Worthy Core

Chapter 230: Quality Assurance – Explicit

Got a scene sampler tonight - M/F, M/M, and M/M/F/F. No plot points for skippers.


DAY 341


After a long, hard day of watching Challengers injure themselves, summoning up food and loot items, and brewing up a few new breeds of mimic for Floor Eight, Xenia Worthy, Reincarnator Extraordinaire considers how to spend her evening. She has quite a few options, as always, but with her dungeon senses it's easy to begin crossing a few possibilities off the list. Lollyp appears to be spending the night with the Dungeon Fuckers, and while Xenia could pop in - an open invitation to their bed seems to be always available - she doesn't quite feel like burning her weekly avatar spell tonight. Besides, the trio were finally leaving for their Master-level training soon, and it could be the last chance for the slime to blow off some steam with them for some time. Taly and Trush meanwhile are enjoying each other's company, along with two of Trush's squires, making their bed quite crowded as it is. Even Emma seems to be busy, although she at least is doing so with her pants on, as the reflection is speaking through her mirror in order to instruct the Lounge's latest new employees on their duties.

Meaning that for once the dungeon master actually has a night to herself. Well, in truth it's not such a rare occasion, even Xenia doesn't find herself bed-hopping every night. However, this is the rare occasion of her having a night alone while she's also in the mood for something a bit...more. So after a bit of internal debate, the woman lies back in her bed and engages in a practice which she often denies partaking in, although no one ever puts much stock in her denials.

Quality assurance.

That's all it is, of course. Not an invasion of privacy! Just...checking in, that's all, to ensure that her Challenger guests are enjoying the benefits of the dungeon's rental rooms. They took a lot of effort to put together after all, shouldn't she check now and then to see if there's anything that should be improved? She won't make a nuisance of herself or anything, just...a quick peek, here and there...



Grayana Goldleaf sighs as she pulls off her pants, leaving the dark-haired elf standing in only her underwear as she turns to her companion. "I'll admit, the Fiver's Lounge was...an experience. Still not certain it was worth doing another run of the dungeon for, though. I can certainly see why you've been spending so many nights up here on the mountain, though."

Her gnoll paramour grins widely. "Jealous, are you? Been trying to get you in there for months, you know. Don't tell me you did not enjoy the bunny boys on the stage, no."

"They had...skills, certainly. You know I'm interested in more than a pretty face, though. Or even a well-sculpted set of abs."

Tafyaf looks down at his own bare chest, and runs his paw-like hands across his furry skin. "Ah! You do not think I am pretty!? Doomed is our relationship, yes!"

Unimpressed by his antics, the Combat Medic crosses her arms and looks down at him. "I think you know exactly which of your traits I find most attractive, Taffy. But, since this is a special night...did you have anything in mind? Please don't say 'play doctor' again, I really don't have energy for that one more than once a season."

The gnoll raises a finger. "How about the one where I captured you, a Domain spy, yes? I have rope in my things, of course, yes."

Grayana sighs. "I don't think I can play that role properly. But...if you like that sort of theme, how about 'Dragonlord'?"

Tafyaf's eyes grow wide, and the man nods eagerly. "Yes, yes! Excellent choice, it is."

"Very well, one moment." The elf takes a pause in order to close her eyes and get into character, and when she next turns to face Tafyaf it's with her nose held high. "So. You are the Rainlander scout my minions found prowling around my Domain, are you?"

The gnoll in question falls to his hands and knees, bowing before the black-lace-lingerie-wearing 'Dragonlord'. "I am, yes! A fighter against your tyranny!"

Grayana raises a hand to her lips. "Mwa ha ha! A fighter, are you? I see but a furry slave! But tell me, slave, what sort of life would you prefer to have ahead of you? I could have you sent to the mines, to draw ore from the darkness for the rest of your days."

Tafyaf grovels, wringing his hands together. "No, no! A gnoll is not meant for the caverns and caves, no!"

"Then perhaps a life of service, then? A life in my palace, a life of comfort and plenty...as long as you're willing to serve as my concubine."

"Yes! Please, mercy, Tafyaf will serve you well, my lord!"

Stepping forward, Grayana plants her feet some distance apart as she places herself directly in front of the kneeling gnoll. "Very well. Gnoll - show me what you use to pleasure your Rainlander whores with." At that command Tafyaf opens his mouth, and the secretly watching Xenia gasps in her room as a tongue nearly a foot long rolls out of the man's jaw. Grayana however shows no signs of surprise, merely a satisfied smile as she pulls aside her lower garments.

"An impressive piece of anatomy. But do you know how to use it? Show me."

"At once, my lord!" Leaning forward, the Scout begins to lap at his roleplaying mistress, and even the stern-faced Grayana can't entirely hide the reactions on her face as Tafyaf gets to work. It becomes even more impossible after she steps closer, allowing her partner to plant his slight snout directly atop her sex. His tongue soon becomes invisible after that, although it doesn't take much imagination for Xenia to guess what the man is doing with it. The moans coming from the elf's mouth provide more than a few clues, if she needed them.

Ha, having actually met the Dragonlord, it's a little tough to imagine that noise ever coming from their throat. Then again, they do have slaves, so...who knows. I...should probably move on, yeah? Getting a little personal. Because it wasn't personal before the dude shoved a foot's worth of slick tongue-flesh up into his girlfriend's hoo-ha, no. Yeah. Consider quality, uh...assured in this room.

As Grayana grabs onto Tafyaf's ears, pulling him closer, Xenia moves to another room.



"Hold on to your butts, cause now it's time to get serious!" Lollyp forms up three thick tentacles from her amorphous form, as -

Yeah, been there, been done by that, let's move on.



"Are you nervous? You're practically shaking." The Rabbit Rogue, currently off-shift from his duty as a bartender, looks up into the eyes of his young elf companion as he licks the other man's nipple. The elf shudders slightly, before re-opening his eyes and looking back down.

"I...it's just, well. I've never done this with, you know..."

"A monster?" The lagomorph seems unoffended as he asks, his hand continuing to grope its way across the elf's bare chest at the same time.

The elf shakes his head. "No, I mean...another man. I've thought about it a lot, but..."

"Oh?" The dungeon monster raises an eyebrow. "You seemed confident enough when we were flirting down in the inn." He grins widely as he moves his hand down between the Challenger's legs, and cups what he finds there through the man's pants. "And you certainly seem to be enjoying this well enough."

"Oh, I am. You're gorgeous, really, monster or no. But I've never really worked up the confidence to try this with another, ah, mortal, you know?"

"I see." Standing up to his feet, the Rogue suddenly grabs up the elf and tosses him onto the nearby bed, clearly surprising his partner with his strength as he does so. Before the elf can get back up the rabbit's already climbed atop him, straddling his legs and pinning his arms. "So it's easier to flirt with a monster, is it? Because I'm not real? No consequences for embarrassment? Someone - no, some thing you can just use and discard, hrmmm? With the added bonus of extra dungeon loot at the same time, why wouldn't you give it a try?"

"No! I wouldn't - " The elf is cut off by a shushing finger placed against his lips.

"Fortunately for you, I'm into it. Now, let's get to you using me properly, hrmm?" With that said the Rogue slips his way back down the elf's torso, slipping off the man's pants as he goes, and by time he reaches the elf's crotch a magnificent six-inch display of elfhood is waiting for his attention. The rabbit-man starts with a long, slow lick up the shaft, and the Challenger trembles so much that Xenia wonders if the young man might pop off right then and there.

He does hold out long enough for the monster to grab him around the base in a tight grip, and from there the rabbit shows absolutely no hesitation in taking the elf into his mouth and then his throat. The high agility traits of the Rogue sub-type seems to include an impressive control over one's gag reflexes, as the rabbit bobs his head rapidly up and down with no slowdown and almost no excess noise. It's such an impressive display that Xenia's nearly shocked that the elf holds on as long as he does, his cock vanishing in and out of the rabbit's lips for a tremendous three minutes at least.

His stamina eventually comes to an end however, and the Rogue pauses so that as the elf's shaft pulsates, it delivers its thick load right atop his tongue. He holds it there for a moment, tasting it, before finally swallowing it down in an exaggerated motion. "Ah. I do love the taste of a good elf after a long shift."

The Challenger gasps for a bit before finally working out a response. "Thank you. That was...that was incredible."

"I know." With another smile, the Rogue stands up and pulls down his own pants, his bold pink rod turning a deeper crimson as the elf stares at it. "But I hope you don't mind spending a little time...being used yourself?"

"...I might enjoy that, yes..."

Whew! Alright, let's move on. That's...probably not some sort of expression of my inner slut there, right? That's probably just a rabbit monster thing, yeah? Yeah. Definitely not a reflection on my subconscious whatsoever. ...Maybe I should watch another round to be sure? ...Nah, nah, plenty more to check in on...



"You're enjoying this way too much, Thremin." The orc growls a little angrily as she tugs lightly at the pillory keeping her in place, a motion which may or may not be coincidentally shaking her bare ass at the same time.

A human, apparently Thremin, chuckles as he admires the three asses currently being presented to him. While the orc has the place of honor in the center, an elf lass has the pillory to her right, and a kobold man is locked up to her left - along with a footstool to help with his height. "I'm sorry. Would you rather I saw what's on offer and weren't enjoying this? I'd be a little insulted were I in your place, were that the case."

The kobold speaks up from his end. "Honestly, I think the gal's just surprised - we all are, I'd wager. I don't think any of us expected you to be the winner of the bet!"

"Hey, we all agreed - whoever got the final blow on that rabbit-eared shade would get to enjoy the pleasures of the team as they saw fit, yes? Did you really think that I wouldn't be competing just because I'm 'the party healer'? You know undead are weak to holy magic, don't you?"

The orc growls again, although with a bit of a laugh mixed in. "No, I thought you wouldn't be competing because you like being on bottom, haha!"

"There's lots of ways to enjoy oneself, and variety is important." Stepping to the right, Thremin leans over and speaks softly to the elf. Going from the marks on her shoulder still present from supporting a quiver all day, Xenia can easily identify her as the team's archer even with the woman being as naked as she is. "It's Ganeliel you should be directing that sort of comment to, though. Or am I mistaken in thinking that you were holding back with your last few shots there, at the end?"

"Hells!" The kobold shouts out angrily. "Playing with a bet is one thing, but it's still a fight to the death, girl! You better not have been holding back!"

Ganeliel shouts back, an amusing argument between two people who can't even get a good look at each other. "I wouldn't have let us come to risk! The fight was well in hand by that point..."

Thremin smiles at the comment. "Not actually denying it though, I see. In that case, I think I'll reward you by letting you go first." He runs a hand between the elf's legs, making her moan, but the moan turns to a yelp of surprise as she feels slime lube starting to drip onto her rear entrance.


"Thought I'd take advantage of the moment to enjoy some rarer pleasures, tonight. Sodomy all around, I think. The bet was rather open-ended, after all. Which means that it'd be a waste not to open your ends, if you'll excuse me."

The orc shouts once again. "Your puns are even worse than your tiny dick. Doesn't surprise me you'd go for such a blow, though."

"You complain...but I'm not hearing any safe words." The man pauses for a moment, letting it drag out for effect, before finally proceeding. "As I thought. Here we go, then."

Ganeliel gasps as the party's healer stretches her out, the lube doing much to aid in the process, but failing to entirely negate the experience of a sudden entrance. It doesn't take long for the initial probe to evolve into a full-on rhythmic assfuck, and each slam of the human's pelvis against the elf results in a slight kicking of her legs, the modest jiggling of her slight breasts, and the groans of a woman who's attempting to restrain her tongue but failing to do so. It's not a very long fuck though, and after only a few minutes the man's balls are clenching as they unload some of the day's stress into the archer.

It's hardly the last fuck of the evening though, and with her head twisted around as much as possible, the orc is able to spy it when Thremin downs himself some sort of potion. "Really? Dick enhancers, Thremin? Need that much help, do you?"

"I intend to get everything I can out of this evening, just as I know you'd do the same. But I'm sure I've kept you waiting too long, so - if you'll allow me." Another drizzle of lube warns the orc to get ready, and a moment later it's her turn to groan.

"Aggggh...did that damn potion make you bigger, Cleric?"

"Only aids in recovery, my dear - the size is all natural. Though if it's enhanced by anything tonight, it's the delightful sight of your very meaty backside, if I do say so myself." The backside in question gets a swift spank, and although the orc resists crying out, her body does squirm a little under the attention. It's certainly the cock invading her bowels that gets the most of her focus though, and soon the green-skinned woman finds herself having as much trouble restraining her voice as her elf neighbor was a few minutes before.

"Ah! Fuck! You damn! Human! Motherfucker!"

"Your dirty talk is perhaps the most attractive part of screwing you, you know. Though perhaps it helps not having to look you in the face as you utter it." The insults switch into more of a wordless rage at that statement, but even as Thremin picks up the pace there's not a single plea for the man to actually stop. And he doesn't, at least not for a good ten minutes more, his second round taking the man a little extra time despite his potion supplements. The volume of fluid he leaves dripping between the orc's legs as he steps away though indicates the time was hardly wasted.

As he steps towards the kobold, a second gulp of the potion already sliding down his throat, Thremin chuckles. "Lifting your tail for me already, are you? Looking forward to this?"

"Well, it ain't like you were gonna go for anything other'n my ass, now were you? Go on, get it done with."

Thremin begins to apply yet more of the party's supply of slime lube, but pauses to take the man's tail in one hand and gently stroke it as he does so. "I do so love kobold tails, you know. I like having something to hold on to while I work."

"Ah, gee, you're gonna make me blush. Just get on with - gah!" There's a sudden moan as Thremin fucks his third party member of the night, although after that the kobold manages to maintain a silence much more effectively than the women to his right. The increasing erection the man displays though, flopping between his legs, provides enough of a clue that he's hardly unaffected by Thremin's efforts. And just as he said, Thremin uses his partner's tail to his advantage, pulling on it, stroking it, and particularly focusing on the sensitive spot just above the ass. When Thremin finally finishes a few minutes later, his semen isn't the only fluid staining the dungeon floor.

Seeing the human step away, the orc speaks up once again. "So - ready to call the bet done, then?" Even without being able to see it, somehow the woman is still able to sense the smirk on her teammate's face.

"Now, I believe the bet was for the full evening, was it not? And I still have plenty of 'dick enhancer' left in this bottle. So - how about we do a fresh round...but this time from the front, eh?"

As the other members of the party alternatively groan or lick their lips, Xenia mentally decides to pull back.

Alright, that was...wow, are we attracting the pervert parties now or are we MAKING them? And do I really want to know? In any case...that's probably enough for one night, yeah? Let's say quality's assured pretty damn good, huh? Definitely not hearing any real complaints here...yeah, that elf is really enjoying - no, no, time for a break.

...At least til tomorrow night...


I had one or two more mini-scene ideas in mind, but all I had time for with this chapter, I'm afraid. Perhaps there will be a sequel in the future?


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