Worthy Core

Chapter 247: A Happy Encounter – Explicit


It's a smutty one tonight! Featuring a M/M/M...okay, it's an orgy scene. Also the second-longest scene in the story, if I'm not mistaken. This also brings Worthy Core to 600k words (by Royal Road count), and we've just passed 500k views on ScribbleHub, woooo

No plot points for smut-skippers.


As Trush watches the party of Challengers flee at their best speed, he does so with a bit of pride. Sure, all of the Challengers were still alive, but one human had left an arm behind as evidence of their fight, and an elf was injured so badly he had to be carried out by several of his teammates. At the same time Trush and all four of his squires were practically unmarked, thanks to the skill of their ambush. In fact, Trush wagered that if they pursued they could probably wipe the Challengers out entirely - but they were fleeing, and official policy was to let folks go in such situations.

So instead Trush turns around in the clearing of the Floor Four forest and lifts one arm into the air. "Victory! Another well-executed ambush, all of you! Excellent shot in particular, Squire Grange - opening a battle with the disabling of their healer, ha! To have gotten this far, you'd think they'd have learned to have a better defense prepared! Though I suppose Floor Four is when a Challenger learns to get serious, or learns to get dead."

The Rabbit Squires cheer in response, and the brunette, brown-furred Ashadi steps forward. "It's all thanks to your leadership, Sir Trush! I know I've been granted the skills of a spearman, but I can see the difference with actual lived experience - you really do act like an army veteran."

The former orc snorts. "Hey, I was a Challenger myself far longer than I was in the Army of the Valleylands. Though I did get my start there, I suppose, and you never forget the basics. Honestly, that would be the reason I prefer to hunt on Floor Four - our training was in service of catching infiltrators in the forests that cover the southern border, after all. But you don't need to fluff me up, Ashadi - ambushing a Challenger party is a piece of cake compared to tracking Domain spies."

Ashadi steps closer, and as her hand begins to trace its way up Trush's breastplate her smile takes on a very different look. "Oh, Sir Trush - if I was fluffing you up, you'd know it. In fact, why don't I demonstrate it for you now?"

The knight smirks in response, although his expression also carries a trace of uncertainty. "Oh? Right here in the middle of the floor? Perhaps it'd be best to wait until evening comes - or have I not been giving you enough attention lately?"

Ashadi's spearman partner, the blonde-haired Yardath, approaches with a smile of his own. "I don't think any of us would ever complain about the amount of time you spend with us...but at the same time, I don't know that it would ever stop us from asking for more, either. You're quite the presence both on and off the battlefield, after all."

"I appreciate the support." As he says that, the archer duo of the dark-furred Namasha and gray-furred Grange come closer as well, with very similar smiles and looks of anticipation on their faces. "But it's still business hours, dammit! We need to be ready in case of emergency, never mind that another Challenger party could come through here at any time!" Moments after he says that the amputated arm lying near his feet melts away, indicating that the fleeing party has fully escaped the dungeon - and left the path open for another to follow in their place. Despite that, the disembodied voice of his boss speaks into his ear.

"Ahh, do the bunnies, Trush. I'll give you a heads up if we need you."

Trush quickly looks back and forth, but sees no sign of the dungeon master. "Seriously, Worthy? I know you're just looking for a show...but fine! I suppose we do deserve a...relaxing break..." Although the squires didn't hear Xenia's comment, they quickly catch on through context clues and give out another cheer. Trush raises a hand to hold most of them off though, and turns instead towards Ashadi, spending a moment to stroke her chin. They might both be the same 'species' of dungeon monster, but Trush is far larger than any of his sidekicks, and his thick, furry digits easily take control of Ashadi's face and lock her gaze with his own. "I believe there was an offer made of...fluffing, did you say? Care to demonstrate?"

The rabbit-woman grins widely, her large front teeth doing little to mar her flawless looks. "I never make a promise I can't pay out on..."



Ten minutes later, the Happy Hunters are carefully making their way through a dense part of the forest when they find themselves stopped by an unusual sign. A very literal one, that is - a wooden post stuck into the grass and moss with four words written on it. Although everyone present speaks Rainlander, the human scout of the party reads it out loud anyhow. "'Shhh - Do Not Disturb'. What? I've never seen anything like this here before. What would we be disturbing?" Despite her confusion, the raven-locked woman does keep her voice to a whisper.

Coming up alongside her, the kobold Mage named Rainy takes a look for herself. "Obviously it's a warning. But...why would it warn us not to disturb the monsters? Wouldn't it want us to do that? Is this one of those reverse mind-trick things? Trying to make it so we do disturb something?"

Chuckling, the party's other human gestures for her to come closer from where he's leaning against a large tree trunk. "Don't overthink things too much Rainy, you'll sprain something." The red-haired man points out something through the forest, but only with his hand, leaving his bow at his side for now. "I'm pretty sure the dungeon just wanted to make sure we didn't interrupt that."

"Interrupt - oh." It takes a moment for the shorter, gray-scaled kobold to get a view, but eventually the scene in the clearing ahead becomes clear. The infamous Trush, Rabbit Champion and Wandering Boss, is currently standing in plain sight but without much of his armor. Or his underclothes. He is somewhat obscured at least, thanks to the two rabbit-eared women currently on their knees in front of him and giving him some very thorough attention. Eventually Rainy is able to pull her eyes away long enough to spot the other two squires present as well, although they also seem to be too distracted to notice their audience. The pair are currently in the process of removing their own armor, but without much rush, apparently waiting for the right moment to join in.

The final member of the Hunters, a drider Vanguard, quietly whispers to his companions. "So, uh...do we just...go around? They are on the most direct route to the usual bridge token spot..."

The scout gives a quiet chuckle. "Are you kidding, Grenz? How often do we get a show like this!? The sign just said 'Do Not Disturb' - not 'Go The Fuck Away'. As long as we stay quiet, we're not doing any harm..."

Grenz gives her a shocked look. "Watch? I mean, if anything, now would be a fine time to, you know...take them out of the picture. It would make the floor much safer."

All three of his party members give him a disbelieving stare, and Rainy speaks for the group. "Kill someone in the middle of a blowjob? Rude, Grenz. Just rude. The polite thing to do would be to stay here and watch."

"I'm not sure that makes sense..." The drider looks from one teammate to another, and none of them seem inclined to go back the way they came. "...They are putting on a pretty decent show, I'll give them that. Just - Rache, Hann, make sure you keep an eye out to make sure nothing else sneaks up on us, yes? I wouldn't put it past the dungeon to be trying...this as some sort of new ambush bait, you know."

"Fair point, I'll keep alert." Rache licks her lips before turning back to the view between bushes and trees. "But now shush, I think it's about to get even better..."



For his part, Trush is currently having trouble noticing anything going on more than ten feet ahead of him, as two tongues work their way along his shaft. He does have the brainpower left to admire the two male members of the squires as they approach though, each of them having picked a partner of their own. Ashadi and Namasha's pants were already rather loose, given that both of them had begun slipping their hands down between their legs while they worked, but with a little extra help from the boys the garments are soon pulled down entirely. The moans the women make as their partners slip inside add some rather pleasurable vibrations for their leader, especially as Ashadi takes him fully inside her mouth, and it takes Trush a while before he can manage to ask a question that's on his mind.

"I'm surprised you lot have any energy for any more rounds of this, given how much time you spend in the warrens between training and ambushes. Most days you're hardly on duty for more than a few hours!"

Namasha chuckles as she looks up at him, her hand occupied with massaging his heavy balls. "Why, I'm not sure what you mean. What do you imagine we do in the warrens, Sir Trush?"

"Oh, don't give me that innocent look! Everyone knows it's surely a rabbit orgy at all hours - don't try to deny it!"

Namasha doesn't, as her mouth is soon busy with aiding her hand, but Grange does speak up in her stead. "Orgies? In the warrens? Doesn't sound familiar to me. Although...there was that one time when Xenia taught us Twister..."

"Hrnnng..." Trush finds his first response nearly turned into a climax as Ashadi begins to practice her deepthroating skills, but manages to bring himself under control at the last minute. "Twister? What the hells kind of sexual position is the Twister? I've heard of a lot in my time...actually, don't tell me. I'm not sure I wish to know. The things that woman comes up with..."

Yardath laughs before ignoring his request. "Oh, it's not so strange as you might imagine. First, you just get two to four people together in the center of the room, clear out the floor, and - "

His explanation is cut short by a terse command from Trush, with a rather different tone in his voice. "Later, Yardath. For now - hand me your spear, would you? ...No, the actual spear by your feet, dammit. But keep it looking casual..."



The Happy Hunters were having a rather awkward time, to be honest. Though it was hardly a philosophy followed by all Challengers, especially not in this particular dungeon, the Hunters generally followed the idea that sleeping with your fellow party members was a recipe for trouble. Their time spent in Worthy Dungeon had slightly breached their comfort zones in the past, however. They'd cleared Floor Four before, gaining access to the Fiver's Lounge, and like all such graduates had immediately spent a night visiting their reward. As it turned out, watching your party members receive lap dances from barely-dressed monsters and demons had a slight tendency to tear down interpersonal barriers.

Actually masturbating in front of each other was a new step, however. Obviously, all four of them were enjoying the show, and none of them would have denied that. It soon becomes particularly apparent for the men, given that Grenz's loincloth is very noticeably protruding from his waistline, and even Hann's pants are starting to look rather tight. Still, no one in the party wants to be the first to acknowledge it, and so they simply continue to watch the show in an uncomfortable silence.

Eventually it finally becomes too much for the team's kobold, who snaps first. "Aw, fuck it. Let's stop pretending we don't wanna do it, and just do it, yeah?"

Rache the Scout breaks away from the show for a moment to turn her head. "Do - do what, Rainy? ...Rainy, where are your pants?"

"Not in the way anymore, that's where!" One of the kobold's taloned hands is blatantly rubbing between her thighs, while the other begins groping at her still-covered chest. All three party members are soon staring at her, the distant show entirely forgotten, but Grenz soon breaths a sigh of relief.

"Fuck it, she's right, we're all thinking it. If we kept on like this I was probably about to stain my damn clothes." The drider pulls aside his loincloth, revealing some very erect and very pink flesh, and Rache's attention is soon locked on to a new target.

"Really? Right - right here in the forest, you two?"

"Nothing wrong with a bit of outdoors action - though we are technically inside, if you think about it. Besides - duck!" The Vanguard's whisper suddenly shifts into a shout, and all four members of the party jerk back in surprise as a spear suddenly plants itself in the middle of the group. That surprise is nothing compared to the followup, when Trush himself lands from a jump, his unclothed status leaving his personal spear just as apparent.

"What's this, eh? Voyeurs? Challengers letting their guard down? You know that's a lethal mistake in these parts."

The Hunters freeze for a crucial moment, a moment which allows the squires to surround them. The monsters may be lacking most of their armor but their weapons are held at the ready, giving them a clear advantage over the Challengers. Certainly the Hunters aren't entirely defenseless, but all four of them are able to do the same quick mental math - they're in serious trouble, and at least one or two of them could certainly die if this turns violent.

...Which leads to an obvious question. Why hasn't it turned violent yet?

Rainy is the first to voice it for the group. "Uh...yup! Good lesson to learn! But if that's all, then how about we just, y'know, be on our way and keep that in mind for next time..."

The kobold's hand starts to reach for some of her discarded gear, but she's brought to a halt by a stomp from one of Trush's rabbit-like legs. "I'm not one for letting folks off with a warning, you know. Plus, watching a private moment like that certainly demands...punishment."

Hann swallows, his eyes occasionally flickering towards Trush's still-erect staff. "Are you going to...ravage us?"

Trush snorts in disbelief, leaving Namasha to actually speak for the rabbits. "Worthy would never go for such a thing, even if we wanted to. And killing you wouldn't be much fun without a fight...Sir Trush, how about we simply relieve them of their gear and send them on their way? Or perhaps just their pants - that would make for a good lesson. Perhaps with a mild spanking..."

The Knight is silent for a moment, seriously considering the proposal, but he's interrupted by a shout from Rainy. "No, it's okay! You can fuck us." Noticing the stares from her companions, the pantless kobold quickly edits her statement. "Or uh, me at least. Especially if I get to keep my gear after?"

Rache hisses at the Mage. "Rainy! Are you serious here!?"

Rainy hisses back. "Like you weren't fantasizing about it like twenty seconds ago! Besides...bonus loot!"

For his part Trush continues to simply stare at the much smaller woman, as if he hadn't expected this outcome to actually occur. But his eyes can't help but trail down to the slick signs of the still-bottomless kobold's arousal, and his capacity for logical thought begins to fade. "...I really do not want this to become a habit, but...perhaps just this once. If you so freely choose. Your companions may each discard a piece of equipment and wait over - "

"Wait, me too!" Attention shifts quickly back to Rache, who seems surprised at her own outburst. "I mean...it's not fair if it's just Rainy and the five of you. She uh...she needs my help. Support of a teammate."

After sharing a silent look with Grenz, Hann speaks up for the party's men. "Well...all for one and one for all, or something like that. We'll uh. Join in too, if that's okay."

Trush sighs, then notices the wooden sign slowly melting into the grass, then sighs again. "...Dammit, Worthy. So much for that heads up, huh? Alright, fine!" With that said, a heavy hand clamps down on Rainy's shoulder. "As the one brave enough to speak up first I believe you have earned my...personal attention."

Rainy looks up with her best smile on her snout. "...Yay?"



"Hooooly dragons!" Rainy holds on for dear life to Trush's ears as the man cups her buttocks in his large, furry hands. If the ear-pulling is causing the man any pain, it doesn't seem to be sufficient to distract him from his task as his tongue laps away at the juices spilling from Rainy's scaly slit. It's quite a new experience for the kobold - not the sex act itself, perhaps, but certainly the manner in which it's being performed. She may have had encounters with men larger than herself, but Trush surely sets a new record, and none of her former partners had ever just raised her to their face and begun feasting on her as if she were a particularly delicious peach.

Despite her handholds, Rainy finds her strength beginning to leave her as Trush focuses a brief bit of attention on her nub, and practically falls over backwards. Not quite, though, Trush's strength being more than sufficient to keep her held up, but she does get a rather interesting upside-down view of the rest of her team. The dark-furred Namasha is currently on her knees in front of Grenz, stroking the man's smooth erection while giving it long licks to help lube it up. That rabbit-eared girl seemed to have been pent up bad, since as soon as Trush kicked things off she'd practically dived for the first cock in plain sight. The drider still has a rather surprised look on his face as if he can't believe what's happening, but that's nothing compared to the surprise Rainy feels as she gets a look at their red-headed Archer.

While she'd never gotten a hint that Hann was into other men, the blonde Yardath must have gotten some sort of hint and proceeded to practically pin the man to the tree he'd been hiding behind. She can't get a good look at the Archer's face, given that the two are engaged in quite the heavy makeout session, but she can definitly spy Hann's hands as they grope at Yardath's nude asscheeks. He pulls the rabbit closer to him in the process, and Rainy can just imagine how the two must be grinding against each other...

Trush shifts her slightly as he re-positions her for a deeper probing, and as Rainy gasps out again she now finds herself getting a good look at Rache. Lucky, lucky Rache - the Scout has the attention of two of the squires on her, the gray-furred Grange and the brunette Ashadi, both of whom are working hard to strip the woman down while also taking turns tasting her lips. The raven-haired woman doesn't seem to know who to focus on the most - every time the pair swap off there's a look of disappointment on her face as one partner recedes, only to be quickly replaced by fresh anticipation as the other rabbit moves in.

Her view gets taken away though as Trush shifts once again, lowering her down so that he can look her in the eyes. "I've not been with many kobolds in my day, but I don't believe I've ever seen a gray-colored one at all! In fact, don't I remember you from the party competition the other day? You're certainly rather...distinctive."

Rainy giggles. "Ah, yeah, it's how I got my name, actually. My parents called me their little Raincloud! Which...is probably a more interesting thing to see down in the Domain than it is up here in the Rainlands. I uh...imagine I didn't make the best impression with my performance..."

"With your stamina and endurance? Perhaps not! But with your bravery, I will give you plenty of credit for that." Trush leans in, a wide grin on his face. "Of course, if you'd like a chance to prove your stamina now..."

Rainy gulps, but nods. "I can take any-anything you wanna throw at me!"

"No throwing involved! But I will give something to you." With that said Trush lowers his kobold partner down, and it's not long before his cock is prodding at her cunt. It's certainly large, by Rainy's standards and perhaps most others, but to say the woman's been well-prepared would be an understatement. Rainy gasps again as the Champion's head begins spreading her wide, and as he drives deeper her speech becomes largely incoherent. "Fuck, fucky, dragons!"

Once again her head falls backwards, and once again Rainy is slightly - very slightly - distracted by the view of the rest of her party. Squire Namasha is now practically bent in half at the waist, her feet and palms flat on the ground as Grenz holds onto her hips and pulls the dark-skinned rabbit onto his length. Nearby, she sees that it's now Yardath who's left leaning against the tree he was previously pinning Hann against. Hann, meanwhile, is on his knees and licking away at the rabbit's modest-sized length. Modest in comparison to Trush, at least, who may have slightly skewed Rainy's standards going forward. Hann seems to have no complaints however, even if he is reduced to stroking his own exposed cock as he works away.

Rache meanwhile is being double-teamed quite effectively by Grange and Ashadi. The Scout is on her hands and knees as Grange kneels behind her, pumping away at a rapid pace. At the other end, Ashadi is lying back on the grassy forest floor, one hand supporting herself while the other holds Rache's head down between her legs. The Scout seems to be rather enjoying her meal, given the vigorous motions she makes as her nose grinds into the rabbit's groin, and the noises coming from Ashadi's mouth.

Once again her view is interrupted as Trush pulls her back upright, the same smile still grinning on his face. "You have quite the adventurous party, don't you, Rainy?"

"We've, ah - we've never done anything like this before!"

"I suppose that's true - we've never done anything like this with a party before ourselves! But I think I can see the appeal! As...a matter of fact..." Trush's face begins to turn almost into a grimace, but the meaning of it soon becomes plain as Rainy feels the man begin to pulsate inside her. He doesn't let up though, in fact if anything the Champion begins to use Rainy as if she were even more of a handheld fucktoy, lifting her up and down, and it's not long before she follows suit with a cry.

As the two begin to settle down after a few long breaths, Rainy once again finds herself looking into the man's eyes. "That was...um. Do...do you think you could, ah. Punish me again?"

"...Well, it is our purpose here to put Challengers to the test, after all..."



It's a very long hour before the Happy Hunters finally make their exit from the floor, apparently very happy indeed as they do so, if perhaps a little sore and exhausted. Fortunately no other parties happened to try the floor in that time, but Trush still has a minor complaint to make. "So...come on now, Worthy, did you set that up?"

Finally appearing before his eyes, the dungeon master shoots him a smirk. "Set it up? Naaaaaw. Maybe nudged things a little. Was a little curious how it'd turn out - went better than I woulda hoped for, though."

Unimpressed, Trush narrows his eyes at his boss. "In that case, it seems to me that perhaps you're the one who needs a punishment, to learn how to respect one's privacy. Perhaps I'll see to that myself...later tonight."

"Oh nooooo..."

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