Wrecking Fantasy with Technology

Volume-1: Chapter-2: The Long siblings

Cave in Great Demon Law Forest

Harry finished up with his daily training and proceeded to rest.

He had been living in the cave in the forest for about a month now.

The system's rewards given to him had been extremely helpful to him while living in this hell.

The body improvement caplet had greatly improved his physique and had cleared out any remnants of his old dantian from his body.

The weapons and skill he received were awesome too. But the best ones were the Residence editor and the induction stove.

Though single-use, the residence editor had allowed him to completely remodel the barely inhabitable cave into a pretty decent looking place where he and the two people he had to rescue could live for the next five to ten years.

As for the stove, it worked like magic. Its speciality was the fact that it could easily detoxify all the demon beast meat.

It did look like magic but, as the system explained, it vibrated the meat and other items at a specific frequency to expel any miasma or other harmful particle and stored them in a removable trash can of sorts which had to be cleaned periodically. Other than this, it worked like a normal solar induction stove.

As for Harry's training routine, it was carried out in a separate pocket dimension created by the system where time had been slowed down extremely (the technology for this would be off-limits to Harry for a very long time).

He had spent around three years' worth of time training in that dimension. And though he didn't go bald or anything, his strength and skills still improved exponentially. And due to the time flow disparity, his body aged only a month, not three years.

Unfortunately, this was only available for free during this month and that too only for training since the system judged one month to be insufficient for his training.

However, during this time, he did find out one crucial piece of information.

As the system said, life on this planet started the same time around back on Earth.

The only difference was the presence of all these mystical energies and the fact that time flowed faster here in comparison to Earth.

So currently, it was the year 3031 over here.

You might wonder then, why is it that this world is a millennium ahead of Earth in time but almost two millennia behind it in development?

The people here had been way too focused on manipulation of those energies to care for development.

This was a dog-eat-dog world in a much worse way than Earth.

People here mainly focused on increasing their strength and didn't like others to get stronger.

Many revolutionary people had been born in this world. But before they could achieve much, they were erased from history if some powerful being felt threatened by them.

This was especially the case in the Wangxiu region. And as a result, it was a backward place overflowing with people with ginormous ego.

The Malonia region was still better since Mana wasn't as omnipotent as qi. So, people there actually developed some amount of technology like lighting and proto-automobiles, all powered by mana.

The rest of the world was normally kept from "getting too powerful" by people from these two regions or due to threats from their own area. Overall, the mana and qi present caused changes in people's thinking and also caused the birth of mutations that never let the world truly develop.

That's why the gods responsible were forced to throw Harry in the world to forcefully develop it.

While Harry was thinking of all this BS going on in this world, the system rang up.

[The targets of rescue are approaching the location.

The host needs to be prepared for the rescue as fighting has to be done against around 10 people.]

The time Harry had been preparing for was here.

"All righty then, time to go receive my guests…"


Right outside Great Demon Law Forest

A group of twelve individuals was seen approaching the forest, all of them being high-level cultivators.

"Hey sis, do you really think that this is really safe?"

"My dear elder brother, the Elders have decided this to be just a test, we are accompanied by ten high-level practitioners and I, your dear younger sister, am not even a bit scared. Then why are YOU behaving worse than a mortal baby thrown in the middle of the demons' country!?"


The elder (?) brother started apologizing while making crying his eyes out after his little sister scolded him.

"Oh, don't you worry young master Shin! You guys are quite strong yourselves.

We aren't going too far in. Plus, you got us! We won't let a single dangerous demon beast even touch you!", said one of the ten people following them.

Following him, the others also started cheering up the elder sibling.

After around twenty minutes of walking, the group reached inside the forest.

"Say, sis, isn't this way too deep in the forest?"

"Yeah, it does seem so. Hey brother Bao! Aren't we too deep in the forest?"

"Don't worry young miss, this isn't too deep. We just got a minute more of walking and we'll reach the location."

Saying this, the man who had been cheering the brother earlier turned around and started walking again.

But now, the siblings suddenly stopped.

"Brother Bao, I'm very sorry but I and my brother will have to go back. We're too deep in this forest. We cannot risk going any further…"

"Y-y-yeah, Qing's right! It's TOTALLY not because I wet my pants…!"

Qing looked at her brother and facepalmed herself.

'Lord, please give my elder brother Shin some courage and sense…'

Brother Bao and the rest stopped hearing the siblings.

"Oh well, this place is as good as any place…

Alright, guys let's get started shall we!"

The ten people took out some very powerful looking weapons.

"Well, unfortunately for you two, your life has to end here. We planned to let you live a tad bit longer, but you yourselves stopped us from that."

"W-w-wait! What are you guys talking about? This is an exam for us to become inner disciples, right?

If y-y-you harm us, Elder Zheng won't let you go unscathed…"

Qing looked at her brother in wonder.

He had somehow gained some amount of bravery. But it seemed to be at a time when they were surrounded and deep in Great Demon Law Forest.

The others, on the other hand, started laughing after hearing him.

"Brother Shin, you're funny. Stupid but funny! You guys are correct about one this though. This is an exam, but to promote us to second level inner disciples."

"Yeah! All we need to do is kill you, Long siblings, cover up our tracks and show the proof to, you guessed it, none other than Elder Zheng!"

"You guys are too talented for your own good. So talented that your just presence threatened Elder Zheng. So, unfortunately, you guys need to die like the trash you truly are!", said Bao, his voice brimming with killing intent.

"Excuse me, brother Bao, but didn't you say that they have enough talent to threaten Elder Zheng when they aren't even inner disciples? Then why are you calling them trash?"

One of Bao's group suddenly spoke up.

"Oi! Who the heck told you to talk, much less insult me!?"

With one swift movement, Bao beheaded the person who spoke up.

"Anyone else wants to act smart??"


"All right, now to deal with you two trashes!"

Bao jumped towards the siblings, sword in hand and killing intent going wild.

Seeing this, the Shin jumped in front of his sister to save her who started thinking how her brother got so much courage so late in life.

But just before Bao come close to Shin, a small object flew in and through his head, killing Bao instantly.

Seeing Bao collapse with blood flowing through the hole on the side of his head, everyone, including the siblings, got into defensive positions.

No one knew what had happened.

But seeing Bao, who was a pretty strong cultivator, drop dead like that got everyone scared enough to drop their original plans and work together.

Then a man wearing weird clothing walked in carrying some sort of a short staff like thing.

"####! #### ### ### ########! ### ### ####?"

The man said in some weird language while looking at their group, then thought for a bit and again spoke.

"Right, you guys don't understand English! Anyways, you two siblings fine? It seemed like you guys were about to be killed…"

Seeing this, a guy from the eight remaining people ganging up on the siblings shouted back.

"You! Who the heck ever you are, stay away from our business! Otherwise, you'll be messing with the Heavenly Tribulation Sect and that's something that no one wants to do!"

"I'm sorry about that. But I was only trying to save those two from dying. That's why I had to kill your friend here…"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

They looked into his cultivation level, only to be shocked even further.

How could a mere mortal insta-kill such a high-level cultivator!?

After some thinking, they concluded that it must be that weird staff.

Right! It must be some very powerful artefact made by some very powerful immortal.

That's why they couldn't detect its qi usage and it also could kill brother Bao!

Now all they had to do was get rid of that somehow and the rest of it would be a walk in the park.

"What? You guys think I used this to kill him and now you're planning to get rid of it before killing me or something?

Well, you guys are right about that! I did shoot him with my gun.

10 points for you!", said the man and started laughing.

Everyone was confused looking at the easy-going attitude of the mortal before them.

He was surrounded by high-level cultivators and yet he was making jokes!

The guy must be crazy!

"Are you guys thinking that I've got some OP level powers hidden?

What? No?

Ah well, minus 10 points for me…"

Everyone looked at him, then at each other and decided to first be done with this whack-job and then deal with the siblings.

"Woah, woah! Now you guys want to fight me??

Oh, you don't seem to be backing off…

Well, I'll go easy on you and fight bare-handed, okay? No gun or anything…"

Shin and his sister started getting very worried about the man.

Sure, he seemed crazy, but they couldn't let any random person die in vain for them.

But considering that there were still eight people left and all of them were at least their level of strength, they dare not move fearing their own safety.

The other group, on the other hand, felt that this guy was too dumb and sent just one of their own to deal with him.

"You sure you want to fight a cultivator like me bare-handed?"

"Yeah, yeah, enough with the cliché! Let's just get this over with! I got more important stuff to do, so couldn't you guys come all at once? It'll be faster that way…"

Seeing no change in his annoying attitude, the cultivator attacked.

Suddenly, just a few steps, kicks, jabs and a neck twist later, the mortal was standing just fine. The cultivator, on the other hand, was lying dead with his head turned 180 degrees.

Seeing that, everyone's eyes bulged out.

What in the name of Buddha was this monster!?

Wasting no time, the remaining seven people ran in with their weapons in hand and killing intents going wild.

This time, the man got serious (not that anyone had the time to notice it). He moved just as fast as the cultivators, if not faster.

And they couldn't even touch him. He kept dodging everything like lightning,

All the while throwing attacks of his own.

Unfortunately for the cultivators, while he dodged everything, the mortal (?) man sent lethal moves at them making them drop dead like flies.

Some got their necks twisted, others were punched or kicked so hard that their own bones broke and pierced their organs, killing them. All of them dropped after no more than just one move.

Their last thoughts were along the lines of:

'What is this man made of!? Celestial jade?'

'Buddha help me!'


Naturally, like anyone sane, the siblings starting running away the moment they saw the first guy drop.

Looking back just for a moment, they saw the massacre that had occurred behind them.

The man (or monster, as they thought of him) was looking straight at them while standing a little ahead of the bodies.

Just this sight took away all the strength from their bodies, due to which they fell, hit their heads and fainted.

A bit later, the man walked up to them, looking both annoyed and depressed.


These guys fainted...

Hey system, you only wanted me to wrap up the fight quickly, right?

Now I have to carry them back myself!

Yeah, yeah, I did go a bit overboard, but if you think about it, these guys would have definitely fainted at the sight of a mortal slaughtering all these cultivators as I did anyway...

Ah well, up you go... and back we go... wait, is that ammonia I smell? Damn, both of them leaked!", said Harry as he walked back with the unconscious Long siblings draped over his shoulders thinking about how awkward it will get later on.

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