Worthy Core

Chapter 234: Kicking Things Off

"Alright! It's seven o'clock and the dungeon's been declared officially closed, on pain of suffering every dirty trick I can imagine for anyone who decides to sneak in anyways. That means it's time for this party to get started!" There's cheers around the inn as Xenia makes her announcement, followed by a second, smaller round of cheering as Emma translates for the handful of mortal guests. Although it appears quite similar to the now-famous Worthy Inn, the space currently being occupied by the dungeon's guardians and friends is being broken in for the first time, having been added on as a party room expansion for the occasion. The grassy fields on Floor Four were nice for entertaining in, if perhaps a bit lacking in actual sunlight, but there was still something special about sharing drinks and food in a cozy tavern.

Along with the dungeon's floor bosses and a handful of minions, there were a few groups of mortals walking around. The three main members of the Church of Bounty's local branch were present, with Mother Hammerdown currently sharing a table with Deylia and her two shrine-tending acolytes. The Association's primary inspection team were also present, including the relatively new Renter Forst, who had been brought in on more of the dungeon's secrets over the previous months. Laeniel was present and drinking with her husband, and a number of elementals had been invited as well. Zappy had been included in the invitees, but hadn't wanted to come to a party without Tinsel, and Xenia wasn't quite ready to let the Valleylands army in on some of the things that could be getting discussed tonight.

When it comes to deciding who to talk to first however, Xenia decides to start with the hardest task first. Finding Valkyrie Brightsky standing alongside one of the empty walls, the dungeon master makes a cautious approach. "Welcome to your first major dungeon event, yeah? I know you skipped out on the fertility festival one, glad you came by tonight, though."

For once the green-skinned elf isn't wearing the least bit of armor, and is instead wearing...well, perhaps not an outright dress, but likely the most casual-looking robe the woman owns. As she answers, she raises an eyebrow in Xenia's direction. "You are? I wouldn't have thought my presence would be among your priorities."

"Hey, I wasn't just inviting you to the last few just to be polite, you know?" Doing her best, Xenia puts on a smile. "I really am glad to see you settling in a bit more. Even if you are mostly just here to hang out with Sable and her Lilly. I've, ah...noticed you being a bit more sociable after your last few date nights with those two."

Opal frowns at the suggestion. "While I am aware you cannot easily turn off your perceptions, I'd appreciate at least the pretense of privacy when it comes to my...affairs. And I'd hardly call them 'date nights'."

Xenia quickly raises her hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I ain't even talking about what you get up to behind closed doors. Anyone would be able to see it - you've actually started smiling sometimes, when you think no one is looking."

The frown remains. "...I am allowed to smile, if the mood suits me."

"Allowed and encouraged, even. But hey, I'll ease up on the personal chat, so allow me to talk for a min in my role as dungeon master, then?" Clearing her throat, Xenia continues in a more official tone of voice. "Valkyrie Brightsky, you've been doing a great job on Floor Seven. Even with the Challengers adapting to your encounter, you've got over ten kills to your name now, including two Masters! You've also pretty much single-handedly kept the Advanced from trying to push past Floor Six, which is helping to keep traffic away from the core chamber. I'm glad to have you on our team."

It actually seems to take Opal a few moments to figure out how to respond to the series of compliments, and she eventually appears to go with humility. "If anything, I feel that I've been under-performing. After my first battle, I expected to have similar results on all of my encounters, if not better. Instead, I have been slain myself over twenty times since I began my assignment here. Twice as many as I've slain in return! I don't believe I've been performing to my own expectations."

Xenia briefly considers patting Opal on the shoulder, but ultimately goes with a simple shake of the head instead. "I think you need some perspective on who it is you're fighting. As I've said, Advanced Challengers have stopped coming your way entirely. If we compare the tiers to, like, a soldier you might be used to back home? An Expert is like a twenty-year vet and a Master would be an army's champion. And you're fighting inside a limited arena, while the Challengers know what to expect and you usually don't unless they're repeat visitors. Trust me, Lollyp might have the highest killcount still, but even going all-out she'd be damned lucky to take down a Master."

"I...suppose that is true. Thank you for the...perspective."

"Anytime." Smiling, Xenia shifts the topic once again. "Speaking of champions, we're up to an even dozen now of souls sent Theolif's way. Have you heard any updates about how that's been working out?"

This topic at least does seem to bring a slight smile to the Valkyrie's lips. "I have, actually. It took some time to have the remaining mortal priests adapt to the changes in the summoning ritual. After all, the free lands are not the mighty kingdoms they were in your day, the number of those who can perform the ritual is much diminished. The first wave of champions has already been summoned forth, however. It will still likely be limited to twice a year - the summer and winter equinoxes - but it will now be possible to bring forth multiple heroes at once, if the souls have been collected. Seven have been resurrected in the first wave, and all have been willing volunteers to help aid in the struggle."

"Good, good." The reincarnator trails off in thought for a moment. "Now that we've got confirmation that it all works, I've been wondering if we should let the Challengers know somehow...I don't see an easy option, though. I don't want folks knowing that much about my past, and I don't know that there'd be many, or any, volunteers for that particular process. There's some upsides to becoming a dungeon boss, if you're in a particularly bad spot, but getting sent to another dimension to fight someone else's war might not be super appealing. Though it could be more appealing than thinking that dying here is dying for good, I guess."

Opal shakes her head at that suggestion. "Quantity is good but quality is still better, and as a Valkyrie it is my duty to choose those who fight with everything they have, to their last dying breath. I don't wish to fight those who allow themselves to be sloppy, thinking that a loss would be as acceptable as a victory. Nor do I wish to receive 'volunteers' for a new life as you do. It is indeed not the same process - you can recreate a person entirely, from their body to their entire skillset, if you so wish it. Meanwhile the heroic summoning ritual can recreate their original body easily enough, but if we had to grant new or more powerful forms the entire advantage of receiving 'cheap' summons would be lost. I cannot take old veterans who can no longer swing a sword, or unskilled pups who think it could be a path to power or riches."

"Kind of a relief to hear, actually, I didn't want us to start having two reasons for suicidal warriors to come charging in here." Xenia pauses for a moment, considering if there's another topic for her to move to, but she eventually decides to declare the conversation a victory and move on. "Anyhow, enjoy the party, yeah? Though don't go letting Sable drag you off to a side room too early, don't want anyone missing the big announcements!" As the Valkyrie sputters out a denial, the dungeon master makes her exit.



There's a few more brief conversations to be had as she travels around the new tavern space, but ultimately Xenia works her way towards her other newest hire. With a wide smile on her face, she greets the boisterous Bill of the Blue Hair. "Hey, man, nice to see you swinging by again! I wasn't sure if you'd be interested in tonight's party, or tomorrow's public event."

The giant man affects a dismayed expression. "What? Y'mean I'm not invited to both parties? Harsh, chica, you know a crazy house party is like, my only form of payment for this gig."

Xenia snorts, unimpressed. "Yeah, parties, free booze - and I know you know how much money all those lap dances woulda cost you on your last visit if people actually paid for those here. Though actually I was wondering about you coming to tomorrow's event. I know you've been spotted in the lounge once or twice, but...well, tomorrow's thing is gonna be big, you know? Like, folks who ain't ever even stepped foot into a dungeon before are gonna be swinging by. Worried about making a big public appearance like that?"

Bill shrugs as he drinks from his mug. "Not like I'm gonna run into any ex-girlfriends out there or something. I mean...well, probably not. Not that many elves and demons around here, right?" He thinks that over for a bit before shrugging again. "But nah, not like people can ask anything of me more than an autograph, y'know? Why, were you worried about something?"

The dungeon master frowns slightly. "Well, there was one thing. Folks have pegged Brightsky as being a divine champion, and I don't think there's going to be any denying that you're one, too. Just worried about if folks try to start adding up how many 'divine favors' we've supposedly claimed to have earned already. Not really sure what sort of cover story we could come up with, though."

As usual, the former champion is unworried. "The Big Lady told me about how you were using her as a cover for some of your bogus curses or whatever, yeah? Look, I get ya being worried about that sort of shit back when you were getting started. But now what do you have to get all stressed about?" He waves his hands around, as if the presence of the inn were evidence of his point. "From what I hear, that pain-in-the-ass Dragonlord's already gotcha figured out. The Rainlands nobility either loves ya, or is at least, like, super-invested in you staying up and running at this point, right? And the Valleylands have practically given up their claim on this mountain, which means...who gives a fuck what the Valleylands thinks of you? Be all mysterious and shit if you wanna be, a little mystery makes a lady hot."

Xenia nods along at most of his advice, but has to smirk at his final addition. "Hot, huh? Saying you got a thing for me, Billy boy?"

The man's expression suddenly turns serious, and he puts a hand on Xenia's shoulder as he looks her in the eye. "Mm, hey, look. Xenia. I know I got this reputation, right? Total lady-killer, can't keep it in his pants, screws everything that moves, right? I'm sure you've heard a few stories about me."

Raising a curious eyebrow at the sudden shift in tone, Xenia nods. "I've heard a few, yeah. I mean...you're a Paragon of Kahlia. That alone says a lot, you know?"

"Yeah." Bill nods, and continues. "It is all absolutely, positively, one hundred percent true. I think you are totally banging, and I know you're busy runnin' this sweet party and all right now, but after it's all over I'd love to take you into one of those rental rooms of yours and give you a totally divine screwing. Literally, I have a holy wang now, and you do not know what that's like until you've tried it. No pressure or nothin', but offer's on the table, yeah?"

Xenia blinks at that for a bit, trying to correlate the man's incredibly serious expression with the words that just came out of his mouth. "...I'll have to think on that and let you know, yeah?"

The man removes his hand from her shoulder. "Sure, like I said, no pressure - although y'never know, some other babe might come along and swoop me up before then, hahaha!" After a round of loud laughter, he suddenly turns serious once again. "Oh, I did wanna ask one favor, though?"


"That one rabbit-guy of yours, you gave him Bard skills and have had him performing in your inn, right? And you could probably do the same for some of your other minions? Make backup singers an' shit like that?"


"Y'think I could play a gig at tomorrow's big event?"

"...We'll see."


Retconned in an additional box to the previous set to fill in the correct number of divine champion kills.


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