Would you dance with me my lord?

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: chapter 83

The crown prince closed the door to the balcony.

The crown prince heard it. It was natural for the banquet to be held immediately.

The chandelier on the ceiling sparkled like a crown sitting over the banquet, the sweet and savory aroma of food wafted through the air, and the proper ladies and gentlemen danced to the music. The king drank the colorful and good smelling wine several times and looked to be in a good mood. Since the king was satisfied with the banquet, his subjects naturally enjoyed it also. The princess looked around the chaotic banquet hall then sat down in her seat.

She saw the crown prince go into the balcony. Under the hanuem, his hair fluttered.


The young man’s golden eyes seemed to sparkle. His eyes were like the stars in the night sky.


Her expression didn’t seem well so L’avenant tilted his head in confusion.

“Why are you here?”

He shrugged casually.

“It was too noisy…”

The crown prince’s excuse was not enough. Because he knew this as well, L’avenant sighed upon seeing her unchanging expression.

“It’s probably because it has been a long time. Sister.”

During her time at Monterobis, she had only attended a handful of banquets. For this sort of royal family, it was natural that it had been a long time.

<<“Oh, his majesty has given me permission.”>>

Unlike the child who had been friendly with the king of Monterobis, he was now different. The smell of alcohol was getting too strong and it made her head hurt.

Maybe that was why she had come. Elbloara seemed to have not been able to forget that night and thought herself pathetic. The words her mother had told her when she was younger still echoed in her mind, yet another child from the same mother was talking and joking with the free spirit’s daughter without knowing anything. That, too, was pathetic. She hated it.


L’avenant shook his wineglass for no reason and tilted his head. His curly purple hair swept past his face.

The night wind blew past her. Elbloara bit her lips lightly.

Either way, she would never go back to that place again. There were already too many negative memories associated with Monterobis. That child would not come back here either.


“There is something I want to talk to you about.”



“…Ara. Are you here?”

The child did not cry.

“What is the meaning of Lotte Bishel?”

The woman smiled bitterly. Not knowing how she felt, one may have mistaken the smile for something lovely.

“It is the palace where the king’s most loved woman resides.”

The child already knew that. She had heard it directly from a chambermaid a few hours ago.


But she didn’t know why her mother was not residing in Lotte Bishel. She couldn’t understand it. As the queen, she was this country’s highest-ranking woman, the first woman of the king. She was this country’s most precious woman. <>

“What are you so curious about, Ara?”

She couldn’t speak. Both their eyes shook as if she would cry.


The sound of her asking for a reason overlapped. As if overwhelmed by her emotions, the queen revealed her feelings.

“Why are you acting this way…Mother is very tired. Already.”

The child clenched her small fists.

“But mother, you are this country’s queen.”

It wouldn’t have been strange for her to burst out crying soon.

“What do you want me to do about it?”

Her voice was trembling.

“You were born here… in Aradne Bishel, Ara.”

From the beginning, she was not able to even dream of that palace. The queen clenched her fists so hard her knuckles turned white. Her nails were digging into her palms but she felt no pain.

“And now there is another woman who is living at Lotte Bishel. But what could I possibly do about it?”

Each word she spat out with disgust. She had never told this to anyone before and did not plan on doing it in the future.

“I am the woman who was unable to conceive a child and forced the king to bring in a concubine.”

But still, she revealed the gruesome truth in front of this clueless child.

“Even after I had you! The king brought in that free spirit!”

The queen was going insane wanting to cry.

“The king cared and loved that woman so much!”

She may have already been shedding tears.

“Tell me. Ara.”

The child couldn’t say anything.

“Tell me what I could have done about it!”

This was when Elbloara was five years old.

The child only realized the name of the emotions her mother was feeling later. Jealousy, defeat, regret, anger. That was the first time she had seen her mother this broken.

And afterward, she was never able to see it again.


She couldn’t face her brother….

Elbloara instead closed her eyes.

“…You must have seen her last? How is she doing?”

L’avenant opened his mouth then closed it abruptly. He slowly opened them again.

“Sister is doing well.”

Somehow, she burst out laughing. But it was not necessary to make a point that this was not her true feeling.

L’avenant looked once at her smiling face, then once up at the night sky, then finally at the palace reflected on his clear wine glass. Palace Ukrina was famous for having snow even in spring. Even at night, he could see the snow reflecting off the white lights under the dark night sky, like a white blanket. Lost in thought, L’avenant propped his chin over his hand.

“What did our second sister say to you? It seems it was said while I was not there….”

The woman’s smile faded.

“What you said to Ashite while we were eating — that must be why she left.”

There was one thing that first popped into her mind when she remembered what she said to her while eating. It had happened when they were really young but she couldn’t forget it.

<<“Ashite-Ploca. Did you just say that you are my younger sibling? Everyone in this land knows your mother’s status, yet you dare utter such words?”>>

At five years old, she had witnessed for the first time her mother in ruins. It was because of that memory. If she said it hadn’t affected her, she would have been lying. That’s why she had no problem treating her like that. Because that girl was claiming to be part of this royal family.


Elbloara bit her lips continuously.

“Now you will know who I am.”

“Yes. Sister.”

“Lante. That’s enough.”

“You must vow to remember this even when you become king,” Elbloara whispered. She was practically saying the words to herself but L’avenant heard her. But he couldn’t bring himself to nod his head and instead blinked his eyes. Elbloara did not force him to answer. Knowing him since his youth, she knew that this was Lante’s habit.




<<“You know that has nothing to do with it. Sister, you know that well, don’t you?”>>

<<“Oh, his majesty had given me permission.”>>


And eventually, she got married to the king of Monterobis.

She couldn’t help but clench her teeth.


The Hanuem fluttered with the night wind. Elbloara swept back her disheveled hair behind her ear.

Inside the banquet hall, the music was still playing. The conversation between the crown prince and the princess would be blown away wispily by the night wind. Elbloara called out to him with a sigh.




“I know it’s noisy, but the banquet is for you. You have to get used to it now.”

“I understand. Sister.”

The topic shifted suddenly but Elbloara didn’t pay attention to it. She had said all she needed to so that was enough. Elbloara pushed back the curtains of the balcony and opened the door.

“The spring wind has gotten cold.”

The ends of his words stretched out hazily. L’avenant nodded from behind the woman. He breathed out slowly. The potent smell of wine was exhaled while a white breath of air filled his vision. That was the only thing that was left, and the door closed.

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