Worthy Core

Chapter 238: They Don’t Know That I’m an Imp

"This is fucking insane." After a few more 'main events', the dungeon had opened up additional inn space and Tizzy had been among those who joined the crowd to go check them out. There was certainly still quite a bit more she could learn from her new party, but she didn't want to become overly attached to the group, and with any luck the imp would have a chance to make a few more connections tonight. That is, if she managed to avoid becoming too distracted by the new events and games now being put on by the dungeon.

It was almost a carnival atmosphere, although Tizzy had never seen an indoor carnival before. Granted, for that matter she'd never seen an inn that could apparently double or triple its capacity at will before either. It seemed as if every thirty feet or so there was another contest going on, most of them being staffed by men and women with rabbit ears. Not all of them, however - a few demons and humans wore inn uniforms as well, and the Red Thorns had informed her that they were actually local mortals who'd taken up employment at the dungeon. One table hosted a spicy food-eating contest, with the one next to it hosting a more advanced poisoned food-eating contest. Loud laughter came from another stand where a mallet and stain-resistant apron were used in a game which a sign identified as 'Whack-a-Slime'. There were also several tests of accuracy, although all of the weapons used for them were apparently blunted to avoid lethal accidents.

The prizes on offer were much lesser than those displayed during the main events, usually just a bit of currency, a small potion, or a very-lightly enchanted accessory. Tizzy was rather tempted to try and compete for some of the latter anyhow, if only to get a sample of a magical item...but no, she couldn't get caught up in playing games. She was here tonight to practice the dreaded art of socializing. Looking around in the relatively quieter corners of the inn, she eventually finds herself a black-haired elf who doesn't seem to be occupied with the evening's entertainment. Making her way over, Tizzy gives the woman her best gobliny smile. "Evening! Not much for games and prizes, huh?"

The elf glances at her for a moment, almost as if she's having trouble accepting that someone's actually tried talking to her. "...Me? Well, not so much, I suppose. Much of it probably has to do with my internal desire to yell at all of these fools for hurting themselves like morons, as half of these contests are having them do. Sure, the dungeon's set up a healing fountain in the alcove over yonder and is passing out healing potions like candy, but..." She shakes her head. "I hate seeing people developing such self-destructive habits."

Tizzy taps her chin as she analyzes the stern-looking elf. "Let me guess...you're either a party leader, or a healer. Am I right?"

The woman actually seems slightly impressed at the guess. "Yes, actually. I'm not a Challenger, or an officer, but I am a Combat Medic for the local army garrison. Grayana Goldleaf is my name. How about yourself? Haven't seen many goblins in town."

"Ah, just a curious traveler, I'm Tizzy Barrelbottom! If I'm not prying - do you and that gnoll who was up on stage earlier know each other? I saw you sitting together before the show started."

"You're very observant. Yes, Tafyaf and I are..." She pauses for a moment, as if she's judging the words on her tongue. "...We're dating. If you're wondering though, he's much more invested in this dungeon business than I am. I've visited a few times in recent months to consult with the dungeon's own healer, but I don't do dungeon runs anymore."

There's something about the woman's tone that tells Tizzy there's a story there. "Anymore, huh? Bad experience? To be honest, I've been talking to folks here and I really don't know what to make of the place. On one hand, people tell me the place is so lethal for a year-old dungeon that it's actually holding itself back in some cases. On the other, well..." Tizzy gestures around at all of the happy people drinking and partying around here. "They seem to, uh...really enjoy being here?"

Grayana scoffs. "Newcomers. You know, I was on a dungeon run here before the first Challengers had even arrived in town? The place wasn't nearly so welcoming a year ago."

"Oh? How badly did it go?"

"Well, it wasn't fun, but the first run wasn't so bad." Grayana's eyes begin to narrow as she continues explaining. "It's the second run we did that bothers me."

Flagging down a passing waitress, Tiffy grabs a pair of free drinks and hands one over to the frowning elf before prodding her to continue. "C'mon, you can't leave me hanging like that! Take a drink and tell me the story!"

Grayana does sip from the mug, but it takes her a moment to answer. "I can't, which is what bothers me. You've heard, I imagine, about how the tavern here offers better food based on how many floors you've cleared? There's a lot of freebies here tonight, but it's still the case for much of the menu."

"I have. How many floors have you cleared?"

"Four, now. However...the first time I returned here, after the dungeon had created this inn, the staff informed me that I was qualified for up to Floor Three-quality offerings." Grayana sighs. "I don't remember clearing Floor Three. That run...Taffy's put it out of his mind, but something about it still bothers me."

Tizzy leans forward, ready to start literally prying the details out of the elf if she has to. "What would that be?"

"A few things, actually. For one, we were soaked afterwards, as if we'd encountered a water hazard. There are none on Floor Three...but there is on Floor Four, implying that we actually got quite far through that floor, unless the dungeon made major changes before and after our visit. But for another...to the best of my knowledge, no other team has ever encountered a trap that impacted memory as we supposedly did. And Taffy's been here dozens of times since then, so he would surely have noticed one by now."

"You sound like you suspect something is up, huh?"

Grayana scans the room before answering. "I won't say anything overly harsh against the place - for one thing, the dungeon spirit could well be listening, and for another, it'd be rude to insult the host of such a generous party." Her eyes return to lock on to Tizzy's. "But mark my words. Behind all the free food and stripping bunnies, this place has secrets. If you start running this dungeon, keep your eyes open."

Having said her piece, Grayana takes another long drink for her mug before making to leave. "But I suppose I've been enough of a mood-killer for one night, perhaps it's time I go find my...date partner. Enjoy your evening, Miss Barrelbottom."

"You too, Medic Goldleaf!" She waves as the elf walks away, but one other comment stands out in her mind.

"...Stripping bunnies? Where are those at..."



"Wait, really? You died to be part of the dungeon? That's, uh...well, that's a choice, I guess." Having spent some time chatting up the various Challengers and other party guests, Tizzy had decided it was time to start getting to know some of the actual staff. Her attempts with the serving staff had gone nowhere, though - they were happy to chat to take an order or answer basic questions, but the moment it started to look like a longer conversation was in store they would beg off and return to their duties. Taly and the lead performers of the musical band were still too swamped with fans to approach, but Tizzy had noticed one unusually-sized rabbit fellow who didn't seem to be tied up with tasks. He did seem to be on the alert for trouble-makers, but after the scout had brought him a mug to drink from, he seemed to be more than willing to strike up a conversation.

"Oh, as much as I still believe it was the right choice for myself, I certainly wouldn't go recommending it!" Trush laughs deeply between swigs of booze. "I'd lost an arm, you know, and that was easily taken care of for me. I'm both younger and stronger now, and while I might, ah...claim to have been a certain sort of handsome in my way, Worthy's new design for me rather makes my old body look rather pathetic in comparison, I'll admit!" He chuckles again, subtly flexing his biceps as he peers at the much-shorter woman. "I don't suppose that might have been what brought you my way, eh?"

Tizzy has to consciously stop herself from licking her lips as she looks the man over. The man is a sight to look at...but honestly, probably far too much for her, and imps did have to learn to set realistic expectations for themselves. "I mean, it sure didn't hurt. But I'd like to hear about the place more! And this 'Worthy' in particular...he is a person, of sorts? You have conversations together, and whatnot?"

Trush frowns at her assumptions. "'He'? I'm afraid you've been misinformed, Miss Barrelbottom. The spirit of this dungeon is very definitely a woman. And we've had conversations aplenty - and far more than that, haha!" The smirk in his expression leaves little doubt as to his meaning, and Tizzy would have to admit that at least that part matches up with the stories she's heard.

"Ah, my apologies, perhaps I misheard somewhere. If they - she - is such a person then, will we be seeing her tonight? It is her birthday party, is it not?"

The man shakes his head. "I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you there. She's still only capable of revealing herself to mortals for a limited amount of time, and that was spent just last night in a more private gathering. She has revealed herself to a few mortals, those who are close friends of the dungeon, but she's yet to make any widely public appearances such as at a party like this. Trust me though, she is present and enjoying the event." He looks around for a moment, but doesn't seem to find what he's searching for. "...Possible she's slipped away to the lounge for the moment, though. We do have some 'special events' going on there as well, and I'd wager they'd need a closer watching...to ensure that Administrator Alizz doesn't take issue with them, that is."

"Is...is it true what I've heard, about the lounge?" The Challengers Tizzy had talked to had certainly shared more than a few rumors with her, but most of the people she'd talked to were of low level, and not cleared to actually visit the place itself. Trush's response is a rumbling laugh.

"Probably not! Oh, don't get me wrong - only the grandest of bordellos would have a display like we have in store, from my own limited experience of such things. But we have our limits! No flesh is actually for sale, nor do we actually have nightly orgies or anything of that sort. But the displays, well...I'd recommend you clear yourself the first four floors yourself at your earliest opportunity. You seem like a lady who might enjoy such things."

The imp wonders if she ought to take offense at that, but she can't quite disagree. "Well, I suppose that's something to look forward to. Until then, I suppose I'll enjoy what parts of the party I can..."



"The dungeon spirit!? She's a crazy one, alright, y'never know what to expect from her, other than what you didn't expect. Now, I tell you, lass, I ain't been with the Association as an employee all that long. But I've been a Challenger for long enough to have retired from the gig and then come back, y'know? I been in a dungeon or two in my time. And there ain't ever been a dungeon like Worthy Dungeon. I'd stake a year's worth of paychecks on it, I don't care how many continents you've visited. There ain't nowhere like this!" Renter nods in agreement with his own statements as he talks, his ragged hat flopping a bit as he does so.

Tizzy leans over the table, having had to sit on her knees on the chair to do so. It shows that she's paying attention, but if the move also happens to show off a bit more of her illusory green cleavage, well, that's just a little extra bonus. The half-drunk Tracker certainly seems to think so, given that his eyes need more than a moment to pull away and back to her face. "And you know the dungeon well? Like, on a personal level sort of thing?"

The grizzled Challenger takes a bit to respond. "...I'd like to exaggerate and say we're best of friends or some bullshit, but fuck, she's probably listening in right now for all I know. I have seen her a few times, yeah. Bit of an odd look, all black-and-white all over, but Alizz tells me it's normal for dungeon avatars to have some odd coloring going on. I suppose we've even exchanged a few words here and there. But know her?" Renter shakes his head. "Hells, I don't know if that's even possible."

Tizzy furrows her brow. "Possible? Why wouldn't it be possible?"

"Oh, reasons enough! I mean, for starters..." The man trails off again, and suddenly seems to sober up a bit even as he stares into his mug. "Sorry, came close to speaking out of turn, there. As a dungeon inspector, we get let in on a few things that ain't suited for the general public, you understand? And sometimes it's the sort of thing that ain't no big deal...but not this time. Sorry, don't think I'm at liberty to give your question a suitable answer."

Foregoing subtlety, Tizzy leans forward a bit more and even begins to trace the collar of her shirt with one finger. "Oh? What if we were to find a more...private place to speak?"

The Tracker allows himself the luxury of staring, but still shakes his head. "Sorry, Miss Goblin. On this one the big head's gotta make the decision, on account of me not wanting to lose it."

Showing him some mercy, Tizzy sits back into her seat. "Fair enough - I wouldn't want to get you into trouble, Mr. Human. I have to say though, this place does sound very mysterious..."

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