Worthy Core

Chapter 223: Grudge Match

DAY 300


Spring had fully arrived in Grassbrook. The last of the snow had melted more than a month previous, save for atop the mountain itself, and the forest below was once again lush and green. While the local farmers were still in the early stages of preparing for their next harvest, a fresh crop of a more mobile product had already arrived in the town. Challengers had finally begun to stir from their winter residences, looking for new adventures to be found, and Worthy Dungeon was at the top of the list for many. While word had been spreading of the dungeon since the previous fall, at the time it had been such a new dungeon that it was largely discounted as being of interest only to local Initiates - or to oddballs like the Dungeon Fuckers, of course. Since then reports had spread however of the dungeon already growing to be a valid challenge for Experts, or perhaps even Masters, and that was more than enough to get people's attention.

New arrivals were coming every day, and even the Lucky Bastard and The General were once again filling to capacity after the slow months of the dungeon's own inn stealing most of their business. Fortunately the warm weather meant that construction on housing, retail, and other services could begin to pick up as well, and for every Challenger who arrived there were at least four craftsmen, shopkeepers, or other specialists. The local Association branch had attracted enough trainers to provide Advanced-level training in most common class types, and even Expert-level in a handful of them. Laeniel Reeves, despite still being a freelancer, was practically a permanent fixture at the Association office on most days as she helped Alizz and Kelsey manage the paperwork of all of the new additions.

On this day however, the most notable arrival at the dungeon was one who'd been there before. Standing before Doorman, the silver-haired half-elf speaks in her most formal tone of voice. "Greetings, Guardian of Worthy Dungeon. I have news I would discuss with your master. Might I speak to her, or a representative?"

The door peers down at her, a smile on his face. "Ah, Gilda Highbranch! I wasn't sure if we'd be seeing you again until this summer! No Silva around today?"

The woman scoffs. "We may be twins, but we're not joined at the hip. My sister still has business at the capital these days, business which is part of my message."

"Of course, of course. ...I know you're not here to challenge the dungeon today, but perhaps you'd like to answer a riddle, for old time's sake?"

Gilda raises an eyebrow at the door. "Are you not getting enough practice already? I thought I saw at least four other parties heading out this way this morning."

"True, but I like to get in as many as I can. Keep the mind sharp, and all that!"

Sighing, the noblewoman decides she may as well do her best to keep on the dungeon's good side. "Very well, Guardian - what is your riddle?"

Doorman clears his throat. "You are half-elf, half-human, or so I'm told. ...Is your elf half your top or your bottom half?"

Frowning, Gilda looks down at herself without thinking about it. "I don't...uh." Her eyes narrow as she considers the possible answers. "...Top. definitely the top half."

The door nods along. "Interesting, interesting! I wonder if Silva is the same or if you're reversed. Ah, it seems the meeting room at the Floor Five shrine has been prepared, you know the way? You may enter, and welcome back to the dungeon!"

"Thank you. Here's hoping this visit goes better than the last..."



After making her way through a very crowded Worthy Inn and then into the shrine to Kahlia, which to Gilda's surprise actually does have a few Challengers sitting in it in quiet contemplation, the noble arrives at the office to the rear of the shrine. She steps inside to find two figures sitting at the table waiting for her, along with the dungeon's mysterious mirror affixed to a nearby wall. Although she never met him in this form she recognizes the large rabbit fellow as being Parker from reports she'd gathered of the dungeon. The other man is a little harder to place - he reminds her of glimpses she'd seen of Parker those few times they had passed each other in Grassbrook, before his transformation, but there's something a little different about him. His shoulders seem broader than she remembers, and his expression seems far more cheerful than the stern Headsman's.

The rabbit-Parker clears things up somewhat as he handles introductions. "Welcome, Lady Highbranch. I'm Parker Reeves, Guardian of Floor Eight, I'm not sure if we've actually spoken face-to-face before. And speaking of faces, the man wearing my old face here is Emmett, who I believe you have met. We speak for the dungeon master, who is also here with us today. Sincere would normally handle these, but he has some business with our elemental neighbors today, I believe. Please, help yourself to some refreshments if you would like. I'm told you bring news?"

"I do." Gilda slips into a seat, and sips from a nearby glass of water before speaking further - climbing the mountain in warmer weather was not much more relaxing than climbing it in the ice and snow. "News you'll be glad to hear, I imagine. Your master's, dare I say it, scheme has borne fruit. The King has approved of your plan for lordship of these lands, indeed I believe he found it to be rather amusing. The arrangement you've required between our house and the Perlins will keep us in minor conflict for years to come, which I'm sure suits him just fine."

Emmett chuckles at Gilda's obviously annoyed tone. "Oh, don't be so pessimistic. You never know, making you two work together may work out better for you both in the long run. So, your father's lord of these lands now?"

Gilda shakes her head. "Not quite yet - the proclamation won't be made and officially laid down until the next meeting of the Council of Lords and Gnolls, which will be in the next month or so. It is all but official, however. Aside from bringing you the news, I'm also here to help oversee the establishment of a Highbranch estate in these lands. Make a final selection of a site, oversee initial design and construction, and that sort of thing."

Parker nods. "I see. And, if you might forgive me for being so familiar with one of your rank, how is your family? Your sister? Your, ah, child?" His eyes glance down towards Gilda's midsection, and the half-elf has to hold in a scoff.

"I and my child are quite fine, thank you. As you know half-elf pregnancies can be on the longer side, I doubt I'll even begin to show for quite a while yet. My sister is doing fine as well, she's helping to represent us at the court until the decision is final. She's decided not to have her eye healed, although our dear Sweet has fully recovered from her wounds."

"I see, I see." Emmett gives her another smile. "Since things seem to be going well, is there any further business with the dungeon you'd like to discuss? If you're here alone, I assume you're not planning to challenge the dungeon."

"Not the dungeon, no." The half-elf locks her eyes with the reflection. "I do have an outstanding challenge which requires fulfilled, however. Is your Banshee Queen available for a duel in the near future? Again, I'd like to face her outside of the dungeon, on neutral ground, if that is indeed a thing you're capable of."

Parker frowns. "That's doable, yes. I believe there is a party on her floor at the moment, and the place is rather busy these days, but I'm sure we can arrange matters to warn the Challengers off or have Trush step in for an afternoon. I've heard about this duel though - do you still wish to actually go through with it? As you said, hasn't your sister taken well to her new prosthetic?"

"She has. But that doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt me every time I see her injury, and more importantly, a Highbranch does not idly forget their challenges. I would see this matter settled."

The two figures glance towards the empty space between them, and after a moment Parker turns back to their guest. "Very well then. Taly's already expressed a willingness to answer you should you press the matter, so I believe we can speak on her behalf. Would tomorrow at the Grassbrook Challenger's Association office be suitable for you?"

Gilda nods, a thin smile on her lips. "I will be happy to meet her there."



It was more than a minor event the next day when the dungeon's representatives made their appearance in Grassbrook. It had begun to become common knowledge that the dungeon's guardians could exit the dungeon and travel at least as far as the town, however few had actually seen it happen and many had chosen not to believe it. That was intentional for the most part - when the dungeon bosses did visit the town, they attempted to do so in ways that would cause as little fuss as possible. Parker had visited his wife a few times, Taly paid visit to her sister every few weeks, and Deylia had come down to visit the Church of Bounty's chapel once or twice.

That was all very different from what was occurring today however, as Taly, Trush, and Parker - in his Patriarch form - boldly walked down the center of Grassbook's main thoroughfare. They traveled uncloaked, their monstrous forms obvious to see, and hushed whispers were stirred up from those locals who had never actually entered the dungeon for themselves. The Challengers who noticed them were far more blasé, though. After all, the three of them were common visitors to Worthy Inn, and had shared drinks with more Challengers than they had actually fought. Still, as they walk up to the entrance of the Association office where Alizz, Kelsey, and Sely are waiting for them, there's a worried look on the drider's face.

"Three of you! I wasn't expecting that, and I don't imagine anyone else was either. Can Xenia actually afford to spare the three of you all at once?"

Taly nods. "The number of 'ambassador' slots isn't a problem right now - the Dungeon Fuckers alone would provide us enough, those three barely leave their room other than to find a fresh new party to seduce in the inn. As for the floors, it's not too big of a worry. People hardly attempt Floor Eight, Bill's willing to step in if it's needed, and Sincere can serve as a guardian of last resort if it comes to it. Honestly, fighting Bill would probably be worse than fighting me, so I think the Challengers are avoiding the bottom three floors for the day. Besides, Xenia wanted to make an impression."

Kelsey chuckles at the suggestion. "Really? And what sort of impression would that be? Behave, or we'll raid the town?"

Parker frowns. "Nothing so extreme, master kobold. But it is a show of support. The challenge may have been laid before Taly personally, but she is one of us, one of Xenia's. Obviously we won't interfere in the duel, but we are here to show that we all stand together."

Alizz nods, a little relieved that it's nothing more extreme. "I suppose that's understandable. Lady Highbranch is waiting for you in the training yard - or should I say, the main training yard, now that we have three of them set up. Shall I lead you to her?"

Taly nods in return. "If you would, thank you."

The group makes their way through the still-expanding office building and out into the training yard behind it, and finds quite an audience waiting for them. Aside from Gilda herself there's several dozen people waiting in the stands, those who had heard the rumor of the duel taking place. The Church of Bounty's representatives were present, as were a number of followers of House Highbranch who had traveled to Grassbrook with their lady. Most of them, though, were simply Challengers hoping to see either a noblewoman or a dungeon monster get their ass kicked, either would be fine for most of them.

Gilda affects to not notice her audience, or the additional dungeon guardians as Taly approaches. "I'm glad you were able to make it. I must say, it is rather unsettling to see a banshee walking about in the daylight."

"Hey, I'm a banshee, not a vampire." Taly gives Gilda a wink. "Besides, I'm always up for a good tussle. I assume Alizz here will be officiating today?"

The Association Administrator nods as Kelsey leads the others away to a safe distance. "I am. Lady Highbranch, as the issuer of the duel, would you like to state your terms?"

"Indeed. This will not be a duel to the death, as that would be pointless for one of us standing here. On the other hand, I've always found first blood duels to be...unsatisfying. Therefore I would like to make this a duel of submission."

"Very well." Alizz turns to Taly, stating the terms specifically. "The duel will last until one combatant has submitted, been knocked unconscious, or otherwise made incapable of continuing. Intentionally lethal blows are to be avoided. As for the stakes of the duel?"

Gilda answers first. "Should I win, Taly of Highfalls shall publicly apologize for the harm she committed unto my sister. She shall also state her personal support for our family's right to rule these lands."

Taly raises an eyebrow at the second part. "Still worried about public legitimacy? But fine, I'm not looking to stir up any political insurrections or anything. As for if I win? Once she's healed up, Lady Gilda Highbranch shall work a full eight hour shift in Worthy Dungeon's fifth floor." Her grin turns devious. "Up to her whether it's in the inn or the lounge."

Gilda narrows her eyes at the banshee, but nods. "Agreed."

Alizz sighs, but keeps to her formal script. "Very well. Full use of both weapons and magic is allowed, provided you do not risk harm to the spectators of the duel, or aim for intentionally lethal blows, as mentioned. Please return to your respective sides of the yard, you have two minutes to prepare."

The two do so, Taly spending her time doing stretches and preparing her bow while Gilda double-checks a number of temporary runes which she's painted on her shield and sword. Both of the women are ready and in their combat stances when the time runs out, prepared to strike the moment Alizz announces the start of the duel.

And as her minuteglass runs out, Alizz does so. "Begin!"


Okay, technically the grudge match is next time. Place your bets!


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