attempt to use the Dungeon Link to connect to us..."

Xenia chuckles. "Preparing ourselves for a wild pack of rogue grandkids who might wanna do Gods-don't-know-what."

"Collect the souls of fallen champions in order to send them to be heroes in another realm."

"Keep an eye out for power-hungry nobles setting down roots and fucking around with things."

"And of course, the usual - challenging adventurers to within an inch of their lives, while protecting your core."

"And protecting everyone else here too, of course." Xenia gives her companion a grin. "Think we're up for it?"

"Without a doubt. So...where shall we start at today?"


After 65 chapters, we've finally hit the end of Arc 5! I have a few notes to say about the coming arc, behind the spoilers in case you'd prefer to go into things entirely unaware.


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