Worthy Core

Chapter 219: Lolly Pop, Lolly Pop – Explicit


F/F smut scene tonight, no plot points for skippers.


DAY 253

Xenia shouts out as she pops into Lollyp's newly-redesigned apartment. "Lolly Pop, I'm here! Didn't peek like I promised, you ready with that 'surprise' you were talking about?" While she speaks, the dungeon master begins to walk down the twisty hallway leading into Lollyp's bedroom. The 'apartment' was still technically a hidden section of her boss arena, allowing her to respawn directly in her bed, but Xenia had expanded the space and put up walls to allow it to more closely resemble the living quarters used by the other guardians. Most of the new rooms had just ended up being used as storerooms for various alchemical reagents though, and it was still the slime's bedroom-slash-main workshop that took up most of the space.

As Xenia makes one turn, Lollyp shouts back to her. "I'm all ready, yeah! Come on in, I think you'll like what you find..."

"I definitely like that tone of voice, I'll say that..." Xenia turns around yet another corner, making her way past a room filled with barrels full of mushrooms, and steps through the doorway into Lollyp's main personal chamber. The slime still had a hammock along one wall, along with her alchemical work stations, but these days a large bed took up much of the space as well. Lollyp herself didn't use it much, mattresses and blankets didn't really suit slimes very well, but there were enough visits from Xenia - and occasionally from certain members of the Church of Bounty - that it had paid off for its creation more than a few times over by now. As an added bonus, if anyone ever did blow up the false ceiling of Lollyp's boss arena the large bed would probably end up crushing them to death. It's not the bed that catches Xenia's attention, though.

No, that would be the fully human-sized, fully-endowed, black-lace-lingerie-wearing red slime who she finds waiting for her.

Lollyp wasn't the shortest person Xenia had ever known, at a bit under five feet most of the time - not counting her wizard's hat - she was still taller than many dwarves. She also had the ability to stretch out her height, but it was always a very visible stretching, both making her thinner and also giving her rather terrible balance if she actually tried to move while in that state. The Lollyp standing before her now has no such issues, being taller than Xenia and yet somehow curvier than ever, her brassiere struggling to hold the weight of all of the body mass that had been crammed into it. Xenia's eyes fixate on that part of the slime's anatomy more than once, despite the fact that Xenia is more than aware that slimes don't actually have tits.

"Holy fuck, Lolly Pop. You look good. Where'd you even get that get-up, I don't remember making any of that?"

"Borrowed it from a certain friend - maybe this would be a hint." Lollyp gestures towards her forehead where two tiny horns made of slime make their appearance, and that answer at least becomes clear.

"Sable owns a get-up like that? You do look like her size right now though, that's for sure. Is that some sort of potion trick you figured out? Potion of Growth or something like that?"

The slime shakes her head. "Nah, all those recipes need monster parts we don't have here, sadly. This, I pulled off with something a little different..."

"Oh?" Finally breaking free of Lollyp's slightly jiggling anatomy, Xenia manages to quickly look over the rest of the room and discovers that there's something else different about the place. "Wait, what's Em's mirror doing in here? I gave them to Taly and Trush last night. ...How did you even get that in here, the damn thing's like nine feet tall!"

"With a lot of hard work and effort, I'll say that. You're getting good at your meditation though if we were actually able to get that by you. But forget about the mirror - come over here and focus on me, hrmm?" Despite her words it's Lollyp who moves first, walking forward on actual legs rather than gliding about as she usually does. She even has high heels on, adding a satisfying clicking sound as she steps across the stone floor. Xenia wants to ask more questions about that, but her voice is silenced as Lollyp takes her in an embrace and locks lips with her in a kiss. Although the pair have kissed hundreds of times by now, there's a very different feeling to it when Lollyp is taller than her boss, and as Xenia's hands grab hold of the slime's well-sculpted buttocks, she finds that she could get used to this. Eventually Lollyp breaks the lock just long enough to whisper into Xenia's ear. "Get rid of those clothes and I'll show you the real surprise, yeah?"

"Shit, there's more? Consider it done." Just like that the clothing on her avatar form vanishes like so much mist, and her slime companion only takes a brief moment to eye her lover before again wrapping her up in a tight hug, kissing her deeply. As they continue Xenia's hands begin to work their way up Lollyp's body, but just before she's about to begin groping at Lollyp's protruding slime-sacs she pauses at the very distinct feeling of a tongue lapping at her between her legs. Very slowly turning her attention downwards, Xenia notices that Lollyp's black lace panties have been pulled aside to reveal what is very definitely a second face, complete with eyes, a mouth, and a very long tongue.

"Gah!" Xenia exclaims as she hops backwards in surprise, her eyes growing wide. "Alright, you've tried out a lot of funky shapes down there before, but that's a new one. ...Not saying I don't like it, but damn, that's a weird one to see without any warning."

Lollyp's upper face just smiles without answering, but her lower one is much more expressive. "You thought you were getting eaten out by Lollyp! But it was me, Emma! Mwahahaha!" As she laughs the slime's long tongue waggles in a way that can only be described as lascivious, and Xenia has a hard time not laughing at the absurdity of it.

"Shit, did you and Lollyp just Voltron together? Is that what's going on here?"

"I don't know that reference, but probably!" As Emma says that, Lollyp picks up with the actual explanation.

"Slimes can't exactly merge together or anything like that, if that's what you're thinking, but we can like...fit together really close if we want to. And given that Emma's got my exact coloring and consistency when she's doubling me, you can't even tell where one begins and the other ends, can you?" She moves her arms in a display pose, and Xenia has to admit, the illusion of the two of them being a single body is hard to break even now.

"Oh, so not a Voltron - you just two-slimes-in-a-trenchcoated me, then. An impressive new way to wanna eat me out though, I'll say that."

"Nah, I just wanted to see the look on your face - don't worry, I know you like it deep and rough." After saying that Emma's face disappears from behind Lollyp's panties, and a moment later a massive red cock literally unfurls in its place. While Lollyp's put together many a faux phallus before, not to mention her share of tentacles and other such shapes, this one has a new level of anatomical detail that Xenia's not used to. Fake veins trace up and around the red shaft, and the crowned head of it almost throbs with the fluid being pumped into it. While Xenia stares, Emma's voice echoes out from a different part of the slimes' combined form. "And if I need to say something, no worries, I can just talk out of Lollyp's ass!"

For her part, Lollyp winces at the joke. "Not exactly the seductive attitude I was going for, but...what do you think?" She glances down at what Emma's granted her, and is a little surprised herself at the detail level of it. "Wow, I've never put that much work into making it look like a rigid's thing before. You uh...like what you see?" She twists her hips back and forth a bit, making the seven-inch-yet-still-flaccid appendage waggle, and Xenia finds herself nodding.

"Sometimes it is the uh, little things that make something complete, you know? Not that that's anything near a 'little thing'..."

"I'll be even less 'little' if you get me going properly..." Emma's voice echoes out, and Xenia tries not to roll her eyes at the suggestion. As a slime, the reflection could obviously be as large or stiff as she wanted to be, within the limits of her body mass...but if she wants to engage in a bit of roleplay, Xenia's not one to say no. She steps back up to Lollyp, and while the slime wraps both of her arms around the dungeon master in an embrace, Xenia's hands wrap themselves around the bulging cock. Stroking it is a bit of an odd sensation, as the slime membrane isn't exactly wet, yet it's still rather low-friction as Xenia's hands twist around it, massaging it from top to bottom. For her part Lollyp focuses on locking lips with her lover, clearly enjoying having the height advantage for once.

After a minute or two that height advantage doubles as Xenia slips down to her knees. Examining Emma's work from up close, she can see that the beast is now much more erect and a few inches longer than it already was, and Xenia has to chuckle at it a little nervously. "Even with me being a dungeon avatar and you being a slime, I think I still got some physical limits with what I can fit in, you know? But I suppose I'll see what I can manage..." With that said she starts licking her way up the underside of the crimson shaft, enjoying the taste as she goes. By time she reaches the tip of the rod there's beading fluid waiting for her, a sweet slime concoction, and the woman laps it up eagerly before sucking the tip into her mouth.

Lollyp gasps out loud as she does so, and Xenia has to pause to ask a question. "Wait, is this Emma or Lollyp I'm suckin' off right now? Did you actually feel that, Lolly Pop?"

"I can't feel it, no. But how it looks? From this angle?" Lollyp takes a moment to run her fingers through Xenia's black-and-white-striped hair. "Being tall is amazing, and being tall and watching you on your knees while you suck a cock is incredible. You're beautiful like this, you know."

Emma's voice speaks up from her end. "Got no eyes at the moment but I can still see you through the mirror, and I gotta agree. I'd be getting horny as fuck right now even if you weren't sucking me off - but speaking of, how about you get back to it, eh?" Chuckling, and blushing a little at the lewd compliments, Xenia does as requested and returns the oversized appendage to her mouth. She focuses on the tip, running her tongue around it in circles while her hands continue to stroke their way up and down the shaft, but after a bit of that it seems that Lollyp desires even more of a show. After taking hold of Xenia's scalp more forcefully, Lollyp begins to lightly thrust her hips forward.

At first the cock hits the back of her throat like a battering ram, the organ too girthy for even a dungeon spirit to take, but after a few repetitions it seems as if Emma's become frustrated at the lack of progress. The dick suddenly slims down quite a bit, meaning it's rather a surprise to both Xenia and Lollyp when the next thrust sends it a solid four inches down Xenia's throat with almost no resistance. The dungeon master's eyes go wide at the suddenness of it, but Lollyp knows her friend can handle a lot more than that, so from there she picks up the pace of her thrusts significantly even as she begins pulling against Xenia's head to meet her half way. It's not long before Xenia's deepthroating the entire thing, slime-filled testicles bouncing off of her chin and her face impacting Lollyp's pelvic region with so much force that she leaves an impression on the slime of her nose and forehead.

Emma proves to be less enduring than Xenia when it comes down to it, and it's not much more than a minute of that before a moan echoes from the region of Lollyp's rear. Xenia would laugh at the sound of it, but she finds herself rather busy when thick slime cum starts shooting its way down her throat, attempting to fill her metaphysical stomach. The testicles resting against her chin literally begin to shrivel up as Lollyp holds her in place, the fluid within pumping its way down the pulsating pipe lodged in her esophagus, but eventually the slime has to let go as her legs begin to lose their strength.

"Whoa! You alright down there?" Lollyp has to grab on to the bedpost to keep from falling over, and a contented sigh answers her from below.

"Sorry, trying to hold you up and deal with the loss of all that...pressure...was a bit more than I was expecting. God damn, does Xen know how to suck a lady dry."

Xenia laughs as she wipes some of the red fluid dripping from her lips. "Well, I've had a bit of practice. You need a bit of a break? It really did feel like I just drank down like, a tenth of whatever the hell it is you've got in there."

Lollyp answers for her partner. "I've actually got something else I'd like to try, and it would get Em off of her feet. Mind lying back on the bed, Xen?"

"For you, Lolly Pop? Any time." She does so, and as Lollyp turns to approach her a second cock makes its appearance a few inches above the first, nearly as large as the original started off as, although that flaccid organ is now much more modest-looking.

"I'm still ready to go, especially after a show like that. Em, feel free to join in when you catch your breath." Having said that though, it's not her cock which Lollyp is focused on as she climbs onto the bed and crawls her way atop her boss, but rather her lips which kiss every sensitive bit on the way. Once she gets face-to-face with her companion Lollyp pauses to stare into Xenia's eyes, her hands holding both sides of Xenia's face. "It really is so different seeing you like this, you know? Even if I'm just a couple inches taller than you now, it makes me want to, I don't know...protect you, and screw the living daylights out of you."

"Haha, well you know you've been doing a great job of that at any size. But yeah, it is really something seeing you like this. A lot different than the time you took a round in that Patriarch body, too."

Emma speaks up, her recovering organ fluttering between Xenia's thighs as she does so. "Oooh, I'm seeing that in Lollyp's memories now, damn that was hot. But yeah, a double-dose of slime girl's got its own benefits. Double the benefits, if you know what I'm saying..."

Xenia nods as she leans back further and spreads her legs, welcoming the duo in a missionary position. "Oh yeah? Then how about you show me?"

Lollyp grins before leaning down to kiss Xenia once again, but her prehensile appendage needs no extra assistance to be able to find its target. The new cock glides its tip up and down Xenia's slit of its own accord, spreading both of their natural lubricants between her folds, even as Emma's recovering phallus begins to do the same down between Xenia's cheeks. At some unseen signal both of them push forward at once, spreading Xenia wide, but it's Emma who moans the loudest.

"Oh, fuck! Lollyp just pushed a tentacle down into me, too! Damn, I've done a lot of freaky stuff over the years, but - ah! There's like three of them wriggling around in me now!"

Lollyp chuckles as 'her' legs begin to shudder and wiggle. "Hey, it's been a long time since I've been able to do anything with another slime, I'm not passing up on the chance! Let's make this a proper threesome, yeah?" At that declaration Lollyp begins to pick up the pace, thrusting her hips forward, but it's clearly all Emma can do just to keep up. The combined body of the two slimes starts to thin around the waist, the cock pressed into Xenia's rear entrance serving as little more than a buttplug for the time being, but the one spreading her lower lips wide is more than enough to keep the dungeon spirit satisfied.

Holding her guardian close, Lollyp's bra-covered mounds squished between their torsos, Xenia moans into her ear. "Fuck! So deep, so...hrnng, so good!" She doesn't get out much more than that before Lollyp again kisses her, her tongue exploring Xenia's, but that doesn't stop her from multi-tasking in the least. Down below it's almost as if the region connecting the two slime girls has turned into one large, roiling mass of genitalia, tentacles and phalli appearing and growing and thrusting themselves into the other slime. Emma's duplicated body is soon turned into little more than an entire collection of cocksleeves for the more experienced slime as probing appendages dig their way inches and then entire feet deep into Emma's rapidly-deconstructing form.

It's a contest Xenia herself is almost unaware of, her entire focus taken up by the girthy intruder pushing her walls wide and kissing at her womb. The sounds Emma occasionally gets out does serve to give her a few hints, however. "AH! Fuck, it's - it's like my entire body just turned itself into a pussy to be fucked! Ah, Lollyp! Pump me deeeppaaaahhhh!"

The dungeon master can feel her ass grow slick as Emma descends into a long, ongoing orgasm, some of her cum pumping out through her grown cock but for the most part simply splattering out from where the two slimes are joined together. It's a horrendous, sticky mess, long red trails of glue barely joining the two together as Emma loses the ability to play the part of Lollyp's 'legs', but at no point does Lollyp slow down her own hip thrusts. Eventually it's too much for the reflection and Emma collapses into little more than a thin puddle covering the lower third of the bed. The sudden release of heated-up juices and musky slime cum is too much for for Xenia, and while she doesn't fall apart as literally as Emma, her cries sound much the same.

"Ah! Right there, right - gods! Fill me up, fill me up!" Lollyp obliges, finally releasing one last load which she was saving up specially for her lover, and it's one worthy of the dungeon master's appetites. With a final hip thrust she pushes as deep as she can, and sticky slime soon fills whatever free space it can find, pumping deeper into Xenia's mysterious anatomy and flowing back out onto the bedsheets as her capacity is overflowed.

Eventually Lollyp finally rolls off, and Xenia laughs as she gets a good look at what remains of Emma. "Damn, Lolly Pop, is that really what happens after slimes fuck around?"

Lollyp smiles, clearly proud of her work. "Mostly only when you screw a virgin - or you're really good. You get better at holding yourself together with practice."

"Well, then." Xenia leans over to give Lollyp a peck on the cheek before she continues. "Sounds like someone needs to get themselves some training. Mind if I watch?"

The slime's grin grows wider, while Emma's reformed mouth manages to do little more than moan. "Xen? Prepare to watch a master at work..."

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